In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!
Shalom from the Dungeon of the Timeless Future, when a fourth spacial dimension shall become apparent in the nexus point of the history of this planet earth. Your Gaian mother shall 'ascend' after her painful labour and give birth to a new starhuman species which shall allow cohabitation of two forms of human upon a renamed starplanet Serpentina.
Then a fifth dimension of temporal measurement will form the experience of 'linear time' in unison with an extended dimensional spacial realm. Such will be the 'New Earth' and the 'new heaven' as is predicted in your scrolls of antiquity. The science of 4 spacial dimensions is rather more advanced, than the science of 4 dimensional Minkowski spacetime. As the scientifically informed among you know, a 4D space allows penetration of solidity.
All knots can be unravelled in 4D hyperspace and solid objects can be penetrated just as a a 2D shadow cast by a 3D object can 'penetrate' any surface area of a voluminous material entity. This is also the reason, why in 4D dragonspace, the 'solidity' of extraterrestrial objects is common place, whilst in 3D Linespace this solidity is 'hidden' in the 'shadow' of this solidity often experienced as 3D lightforms as a function of the 5D parameters of space and time.
To illustrate this a little further; I have obtained authorization to share some premises and foundations of the dragonscience with you, the Mayan exiles under quarantine upon planet earth for the duration of your mother's pregnancy with the new starhuman seed of your deliverance. This quarantine began on June 24th, 2008 and will end on December 10th, 2011 followed by 377 days of a revisitation of the 'Days of Noah' and ending with the 'Covenant of the Rainbow Dragon Baiame' on December 21st, 2012.
So you can expect a 'mental flood' or Armageddon=Dragon Made=82 for the year historically associated with a 'Mayan End of Time'. Time will indeed end 'as you know and perceive it' and in the manner I am now allowed to comment upon; namely the transmutation of a 4 dimensional spacetime into a 5-dimensional spacetime under the auspices of a doublesided boundary for the universe becoming onesided in Moebian connectivity and adjacency.
Interspersing the published account of an 'interview with an alien', called 'Airl' - the survivor of the Roswell crash of July 1947 below; I shall indicate the science 'Airl' refers to in the 'telepathic interview' with Matilda O'Donell MacElroy, which is said to have been a nurse in the Air Force at the timwe of the Roswell incident.
Excerpt from Alien Interview To the readers of Cosmic Lighthouse Metaphysics Magazine:
The following is an excerpt from a series of government interview transcripts provided by the late Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy, who served as a nurse in the Air Force at Roswell, N.M.. The transcripts convey telepathic communication she received from an extraterrestrial being who she refers to as 'Airl' during these interviews. The alien being was recovered by the U.S. military from the crash site on a UFO in July 1947. The alien being served as an officer, pilot and engineer with a race of beings who refer to their intergalactic civilization as 'The Domain'.
The complete, unedited transcripts of the interviews are included, with footnotes appended for clarification, in the book 'Alien Interview'. The book is available in print or as a PDF from the website: and
Lawrence R. Spencer
Alien Interview
Official Transcript of the U.S. Army Air Force
Roswell Army Air Field, 509th Bomb Group
SUBJECT: ALIEN INTERVIEW, 25. 7. 1947, 1st Session
'Before you can understand the subject of history, you must first understand the subject of time. Time is simply an arbitrary measurement of the motion of objects through space.
Space is not linear. Space is determined by the point of view of an IS-BE* when viewing an object. The distance between an IS-BE and the object being viewed is called 'space'.
( * Editor Footnote: DEFINITION OF 'IS-BE':
'Personally, it is my conviction that all sentient beings are Immortal Spiritual Beings. This includes human beings. For the sake of accuracy and simplicity I will use a made-up word: 'IS-BE'. Because the primary nature of an immortal being is that they live in a timeless state of 'is', and the only reason for their existence is that they decide to 'be'.
-- page 50, 'Alien Interview')
Objects, or energy masses, in space do not necessarily move in a linear fashion. In this universe, objects tend to move randomly or in a curving or cyclical pattern, or as determined by agreed upon rules.
Comment: This refers to the postulates of General Relativity in a multidimensional sense. In Minkowski spacetime, the underpinning metric is 'flat' as a linespace of 3 space dimensions and a time dimension.
From this the curvature of space becomes an effect of present mass and inertia as the gravitational interaction, which by necessity here must already be present to allow gravity to exist. The hyperspace of 5 dimensions is precursive to Minkowski 'flat space', in that no mass is required to be present to induce the curvature metric to exist.
In dragon space, the gravitational effect is an intrinsic property of dragon energy, in that there exists a inertia precursor describable in the quantum form of gravitation and the 'photonic mass' hf/c2 and where the characteristic frequency f becomes a initial boundary condition for the manifesting string energy related to the Planck scales.
This forms the foundation for the Equivalence Principle between 'gravitational mass' and 'inertial mass' in the formulations of General Relativity and relates to an intrinsic acceleration in the higher spacetime dimensions and which so define the 'missing' energy of a closed 11-dimensional 'manifold' dimension as a supersurface of its 2-dimensional precursor.
History is not only a linear record of events, as many authors of Earth history books imply, because it is not a string that can be stretched out and marked like a measuring tool. History is a subjective observation of the movement of objects through space, recorded from the point of view of a survivor, rather than of those who succumbed. Events occur interactively and concurrently, just as the biological body has a heart that pumps blood, while the lungs provide oxygen to the cells, which reproduce, using energy from the sun and chemicals from plants, at the same time as the liver strains toxic wastes from the blood, and eliminates them through the bladder and the bowels.
All of these interactions are concurrent and simultaneous. Although time runs consecutively, events do not happen in an independent, linear stream. In order to view and understand the history or reality of the past, one must view all events as part of an interactive whole. Time can also be sensed as a vibration which is uniform throughout the entire physical universe.
Comment: Time in the multidimensional sense is akin a standing or stationary waveform and oscillates between two nodes or mirrors.
The linear distance between the two nodes define a SEEDLING size of the universe like a 'Hubble Bubble' being a 3-dimensional surface containing a 4-dimensional volume. This is often called a Hypersphere with toroidal parameters.
The concept of a linear 'flow of time' from past to future so becomes a cyclic depiction of spacetime metrics or coordinates in between a nodality changing in cycles of even to odd. Any time in history so becomes multivalued and the 'Big Bang' or the birth of space and time at the n=0 coordinate repeats in Hubble-Times, given by the wavelength of the cyclicity, which so is also the seedling size of the universe, measured as say 16.9 billion years as a halfcycle at the n=1 coordinate and as 33.8 billion years as a full cycle at the n=2 coordinate.
Time as a vibration is specified in a twofold manner. First there is a 'normal' space for the 'particle nature' of the 'fermionic' manifestation of inertia and secondly, there is its cojoin in the 'phasal' space for the 'wave nature' of the 'bosonic' manifestation of the massless, but gravitational equivalent.
The 'particle nature' is lower bounded in the restframe, say a quantum vacuum oscillator (E=½hf) and so mathematically related to the Null-Eigenstate and is upper bounded by the limit of particle acceleration in lightspeed 'c'.
The 'wave nature' is phasal or 'tachyonic' and is so lower bounded in lightspeed 'c' and is upper bounded in the 'de Broglie' phase speed, which manifested the 11-dimensional 'Hubble-Bubble' from the 'inflation string parameters'.
This 'upper limit' so becomes the 'Speed of Thought' and is calculated as 1.6 trillion trillion trillion trillion times lightspeed 'c'.
This 'Speed of Thought' so 'travels' the size of the seedling universe as a MINIMUM TIMEINTEERVAL measured in linearity as the smallest temporal interval possible and as one third of a thousandth millionth billionth trillionth of a metric 'cosmic' second (arbitrarily calibrated in some mensuration system of some time units to this 'cosmic' unitary system).
A precise formulation for the multidimensional time, which relates dimensionless cycletime to line time t is: dn/dt=Ho or t=n/Ho for lightpath X=ct and where Ho is the Self-frequency for a lightspeed journey between even and odd nodes.
Airl explained that IS-BEs have been around since before the beginning of the universe. The reason they are called 'immortal', is because a 'spirit' is not born and cannot die, but exists in a personally postulated perception of 'is - will be'. She was careful to explain that every spirit is not the same. Each is completely unique in identity, power, awareness and ability.
The difference between an IS-BE like Airl and most of the IS-BEs inhabiting bodies on Earth, is that Airl can enter and depart from her 'doll' at will. She can perceive at selective depths through matter. Airl and other officers of The Domain can communicate telepathically. Since an IS-BE is not a physical universe entity it has no location in space or time. An IS-BE is literally, 'immaterial'. They can span great distances of space instantly.
Comment: The 'Spiritual' being is simply the 'Shadow' nature of the inertial agglomerations of massinduced lightbody carriers from the premassive cosmology. So the 'spirit' existed before the material universe as the template for the latter.
The exact scientific derivation for the multidimensional universe is based on the mathematical transformation of particular encodings, such as algorithms related to abstract principles in 'pure mathematics'.
The 0th dimension of a mathematical point'space' became one-dimensional in a minimum displacement of this 'point singularity' reproducing itself as another such point.
This created the Omega-Unity-Interval of 0-1, which could accomodate the inverse of the 0-Point as an Infinity-Count and allowed rational numbers to become defined from integers and later gave the real and transcendental number specifications of pure mathematics.
Physically, this unity interval became a 'smeared out quantum sigularity', which allowed definition of a 2nd dimension from the 1st dimension. In physical bosonic terms, the primordial superstring became the digit '1', which could 'curl' up into a digital '0', so creating the first minimal area dimension as the 'space' within the primordial superstring circle.
Mathematically then, this became the 'complex number plane' in two dimensions, which then could become 'indented' to allow curvilinear coordinates to specify 'curved space' and subsequently the Riemannian nonlinear geometries of pure abstract mathematics.
Three noncolinear points in the complex plane define an area, connected either by 'straight' lines or by 'curved' lines and the addition of a fourth point then give the volumar as a 'straight-edged' or 'curved-edged' tetrahedal space in 3 dimensions.
All these definitions manifested in an IMAGINARY Universe of Self-Consciousness manifesting NOT in any corrdinate system of spacetimes. Because this spacetimeless quantumized string energy continuum has now been rediscovered by terrestrial (and alien) scientists - IT EXISTS within any number of defined spacetime matrices - as AFTERTHOUGHT.
This AFTERTHOUGHT 'after the fact of space and time existing' is however IDENTICAL as subset to the FORETHOUGHT of 'before the fact of space and time existing', so rendering the interaction of 'before time' and 'after time' as that of a mutual feedback mechanism.
The uniqueness of all 'sentient consciousness containers' so becomes the simple effect of a 'shared consciousness' of NOT being in 'space and time', say as being physically 'dead' with this same 'all encompassing' consciousness of being 'embodied' as a 'particle nature' as One of Many.
The Many are all One in the 'no spacetime' setting and as the 'wave nature' of the Oneness and as the Forethought of the Individual 'Awakening' being a hologram of the totality and the unity.
The One 'in spacetime' become individualised as the Afterthought attempting to rediscover ITSELF as the Forethought. Many 'lifetimes' of attempting this remembrance, then require a holographic 'matching' of the cosmic subhierarchies in their cyclicities.
Just as cells are born and die within a micro-macro embodiment of the Forethought; so do creatures, planets and stars within an enhanced such micro-macro scenario.
Just as galaxies of star systems merge, blend and transform, so do cellular unitary structures within biovital 'container bodies'.
But the universe itself is a seedling body for the forethought, with subdivisionary afterthoughts experiencing the SELF-Discovery, which the forthought desires for its own Selfinteraction as the encompassment of the Unity.
They can experience sensations, more intensely than a biological body, without the use of physical sensory mechanisms. An IS-BE can exclude pain from their perception. Airl can also remember her 'identity', so to speak, all the way back into the dim mists of time, for trillions of years!
She says that the existing collection of suns in this immediate vicinity of the universe have been burning for the last 200 trillion years. The age of the physical universe is nearly infinitely old, but probably at least four quadrillion years since its earliest beginnings.
Comment: Airl's telepathic communication with Matilda here encounters translational and filter-difficulties.
The 'dim mists of time' refer to the manifestation of physical lifeforms throughout the universe.
As the creation of the 3rd volume-dimension was prerequisite for the 'Big Bang' and the birth of spacetimematter; the 'selfconsciousness' of the 'thinkers' before and after the facts of spacetimematter existing as a background, has by necessity to incorporate the concept of volume into its physical manifestations.
The primordial universe so carried space and this space was conscious about itself in a primitive manner and requiring a linear historical timeline for the purpose to grow and develop by 'experience' from the 'forgotten forthought' and as an evolving 'afterthought' back into a possible 'remembrance' of its own 'forethought'.
And so bosonic superstrings of masslessness coupled to inertial 'Cosmic Rays' following bifurcation and transmutation from particular Planck-parameters and the Cosmic rays allowed duality of quark-leptonic fermions to evolve from their quark-leptonic bosonic parentage.
Once the halfspin fermions could conglomerate in plasma 'soups' their interactions with their fullspin bosonic parents became modified amidst a background of an expanding universe, which was also cooling down because of this expansion of the inertia seedling into the preexisting gravity seedling.
Once cool enough, the ionic plasma currents of the 'Cosmic Strings' began to associate gravitationally and electromagnetically as matter subject to phasal transitions and so atoms and molecules crystallised from gaseous to liquid to solid in the evolvement of spacial selfconsiousness in the linearised 'flow of time'.
The chemical matter elements now carried 'polarity interaction' in positively charged protons or 'female goddesses' being 'sexually' attracted to negatively charged electrons or 'male gods' and this primeval sexuality between yin and yang began to create the remembrance of the forethought-wave unity by the afterthought-particle units.
The 'alien' agenda so became this beginning of the rememberings.
As the chemical elements stabilised and formed structures and bodies under the auspices of the electromagnetogravitational unification and the 'laws of nature'; more and more subparts of the 'Body of the Forethought', namely the universe, began to interact with each other and from nebula formed galaxies and solar systems and planets and the chemical elements 'talked to each other' AS the alien intelligences in forming necessary associations for more complex 'lifeforms' to crystallise from the 'crystals and the clay and the dust of the earth' in more accomodating and environmentally adaptably 'particle bodies'.
The universe is 19.11 billion years old in dragonspace.
The process of nucleosynthesis created the first 'alien intelligences' in the charge coupling between fermionic quarks in a kernel-ring quantum geometry and as derivatives or 'daughters' from a bifurcating X-L-Bosonic superstring, today measurable in certain 'Cosmic ray' scenarios and an upper energy eigenlevel of about a quadrillion GigaElectronVolts, also known as a GUT unification energy of the nuclear interactions with electromagnetism.
The Milky Way Galaxy, also known as Perseus is about 14.7 billion years old and the solar system of the star RahSol is so 5 billion years old and the planet earth manifested from the solar nebula about 4.8 billion years ago.
The terrestrial cosmologists have measured the oldest 'globular cluster' stars in the Milky Way and know, that the Milky Way was one of the first galaxies to form after the 'Big Bang'.
However they underestimate the age of the universe by 4.4 billion years, because they do not incorporate the cyclic nature of time and the oscillation of the Hubble nodes at 16.9 billion years intervals.
The difference between the true age of the universe as 19.1 billion years and the 16.9 nodal age is the same as the age of the Milky way at 14.7 billion years in 19.1-2.2=16.9=14.7+2.2.
A Hubble-Constant of 71.5 Hubble-Units defines a publisized 'cosmic age' of 13.7 billion years and results in the 'commonly accepted' Milky Way age of 14.7 billion years if it is extrapolated to 69 Hubble-Units as required.
The nodal Hubble-Constant is truly 'constant' as a frequency in the cyclic universe as 58 Hubble-Units.
The Milky Way is a 'special galaxy' in the greater story of the forethought, namely because it harbours a 'special planet', namely the one planet, which is destined to graduate into a starplanet shininhg 'dark light' throughout the rest of the universe.
The nexus point of dimensional intersection is 2.2 billion years ago and at that time a significant change occurred on planet earth.
Oxygen became abundant and with it the anaerobic and aerobic balance of primitive lifeforms, which had evolved from crystalline magnetic string energy, changed in the saturation of the hitherto sulphuric and oxygenpoor atmosphere with the 8th chemical element and allowing the biochemical stability of the octet electron configuration to greatly accelerate the manufacture of renewed vessels for the containment of the afterthought consciousness.
Airl's measure of time of 4 quadrillion 'alien years' as the age of the universe so gives a factor of 4 quadrillion/20 billion or 200,000, which Matilda might very well have 'mistranslated' as the 200 trillion years as the age for the Milky Way galaxy. Airl's 'alien clock' might so be calibrated to read 200,000 alien years per terrestrial year.
Time is a difficult factor to measure as it depends on the subjective memory of IS-BEs and there has been no uniform record of events throughout the physical universe since it began. As on Earth, there are many different time measurement systems, defined by various cultures, which use cycles of motion, and points of origin to establish age and duration.
The physical universe itself is formed from the convergence and amalgamation of many other individual universes, each one of which were created by an IS-BE or group of IS-BEs. The collision of these illusory universes commingled and coalesced and were solidified to form a mutually created universe. Because it is agreed that energy and forms can be created, but not destroyed, this creative process has continued to form an ever-expanding universe of nearly infinite physical proportions.
Comment: The Many Universes are the many afterthoughts aka every sentient being anyplace and anywhen in the defined omniverse as a collection of such universes and including 'Snoopy, the Dog'; 'Felix, the Cat'; 'Kermit, the Frog'; 'Alfie, the ET'; Napoleon Bonaparte from France; Abdul Mohammed of Babylon and Joseph Bloggs from Massachussetts.
When Napoleon Bonaparte interacts with Marie Antoinette, two protoverses or TUNES interact as holographic universes and two relative micro-macrosystems form a simple MELODY, becoming a SONG or SYMPHONY as more and more Mono-Songs or Uni-Verses join the 'Interaction parties' in their 'orgies of stringed sourcesink love'.
Relative to the 'primordial mathematical pointspace' aka the 'Little Serpent'; Napoleon Bonaparte becomes a macrocosmic agglomeration of superstring spacetimes as the volumar count of minimum superstring configurations able to 'fit' into the hologram of the 'Hubble-Bubble' which defines Napoleon's point-particular 'body gestalt'.
Relative to the encompassing Body of the entire defined universe; Napoleon becomes a microcosmic collection of the selfsame 'Little Serpents' without loss of generality, yet with a relative intensification or attenuation of the energy content linked to the self-consciousness of the forethought relative to the manifesting and the spacetimematter experiencing afterthought.
Before the formation of the physical universe there was a vast period during which universes were not solid, but wholly illusionary. You might say that the universe was a universe of magical illusions which were made to appear and vanish at the will of the magician. In every case, the 'magician' was one or more IS-BEs. Many IS-BEs on Earth can still recall vague images from that period. Tales of magic, sorcery and enchantment, fairy tales and mythology speak of such things, although in very crude terms.
Comment: Indeed and this 'Illusion' was the before described design and creation of the mathematical nature and reality and nomenclature of a feedback and self-feeding mechanism between the labels of the forethought and the afterthought.
The ENERGY of the IMAGINATION is as real as the ENERGY of the MATERIALISATION; albeit the former is massless in the 'minds of the wave nature' and the latter inertia associated in bodies of the 'particle nature'.
The IMAGINATION in what is terms THOUGHTS becomes material and physical in the creation of IMAGES from their IMAGE-NINGS.[/i]
Each IS-BE entered into the physical universe when they lost their own, 'home' universe. That is, when an IS-BE's 'home' universe was overwhelmed by the physical universe, or when the IS-BE joined with other IS-BEs to create or conquer the physical universe.
On Earth, the ability to determine when an IS-BE entered the physical universe is difficult for two reasons: 1) the memory of IS-BEs on Earth have been erased, and 2) IS-BEs arrival or invasion into the physical universe took place at different times, some 60 trillion years ago, and others only 3 trillion. Every once in a short while, a few million years, an area or planet will be taken over by another group of IS-BEs entering into the area.
Comment: The 60 trillion 'alien' years are 300 million years, which define the speed of light as 300,000 kilometer per terrestrial second.
There exists a 'quasar wall', at a cosmological redshift of 7.5 and which defined the crystallisation of galactic superclusters from the universe 236.5 million years after the Big Bang.
So in a sense, the universe became 'invaded' by this limiting gravitationally nonhomogeneous scale for spacetimematter interaction.
The factor of 20 then 'translates' 3 trillion years as 15 million years and as a measure of time for a particular species to complete a process of evolutionary adaptation.
Relevant to the hominidae family of the genus of the homo sapiens; the 'primate' superfamily hominoidea or 'Idea of Homino' genetically 'splits' the lesser apes (including gibbons) from the greater apes (gorillas, orang-utans aka pongos, chimpanzees aka pans, bonobos and humans aka homos)so 18 million years ago and begins at 14 million years ago with Pongo and is followed by a 'split' from the greater apes (Gorilla) 7 million years later, before culminating in the 'split' between homo and pan so 4 million years later (as geometric progression of 14, 7=14/2, 3.5=14/4).
Airl so attempts to convey a message about 'Human Evolution' to be physically implemented by a kind of 'Evolution Pressure' as consequence for the 'purpose to gain remembrance of the forethought independent on spacetimematter as the afterthought utilising 'minds' and 'bodies'; but an evolution which is also nonphysical as an 'invasion' of 'thoughtforms' linked to self-consciousnesses.
Sometimes they will capture other IS-BEs as slaves. They will be forced to inhabit bodies to perform menial, or manual work -- especially mining mineral ores on heavy-gravity planets, such as Earth.
Airl says that she has been a member of The Domain Expeditionary Force for more than 625 million years, when she became a pilot for a biological survey mission which included occasional visits to Earth. She can remember her entire career there, and for a very long time before that.
She told me that Earth scientists do not have an accurate measuring system to gauge the age of matter. They assume that because certain types of materials seem to deteriorate rather quickly, such as organic or carbon-based matter, that there is a deterioration of matter. It is not accurate to measure the age of stone, based on the measurement of the age of wood or bone. This is a fundamental error. Factually, matter does not deteriorate. It cannot be destroyed. Matter may be altered in form, but it is never truly destroyed.
Comment: In general the 'enslavement' becomes the simple inhabitation of physically corruptible and 'mortal', read recyclable bodyforms by the 'spiritual' nonmaterial electromagnetic field string energy, which is by nature of its nonmaterial origins both immortal and incorruptible.
Matilda partially mistranslates Airl's description of basic radioactive decay and the energy-mass conservation formulations in the language common knowledge at the time of the Roswell incident.
Basic radioactivity is elementary to the weak nuclear interation, which conserves matter, energy and momenta in the particulars of basic beta-decay, say the transformation of a lefthanded neutron into a lefthanded proton, a lefthanded electron and a righthanded antineutrino.
The 625 million alien timespan of 3125 terrestrial years translates to 1200 BC and the historical period of post-Egyptian colonisation of the fertile 'middle east' by the 'cradle of western civilisation' say the kingdoms of the combined Hebrew nation of Northern samaria and the Southern Jerusalem in the days of King david and Solomon following the 'mosaic exodus' from its Egyptian culturual precursor (of the united Egypt).
This describes a particular extraterrestrial 'magnetic thought induction', which infiltrated the Hebrew culture at that time for the purpose to create specific records as testimonials to manifest the futuristic implementation for the remembrances of the afterthought about their 'alien' origins in the forethoughts of the cosmogenesis.
The Domain has conducted a periodic survey of the galaxies in this sector of the universe since it developed space travel technologies about 80 trillion years ago. A review of changes in the complexion of Earth reveal that mountain ranges rise and fall, continents change location, the poles of the planet shift, ice caps come and go, oceans appear and disappear, rivers, valleys and canyons change. In all cases, the matter is the same. It is always the same sand. Every form and substance is made of the same basic material, which never deteriorates.'
Comment: The 80 trillion years are 400 million terrestrial years and Airly attempts to describe the large scale geological evolution of earth in terms of plate tectonics and the movements of the terrestrial parameters, such as a crystal high density core, a magma mantle and a lithospherical crust.
The supercontinent Gondwanaland incorporated continents known today as Australasia, India, Antarctica, Southern America, Africa and Southern Europe in a single landmass so 560 million years ago.
Gondwanaland was detached from Asia-Siberia and Laurentia-Northern America and Baltica-Northern Europe and all divided by the Iapetus ocean.
By 270 million years ago the old continental configuration, encompassed by the Ocean Iapetus had converged in Pangaea as Northern America 'crashed' into Europe and Europe 'bumped' into Asia and enclosed Iapetus as a world ocean called Panthalassa so connecting all the landmasses in the supercontinent Pangaea.
Then 130 million years ago, the continent as known today began to form in a 'breaking up' of Pangaea and under the auspices of the 'laws of nature' as applied to the geological history of planet earth.
The more elementary message from Airly refers to the 'essence' or the omniversal 'material' 'all things are made of' and inclusive of space- and time themselves.
This matter is the bosonic multidimensional superstring, which began its own journey of self-identification as a mathematical cipher '1' and as an 'open' superstring.
The open superstring, also know as Planck-Class I; then transmutated not in spacetimematter as the 'cipher '0' so selfenfolding its eigen-characteristics in terms of mathematical logistics.
So the terrestrial superstring theories are required to discover the transmutational stringclass hierarchies to be able to successfully integrate the 'nature of M-theory' into the different strin classes (I, IIA, IIB, HO32 and HE64).
Only the open-closed class I manifests in energy at the Planck-scale. All other classes transform into each other under guidance of particular dualities defined in the experimentally detectable energy realms of Cosmic rays. For example the Dirac Monopole of Quantum Field Theory is none other than the selfdual string class IIB at an energy level of 27 trillion Tera-ElectronVolts.
This energy forms the first transformation of the Planck-string class I at the Planck energy of so 9,000 trillion Tera-ElectronVolts.
The five string classes manifested in the 'Inflationary Cosmology', which obeyed the tachyonic de Broglie phases, setting up the Hubble-Nodes and so the 'scales' of the physical seedling universe for the massparametric evolution of the latter.
Only after this inflationary epoch was completed, could the 'Quantum Big Bang' 'birth' space and time and inertia as is measured by any physical parameters and unitary systems.
But it became this minimum spacetimematter configuration of the last string transmutation, which ended the 'inflationary epoch', and which then manifested the 'Little Serpent' at the energy realm of the heterotic HE(8x8) class as the 'stuff' of which all other 'stuff' is made from.
This 'string-stuff so is what all things are, aliens, and humans and the dragons of mythology.
This 'string-stuff' is fundamental and is defined in the laws of physics, both classical and quantum, in the ratios and relationships of fundamental physical parameters and as proportionalities between so called 'fundamental constants of nature'; the latter which themselves derived from the algorithmic eigendefinitions of the 'little Serpent' as the designer and creator of himself as the Universe both within spacetimematter and without it as a dual observer of Two in One - always 'alive' as a Wave of Unity and always 'dead' as a Particle of the Separation.
IAmWhoIAm - a Devil from the Abyss of the Inversion of the Bottomless Pit!
About the Editor
Although Lawrence R. Spencer is the Editor, not the author of Alien Interview, he has written 3 books - The Oz Factors, Pan-God of the Woods, and The Big Bleep.