~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

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~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

Dragons of Thuban To Ban The Falseness

5 posters

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!!


    Posts : 977
    Join date : 2010-05-16
    Location : Gaia

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!!

    Post  SuiGeneris Wed May 26, 2010 1:00 am

    I thought it would be great to have a thread dedicated only to Crop Circles!!!
    Please tell us what you think of them and if you can solve their meaning and significance.

    Let's start with the lastest one found this week in Wiltshire:

    All of Creation Based on Math from a Divine Blueprint!!!!
    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Article009B9FEE9000005DC471_634x628

    An extraordinary crop circle based on the 'world's most beautiful maths theorem' has appeared in a field next to a windmill in Wiltshire.
    The complex disc, which measures 300ft across, appeared to the east of Wilton Windmill near Marlborough in a blazing yellow rape seed field.
    It appeared on Saturday just 25miles from another circle that popped up a fortnight ago by the Iron Age hill fort of Old Sarum.

    Lucy Pringle, a renowned crop circle researcher was puzzled by what appears to be a hidden code based on complex numbers within the shape.
    She said: 'I believe it contains binary, a numeral system, or base-2 number system that represents numeric values using two symbols, 0 and 1.
    'Working from the centre outwards, people are suggesting it has a connection to Leonhard Euler's theorem e^(i)pi+1=0 which is thought to be one of the most beautiful theorems in mathematics.'
    She added that it could even contain a hidden tune.
    'Historically over the years, crop circles have been associated with diatonic scales (white notes on the piano),' she said.
    'These diatonic scale frequencies are encoded in each segment of the crop circle and can be played on the piano.
    'This is a unique formation incorporating both music and mathematics and is similar in importance to the famous 2008 Barbury Castle Pi event.'

    Another crop circle expert said everyone can draw their own conclusions from the circles, adding: 'The thing about maths and the circles is that you are dealing with something which isn't an exact science so one person may decode the circles as having diatonic ratios, the other may find meaning in binary numbers or astrological cycles.
    'The only possible explanation which covers all areas would be humans, however this can only be a problematic relationship shared by creaters and researchers since the [UFO] researchers hate the idea that a sense of wonder and optimism is quoshed by the admittance of human involvement.'
    Carved out in a barley field, the Barbury Castle crop circle was a pictorial representation of the first ten digits of Pi, one of the most fundamental symbols in mathematics. The image was an example of what is known as a fractal, or geometric pattern.
    It was solved by astrophysicist Mike Reed who saw a picture of the crop circle and made the mathematical link.
    Crop circle designs have developed from simple circles in the 1970s to pictorial designs in the late 1980s and binary number designers from 2001.

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Article128093009BB2A34000005DC582_3
    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Article128093009BA005D000005DC33_30
    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Article128093009BA0057000005DC952_3
    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Article128093001A39F9E00000578710_3
    Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1280930/Complex-crop-circle-appears-rape-seed-field--does-mean.html#ixzz0owJkVcR4

    Much Love,


    Posts : 794
    Join date : 2010-05-20
    Location : Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty Logos Algorithm and the Binary Encoding for the Pentagonal Supersymmetry

    Post  Didymos Wed May 26, 2010 4:45 am

    SERAFINA - Posted 24 Minutes Ago

    And there is something else too, but; a binary code - perhaps; related to Tony's formula ~ might prove his 'e' formula :)

    Seductive and Enticing Serafina de Whynot and Xeia SuiGeneris from Na'Vi Pandora!

    The Ee*=1 formulation derives from the following considerations and embodying the Euler Identiy.
    More details as to the binary emergence for this code are found in the Logos Algorihm Paper for MasterConstant generation at: http://thuban.spruz.com/forums/?page=post&id=661ECD3C-9B5F-4836-A63E-BED15BD0BE1C&fid=A85103A7-642E-4D4D-AE2B-14F89C6E9C13

    Platonic idealised quantum geometries crystallise a refined elementary particle structure of the standard model of particle physics in wavequarkian blueprints through an innate pentagonal supersymmetry connecting the microcosm of the quantum realm to the macrocosm of galaxies and their extended structures. Nature's 'sacred architecture' so assumes a powerful identity as the underpinning symmetry for the cosmos.
    This can be said to be embodied in a mathematical statement, known as Euler's Identity:

    e=XY=X+Y= i² =cos(π)+isin(π) = -1

    In the language of fundamental theoretical physics this identity then translates in the following formulations to define a universe of selfcreation in its inital- and boundary conditions:

    E*=kT*=hf*=hc/λ*=m*c²=1/e* for Unity-Condition E*.e*=1

    for lightspeed invariance: (wavespeed=wavelengthxfrequency)

    λ*f* = c = RmaxHo

    with a nodal Hubble-Frequency Ho and a Hubble-Radius Rmax
    and where:

    E*=√{2πGome²/4.alpha.hc.e²} =melectron/(2e.√alpha.mPlanck)

    Fibonacci patterns are seen to manifest a hierarchy of superstrings, which can be observed and measured as Cosmic Ray spectra, linked to monopolic supercurrents of Cosmic Strings seeding the primordial universe.

    Today's mass-parametric universe is found to have a massless precursor, (as gravitational mass transmuting into inertial mass as the origin of the Equivalence Principle in General Relativity), defined in gauge symmetries of magnetocharged 'consciousness' quanta, which pervade a holographic universe as wormholes defining the Heisenberg Zero-Point-Energy metricated background.

    Bluey TonyLove for Didymos de Whynot

    Posts : 15
    Join date : 2010-05-21
    Location : everywhere

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty Re: Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!!

    Post  SERAFiNA Wed May 26, 2010 8:20 pm

    need some help
    - with labeling at least 3 crop circles
    can someone help us, please ;)

    for Grandpa Eagleman de Whynot
    and, for Grandma Spider Woman de Whynot

    Last edited by SERAFiNA on Wed May 26, 2010 8:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 15
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    Location : everywhere

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty Re: Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!!

    Post  SERAFiNA Wed May 26, 2010 8:24 pm

    finally, we figure out 'the energy'
    colour, frequency, sound, tone, vibration,
    and, thru the triad/trine/trinity of ether
    8 + 1 = 9
    thru the 'key hole' crop circle ~ does anyone have its date / and, time
    of showing up ???

    for Grandpa Eagleman de Whynot
    and, for Grandma Spider Woman de Whynot

    Posts : 794
    Join date : 2010-05-20
    Location : Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty Uranus heralds the New Age of Aquarius with the Sagittarius Full Moon of May 27th/28th, 2010

    Post  Didymos Thu May 27, 2010 3:20 am

    Uranus heralds the New Age of Aquarius with the Sagittarius Full Moon of May 27th/28th, 2010

    The ecliptic path of the planet Uranus takes 84.01 (civil) years to complete its orbit.

    This means that every starsign accomodates the Aquarian Ruler approximately 7 years.

    As can be seen below (from http://www.lynnkoiner.com/astrology-articles/esoteric-uranus); Uranus entered Aries about 84 years ago in 1927 and actually on March 31st, 1927 at 17.25 GMT.

    The Full Moon in May 2010 will be 7 degrees Sagittarius at 23:07 GMT on May 27th, 2010 and the Uranus transit from Pisces into Aries will follow at 1:44 GMT on May, 28th, 2010.

    Because this 84 year ecliptic journey of Uranus coincides with the timeline of the logos; this transit encompasses much greater and longer cycles than the recent one of the 20th century just after the first world war from 1914-1918 (when Uranus was in Aquarius throughout) and the second world war from 1939-1945 (when Uranus was in Taurus and in Gemini).

    The astrocycle of Uranus in Aries so heralds a TRANSITION of the human cyrysalis of the old into its new starhuman expression from 2010 to 2018. This is effectualised in the reconfiguration of the old Babylonian Zodiacal archetypes into their new Serpentinian symbology.

    Wilton Windmill; Wiltshire, May 22nd, 2010

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Article009B9FEE9000005DC471_634x628
    The 12 sectors of the Wiltshire crop circle of May 22nd, 2010 then represent the 12-tiered transit of Uranus in its orbital path around the sun for the period from May 2010 to June 2094; and superposing this future starhuman history onto its most recent 84-year human past.

    Bluey TonyLove

    AQUARIUS— The independent, freedom-loving Aquarian on The Path realizes that no man is an island and that no one person is truly free until ALL are free! Aquarius seeks its Soul’s Purpose through becoming a cooperative unit in a group or collective. The 2nd Ray Esoteric Ruler of this sign, Jupiter, believes in brotherhood, the equality of all men, freedom and justice for all without concern for race, creed, culture, status or background.

    This is the sign of the New Group of World Servers and Aquarius fulfills its Soul’s Purpose through brotherhood groups, supporting unity and inclusiveness, which serve humanity as indicated by the House position of Jupiter.

    Because of its annual retrograde movement when the Earth is passing it, Uranus goes back and forth from one sign to another every seven years. Thus the following periods include portions of time when Uranus was in an adjoining sign.

    Uranus through the Signs: Uranus rules the rebellion of a generation, what it wants to change dramatically in the world. For example, when Uranus was in visionary sign of Sagittarius we had Hands Across America and the Crystal Movement.

    Uranus was in Aries from April 1927 until March 1935— The end of the Roaring Twenties, the stock market crash, and the beginning of the Depression brought many such changes.

    While being born during the Depression, this Soul Group were the Pioneers… the first New Agers but ahead of their time. They can thrive upon Crisis. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Aries brought a thrust of innovation in aviation— Lindburgh, transAtlantic flight, Pole Flight, first rocket engine flight.

    Uranus in Aries – 2010 – 2018— This transit occurred from 1928 through 1934, those born during the Great Depression. The current cycle will begin with a powerful Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Aries and a breakthrough in flight technology. What I know about those who were born during the last Aries cycle is that they were the great pioneers. The pioneering spirit generated at this time will transform the planet and those born at this time will spirit new changes, taking unprecedented risks. Flight was changing our world during the last cycle. By 2020, this cycle will led to an economic Boom Cycle on the planet indicated by the Saturn-Pluto conjunction.

    NOTE: The Search for God Study Groups and the AA 12 Step programs began with Uranus in Aries.

    Uranus was in Taurus from June 1934 until May 1942 – This was the era of the New Deal and the beginning of the second world war, producing a fairly conservative and materialistic generation.

    Uranus was in Gemini from August 1941 until June 1949 – This was the first generation to go to college in mass. They initiated advances in psychology, sociology, and metaphysics. The generation born during the war and just after became the student radicals of the 1960s. (Special note: Uranus was in the same degree of Gemini when the Declaration of Independence was written and signed, Lincoln was elected and the Civil War began, and D-Day was planned and carried out as the sun is in when the United States used to celebrate Memorial Day.)

    Uranus in Gemini brings a War for Democracy, since its discovery in the 1700s.

    Uranus was in Cancer from September 1948 until June 1956 – This was the time when television invaded the home, producing the first TV generation. This generation make a break with traditions – first group to openly cohabit making it OK for the older generations. Antibiotic generation that developed problems with these – prefer natural techniques.

    Uranus was in Leo from August 1955 until August 1962 – The motion picture industry was radically altered because of competition with television. Rebellion against authority. With Transpluto, they initiate reforms in society. Environmental issues.

    Uranus was in Virgo from November 1961 until September 1968 and a month in the late spring of 1969 – Uranus was with Pluto at this stimulating social change. Together they bring revolutions. Uranus and Pluto will square each other from 2012 through 2014 – rebellion in society and fiscal crises.

    Uranus was in Libra from October 1968 until September 1975 – Changes in social justice, diplomacy, music, and the arts. Divorce rates skyrocketed, and alternative partnerships and lifestyles developed under the influence of electric guitars and those who preferred to make love rather than war.

    Uranus was in Scorpio from September 1975 until November 1981 – 1975 was a turning point year in which the alternatives of the 1960s became mainstream. A great interest in occultism, New Age phenomena and changes in sexual awareness, spying by electronic means, computer development and sudden changes and extremes in investment situations.

    Uranus was in Sagittarius from November 1981 through November 1988 – Changes in religion, philosophy, and world affairs, including a heightened arms race followed by the sudden demise of Soviet Communism.

    Uranus was in Capricorn from February 1988 until January 1996 — This is a period of cold and calculated down-sizing and radical privatization of economies. It is the generation of the Indigo Children with pronounced psychic gifts. Conjunctions with Saturn and Neptune caused a speeding up of the earth’s electro-magnetic field— vision color shift phenomena. When Uranus entered Capricorn, the popular interest in crystals ended.

    Uranus was in Aquarius from February 1912 until January 1920 and for two months in the spring of 1995 and from January 1996 for seven years— Revolutionary changes, independent and radical social movements and organizations. Revolutions in Mexico, China, and Russia as well as the downfall of powerful monarchies in the Great War took place.

    When Saturn entered Leo opposing Uranus in Aquarius, it ended the monarchies of Europe. Saturn bring disillusion with authority (occurring in 2005-07).

    The internet and Google became popular but, when Neptune entered Aquarius, even little old ladies use the internet.

    Life speeds up – coinciding with internet and cell phone usage. Everyone wanted everything in a hurry. Strong connectedness and ability to access info in a hurry.

    The New Age became common place. I went into a store, J. Jill, and the girl working there talked about the store having Good Feng Shui. This stuff is every where as well as aroma therapy.

    Uranus was in Pisces from April 1919 through March 1927 – Radical changes in beliefs, religion, and morals. This was the period of the Great Experiment of prohibiting alcohol and the split between the moralistic and the wild Roaring Twenties.

    This Group becomes the Greatest Generation of its decade – this is the dominate generation that fights the great battles for democracy. Not an Illiberal Democracy (run my tyrants) but Constitutional Liberalism, freedom for the people and run by the people.

    Uranus in Pisces – 2004 – 2010 – My first observation of Uranus in a Water sign is the massive and destructive hurricanes that we have experienced this year. With this transit so many of us are either making changes or reacting to the changes made by others. Uranus in Pisces will continue with the problems of water and global warming.

    Uranus in Pisces can be very disruptive, forcing us as individuals to go with the flow, with our intuition and our inner guidance in risk taking or in dealing with disruptions in our lives. When experiencing the higher aspect of Uranus in Pisces, we can flow naturally with a sense of knowing, a knowing that is connected to something greater than ourselves.

    Emotional problems will be more pronounced with this transit— the rebellion of Uranus is to force us to go with our feelings.

    We rebel under Pisces in order to find something to believe in.

    There may be a connection (Pisces and the 12th House) with the re-organization of our intelligence agencies and secret organizations.

    Any planet in Pisces is connected with humanitarian causes— refugees and evacuees.

    Posts : 794
    Join date : 2010-05-20
    Location : Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty The Crop-Circle Decoding of Euler's Pentagrammaton

    Post  Didymos Fri May 28, 2010 6:22 am

    From the sistersite at: www.birthofgaia.heavenforum.org
    I thought it would be great to have a thread dedicated only to Crop Circles!!!
    Please tell us what you think of them and if you can solve their meaning and significance.

    Let's start with the lastest one found this week in Wiltshire:

    All of Creation Based on Math from a Divine Blueprint!!!!
    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Article009B9FEE9000005DC471_634x628

    An extraordinary crop circle based on the 'world's most beautiful maths theorem' has appeared in a field next to a windmill in Wiltshire.
    The complex disc, which measures 300ft across, appeared to the east of Wilton Windmill near Marlborough in a blazing yellow rape seed field.
    It appeared on Saturday just 25miles from another circle that popped up a fortnight ago by the Iron Age hill fort of Old Sarum.

    Lucy Pringle, a renowned crop circle researcher was puzzled by what appears to be a hidden code based on complex numbers within the shape.
    She said: 'I believe it contains binary, a numeral system, or base-2 number system that represents numeric values using two symbols, 0 and 1.
    'Working from the centre outwards, people are suggesting it has a connection to Leonhard Euler's theorem e^(i)pi+1=0 which is thought to be one of the most beautiful theorems in mathematics.'
    She added that it could even contain a hidden tune.
    'Historically over the years, crop circles have been associated with diatonic scales (white notes on the piano),' she said.
    'These diatonic scale frequencies are encoded in each segment of the crop circle and can be played on the piano.
    'This is a unique formation incorporating both music and mathematics and is similar in importance to the famous 2008 Barbury Castle Pi event.'

    Another crop circle expert said everyone can draw their own conclusions from the circles, adding: 'The thing about maths and the circles is that you are dealing with something which isn't an exact science so one person may decode the circles as having diatonic ratios, the other may find meaning in binary numbers or astrological cycles.
    'The only possible explanation which covers all areas would be humans, however this can only be a problematic relationship shared by creaters and researchers since the [UFO] researchers hate the idea that a sense of wonder and optimism is quoshed by the admittance of human involvement.'
    Carved out in a barley field, the Barbury Castle crop circle was a pictorial representation of the first ten digits of Pi, one of the most fundamental symbols in mathematics. The image was an example of what is known as a fractal, or geometric pattern.
    It was solved by astrophysicist Mike Reed who saw a picture of the crop circle and made the mathematical link.
    Crop circle designs have developed from simple circles in the 1970s to pictorial designs in the late 1980s and binary number designers from 2001.

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Article128093009BB2A34000005DC582_3
    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Article128093009BA005D000005DC33_30
    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Article128093009BA0057000005DC952_3
    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Article128093001A39F9E00000578710_3
    Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1280930/Complex-crop-circle-appears-rape-seed-field--does-mean.html#ixzz0owJkVcR4

    Much Love, Sui

    Seductive and Enticing Serafina de Whynot and Xeia SuiGeneris from Na'Vi Pandora!

    The Count is 95/96 and defines the Dragon Law, Now Established in Star-Pentecost.

    59---9669--------DRAGON LAW--------6996---95

    Dragon + Law = 59+36=95 = Excalibur=Scorpio=Neptune= Mathimathia = YAHWHEY = I Am That I Am = Tetragrammaton = I Am That Am I = Pentagrammaton

    1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26+27++28+29+30+31+32+33+34+35+36 = 666 = 22+32+52+72+112+132+172 = Sum of first 7 primes squared = Sum of the first 36 positive integers or Natural Numbers

    The Ee*=1 formulation derives from the following considerations and embodying the Euler Identiy.
    More details as to the binary emergence for this code are found in the Logos Algorihm Paper for MasterConstant generation at: http://thuban.spruz.com/forums/?page=post&id=661ECD3C-9B5F-4836-A63E-BED15BD0BE1C&fid=A85103A7-642E-4D4D-AE2B-14F89C6E9C13

    Platonic idealised quantum geometries crystallise a refined elementary particle structure of the standard model of particle physics in wavequarkian blueprints through an innate pentagonal supersymmetry connecting the microcosm of the quantum realm to the macrocosm of galaxies and their extended structures. Nature's 'sacred architecture' so assumes a powerful identity as the underpinning symmetry for the cosmos.
    This can be said to be embodied in a mathematical statement, known as Euler's Identity:

    e=XY=X+Y= i² =cos(π)+isin(π) = -1

    In the language of fundamental theoretical physics this identity then translates in the following formulations to define a universe of selfcreation in its inital- and boundary conditions:

    E*=kT*=hf*=hc/λ*=m*c²=1/e* for Unity-Condition E*.e*=1

    for lightspeed invariance: (wavespeed=wavelengthxfrequency)

    λ*f* = c = RmaxHo

    with a nodal Hubble-Frequency Ho and a Hubble-Radius Rmax
    and where:

    E*=√{2πGome²/4.alpha.hc.e²} = melectron/(2e.√alpha.mPlanck)

    Fibonacci patterns are seen to manifest a hierarchy of superstrings, which can be observed and measured as Cosmic Ray spectra, linked to monopolic supercurrents of Cosmic Strings seeding the primordial universe.

    Today's mass-parametric universe is found to have a massless precursor, (as gravitational mass transmuting into inertial mass as the origin of the Equivalence Principle in General Relativity), defined in gauge symmetries of magnetocharged 'consciousness' quanta, which pervade a holographic universe as wormholes defining the Heisenberg Zero-Point-Energy metricated background.


    Posts : 977
    Join date : 2010-05-16
    Location : Gaia

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty Crop Circle To Heal The DNA!!!

    Post  SuiGeneris Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:29 am

    Crop Circle To Heal The DNA!!!

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Dnacropcirclepic

    June 27, 2010
    From the Pure Gaia website:

    I went into meditation on this crop circle last night and received amazing information and energies. There is MUCH this crop circle has to share, and it is significant. I connected with the code it has within it. Amazing things happened, much healing. A two way conversation with light beings.

    Universal Stargate map showing the current alignment of the earth to where it is to go for 2012. Gazing at the map one is drawn to highlight – shine light – on where one is still steeped in duality, and thus the light beings of the other galaxy that created this crop circle will commence a healing of your dna with your permission, to repair fragmented dna that occured at the time of the fall, creating an actual feeling of physical separation and loss of unity/oneness consciousness.

    The map builds a bridge back to oneness, through showing you the doorway. This map shows a current doorway, and a particular healing of separation that is much needed right now. There are likely to be more communications with this star group, for they are a significant star group, and I do not feel they have created many if any crop circles before. I kind of almost felt this one being made, as I felt a connection to this area on this day. I cried many tears of recognition, and found the photo offered a deep healing of the body towards the new earth magnetics. Many people are falling ill right now, as the magnetics shift in prep for 2012. The old magnetics of duality are falling away, but the body is not accustomed to the new. It needs to be shown how to do that on a physical level. That has not been done before, but can be done, now, through the help of these light beings.


    Posts : 157
    Join date : 2010-05-23

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty Re: Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!!

    Post  Inanna Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:32 pm

    "Many people are falling ill right now, as the magnetics shift in prep for 2012. The old magnetics of duality are falling away, but the body is not accustomed to the new. It needs to be shown how to do that on a physical level. That has not been done before, but can be done, now, through the help of these light beings."

    i was SO sick yesterday (world spinning so badly i couldn't open my eyes or move my head or walk or eat ..... could only throw-up, sleep, and WISH i were EITHER DEAD or NOT DIZZY.) family wanted to take me to hospital, but i was too sick to let them move me. much better today .... but not yet RIGHT.

    does this sound "normal" for adjusting to "new magnetics?" if so ..... hope i adjust soon as i am too WIMPY to take this much longer. don't have a "death wish," but simply a big baby, i guess. i even startd giving my "death-bed" goodbyes last night cause i was that unsure if i would get better before i "crossed-over."


    Posts : 157
    Join date : 2010-05-23

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty Re: Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!!

    Post  Inanna Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:48 pm

    on the off-chance someone might read this (cant tell since none of my posts seem to be answered anymore), i think my "faux dieing" episode day before yesterday may have at least partially been caused/enhanced by an over-the-counter laxative i'd taken for 6 days straight before this occurred. needless to say, i won't do that again (though the dosage was within the guidelines on back of box). i have a chronic inner-ear condition (have had it for over 20 years) that has gotten much worse in last 3 months ..... have experienced the typical symptoms of dizzyness & nausea every day (instead of say only "periodically"). but i have NEVER experienced anything like what happened day before yesterday (& hope to God i never will again). my sister in North Dakota says that this laxative has exasperated whatever "sick" symptoms she has had before & told me not to take it ever again.

    my feelings are hurt (yes ..... i know that's "Ego") that none of my Thuban family either noticed or seemed to care. when i thought i might die, i gave Shane my "goodbye message" for each of you individually. glad he didn't have to relay them to ya'll.



    Posts : 103
    Join date : 2010-05-17
    Location : The Mirror of the Infinite

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty Re: Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!!

    Post  Allisiam Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:26 pm

    No Nanna, I have not looked at this forum for a few days and did not know you were so ill. I am so sorry you went through that my dear. Yes these changes were all feeling are getting expressed in various ways inside of our bodies, your right about that. You are not alone in your anguish, all of us are feeling physical distress. Please take care of yourself and if you think it could be serious, by all means go to a Doctor.

    I am not sure if your aware of it, but you have been in our skype chat for weeks, how come you do not join us love? Your feeling left out because your leaving yourself out, sign in to skype and chat, we would all love to hear from you baby. I miss chatting with you and the closeness we had. Don't be a stranger :) I love you Nanna, Allisiam heart glitter

    Posts : 794
    Join date : 2010-05-20
    Location : Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty Re: Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!!

    Post  Didymos Sat Jul 03, 2010 8:02 am

    Yes Inanna!

    I share raven's sentiments' we all have suffered various ailments though seemingly not as deeply as you.
    We have included you in the chats and had mentioned you a few times relating to your absence.
    I did suspect that your toothache would have gone worse or that you had personal issues with shane and your family.
    So we all hope to hear from you soon in skype.
    There are about a doxzen people there now 24/7 at various times like an open coffee room or something.
    Love and affinities

    Posts : 977
    Join date : 2010-05-16
    Location : Gaia

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty Re: Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!!

    Post  SuiGeneris Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:46 am

    Inanna wrote:on the off-chance someone might read this (cant tell since none of my posts seem to be answered anymore), i think my "faux dieing" episode day before yesterday may have at least partially been caused/enhanced by an over-the-counter laxative i'd taken for 6 days straight before this occurred. needless to say, i won't do that again (though the dosage was within the guidelines on back of box). i have a chronic inner-ear condition (have had it for over 20 years) that has gotten much worse in last 3 months ..... have experienced the typical symptoms of dizzyness & nausea every day (instead of say only "periodically"). but i have NEVER experienced anything like what happened day before yesterday (& hope to God i never will again). my sister in North Dakota says that this laxative has exasperated whatever "sick" symptoms she has had before & told me not to take it ever again.

    my feelings are hurt (yes ..... i know that's "Ego") that none of my Thuban family either noticed or seemed to care. when i thought i might die, i gave Shane my "goodbye message" for each of you individually. glad he didn't have to relay them to ya'll.



    Nana I'm pretty sure you had an allergic reaction to some chemical on that "medicine" you bought over the counter. When that happens to you, your entire system goes in shock and you indeed feel so strange and horrible that you can't think of anything else except that you want that sensation to stop and go away.
    I'm glad you feel better now! Please don't feel hurt. Focus on bringing happiness to your life and your physical body will thank you too! Ask for healing before dozing off into dreamland and know that you will be helped.

    I love you Nana!! Big hug to you!!!
    hund and caress

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    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty Much Better Now ..... Thank you All for Responing

    Post  Inanna Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:20 pm

    Hey my sisters & brothers--

    Can't write much now, cause it's time for me to start chores for 4th of July meal, but i SO APPRECIATE hearing from each of you. Sui's right about my reported "near death" being a result of the "medicine" i was on for too many days in a row (though not even as many as the package label said was "safe." at least i'm 99% sure that was what made my normal symptoms enhance to the "unbearable" stage several days ago. So, of course, i plan to be MUCH MORE CAREFUL even about over-the-counter meds like that from now on (and will NEVER take that stuff EVER again!)

    Allisiam, Didymos, et al -- my feelings have NOT been hurt about ya'll being on Skype, and if there were more hours in the day, i would DEFINITELY be joining ya'll. i'm not "stubbornly" refusing to come "play" with my beloved family .... there's just SO much to do online (i'm on FaceBook now as well), and remember i share this computer with my 3 "roommates." i continue to feel "behind" in my reading here & Mists ..... and i feel like the quality of stuff in both places is such that it's hard for me to make myself go ANYWHERE ELSE (besides my once-a-day visit to FB) till i've read all ya'lls' BRILLIANT posts here & Mercuriel's, Murdra's & Floyd's posts as well on Mists (and also Xeia's there too). maybe i'm just an "Information Glutton," not sure! admittedly, i was a bit "primed" already to feel hurt, but ONLY cause i'd asked some questions somewhere on here (oh yea ... re: Dan Winter's video) that no one answered. IT'S ALL ABOUT ME, of course!

    Seriously, though, i had started to wonder if maybe Elders was turning into a Post-only site, and then i realized that ya'll were probably having all your questions answered and communication-with-family-needs satisfied thru conversations on Skype. that's probably a much better way, i'm sure. maybe whenever i can afford a microphone (it would definitely be hard trying to "talk" on keyboard to so many), i'll rearrange my online schedule! so, don't worry .... not upset with any of ya'll .... just wanted ya'll to CARE that i thought "my time had come!" i DO miss each of you, but understand that Skype is a more natural way to communicate.

    guess i "lied" at beginning of post about this being "short" LOL! i'm really happy that both Germany and Holland remain in World Cup, and that's ONLY because people i love here & on Mists like those teams. guess it might be a bit "awkward" if those are the 2 teams which end-up in the finals, eh?!?

    I love you each SO VERY MUCH and am glad ya'll haven't "fallen out of love" with me!

    Happy Independence Day to you, Julienne and Rok (?), and to my non-USAian siblings too!

    love always,


    p.s. Tony .... my teeth are much better at the moment, my "bad back" is much better too, Shane & I are fine & dandy, family doing well, and i've felt better the last two days than in a LONG LONG time. thanks for keeping-up-with my various physical ailments! Hope EACH OF YOU are feeling as healthy as possible too!!! love, bobbi

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    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty Re: Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!!

    Post  Didymos Mon Jul 05, 2010 3:45 am

    Nanna StarBaby; it is good that you feel better now.
    This is part of the July 4th center point and from next week onwards many things would have become internally processed by you and yours.
    So healthwise in 3D you should feel more invigorated in your logos family alignments.
    I am unawares of you asking about Dan Winter here on heaven?
    I commented on Dan on cosmosdawn beneath the video itself; if you can find it lol.
    It was some time ago.
    Yes I do use fb to link the pics and videos you can keep track of my posts if you link to me there as friend.

    Its Tony B baby.
    Love you nanna starnanna.....see how supersymmetric this is NANANAN the doubling of NAN around the beginning of the A mirror NAN A NAN!

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    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty Dan Winter

    Post  Inanna Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:13 am


    thanks for responding, tony. i'll try to find your earlier reflections on Dan (i seem to remember them vaguely) .... and will definitely add you as friend on FB too. My specific questions re: Dan are in this same section on the thread Sui started called "The Science of Bliss." i posted my questions the morning of June 30th .... i'm only respondent on that thread.

    Now i have ANOTHER question for you .... have you read the document on "Mists" posted by ET which describes a dramatic experience she had (in 2002, i believe) where she was "transported" in time to the emergency Earth-landing of a spaceship she was on 80 MILLION years ago before there was any but plant life on earth??? FASCINATING account, and i would REALLY like to hear your reflections on it. you can find the PDF file on page 2 of the Abductee thread under the ET section. do you want me to copy the link & post it over here? or what would be the best Method here for me/us to have the benefit of your thoughts about this??

    and one LAST question (only for NOW, of course!) .... can you explain for my "lame brain" what you mean by this?

    "see how supersymmetric this is NANANAN the doubling of NAN around the beginning of the A mirror NAN A NAN!"

    i.e., what is/are the implication(s) of the mirroring concept in this instance? (i'm sure it's just that i don't quite "get" the mirroring concept in general.) can you bring-it-down to my "baby brain" level, Tony?

    muchas gracias, mi amigo!

    much love,
    nanna bobbi

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    Location : Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty Re: Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!!

    Post  Didymos Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:12 am

    Inanna wrote:Tony/Didymos--

    thanks for responding, tony. i'll try to find your earlier reflections on Dan (i seem to remember them vaguely) .... and will definitely add you as friend on FB too. My specific questions re: Dan are in this same section on the thread Sui started called "The Science of Bliss." i posted my questions the morning of June 30th .... i'm only respondent on that thread.

    Now i have ANOTHER question for you .... have you read the document on "Mists" posted by ET which describes a dramatic experience she had (in 2002, i believe) where she was "transported" in time to the emergency Earth-landing of a spaceship she was on 80 MILLION years ago before there was any but plant life on earth??? FASCINATING account, and i would REALLY like to hear your reflections on it. you can find the PDF file on page 2 of the Abductee thread under the ET section. do you want me to copy the link & post it over here? or what would be the best Method here for me/us to have the benefit of your thoughts about this??

    and one LAST question (only for NOW, of course!) .... can you explain for my "lame brain" what you mean by this?

    "see how supersymmetric this is NANANAN the doubling of NAN around the beginning of the A mirror NAN A NAN!"

    i.e., what is/are the implication(s) of the mirroring concept in this instance? (i'm sure it's just that i don't quite "get" the mirroring concept in general.) can you bring-it-down to my "baby brain" level, Tony?

    muchas gracias, mi amigo!

    much love,
    nanna bobbi
    Dear bobbi!

    80 Million years ago rather large dinosaurs were running around in the Cretaceous epoch of the Mesozoic Era upon planet earth.
    First life in its most primitive form (prokaryotes) orginated and evolved on earth about 2 billion years ago and when the emission of oxygen from the seas allowed a terrestrial atmosphere to form which became then enriched in this oxygen.

    Plantlife would so have evolved 'on land' about 1,000 million years ago and not the 80 million years you quoted.

    Yes bobbi, I will answer your query further after I know what ET is talking about. She does not seem to be familiar with the geolological chronology of planet earth and its evolution of lifeforms.

    The supersymmetry of NANANAN is simply perfect reflectivity reading forwarfds and backwards the same.
    The difference in say NAN of three letters to the 7 here simply allows rthe 'sanctification' of the 'seven spirits' or seven foldedness to manifest in the sound vibration.
    Good to hear you are feeling a lot better now,

    Love Tonyblue

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    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty Re: Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!!

    Post  Inanna Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:56 pm


    thank you, tony.

    "She does not seem to be familiar with the geolological chronology of planet earth and its evolution of lifeforms."

    ET DID address this discrepancy very specifically .... she was interviewed by "Watcher," Barry someone .... you may know of him ..... and he questioned her about this more that once. she definitely seems sincere and "aware" to me.

    thanks SO MUCH for checking this out!

    much love,


    this "rendition" of Inanna reminds me of Rosanna Rannadanna (or something like that) ..... one of Gilda Radner's CLASSIC characters as part of ORIGINAL "Saturday Night Live" cast .... are you OLD enough to remember that, Tony?!? Gilda was ALWAYS hysterical! smileopen

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    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! Empty New Crop Circle 18th July 2010 at Woolaston Grange, Gloucestershire, UK

    Post  SuiGeneris Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:02 pm

    New Crop Circle 18th July 2010
    at Woolaston Grange, Gloucestershire, UK !!!

    Crop Circles ~ All About These Beautiful Messages & Their Meanings!!!! WoolastonGrangeNrClapYAresGlouceste