~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

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~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

Dragons of Thuban To Ban The Falseness

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The Council of Thuban


The Council of Thuban  Empty The Council of Thuban

Post  Guest Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:33 pm


5th March 2010

The Council of Thuban  28

The Gospel of Rok

disclaimer: This message represents the official view of the voices in my head. Read at your own risk!

( i need some tension release....please take the above as a joke ).....

Disclaimer: "The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed or Council of Thuban or the Forum Project Avalon"

This is a short synopsis. Since threads are a mess...and i as a person require some "order", otherwise i get lost, i am now miking this ...partly out of selfish reasons....to easy my "travels" here.

Do NOTE that anything and/or everything in here can/might/is utterly wrong or not as it is...and is as it was or it should be or has never been and might never be...but is here and THIS post can be subject to CHANGE at ANY given time.


What was done with the ending of Thuban Q&A is described as that the image of creation turning around...showing us its true face.

Now Adam (seeing the true creation) should changed position with Eve. Eve than, for the first time, will see her reflection as creation and Adam will see his reflection as a creator while at the same time they will also both be looking at each other.

Stating it otherwise...as Eve can help Adam to realize he can get over his insecurities...and see himself for what he truly is...so can than she recognize her true potential and role as a female.

At this moment there is a separation within and outside of the creation. The solution for reunification of this separation is the gravity of love.

Sexuality included as one of the parts of love. After all this is how we all came to be...it is in the core of ass all. One can deny it but than the mind suffers and the body cries out....just as with other things, we were conditioned to act on our believes when confronted with topic of sexuality.

Now is also the time time stop seeing things as black and white. Everything that has a begging has an end. A new foundations should be set. One should stop reacting to experience and be proactive, respond to it.

Basically it is our inner programing which tells us to react and how to react. One is conditioned since birth to do as "told"..be it the media, parents, school... This conditioning tells us how to perceive our self and the world we live in. It gives us our believes and a "whisperer" which "protects" us from all the "bad" things (things we believe they are bad). One mostly does not respond, it reacts based on what one believes. This can also be called an auto pilot. What one should do is to "think before you flame". To consciously "analyze" why o why...have I done that...want to do that...feel like that...when xyz happens.

Currently the female sexuality is heavily conditioned. As soon as a female does what a typical male does she is designated as a whore by the....male. Female sexuality (along with the subject of sex) is heavily distorted and abused. The result of all of this are typical male/female miss understandings, unhappiness, "love" problems, pick-up games, marriage games,..etc This should change...the females should be "liberated" from their chains...put on them by men.

Love can be seen as: spirit love, mental love, emotional love and physical love

Most cling to the emotional and physical love + conditioning = drama

The program about "with whom and how it should be done" is purly a moral standard. Moral is like law...as artificial as it can get. Moral changes with people on power and is also inherited. But since people in power (at the top) are PRESUMED (speculation) to be more or less the same, so is the moral...which gets regularly "updated" along with the human awareness level...one can not allow the you to get too close to the truth....moral...among other things...is purely one of the many levels of control. A very extremely deep one - a fence you can not see

To allow the possibility o a "new" is to look outside the box.



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The Council of Thuban  Empty Re: The Council of Thuban

Post  SuiGeneris Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:19 pm

03-06-2010 04:27 AM

The Council of Thuban  NeytiriFromAvalon

My Dear Sweet Spregovori,

It seems like you heard my "whisper" Rok... You have no idea.

Just reading your words off the page... Oh! Be still my Heart! I've been waiting for THIS "energy" all my life!!!

You are right, Adam will realize himself as a Creator and in doing so Eve will be already in "heat" wanting so much to be impregnated BY him in a SuperSexual act of co-creation!...giving life to the NEW!

Thank you so much for giving of yourself. Thank you for trying! You are SO corageous!

Thank you! Thank you!

(Remember my quote: "Because of a great love, one is corageous!" ~ Lao Tzu )

All my LOVE for YOU Always,

"I SEE You"


P.S. Your disclaimer is too much! You're too funny! lol


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The Council of Thuban  Empty Re: The Council of Thuban

Post  SuiGeneris Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:33 pm

March 1, 2010 8:09 pm

Hi Guys,

Much love and light to you All. I'm happy to be here as well. I fully agree with you Bigmo, a lot has happened in such a short period and i'm still trying to digest it all in light of Abraxasinas' announcement made today. I wish us All a wonderful journey.



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The Council of Thuban  Empty Re: The Council of Thuban

Post  SuiGeneris Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:34 pm

March 1, 2010 8:22 pm

Thanks Abrax and Neb... I truly look forward to integrating the Love and Truth and prepare myself for the mission I have come to undertake.

Peace to both of you



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The Council of Thuban  Empty Re: The Council of Thuban

Post  SuiGeneris Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:30 pm

March 1, 2010 9:47 pm

all the pillars of truth, beauty/energy, and, love - all sides ~ how grand ;)

THE eXchanger


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The Council of Thuban  Empty Re: The Council of Thuban

Post  SuiGeneris Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:32 pm

March 2, 2010 12:11 am

Lovely Susan!

This will be your dream come true; the Round Table of the Brotherhood, then multiplying.
A Brotherhood of 12 paralleled by a Sisterhood of 12.

You were the first in the forum, like a goddess not to be denied. Then I troddled along and saw you already there.
There will be NO leaders in these circles; but the archetypes to those outer circles, will be encompassed by all of US as the merged Council of Thuban.
The 13th central position are not occupied by any of us; but the Brotherhood's Centre is 'The Word of God' as Jesus of Nazareth and the Sisterhood's Centre is 'The Word of the Goddess-Dog' in Mary Magdalene.

Labelings will be rather constrained at the beginning specifically, as all of US are Each Other in terms of personality and Individuations.



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The Council of Thuban  Empty Re: The Council of Thuban

Post  SuiGeneris Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:35 pm

March 2, 2010 6:50 pm

Hi, finally made it here - I was not ignoring you. Some adjustments were necessary before I contributed to the forum further.



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The Council of Thuban  Empty Re: The Council of Thuban

Post  SuiGeneris Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:37 pm

March 2, 2010 8:45 pm

Wow Spregovori!

The Council of Thuban; meaning all of US here; thank you for 'storing' the Thuban thread on another site independent from this server.

Hi all, I shall have to take care today of my external shell, as I have neglected the humanity in these 'change-over' times. I am required to shop and renourish.

I shall be back tomorrow.

Bigmo and Spregovori - great job you are doing, looking after the 'Dragon's Den' of the secrets - thank you.

Welcome Anchor and Nebula9 and mgip - we shall BE what all of US agreed to to BE before incarnation into the present timeframe.

TruthWillSetYouFree is about to publish an important message about the Council of the two circles and why there are two circles and not just the one.

Love You All and what a group of Lovers have gathered here. It will change the Old World into a New World.

The Shalom of the Christ-Logos within you IS with you all.

"If some are gathered in my name; I shall be there with them!"

Abraxas Anthony


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The Council of Thuban  Empty Re: The Council of Thuban

Post  SuiGeneris Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:31 pm

March 2, 2010 8:52 pm

Marvellous Richard; you are greatly appreciated as OUR moderator to have allowed this.

And thanks from all of US Susan for being such a delightful Lovepest!

Thanks in Love and appreciation



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The Council of Thuban  Empty Re: The Council of Thuban

Post  SuiGeneris Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:46 pm

March 3, 2010 1:21 am

hippihillbobbi wrote:

Hey fellow dragon-lovers --

Funny thing, Nebula, the question about the "wormhole-closure" was one of the 1st ones i thought of also .... and the possible connections you & JuLissa mentioned were what i was wondering about too. what you said made alot of sense to me, JuLissa. i hope that's the right connection -- that Abraxas' original mission from the Thuban Council relative to PA/PC (his "test" or "experiment") was completed/accomplished by the time the thread was closed.

And here is another question I have about AA's last message (under Thuban auspices):

And here's my next question:

"Your rebirth as Eagles of the Resurrection will then allow dragonisation in coupling your previous Devil-Images to one of the images of the 200 million ETs who are at this time constructing the materialisation of your future starships in one-to-one couplings to your merkabahs of your inherited birthright of the Cosmic Vitruviusness."

I'd rather not even hazard a guess here ..... though i remember that Abraxas reminded us often that 200 million ET's (i think that was the number) will also be Ascending with the "144,000." (that number is STILL so hard for me to "take!") any of ya'll care to take-a-stabat it?? after all *24 heads* have gotta be better than 1, right?!? :lol3:


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