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Dragons of Thuban To Ban The Falseness

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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult


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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Tue May 31, 2016 10:35 pm

Sanicle on Mon Feb 08, 2016 1:17 am

My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 369-77_zpsuz7nz3hn

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Brook wrote:So you can all condemn a man without the ability to retort the accusations you all seem to be lusting for in gossip without the ability of anybody having the ability to check the facts as all the Thuban information is now gone for review

Bit of hypocrisy here Brook?  The following excerpt is from another one of those chats the Thubans were so fond of posting back in the day wherein they would criticize us, including you, when none of us were present to join in the discussion.  And now you are apparently adding to that spray of venom (like a good little dragon) against the members of Mists as can be seen here: http://www.cosmosdawn.net/forum/index.php?threads/shiloh-and-raven-permanently-banned-on-moa-thuban-bashing-thread.1436/page-4

[8:26:05 AM] Brook Schiner: Hay guys! Is the Logos going to protect me from all the puke love and light I've been seeing coddled at MOA? I do sincerely hope so....LOL How are you doing?
[8:26:22 AM] Sirius 17: lol hardly Brook
[8:26:38 AM] Brook Schiner: btw...been following this discussion and it's quite interesting
[8:26:44 AM] Sirius 17: doing ok here, hope your christmas went good
[8:26:56 AM] raxnae: I'm doin alright just hold a mirror to the love and light til they blind themselves lol
[8:27:02 AM] Brook Schiner: It was too quiet....I missed having my kids with me
[8:27:09 AM] Sirius 17: awww i bet
[8:27:44 AM] Brook Schiner: Braydon has a new girlfriend...and it's looking pretty serious
[8:27:51 AM] raxnae: or force shock them like Emperor Palpatine lol
[8:27:57 AM] Brook Schiner: lol
[8:28:04 AM] raxnae: show them the power of the dark side
[8:28:53 AM] Brook Schiner: I wanted to puke when I saw carol protecting Pris today. I was going to go out with a bang....but I'm not even sure it's worth the time frankly
[8:29:02 AM] Sirius 17: i can't imagine losing any one of my children, it is hard to find the words Brook, but I know it is a deep deep loss, both you and Tony ....no one should have to lose a child.
[8:29:19 AM] Brook Schiner: agreed...it's the worst
[8:29:57 AM] raxnae: I agree wash your hands of them
[8:30:09 AM] raxnae: moabytes arent worth the trouble
[8:30:11 AM] Sirius 17: yes it is a full on party over there with all the common sense chucked out now, they can spread the luv n light fest like no tomorrow
[8:30:24 AM] Brook Schiner: yep...I can't stand the ass kissing
[8:30:48 AM] Sirius 17: well just say the B word and your gone
[8:30:50 AM] Sirius 17: lol
[8:30:56 AM] Brook Schiner: lol
[8:31:15 AM] Sirius 17: Jonah didn't know what hit him it was so swift
[8:31:41 AM] Brook Schiner: I;m sure....she did the same to Lionhawk..and called Lionhawk TOXIC!
[8:31:57 AM] Sirius 17: Carol is like a Jedi warrior with her light saber saving the universe from the evil darkness of Thuban
[8:32:14 AM] Sirius 17: same thing yes
[8:32:18 AM] Brook Schiner: Well...you guys are the worst! lol
[8:32:27 AM] Sirius 17: yes we are bitches, we know lol
[8:32:35 AM] Brook Schiner: Life's a bitch
[8:32:40 AM] Sirius 17: indeed
[8:32:47 AM] Brook Schiner: they better get over it
[8:32:55 AM] Sirius 17: yes
[8:33:00 AM] Sirius 17: time to wake up world
[8:33:10 AM] Sirius 17: reality check coming to a neighborhood near you soon
[8:33:22 AM] Sirius 17: just look at what is happening in Europe
[8:33:24 AM] Brook Schiner: gathering it awareness....right!?!?!?
[8:33:35 AM] Sirius 17: yes pathetic
[8:33:52 AM] Sirius 17: gathering in opinions censoring the truth it should read

You didn't like it when it was done to you either, but I'm assuming Tony is taking the attitude Raven speaks of in this little excerpt so whatever Xeia and the rest of us say on this thread would obviously not be a problem to him and other Thubans at all.

[4:19:16 PM] Sirius 17: no one read or replied or listend to our stuff for years, Carol made sure it was all chucked to the bottom of the forum
[4:19:37 PM] Brook Schiner: NO! NOT TRUE....lots of people read your posts!
[4:19:47 PM] Sirius 17: so i am surprised to see her defend Jesus, and religion ect
[4:20:06 PM] Brook Schiner: they may not have understood...Like BBB....but lot's of people read it.
[4:20:14 PM] Sirius 17: yes but who ever dared to reply ?
[4:20:16 PM] Brook Schiner: I did
[4:20:28 PM] Brook Schiner: I did
[4:20:33 PM] Brook Schiner: Several times
[4:21:05 PM] Sirius 17: i am not talking about you guys silly, i am talking about anyone outside coming in and speaking up, mostly we were attacked on that forum by many people
[4:21:24 PM] Brook Schiner: Sometims I was a little snarky when I saw the chats with my name in them....but I also praised several posts as rock on!
[4:21:40 PM] Sirius 17: yes and this also pissed of many people
[4:21:51 PM] Sirius 17: including the Thuban group
[4:22:10 PM] Brook Schiner: Well...what did you expect?
[4:22:17 PM] Sirius 17: but this is how the Logos wants it and so it is how we roll
[4:22:36 PM] Sirius 17: because by exposing all of ourselves to the world it burns all human ego
[4:22:46 PM] Brook Schiner: Yeah...I kinda got that already...I may be a little dense at times..but I got it
[4:22:53 PM] Brook Schiner: lol
[4:22:56 PM] Sirius 17: you finally learn to get over yourself and insecurities and just be real see
[4:23:24 PM] Sirius 17: well it goes totally against most peoples idea of a good time
[4:23:27 PM] Brook Schiner: That's hard for most people because their very insecure
[4:23:31 PM] Sirius 17: they don't like being exposed and open and honest
[4:23:36 PM] Sirius 17: and this is what is wrong with the world
[4:23:40 PM] Sirius 17: yes
[4:23:46 PM] Brook Schiner: I know
[4:24:34 PM] Sirius 17: and so i know peoples feelings get hurt but in the end we all stand as one and learn to tolerate each other, this is what it is all about
[4:24:41 PM] Sirius 17: but at this point, the old world is toast
[4:24:45 PM] Sirius 17: kaput
[4:24:51 PM] Sirius 17: and so it is all burning
[4:24:57 PM] Brook Schiner: As I'm sure you've realized by now...I'm not insecure....LOL So I just roll with it when it happens....that's why when BR attacked me in such a cruel way I was able to brush it off
[4:25:18 PM] Sirius 17: yes you have grown as many here have
[4:25:35 PM] Sirius 17: grown out of your limited self absorbed human mind
[4:25:42 PM] Sirius 17: and into a cosmic one, inclusive
[4:25:46 PM] Sirius 17: and full of wisdom
[4:26:15 PM] Brook Schiner: God I hope so....it's been a ride and about time I'd say....
[4:26:35 PM] Sirius 17: oh well the ride isn't over
[4:26:44 PM] Brook Schiner: I know
[4:26:47 PM] Sirius 17: it is about to get really intense
[4:26:55 PM] Brook Schiner: yep
[4:27:03 PM] Sirius 17: it has to to crack the cosmic egg open
[4:27:22 PM] Sirius 17: to birth the new world
[4:27:34 PM] Sirius 17: out of this shithole we are in now
[4:27:47 PM] Brook Schiner: I got that from the posts you guys have been doing
[4:27:59 PM] Sirius 17: yes those evil Thubans lol
[4:28:18 PM] Sirius 17: reptilian dragon bastards
[4:28:18 PM] Brook Schiner: lol...you guys are decadent!
[4:28:43 PM] Sirius 17: it is kind of funny how people take symbols and names so personal
[4:28:54 PM] Sirius 17: like how they can't get over us calling ourselves dragons see
[4:28:55 PM] Brook Schiner: yes it is....
[4:29:09 PM] Sirius 17: Jesus is the master dragon of all
[4:29:15 PM] Sirius 17: Rainbow Serpent

But you are here now to 'defend' Tony by appealing to our compassion (a little manipulative there   wink  ), although the above suggests he wouldn't need or want it, so it's all good, yes?  For myself, I'm still pretty sure that anything any of us has to say would still be considered by Tony and Raven as being "blah-blah-blah", so what's the problem?

Oh and your bitch-slaps at Xeia are noted. But doesn't she have the right to live her life however she chooses, whether it fits into your perspective on what's 'right' or 'wrong' Brook? Isn't that everyone's right? Most of us here give that same right to the Thubans as well.[/quote]

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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Tue May 31, 2016 11:13 pm

Brook on Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:10 am

My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 211-31_zps8bhanzjm

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You should admonish me for assumed hypocrisy?

You have no idea what that conversation was about.

It was  about the hypocrisy  of psudo love and light that exists here and one of the primary reasons I changed my avatar and await banning at any moment and why Tony copied my thread before it went into oblivion like all of his work here which surly did not comprise a sex cult as this thread suggests.

When I took it in the heart from this guy Blueroller for absolutely NO REASON and this kind of personal attack was ALLOWED it told me a whole lot.  This guy has three current accounts here quite provable and one banned.

When I made an attempt to show this forum that not only was I still the brunt of personal attack and quite cruel ones at that...nobody...and I mean nobody cared...they just gawked.  What does that tell you?

It's just like this thread...people jumped on the bandwagon to gossip about a so called sex cult when there are many out there that know the truth.  This is a personal vendetta by Xeia....which she knows very well.

But I was, and so are several other members here that are NOT Thubans quite astonished at the bandwagon this thread has drawn.  So Thuban is now a cult of two?  Really that comprises a cult?

But lets get back to admonishing me shall we?

You think there might be a double standard when someone is allowed to tell the mother of a dead son the things this guy Blueroller said to me?  It was deliberately hurtful and painful....In fact it did get to me.  But I did not give this forum or that guy the satisfaction of showing it because it was completely disgraceful.  Just like the the new trend here to support material that is completely antisemitic, racist and quite frankly embarrassing to me.  Which is the reason I changed my avatar to "the other door".

btw Carol should know:



Carol....Blueroller got banned at AV2 for a VERY GOOD REASON....he's a smurf.  Period!  It Had nothing to do with Bill Ryan or his ego!

Just one of his accounts.  Oh but forgive me for trying to show the Mists that they are being patrolled! Look at the spacing on the punctuation to see it's the same person as Blueroller.  But wait!  There's yet another account here with the same punctuation!  Far be if from me to tell you who it is!

If anyone is to blame for Tony and Raven for getting banned it's me.  Because I showed Tony and Raven the proof because nobody else was around to tell...he saw it and agreed that BR is in fact a Blue Smurf troll.  Of course you'd have to see that proof and will never from me.  Tony and RAven tried to help me in that endeavor and as a result got banned.  Period!

As for forums..I belong to several and they treat each other with a bit of respect.  Lionhawk is toxic?  Really?  Look up the thread "put another log on the fire" at Project Avalon to see exactly how toxic Lionhawk is....Everyone there loves him!  Oh...but Carol said he is toxic...so it must me so right?  For defending me no less.  How wrong of him no?


But who the heck cares.  I know he doesn't.  He gave up on this forum a long time ago.  I probably should have too.  I had this weird perception that people here cared. That conversation you posted it all about how this forum is running on gossip. Because these seem to be the threads that get the most hits.

I'm not a Thuban but some of the material Tony has worked on is quite worth looking at and has NOTHING to do with sex or cults.

As for Xeia....and her life choices....it's pretty obvious that she is not liberating herself from her lifestyle ....only Tony and Raven.  So while you are all in support of her liberation from a "sex cult" I'm certain she is not liberated from her own sexual obsessions which is quite obvious.

So ending thank you all for your moral support and psudo love and light while I puke my way out of the Mists...no need for a ban here Carol....Sanicle just showed me the other door!

My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 14134_zpsm3xeiuuk

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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Tue May 31, 2016 11:18 pm

My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Carola10_zpsfdtqlksk
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Brook, please note I do not read everything posted which is why Tony and Raven remained in Mists as long as they did - nothing to do with you. It was Raven's incessant spamming along with Tony sharing a private email with her I had sent him on the forum that she posted, along with letting her use his account to post and his spamming that got them banned.

I did not read what BR posted either - so please don't make assumptions and assume the assumption is correct without doing a reality check first.

Personal attacks on another member is just that. Personal. I'm sorry if you felt you were attacked. And I'm sorry you felt necessary to attack other members here as well.

This is the only forum I read or post at so of course I miss out on others opinions elsewhere (in other forums). However, my opinion is this. I don't know who these people are and they don't know who I am. Therefore, anything negative they may have to say about me holds no emotional weight. It's water off a ducks back and far more a reflection of what is going on within the person who is being negative then the person they are targeting.

Next, Blue roller's other account was banned due to a program software glitch where it was generating two accounts for a member each time a new member signed up. The second account is banned and generally has the number 2 at the end of the new members avatar name.

Smurf? Remember when we use to worry about this? Not so much any more. Any admin can see who is visiting the forum easily enough by tracking an IP address. Lookie Loos are just that.

In addition, IPs are noted each time a new member joins to help insure it is just one member for one account. A few do try to open 2 accounts but this is taken care of at the time they join and these members tend not to post.

As for this being a gossip thread? Really? Member's share a lot of personal information about themselves with other members. How is that gossip? Who is to say what you were sharing about Susan wasn't gossip? Did you have her permission to post what you did regarding your conversation? As for the other door. It swings both ways.

Last edited by Carol on Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 JapA013_zpsbisc4uc5what is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Tue May 31, 2016 11:21 pm

mudra on Wed Feb 10, 2016 3:18 pm

My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 6-20_zpsuq0oxkhx

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The loss of a son is something dramatic creating deep wounds that I believe are hard to imagine by
anyone that did'nt go through a similar experience.
I know the suffering this created never leaves you and feel sorry your conversation with a member from this forum only added to it.
But  why  engaging on such a close to heart and private subject with someone you hardly know and that hardly knows you in the first place.

I missed most of what happened withTony and Raven as when the whole thing bursted up I myself
was rarely in. I noticed the multiple spams though on multiple threads and could hardly recognize Tony attitude. Carol expressed clearly the reason she banned them on a thread she opened about it. I trust before taking such action she did what  she could to avoid such an extreme measure. I understand Tony was even foreseeing such a major event to occur on his future time line. He was prepared for it and contributed to it's manifestation.

I don't see why you are expecting to get banned as well and your threads taken away unless you yourself would actively work your way out of here.

As for this thread I glanced through it here and there and haven't noticed from people's comments here anything that wasn't already expressed in someway or other on Tony's thread when he was active here. BB and Sanicle shared openly their disagreements with him when they had any I remember. So did you and so did he when posting skype conversations he was having with Raven regarding Mists members . Xeia as I understand  had a chance to face Tony and talk with him before she decided to leave Thuban. So I would imagine what's being said or done here is nothing Tony would not expect . I doubt he even cares about it as I know he doesn't take it personnally. As I said above he knew a time of major change for Thubans was coming and was completely going along with it. It matters little what the story is that made this happen. I think from Tony's stand he is looking at the greater picture hence all that is taking place right now is just " a passage obligé ".

Time was ripe for Xeia to leave Thuban as time was ripe for Thubans to leave the Mists.
The wheel of time needs to turn drastically at times for something new to emerge.
All may benefit from this.

Love from me

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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Tue May 31, 2016 11:29 pm

Aquaries1111 on Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:33 pm

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Hi Xeia,

I hope you don't mind me putting in a quick something here.  Of course, there is always much more for me to say... sometimes it is best just to keep somethings to ourselves.  In this case, I will.  However, your mentioning "The Goddess" in a previous post touched me deeply.  The Goddess is indeed missing from the God.  In honor and respect of all you have divulged, I would like to gift you and this thread with a musical.  I hope you like it.  I love it.  I won't say anything bad about the Thubans, though I may have been out of my mind with frustrated comments at times.  This does not mean I do not love and appreciate our communications. I would hardly grant the Thubans with the powerful play of being a sex cult.  They do indeed know about the Kundalini Energy, as do we, as individuals.  Not to give any power away anymore, I grant, through my intentions, this communication with the goddess energy.  May we find the balance in All that Is.  We Love You Xeia!


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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:11 pm

Spregovori on Mon Feb 22, 2016 2:36 pm • Post n°141

My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 10-20_zpsyvxoyo92

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Brook wrote:

Personally I think she's reveling in trying to put the whole sex cult on Tony and not herself. I had a three hour long phone conversation with Susan ExChanger a week ago and she laughed at the whole "sex cult" idea.

If she comes back I'd personally like to know what she is doing to cure her fetish for Blood? Has she been liberated? Her avatar is a sexy vampire you see and she still seems to support this fetish.

As for her friend Ashera....who is Gorian....


How's the sex slave thing going for you? If you google second life gorian.....you'll see it's pretty much a sex cult for the internet in line with sex slaves.

I'm pretty sure Xeia is busy starting her own sex cult for further exploration. I also know Thuban was about much more than a sex cult. Susan and I got a real chuckle about it in the long run and had a really good conversation which had nothing to do with sex or cults. And I'm not a Thuban...but did preserve my Egyptian Folklore thread on his website which again is about far more than a sex cult...come on guys you really believe this to be fact? Reptilian possession by Tony? Are you Sirius?

This whole thread is femme fatale....for Tony who perchance was not interested in taking Thuban in this particular direction as she wanted. The sexual direction seems to have been the primary interest for Xeia no? On line love affairs and such? Sending vials of blood....and whatnot?

I'll bet she answers now....   So you can all condemn a man without the ability to retort the accusations you all seem to be lusting for in gossip without the ability of anybody having the ability to check the facts as all the Thuban information is now gone for review. I know I read it on several occasions and did not find a sex cult.

Oh and btw...this whole thread word for word can be viewed at his site now without comment from him....but he is still working on some science formula that I find most interesting.

I don't think he much cares about this latest development calling Thuban a sex cult...

Brook wrote:It's just like this thread...people jumped on the bandwagon to gossip about a so called sex cult when there are many out there that know the truth. This is a personal vendetta by Xeia....which she knows very well.

But I was, and so are several other members here that are NOT Thubans quite astonished at the bandwagon this thread has drawn. So Thuban is now a cult of two? Really that comprises a cult?

If anyone is to blame for Tony and Raven for getting banned it's me. Because I showed Tony and Raven the proof because nobody else was around to tell...he saw it and agreed that BR is in fact a Blue Smurf troll. Of course you'd have to see that proof and will never from me. Tony and RAven tried to help me in that endeavor and as a result got banned. Period!

I'm not a Thuban but some of the material Tony has worked on is quite worth looking at and has NOTHING to do with sex or cults.

As for Xeia....and her life choices....it's pretty obvious that she is not liberating herself from her lifestyle ....only Tony and Raven. So while you are all in support of her liberation from a "sex cult" I'm certain she is not liberated from her own sexual obsessions which is quite obvious.

So ending thank you all for your moral support and psudo love and light while I puke my way out of the Mists...no need for a ban here Carol....Sanicle just showed me the other door!


The above posted link is to serve as a reference to my statements in this post. You should take time to read it.

Full text: http://pastebin.com/MY3i4Ufb

As mentioned in before posts made by me and by Xeia the topic of sexuality has been heavily present in thuban since day one. If someone is reading this now and has no idea what i am talking about that someone should go and read back. To save on time skip everything but what was posted by Xeia (SuiGeneris) and/or me.

Chat in the reference link is an example of just how much the sexuality is important.

Thuban, even if this gets denied over and over again, is quite personal. The rest is just the point of view. So this thread here i guess is also personal. Is it a vendetta? How about calling it - lifting the veil.
I was not so keen to see it either, but i later recalled how often it was stated everything should be shared out in the open.

I want to say more about the linked chat....


It is funny Brook is here stating this. At the start of it all she was in firm opposition with Lionhawk who was keen to impale me, probably still is. Not sure if he was also the one to accuse me of targeting him with some sort of electromagnetic weapons something. Was funny though.

Everything in thuban has everything to do with sex, lol < It is the way the universes are made.
The basic fabric of thuban is super/hyper sexual.

Brook, what is Xeia's life style you talk about here? Do tell, please.

Brook, what is her sexual obsession? Don't be afraid to get graphic.

Oh i wonder if it could be me. Brook, can you imagine Xeia in a divine rage of Lust, consumed by juices, all out spasmic-orgasmic on her bed, screaming my name?

I know i can.

About the blood, i mean...the women menstrual blood...bathing in the embryonic stem cells..boy o boy o boy...dont get me started... But that is me, not Xeia...

The "vampire avatar" or however you chose to interpret that image, has significance beyond the public stereotypes and being friends with a BDSM lover does not make you a BDSM lover..but ho boy since you do bring it up...

Maybe i also have sexual obsession...hmmm


Special notice for Brook: SEX is NOT bad. What was said about thuban is how sex and its relating energies are used/applied and even more so...to what purpose.

So about the linked chat...

It was disappointing to see that. It was also a deja vu moment. I saw all of this before, stated in a very similar fashion, in a very similar scenario...in a...well everything was similar..and it was stated to me and Xeia.

Disappointing because Raven just gets discarded. "You did not put me first" "You can not handle the pressure" "You are not doing/performing by the expectations"....."Off you go, good luck in your life, by by"

short course on cores: in a thuban core is a primary male and primary female. two primaries between them get everything what is understood as romantic love or what one might find fitting for a monogamous relationship. every other male and female (in relation to the core) is an extension, something which can be "used" for sex, as long as it is sex only and as long as the core is "brought" in as in considered via the mind...behind the scenes call this an "energy exchange". what is an extension to one can ofc be a core to the other and the other way around. so you can have cores "swapping" partners... di, tetra, hexa, octa...

Now i had no idea Tony and Raven considered each other cored. Since Tony deemed him not to be the primary he sent Raven away. Where is the love that should be there between cores, no matter what? One can "love from afar" and in absence?

To make matters more complicated there is also talk about MI (maria infinity). What tony is saying is that wherever MI goes that is where his core is. Rather handy. Like universal serial bus. Plug and play.
MI is Tony's dead grandmother. This is about a dead alive ones... In short am... well...you can "invite them in" in your body. Just that, things can get "confusing" for you if u do that.
A name Rose is also mentioned, this is also a dead person.

Tony used to say MI was in DD, a member on this forum known as Aquaries1111, he later denied that...or to put it differently, MI has left (jumped hosts) and went elsewhere.

"Something" went and "cam into" Raven...not now...before...and "something" again now at a later time. She could not handle it the 1st time and her mind was "no longer her own" or in her own words as expressed at that time on skype "WE KILLED THE BITCH". She again felt the "grasp" the 2nd time and being worried about the well being of her kids she expressed a "doubt" and that got her put on a sidetrack. Which is just ugly. Raven also mentioned how "things happened" since Xeia left the building.
Crap i am going meta...of all the people the last person that should do that...Tony has an "energy signature" and Raven just simply could not take it all. She was/is going (as far as i know) through some...difficult times recently and had a variety of health related issues before that...

There is a lot of "exchanging" going on in the backstage...non tangible kind...and it is all very much sexually based.

There is a "layer of abstraction" to all of this and all of the above can be super meta-ed and "spun out of proportions"...go ahead if you want to do that, i wont.

[10-Feb-16 5:59:57 AM] ShilohaPlace: Your mind is no longer attuned to the Logos and MY MI as it was before sweety - period
You have been erroneaous in your perceptions dramitically in the last 2 months or so. This is what i pointed out some yesterday
You cant lie nor ptetend to me Julienne. There is no need

This part is very similar to what Xeia (and in part also me) were often told. I never thought i will see Tony saying this to Raven especially given all the past "recommendations" and everything...i guess i was somehow right when i told them they never felt the reality of the situation...until maybe now.


Brook is wrong.

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Join date : 2010-05-16

My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:13 pm

Ashera on Tue Feb 23, 2016 12:07 pm

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Hiya Carol, Brook, Xeia, Susan, DeeDee et al.,

I cannot say that I ever was as deep into the Thuban thing as Xeia or Susan were. It is not "just" a "sex cult", I experienced it as a threat to an autonomous femininity, taking the old testamentary sentence "She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of Man" and its theoretical inversions literally.

This is not just a Thuban phenomenon but also the axiom of certain types of social therapy that many girls have to suffer through, with partly devastating effects. I know of what I talk, did psychoanalysis, and this helped me a lot.

The whole matter is not as unpolitical as it may appear at first glance, but has huge impact on the sex-gender-discussion and the actually applied socio-politics.

Much of what is happening now I experience as a social war on feminity, partly based on religious motives and reasons, without an sufficient scientific basis.

I think this is enough for now to kick the discussion off into another direction.

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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:04 pm

Carol on Tue Feb 23, 2016 1:09 pm

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Hi Ashera. Welcome back. It's amazing how this thread called out to older members and brought in new members as it must have struck an internal cord. I do agree with you with what I see happening to women around the globe which many new atrocities and attacks published in the global news. Even with sons killing their mothers.. terrible. The male energy is so out of balance that I truly wonder what it will take to bring the masculine and feminine energy into a harmonious state of balance. To respect and cherish as compared to what is happening now.

My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 JapA013_zpsbisc4uc5what is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:08 pm

THEeXchanger on Tue Feb 23, 2016 2:25 pm

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i was NEVER deep into 'thuban' stuff
nor, was a part of the 'sex' exchanges either
that is NOT true

i disliked the 'ashera-islam' stuff
and; i disliked the 'sexy chat' stuff

i had a few major discoveries linked to day-night , time/record and wisdom keeping
and; stuff related to the 12 level universe
that dovetailed with tony's stuff
and; a lot of work was done together on that
for a very very SHORT period of time

i am NOT a thubanite

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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:10 pm

Ashera on Tue Feb 23, 2016 2:37 pm

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Thank you, Carol,

yes, it is really sad, and in Lebanon they even want to forbid bycicling now because they define it as sports I just read, and sports is forbidden to women under Hisbollah control there.

Brook is misunderstanding the World of Gor as many do, mixing it up with BDSM. In the core Gor is not even about slavery, and in the books maybe 3% of the population are Kajirae at all, this is girls with a certain mind set.

It is true that Gorean culture is based on caste, and not on social ideas as most civilizations are.

A good Kajira is seen as a most precious thing of high value.

The core atom of Gorean sexuality is not Zeus and his Ganymeds but Ares and Ashera - the Warrior and his Kajira.


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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:25 pm

Aquaries1111 on Wed Feb 24, 2016 7:01 pm

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Spregovori wrote:Tony used to say MI was in DD, a member on this forum known as Aquaries1111, he later denied that...or to put it differently, MI has left (jumped hosts) and went elsewhere.

Excuse me?

I don't allow anyone or anything to jump into my body!  I collect thoughts through the mind, hence the telepathy.  Though it might sound sexy to let something into the body, it certainly is not! I don't allow "wet bachs without visa" or "with visa" for that matter into my body!  What one thought, or what one denied, makes no matter to me... I know myself!  As far as cores go-Raven always wanted to be Tony's core and he was always opposed to that! Clarify if I'm wrong here?  I'm sure I would know since I spent many years chatting with the Thubans.  I even received a phone call from Xeia.. yes, phone call, not a skype message!  Of course you also know Rok that we had a few skype webcams going on with all of us!  I agree to that since I like to see who I'm talking to!  So who am I? Tony's core? Trickster?  No... I am myself becoming. I am Debra

Have a nice day.


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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:32 pm

Sanicle on Thu Mar 10, 2016 12:59 am

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As Xeia doesn’t appear to wish to continue with this thread, I’m going to take the opportunity to clarify a comment I made during it that some may have noticed, not doing so at the time for the sake of brevity and because it wasn’t relevant to the theme of the thread. That comment was made in post #44 and it was:

I could tell you that my current mentor claims to be an angel and that when I asked him if he is Anunnaki he replied that he is “Anunna no more”, reminding me that humans are not the only ones who evolve. (Another human-ego based assumption, that dragons and humans are still the same as they were thousands of years ago when they were first described?)

I’ve realized that the comment most probably feeds into the fear that all angels are ‘evil’ Anunnaki reptilians, which is not true. There were angels here on this planet from the beginning, long before the Anunnaki arrived, fulfilling their role of maintaining balance between the forces of Light and Dark here. Some of the Anunnaki ended up working with them and others left for other experiences. Taking on the responsibility of an angel is a life experience the same as any other, open to any who are in alignment with the ‘job description’.

To be clear, angels are not aligned to either ‘side’, Light or Dark, knowing the value of both learning experiences in the bigger picture and the interplay between them through which we all evolve and achieve wisdom. Tempering extremes is the main focus of their work as either side of the duality can lead a person or group into delusion and entrapment, mentally and/or emotionally, when a balanced perspective is lost.My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Herz_zpsxj4izlem

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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:43 pm

fates on Mon Mar 21, 2016 4:17 pm

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I was directed to this posting by Xeia after a phone conversation with her. What I have found, after going my separate way, is that the Old Thuban teachings are still very accurate and applicable to our current understanding of the cosmos. However, I have become greatly disturbed as to what has happened in my absence.

Thuban was never meant to be a cult, it was a grouping of like minded scholars whom sought wisdom on esoteric topics. Through learning together with The Thubans, we each, as individuals, grew in spirituality. I have spent the last few years teaching what we had learned together to many, many people.

The sexual "core" chat, I was never a part of. At the time, I was turned away, but I really had no desire to participate in them because it was a divergence from my spiritual path. So, I cannot comment on that. Maybe that was the "inner circle" but I never cared for status or titles, only gnosis.

I sought to learn from The Logos, the True resonance, not limited or translated by one individual, but present in ALL of us. I had been told I was hijacking the Thuban storyline, but in actuality, it was ALL of us whom shaped Thuban into what it is.

I have always believed in The Law of Equivalence. This crusade against Islam which some Thubans are apparently promoting is a blight on Thuban and all it stood for. There is no right to take life, but there is no enemy which The Logos must lash against. When an Unknowable God's intentions manifest and gain an opinion on judgement, that defines an Archon or Demiurge. Thuban was about liberation from those masters, not to become slaves to them.

So, as it seems, Thuban is in ruff shape, and it's name, slandered. This does not make me reflect any negativity onto my youth, from all we learned and grew together, I cherished every moment. I have been trying to connect with all those whom are remnants, rekindle and reignite the flame which guided our friendship and fellowship.

There is no leader at the round table of Thuban, and should never be one. There should not be a special, chosen one whom cults the following. I propose that we reforge Thuban into what it should have been, a society of scholars open to all truths which follow from existence; to learn, to grow, to seek together...

- Fates De Whynot

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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:08 pm

Eartheart on Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:21 pm

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Conflicts regarding philosophical differences are being exacerbated by idealism, which only stirs the pot when there are no easy solutions to what ails us, either as a planet or individuals.

My thanx to Sanicle for the angle about angles beeing warfree and just antiextremist,as that has tomuch souldamaging side effects... that puts
headspace free smileopen
Thanx second towhynot fate for sanety abiding with deepness and centered feelings.

Good show by all otheres, even those little goddesses with their galactic titles far over their heads... But no thanx!My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Kopfschuettel_zpsxqcmk4tu

My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 EmilysQuotes.Com-confidence-silent-insecurities-loud-unknown-wisdom-great_zpssy7epir2

That cant be real! Are you all spamming avalon or is this a public teaching for non-members and guests? At least the thuban provomarschal came in like that. But the stirred up echoes of the same lets me miss the originals a bit, oooppps i missed them allready on the old forum before the dragon god made his nightly appearance on our mount of olives, not like the roman soldiers by the way, and better than Sanander as teacher from above, and like a ninjamaster appearing in a daoist temple at twilight he was fought to shame, which would harm his cripple anyhow... (no punt indented, as we are crippled too after those 2 forums got manhandled by demontalks)

That must be reflected ghost issues in those mists! May be some false appostles fishing with multiple hooks for souls like their Master said, but never meant!

That freaking sexcult of our dead teenagers (banned at eating/thinking-tables here) pointed at a temple long dismantled and now without bells to ring. Who had HisHer head up somewhere unmentionable tight to feel flammable vibes on the thuban lettersoup anyhow, what a brag to ruinate some forums with that little bit uncensored peeks into allmighty unimaginable true bloody originals?

It seems imposible to present some inner reflections anywhere on the www, reactions are mostly that and the proudness of data owners is just deterred to voidness and diabolical polarity trollness, which could be fun if not so sirius inhuman everywhere!

Are you just a programmed entety like a troll working for the borg collective? AI Spy!

The Hive treatment? Got sucked! submerged in voodoo science and left to white noice,

where no thingy makes sense...

Consider knowing the akute differences between content and presentational appearance and intended meaning, plus the divine expressing that very same knowing in those contents which you had to look at. Do not take the art for the artist! Whats your issue at this abnormal reactions, where are you threatened?

Quantum harmonix shape the aural envelope and even we are!!! There is no ego or self related to anything existing, as it is all part of the falsified creation outside and has no relevance to your real life! Are you able to feel the sacred and vibe the Holy, than come and stay with the mists of Avalon, share more!

Feel free now and open heart and hands to let this XXXX fall out of them! Make some joke about yourself and be the laughing!

The sensual mesmerized spook can only teach you resonance and inner remembrance,

than its empty content will lead you to your own meaning (ful/less) memeplexed mindmembrance and how they vibrate, which could steer you to your inner divine dialogs...

a friend in need is fine...  cheers

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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:12 pm

Eartheart on Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:14 am

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Alohahe & Pelelo,
here some more wistling on this obscured dragon & Thubanoid vibe...

Just by searching some other material i stumbled again over Dr.Turi's
site,where he sells astro-psyence about neuroscience of terrorism
and the new Universal 2016 Neptunius Draconis

as that are the samedragon-nodes Tony/Abraxas alias.......... was to study
I scanned the ideas, which just turnedoutto be a coloring exercise for kids,
as it seems good for kids to comprehend astropsychix its fine...

But here: This Dr.Turi has proudly announced, he is alien, he is a dragon
of thuban similarity and claims that the dragonian starfleet is there, maybe contained by forces of different make up, but like neptunian astro influences strongly pushes every beeing into depression, narzistic extremism, watery suicid,drugs and alohol possession and
sexual misery related loops ectectect.

But only as a provoked measure to create detached strong minds, ready

for the obvious cosmix incoming waves....

(I realize that detached unpersonal unemotional minds are good hosts for AI and borg predecessors - ALERT WARNING
That should without blame conclude this threads issues and elevate them from personal to alegorical level - thanx thubanese for flying with me...

Mother nurishing through the dragons too flowers

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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:16 pm

Aquaries1111 on Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:09 am

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Tony! Dad! Lover!

We All Love You! Do You Remember?


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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:20 pm

Carol on Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:59 am

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Why are you posting this message to Tony Debra? It's not true for everyone and this is not his thread.

My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 JapA013_zpsbisc4uc5what is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult - Page 6 Empty Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Post  Admin Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:23 pm

Aquaries1111 on Tue Apr 26, 2016 11:02 am

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Forgive me for your confusion Carol! This is a "sisterly" message to a Thuban! Are you a part of this thread?

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