~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

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~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

Dragons of Thuban To Ban The Falseness

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Introspection - Page 4 Empty THE BITCH COMING IN LOUD AND CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post  Lola Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:42 pm


Wow, so much to say...where do I start?

I had no idea that my Introspection Post was going to amount to close to 70 postings and over 1200 views inside of a week!

Or did I...????

Always been controversial...always been the trouble maker...Isn't that right, Tony?

Now, with emotions running deep...it seems like World War 3!!!! My My....Logos induced indeed!!!

I posted something...sincere? you be the judge...Post # 66...

WOW!!!! Tell me, why did you choose Avatar as your metaphor? Why did you choose that movie? Did you not know that this "movie" is "special" and "meaningful" to Rok & Xeia? Surely, you were being intuitive, right? I know Xeia never, NEVER shared any of this with you!!!

Now Rok thinks Xeia and you were conspiring!

Now...Rok is ACCUSING her of being a LIAR and a FRAUD and a FAKE!!! Really Rok...not very nice!!! Is that love? No, not very loving, is it???!!!! Xeia tries to explain and you simply ignore her, cut her off! Wow...Grow up you big baby!!!! Listen, Rok...think long and hard before you make accusations of that nature! About anybody! Liar, Traitor, Fraud, Fake...those are real words, baby...Whereas, I may own those words, Xeia does not...silly boy!

Was that your intention Neo? To make Xeia look like a liar, and a fraud, and shit?

and according to Tony...Xeia and you Neo, are LOVERS...In fact, you and I are LOVERS, Neo...Really, Tony??? Tony you and I must talk!!!!

Are you my soul mate, Neo? Tony seems to think that I see you as my soul mate!!! Wow, really?

Can somebody tell me exactly what the fuck is a soul mate anyway? Because...Hello! No secret...I don't believe in that BS!....

And RAVEN...Wow...Baby!!!

Do you always kiss this much ass? I mean, If you were any further up Tony's ass I may actually be jealous...AHHHHH YESSSS 3D Jealously, LOL

And Poor Insecure, and Naive, Lost little XEIA...Must keep the truth from her...SHE CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH....LOL Really, Raven????

OH and Raven...THIS DREAM OF YOURS....Which is laughable...I mean I don't believe one bit of it...how CONVENIENT...that you just so happen to have this dream...NOW! Wow! Really?

Rok are you listening...."He squeezed me tighter pressing himself into me and was kissing me on the face and neck and shoulders."

Rok...Baby...who you squeezing? Wow...I am laughing so hard right now, I think I am going to cum...really people....BITCH LOLA is actually getting horny...

Fuck you, Raven....and your fucking dream, you kiss ass piece of shit....!

You are going to teach all of us a lesson? Really, Raven? Wow... Tony, you know why I came here, don't you...to this FORUM....I have followed you here, TONY...across space and time...


Tony...this 3d shit is bullshit, ain't it? And I am lost, aren't I? Shadow Flamingo here is living up to it's name....

Tony, now...I may never be your FAVORITE darling....as I see clearly see this is a favoritism war; for approval and validation...

BUT hear me....You MUST restore BALANCE...2015 is creeping up upon us...the path is set, the mission is clear...

The Sleeping One, will awake...

There is NO marriage, NOTHING...NOTHING...as exists here on Earth will be....It will all cease....

CHAOS....MISTRUST, DISORDER, LUST...Will all be released....


You know who Raven is, don't you? and her purpose...

You know who I am, too....don't you?

Tell me, sweet love...of my blindness...or my torment, or my pain and anguish...Who am I?...

Explain my anger and my disgust right now...


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Introspection - Page 4 Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Didymos Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:43 am

No More!

As stated and then when words are assigned to have been spoken, which never were?
Lola, one should read what is said - and in the appropriate contexts - before jumping to the wild conclusions.
Raven is old enough to speak for herself on this matter - all matters, without any input from me.

And to be clear, Sui and Lola and Raven; the label 'Bitch' is a compliment as the Demon Lover Lilith Kali, remember the GoddoG 52 as the DoggoD here, in this context, not made up ones.
There is often found an element of Comedy in the Drama of the unfoldments of the scripts.


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Location : The Mirror of the Infinite

Introspection - Page 4 Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Allisiam Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:35 am

Lola wrote:SO???

Wow, so much to say...where do I start?

I had no idea that my Introspection Post was going to amount to close to 70 postings and over 1200 views inside of a week!

Or did I...????

Always been controversial...always been the trouble maker...Isn't that right, Tony?

Now, with emotions running deep...it seems like World War 3!!!! My My....Logos induced indeed!!!

I posted something...sincere? you be the judge...Post # 66...

WOW!!!! Tell me, why did you choose Avatar as your metaphor? Why did you choose that movie? Did you not know that this "movie" is "special" and "meaningful" to Rok & Xeia? Surely, you were being intuitive, right? I know Xeia never, NEVER shared any of this with you!!!

Now Rok thinks Xeia and you were conspiring!

Now...Rok is ACCUSING her of being a LIAR and a FRAUD and a FAKE!!! Really Rok...not very nice!!! Is that love? No, not very loving, is it???!!!! Xeia tries to explain and you simply ignore her, cut her off! Wow...Grow up you big baby!!!! Listen, Rok...think long and hard before you make accusations of that nature! About anybody! Liar, Traitor, Fraud, Fake...those are real words, baby...Whereas, I may own those words, Xeia does not...silly boy!

Was that your intention Neo? To make Xeia look like a liar, and a fraud, and shit?

and according to Tony...Xeia and you Neo, are LOVERS...In fact, you and I are LOVERS, Neo...Really, Tony??? Tony you and I must talk!!!!

Are you my soul mate, Neo? Tony seems to think that I see you as my soul mate!!! Wow, really?

Can somebody tell me exactly what the fuck is a soul mate anyway? Because...Hello! No secret...I don't believe in that BS!....[/size]

And RAVEN...Wow...Baby!!!

Do you always kiss this much ass? I mean, If you were any further up Tony's ass I may actually be jealous...AHHHHH YESSSS 3D Jealously, LOL

I don't kiss ass Lola, never have and never will. My alligance is to myself and God. Neither am I a follower or a Leader, I simply AM. Jealousy is your problem, not mine.

And Poor Insecure, and Naive, Lost little XEIA...Must keep the truth from her...SHE CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH....LOL Really, Raven????

None of us involved in this have ever kept the truth from Xeia, she knows this. As always it comes out in the open, we hide nothing, so this is complete bullshit. You my dear do not understand where we stand on this. If anything was kept from her by any of us, I assure you it was temporary and in consideration of her feelings.

OH and Raven...THIS DREAM OF YOURS....Which is laughable...I mean I don't believe one bit of it...how CONVENIENT...that you just so happen to have this dream...NOW! Wow! Really?

Really.....no bullshit here or in any of my posts, no hidden agendas, no manipulation, just me being myself Lola and sharing from my heart. I don't give a shit if you believe me or not!! It is not my intention to get you or anyone to believe me. I am simply here, like Tony to share data and my true heart, take it or leave it. The creator knows my intentions and the truth and I don't feel the need to prove myself to anyone but him.

Rok are you listening...."He squeezed me tighter pressing himself into me and was kissing me on the face and neck and shoulders." [/size]

Rok...Baby...who you squeezing? Wow...I am laughing so hard right now, I think I am going to come...really people....BITCH LOLA is actually getting horny...

Contrary to what you and Xeia are thinking here, I did not post this dream to make anyone horny. If you did or didn't get horny, I don't give a shit. If you read the dream in context with the other one and my comments you will see the true intent behind my sharing it. But feel free, as you always do, to read whatever BULLSHIT into it that you so choose.

Fuck you, Raven....and your fucking dream, you kiss ass piece of shit....!

Fuck you very much too Lola......kiss my ass Queen Bitch of the shit mouths!!

You are going to teach all of us a lesson? Really, Raven? Wow... Tony, you know why I came here, don't you...to this FORUM....I have followed you here, TONY...across space and time...

I don't need to teach any of you jack shit, you already know everything, what good would that do me? Tony isn't here to teach anyone either, he is sharing data, WORDS written on a computer screen, found on these pages and many more, take it or leave it. It is your choice to be here and read them or ....NOT.

WE NEED BALANCE! DO YOU HEAR ME...???? ALL YOU PEOPLE...NEED BALANCE!!!! NEED PERSPECTIVE!!!! NEED A FUCKING CLUE.... Listen to yourself Lola, take your own advice here...

Tony...this 3d shit is bullshit, ain't it? And I am lost, aren't I? Shadow Flamingo here is living up to it's name....

Infact it is bullshit Lola, but most people are too blind in there vanity and self absorption to see what a fucked world this is we live in. They would rather gloss their lips and gossip behind each others backs about who is fucking who up the ass, sideways and front.....

36) Jesus said, "Do not be concerned from morning until evening and from evening
until morning about what you will wear."
(56) Jesus said, "Whoever has come to understand the world has found (only) a
corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."

Tony, now...I may never be your FAVORITE darling....as I see clearly see this is a favoritism war; for approval and validation...

Only would a blind person actually believe this horse shit. If you knew anything about Tony and this group of people here, you would understand that we don't pick favorites, we see all as equal and equally valid. Did you just get out of high school Lola? Do you still feel the need to compete with full grown adults because you feel inadequate?

BUT hear me....You MUST restore BALANCE...2015 is creeping up upon us...the path is set, the mission is clear...

The Sleeping One, will awake...

There is NO marriage, NOTHING...NOTHING...as exists here on Earth will be....It will all cease....

CHAOS....MISTRUST, DISORDER, LUST...Will all be released....


You know who Raven is, don't you? and her purpose...

Yes Lola, he knows me perhaps better then anyone on the face of this planet right now, as I know him. Tony sees everyone's truth and falseness, call it a gift from god, and that my dear is no bullshit. But please misconstrue this statement too, as you have all others in your keen ability to read into things only that which you want to see.

You know who I am, too....don't you?

Tell me, sweet love...of my blindness...or my torment, or my pain and anguish...Who am I?...

Explain my anger and my disgust right now...

Oh I think no one needs to go any further here, its pretty evident in the extreme display of drama queenS of which both you and Xeia are masters.


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Introspection - Page 4 Empty Drama Queen Bitch of the Flamingo Clan...Part 2...

Post  Lola Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:32 am

Raven, don't you see that I have already brought balance with a little bit of chaos?

You are a miserable soul, Raven....the name suits you...

Bitter, Angry, Despondent and Defeated...

Love has eluded you...Life has abandoned you...

You are simply a sheep following the heard...

Humble yourself...before "The Creator" and he just might take pity on you...That is IF you even know who this creator is??? Which I doubt, quite emphatically...Tell again what Jesus said, Raven...Where is Jesus in all of this? Where is he hiding? In the Logos, Raven? Is Jesus in the Logos? Is he coming to save you, Raven?

AND Tony...Hear Me...End This Now...With communication, with truth, not conjecture, not cryptic messages, not with hippie songs from a bygone era...

Have you both lost your FIRE, your PASSION, has life beaten you down so much to the point of apathy? I've read your "literature"...Tell me of Maria Magdalena...Tell about the Sacred Feminine and Divinity...and this Whore full of Passion that you simply CANNOT even comprehend or pretend to emulate...

Show me the Devil...show me the raging waters and the fire...You can't...The Dragon has eluded you...but you don't see this...you are useless...powerless...the fire has died out and water has evaporated...and so now you seek the collective in order to simply disappear...

Are you both craving this polymorphic existence because as individuals you are Sum+0?

You are imbeciles...and cowards...

No More, ehh Tony...With rational and logic...Neo has challenged you...And Rok, with validity; Neo has emasculated you...

I asked you to end this Tony...you have failed me...And now I must be cruel in order to be kind...

So sad...We could be talking about the Opera...celestial divinity, mathematics and all that I find true and moving and real...and yet...here I am...backed into a corner by an army of peasants...hell bent on vengeance in the name of yes, JESUS...

I am the devil....I am here to create imbalance, i am here to take you all out of your comfort zone....



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Introspection - Page 4 Empty Re: Introspection

Post  SuiGeneris Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:58 am

Rok wrote:

His last post that includes Avatar material is ...distasteful....it is clear that Xeia somehow told him....either just now...or before in the chats. It includes her view of how do i fit into Avatar...something that i never fully agreed with. I am anything but what Jake Sully represents in the movie as human...etc Neo can not know this by himself. Him using it is a manipulation tactic and not some higher message. I am extremely "lost" after seeing her view of me in Avatar movie in Neo's post....

Please don't do this again. See, here you just included me in yet another one of your "conclusions". You look only at the external, and then accuse... Not all is what it seems Rok... and that is what's "sad... very sad...."

Ready for this?

I told Neo --NOTHING-- about Avatar. Nada. Not now, not in any chat... not ever.

Even if i was ever to talk to him about the subject... i would've not mentioned how I view you. I can't see how you think that i would... and i shake my head in disbelief. If you find yourself extremely "lost" and confused about something i did or didn't do, don't go making definite "conclusions" or go listen to others' speculations... come to me and ASK ME. I wasn't online? You know a million other ways to get to me other than Skype... if you really want to talk to me, you'll find a way.

Avatar is something very personal to me. I don't know how you view it, but this is MY movie Rok... isn't it obvious by my Avatar here? Have you looked at yours? You KNOW it holds a very special place in my heart, and to see that Neo decided to use it in his post "Xeia's style" surprised me too and my jaw dropped... literally. He was using my same style of posting... But why is this such a mystery? Perhaps he pays close attention to detail and sees what is obvious... and perhaps he is also intuitive... he is after all... a Cancer like me.

I really can't see why you find it so distasteful however, since what you say is right: you never really understood and always rejected my vision of how you fit into that character, and you decided to distance yourself from it... "Case Closed"
So, if you don't see yourself in him... if it doesn't apply to you in your own eyes... why get offended? Unless you thought I was intentionally providing him with "cannon fodder" to go against you.. in which case, it is beyond belief...

~It is still very interesting to me how you still cannot see Jake Sully's life as a human, being a soldier and an invalid etc, representing all that what our own lives here on 3D really is... still, i won't discuss it now, but we could, if anyone is interested... There is an entire Forum here on heaven dedicated to Avatar~

> [11:08:00 AM] Tonyblue: Neo is coming out
> [11:08:03 AM] Ishtara Raven: [11:07:26 AM] Rok: is he than he used what she told him....
> [11:07:35 AM] Rok: it is not his logos it is what she told him
How very sure of yourself you are... very assertive... very wrong

> [11:07:40 AM] Rok: and he used it in a very.....
> [11:07:47 AM] Rok: well not further comment needed
> [11:07:49 AM] Rok: thx raven
Thanx for what exactly?... for saying: "Neo used what i told him"?

> [11:07:53 AM] Ishtara Raven: yw
Of course he is... we can see it in your "dream"

> [11:08:13 AM] Tonyblue: he is becoming truthfulelr becasue of MM
> [11:08:40 AM] Ishtara Raven: rok thinks xeia is behind this and this isn't logos its xeia's influence
> [11:09:32 AM] Ishtara Raven: and i don't agree here, even if xeia told neo some things, the logos is doing this
I am not going to say it's not Logos and that it is a coincidence because there are no coincidences. So it must've been Logos, Logos is working on us, all of us who choose to play their part in this story.

> [11:09:45 AM] Tonyblue: yes i feel the energy
Me too...

> [11:10:24 AM] Tonyblue: of course xeia is talking to neo lol
> [11:10:33 AM] Tonyblue: its induced
I don't talk to him as often as Lola does... the last real convo we had was Jan 5th i think, when i was asking him to come clean with Lola. I had no real wish to talk to him then except for her benefit. We did have a brief phone conversation yesterday though, where we were able to establish that we are friends and as friends we will remain; but other than that we didn't touch upon any subject. So, I am open to the possibility that his presence here might be Logos induced yes, and that is part of the reason why it never sat well with me to refuse to talk to him completely. It didn't feel right. Neo was my good friend, and I still consider him as such. He can talk to me about anything, and i feel Lola should not have a problem with this... and neither should you Rok...

> [11:10:45 AM] Tonyblue: Rok dont be emotional here it is fine
> [11:11:19 AM] Tonyblue: Xeia is a bitch like Lola here like 2 girls in highschool remember giggling..
Sometimes perhaps... but we haven't been "giggling" very much lately... not much to "giggle" about... and yet, i know times are a-changing, there is still hope...

> [11:12:15 AM] Tonyblue: rok is honourable but inexperienced
> [11:12:25 AM] Ishtara Raven: yes as neo says
> [11:12:33 AM] Tonyblue: the femme mind
> [11:12:35 AM] Ishtara Raven: this is hard for rok to take, i understand
> [11:13:04 AM] Tonyblue: why rok should stop replying to neo see
Because he is too emotionally "unstable" like me? Because poor Rok cannot take Neo's "fire"?? No i don't agree. On the contrary, Rok is pure fire, I've felt and suffered his wrath for months on end.. He is Lord Hades of The Underworld for God's sakes... I know him better than anyone.. and i know he shouldn't listen to this advise.

Neo's influence may seem "negative"... but again, i feel not all is as it seems on the surface. If he sometimes angers us into oblivion by what he says (myself included), stirs strong emotions...well... What is so wrong with emotions anyway? Water=Emotions. Water is necessary to make a soup. In fact, water NEEDS to boil to make the soup. It is pure Alchemy. Pure Magic.
In this case Rok, the magic does not come from Neo... he is just the catalyst. The magic happens inside us. WE are the Master Alchemists...himself included also of course when we reflect it back to him.

We have to come to the realization that these are just words, or are they? He is not the "enemy" here. I know how this sounds but i am not defending him. And Rok listen to this: There is nothing that he can do or say that will change the way i feel about you. If this "hypothetical love affair" i have with you... as you once called it... is ever to end, it will not be because of a third person. You can now chisel these words onto a Rock... put it in an Ark under 7 locks and throw away the key.

There is no "enemy" except inside perhaps. I am not saying i agree with all of what he said, i don't. We do have differences of opinion in very many things also... What i'm saying here is that i do feel whoever comes into our den and decides to stay, has earned the right to.

I am not here to judge if this new influence i'm facing is positive or negative... i am just going to trust Mother and be open to the possibility that it may actually be part of the plan in the long run... How? i don't know how... i can't know.. That is for Logos to decide...i just feel it.

If i remember correctly it was you Rok who felt that any subject could and should be openly discussed, especially the "controversial" topics... like the "Bad words" thread on Mists remember? It was modded faster than the speed of light, i didn't even get a chance to read your first post. To know other people's opinions and to have an open discussion is one of the main reasons why heaven was created in the first place... When things get personal it IS hard... it is hard for me too... more than you'll ever know, but i feel all this serves a greater purpose... You need to trust me on this one...

> [11:13:07 AM] Ishtara Raven: but i think he will come out of it ok, he will think things through
> [11:13:15 AM] Tonyblue: he normally does
> [11:13:17 AM] Ishtara Raven: i told him this very thing yesterday
> [11:13:29 AM] Tonyblue: good share this with him
> [11:13:30 AM] Ishtara Raven: i said stop talking to him
Think for yourself Rok

> [11:14:46 AM] Tonyblue: neo's natural ego is very potent see
> [11:14:59 AM] Ishtara Raven: hehe yes, extremely
I agree that Neo's natural ego is extremely potent yes... but not more so than Rok's.

> [11:15:07 AM] Tonyblue: people ordinarily don't know how to handle this
Rok is not "people". He is in a whole new different category as I am, and he shouldn't be underestimated.

> [11:15:08 AM] Ishtara Raven: but i always felt he was a bluey anyhow
> [11:15:21 AM] Tonyblue: well sexwise he is yes
Rok is still leading the pack, it's just that he is not Cuban with a big mouth and an in-you-face attitude.

> [11:15:32 AM] Ishtara Raven: i could see his underlying self, he does have some gnosis
> [11:15:37 AM] Ishtara Raven: from before i mean
> [11:15:43 AM] Ishtara Raven: reading through all his ego shit
> [11:15:44 AM] Tonyblue: why this MM stuff is rather interesting now
> [11:16:12 AM] Tonyblue: yes and MM or Gaia will show him from his sexdrive see
Sexdrive? yes, same way it happened with Rok, it will slowly work on Neo...same dynamics, different circumstances... and I'm sure Lola will help him with that... if she wants to that is.

> [11:16:31 AM] Tonyblue: sui and Lola are lost in this
> [11:16:49 AM] Tonyblue: they dont understand the Lust factor neo does
Now somehow i am the same category as Lola. I'm not.

She has her reservations. She may not understand or agree with the lust factor. I do. I can see it.. i can smell it, I can recognize it... in me and in a bluey... This is why i'm not afraid of it. Does this mean i have to have sex with everyone who asks? No, I'll do it with whoever, however and whenever i choose to. I don't have to prove anything to anyone or become promiscuous in order to "fit" into someone's idea of a DragonQueen. I'll make my own brand new definition as i go along. I am too complex to fit anywhere.

> [11:17:06 AM] Ishtara Raven: no they are interpreting from the 3-D jealousys
> [11:17:13 AM] Tonyblue: the Shadow Flamingo
> [11:17:20 AM] Tonyblue: i tried to show this to them
> [11:17:28 AM] Tonyblue: yes
Jealous of who exactly? of each other? Perhaps you are projecting? Oh how dare me even say that...
No, i am not jealous of her and i really don't think Lola is jealous of me. And if she ever was because of Neo or will be, or of Rok (anything is possible), then i'll say it right now for future reference: Lola, don't be a Comemierda! This is me right here. You have a problem? You come talk to me.
I was never jealous because of Neo... if anything i was even encouraging him to be clear and direct with Lola... to talk to her, etc. However i must admit i have felt jealousy concerning Rok...for obvious reasons. Yes, that very beautiful low-chakra-3D feeling that seems to consume you into nothingness... and i survived it. I should write a book one day about Xeia and her emotional adventures in the Realms...

> [11:18:11 AM] Tonyblue: in a way see Neo has 'bewitched' them both Lola and Sui
The exact opposite happened.

> [11:18:24 AM] Tonyblue: BE CAREFUL ROK here
> [11:18:38 AM] Tonyblue: this info is sort of the deeper stuff
> [11:18:44 AM] Tonyblue: you might not be able to process
It is time for everyone here in this den to be open to everything and be faced with everything without the fear of "not being able to process". How can we learn anything if it's not exposed to us and we don't expose ourselves TO it. Deeper stuff? We Thubans are all about the "deeper stuff", otherwise we wouldn't be here. We are courageous enough to handle everything and anything that comes our way. That we will succeed? That's up to each of us and only time will tell... But if not now...when? Time is ending. Thank God!

> [11:18:53 AM] Tonyblue: DONT WORRY
> [11:18:55 AM] Tonyblue: just allow the perspective
> [11:19:13 AM] Tonyblue: BE FREE
> [11:19:16 AM] Tonyblue: in MIND
> [11:19:31 AM] Tonyblue: message to Rok
> [11:19:55 AM] Tonyblue: sharing this with Sui is not advisable as yet
> [11:20:03 AM] Tonyblue: Because she is plying dramas
> [11:20:20 AM] Tonyblue: but when you feel appropriate share it with her by all means
> [11:20:35 AM] Tonyblue: just advise ok?
> [11:21:12 AM] Tonyblue: advice?
> [11:21:33 AM] Ishtara Raven: ok its all pasted over to his chat
> [11:21:46 AM] Tonyblue: I mean to relax him raven
I know you mean well Tony and if anything you want to protect me...
But it's time you know this... I don't "play" dramas... i live my dramas consciously and intensely. I love my dramas because they permit me to learn from them either by placing myself in the eye of the hurricane or by examining my actions and reactions once the storm has passed... I am a leviathan... i may not be able to hold my liquor... but i can hold my water.


But you know what.....partly it is true that me being here in this discussion is "wrong" since i should just let Xeia to actually handle it the way she wants it...this includes ALL her other problems....

I don't know what is the need for you to say this so many times Rok. You need to understand something about me. No matter if you tell me something a thousand times, if i don't wanna do it, i won't. You don't need to "let" me anything. I was born doing what i want. It is nice that you agree to this notion and afford me the freedom to decide, but this doesn't mean you should not tell me what you think. This doesn't mean you shouldn't advise me. This doesn't mean you shouldn't "spank" me even... if i make your blood boil... and "accommodate" as you say... to me and tell me only the things you "think" i can handle, because you might be wrong, and you could be underestimating me then. The worse thing you can do is neglect me, close yourself off and go hide in your "cave".
Now, there is a very thin line between being brutally honest and plain mean to a person... specially when it comes to someone you love and you don't wanna hurt. But this you will only learn by practice. By daily interaction with her. Not by what others tell you, but by what your heart tells you. You being in this discussion... you being here on heaven could never be wrong. This is our home...we made it... and your input is always interesting and fascinating to read... it is important to me, even necessary.

My apologies Neo...

I hope this was a joke. you know me i never get jokes... but if it wasn't, please... never apologize for who you are.

With Love and in Love,

Introspection - Page 4 Xeia177 heart glitter


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Location : The Mirror of the Infinite

Introspection - Page 4 Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Allisiam Fri Jan 14, 2011 6:31 am

Lola wrote:

Raven, don't you see that I have already brought balance with a little bit of chaos?

You are a miserable soul, Raven....the name suits you...

Bitter, Angry, Despondent and Defeated...

Love has eluded you...Life has abandoned you...

You are simply a sheep following the heard...

Humble yourself...before "The Creator" and he just might take pity on you...That is IF you even know who this creator is??? Which I doubt, quite emphatically...Tell again what Jesus said, Raven...Where is Jesus in all of this? Where is he hiding? In the Logos, Raven? Is Jesus in the Logos? Is he coming to save you, Raven?

AND Tony...Hear Me...End This Now...With communication, with truth, not conjecture, not cryptic messages, not with hippie songs from a bygone era...

Have you both lost your FIRE, your PASSION, has life beaten you down so much to the point of apathy? I've read your "literature"...Tell me of Maria Magdalena...Tell about the Sacred Feminine and Divinity...and this Whore full of Passion that you simply CANNOT even comprehend or pretend to emulate...

Show me the Devil...show me the raging waters and the fire...You can't...The Dragon has eluded you...but you don't see this...you are useless...powerless...the fire has died out and water has evaporated...and so now you seek the collective in order to simply disappear...

Are you both craving this polymorphic existence because as individuals you are Sum+0?

You are imbeciles...and cowards...

No More, ehh Tony...With rational and logic...Neo has challenged you...And Rok, with validity; Neo has emasculated you...

I asked you to end this Tony...you have failed me...And now I must be cruel in order to be kind...

So sad...We could be talking about the Opera...celestial divinity, mathematics and all that I find true and moving and real...and yet...here I am...backed into a corner by an army of peasants...hell bent on vengeance in the name of yes, JESUS...

I am the devil....I am here to create imbalance, i am here to take you all out of your comfort zone....




Introspection - Page 4 Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Guest Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:15 am

Lola wrote:

Now...Rok is ACCUSING her of being a LIAR and a FRAUD and a FAKE!!! Really Rok...not very nice!!! Is that love? No, not very loving, is it???!!!! Xeia tries to explain and you simply ignore her, cut her off! Wow...Grow up you big baby!!!! Listen, Rok...think long and hard before you make accusations of that nature! About anybody! Liar, Traitor, Fraud, Fake...those are real words, baby...Whereas, I may own those words, Xeia does not...silly boy!

Listen M... (trying to get used to your name) ... i said she once upon a time, she does not remember....told Neo about it and there are also places on the forum where he can get hints about it. I never said i am ignoring her or calling her fraud or traitor...none of this. I did tell her she lied but not here on the forum and not related to the post in question. .


Introspection - Page 4 Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Guest Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:26 am

SuiGeneris wrote:

Ready for this?

I told Neo --NOTHING-- about Avatar. Nada. Not now, not in any chat... not ever.

Even if i was ever to talk to him about the subject... i would've not mentioned how I view you.

Sorry but it hardly the first time you do not remember anything about either saying something or being told something.... You do know chat logs came in handy more than one time on such...occasions. Not saying you did anything wrong....it is just that it can have a crushing effect to see your thoughts in his post.

SuiGeneris wrote:

I wasn't online? You know a million other ways to get to me other than Skype... if you really want to talk to me, you'll find a way.

I can get a "hint". If you are not there you do not feel like talking...something you also once said yourself (a close approximation) So i do not bug you.

SuiGeneris wrote:
I don't know what is the need for you to say this so many times Rok. You need to understand something about me. No matter if you tell me something a thousand times, if i don't wanna do it, i won't. You don't need to "let" me anything. I was born doing what i want. It is nice that you agree to this notion and afford me the freedom to decide, but this doesn't mean you should not tell me what you think. This doesn't mean you shouldn't advise me. This doesn't mean you shouldn't "spank" me even... if i make your blood boil... and "accommodate" as you say... to me and tell me only the things you "think" i can handle, because you might be wrong, and you could be underestimating me then. The worse thing you can do is neglect me, close yourself off and go hide in your "cave".


I did just that...look what happened.

SuiGeneris wrote:
I hope this was a joke. you know me i never get jokes... but if it wasn't, please... never apologize for who you are.

Yes it was a joke. Still he should go on and without me saying anything about it. Handle it the way you like to. This and all the rest. And do not come all upset to me saying how he "dares to come to my forum and talk to me like that"...etc...calling me clueless when i tell you i do not even read what he writes...and when i try to make him either speak his true self or simply shut up....events "unfold"....

Now if you will all excuse me. I think i shared enough and will now take myself and my ignorance out of this thread so others...all others...can shine their own light in here.


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Introspection - Page 4 Empty Re: Introspection

Post  SuiGeneris Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:41 am

Allisiam wrote:None of us involved in this have ever kept the truth from Xeia, she knows this. As always it comes out in the open, we hide nothing, so this is complete bullshit. You my dear do not understand where we stand on this. If anything was kept from her by any of us, I assure you it was temporary and in consideration of her feelings.

This is true Lola, so much you don't understand it or agree with it, it is true.

Allisiam wrote:Contrary to what you and Xeia are thinking here, I did not post this dream to make anyone horny. If you did or didn't get horny, I don't give a shit. If you read the dream in context with the other one and my comments you will see the true intent behind my sharing it. But feel free, as you always do, to read whatever BULLSHIT into it that you so choose.

Whoa whoa...again? what is this?
Why do you say "you AND Xeia are thinking?" How do you know we think the same thing? Does this go along with the "Xeia told Neo about Avatar" assumption?
I think i made it obvious i didn't like your dream raven...i don't have to like it as you well know. Perhaps i found it distasteful for you to include a "dream" in which you have a sexual encounter with Rok right here right now, right when he is feeling vulnerable n shit...and is mad at me, but hey... that's my problem, and i'm sure it was Logos induced...so fuck it.
BUT, to imply that we are "gangin up on you" somehow IS bullshit. You are noone's victim.
You don't understand Lola... if she doesn't like you she'll tell you in your face.... She doesn't need me for that. She doesn't need me for anything.
She has a mind of her own and can very well come up with a whole load of crap by herself to throw at people's faces if she wishes to. She is one mean bitch i tell you. She is also here... she reads what i write and she can agree with me if she wants, or not.

Allisiam wrote:Infact it is bullshit Lola, but most people are too blind in there vanity and self absorption to see what a fucked world this is we live in. They would rather gloss their lips and gossip behind each others backs about who is fucking who up the ass, sideways and front.....

You see this is the problem right here... you come up with a "conclusion" and then it metastasizes like cancer. Raven, It seems Lola has gotten you so upset that now you feel the need to attack me. Now it is me who has vanity, who is self absorbed, that i am blind and cannot see the things you see, and that i would rather gloss my lips and gossip behind your back.... If you really feel this about me...why didn't you tell me before? And don't tell me "not to hurt my feelings"....I share data yes. I do that with all my friends and it is very different than what you term gossip. I shared non-private information about my family here in Thuban in hopes for Lola to gain further understanding of us and the Logos. What she does with this information is her business. I am not responsible for Lola's emotional outbursts.. i am only responsible for mine.
But don't worry... i didn't take offense at your speculation. The only thing i didn't like was the energy that was directed at me... your intention behind your words. But to be completely honest, it is even true... I do have vanity... I can even be self-absorbed at times, i can also be so blind at times... just ask Rok how it is very hard for me to "see" logic and order sometimes...and of course my lipgloss...Yes I LOVE lipgloss, that is no secret.

Allisiam wrote:[size=16]Oh I think no one needs to go any further here, its pretty evident in the extreme display of drama queenS of which both you and Xeia are masters.

I am a Master Waterbender indeed, a Master DramaQueen...but very much different from Lola. Lola is nasty as hell, but she's also smart and intuitive raven just like you. I didn't even share my dislike of your dream with her other than what i posted here openly on this forum... So you see my dear, you have once again failed in your judgment of me.

Introspection - Page 4 Xeia177 heart glitter

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Introspection - Page 4 Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Neo2012 Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:44 am

"You have shared some true gnosis here Neo!" said, Tony

Well, Tony - I want to thank you for your words, however, that's all I've been doing from the start, i've only changed the method to a simpler version that could connect with the audience. Apperently, previously I was laying it down too thick!

I know at the beginning you said you saw me as a "Great Competitor for the Logos" And, I replied, "You've made me smile!" Because, things where looking murky! lol

And, I know that I must have bored you all tremendously with all my talk of Ego and some of you even question me, in fact, most of you doubt me! And that is acceptable. In fact i've never expected otherwise! And, I still don't!

Beleive me, I am aware that a lot of what we've been discussing is mainly all 3d stuff like jelousy, envy, possessiveness, guilt and the list could go on!

However, their are people here whose minds cannot see beyond 3d, and are not mentally ready to perceive things beyond that which they cannot understand. And, this is also acceptable, for each of us have to undergo our own metamorphisis in our own due time.

Hence, the metaphor of the Matrix - Neo - And, the dream world!

Hence, the discussions of religious dogmas!

Hence, the signs of true gnosis!

Hence, the Ego (as some of you would say, my "favorite" word) lol

[12:56:09 PM] Tonyblue: Raven it is important now NOT to discuss this further

You are right Tony, a lot has been discussed already, perhaps too much! However, as I've stated before, I am a true healer, a medicine man and I sense that their is still a bit more therapy to be administer on this forum, so that true healing can commence!

Rok said, "About MM....i remember Tony stating it is NOT the same for everyone and that he himself does not understand it. He also contradicted himself. He first says Xeia has barriers and than he says it is NOT the same for all and a day before he said he does not understand it himself...yet somehow Tony...you manage to know what it is not? As you said it.... How is that possible if you do not understand what it is?"

Well, Tony clarified by saying,
[12:51:01 PM] Tonyblue: I am saying i dont know the physicality manifesting in the polyamory
[12:51:12 PM] Tonyblue: I am NOT saying i dont know what this is!!!

In simple terms Rok what Tony is trying to tell you is this, we can all see things and know what they are! Huh? What? -

Hold on! Let me explain...As an example, a Lunar Eclipse can be seeing and we know when we see it that its a Lunar Eclipse. However, a Lunar Eclipse that occurs on exactly the same day as a rare conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus, one which will not occur again for another 12 years that's now an event, and can also be seeing, and no one can say that they don't know what it is their seeing, however, learning what that event is telling us, what it signifies, its something to be defined!

Question is, how can we accurately define the meanings of these signs? - The answer is simple, the quest is not! We must learn to read into the knowledge which is available ALL AROUND US.

See, (speaking about me now pay attention) As difficult it maight be for you to comprehend or even accept I am in tune with certain sensitivies which has come natural to me, which I've learned to tap into over the years, and which I use to confirm or deny my "own" astral calculations, that and self-knowledge acquired is how I've learned and continue learning all that i know and want to know and its proven very useful to me in my life. And, trust me, I am not here to make a believer out of you or anyone else. Whether you or anyone here believes in my abilities or consider me a fake is irrelevent and as I've said, hence it is quite acceptable.

And, is this just great intuition of my part as Fumanda claims? -

NEO!!!! WOW!!!! Tell me, why did you choose Avatar as your metaphor? Why did you choose that movie? Did you not know that this "movie" is "special" and "meaningful" to Rok & Xeia? Surely, you were being intuitive, right? I know Xeia never, NEVER shared any of this with you!!!

Rest assured, Xeia and I have NEVER spoken about Avatar, or discussed any meanings therein about the Na'vi or anything at all...she's told me nothing.

Is it that I know how to manipulate words as so cleverly Rok has said? -

Nice Rok, and if you wherent so blind folded i'd might actually agree with you, however, I don't because...I just SEE.

And, Xeia, I know you want to belive that Rok is your soulmate, your Avatar, and he is JakeSully and all...but he isn't! And, that's a hard truth you'll come to realize eventually!

JakeSully is a metaphor that extends beyond your personal views, even your personal feelings! And, that is also something you'll have face in order to experience true awakening!

Rok, it is not Xeia that speaks words to me, nor tony, nor susan, nor fumanda, nor you, nor anyone here to conspire!

No one's imparted with the knowledge I possess except Mother & God himself.

I simply see. I see her. I see you. I see Fumanda. I see Tony. I see me. I see period, am not blind.

So, what is it that I see? hmmm?

Introspection - Page 4 What_a10

Do you see it now?

The seeds of The Sacred Tree (very pure Spirits) which provide us with Signs?

Yes! But is up to us (YOU, Xeia, Tony, Susan, Myself included) to find out what those signs are all about? -

Thus we, then , go to Mother, but for what purpose Rok? Why? Why do we go to her?

Introspection - Page 4 To_lea10

And, how could we learn Rok? -

Introspection - Page 4 Full_c10

Now, do you remember Rok, what i said to you...
Re: Nothing ever happens by itself - post 55

Didn't i say? "Empty your mind, and the Universe will fill your cup!"

What was your response Rok - Do you remember? post 56? -

"See things like you wrote...like this one "Empty your mind, and the Universe will fill your cup! " this empty yada yada is the problem. Since sure...it does sound nice... But writing it is not living or doing it.... You need to express yourself not some "energies"...."

Tell me Rok...what have you expressed? Have you learned anything yet? -

So, now I ask Rok...what is mother (not Neo) saying here? How many posts has been since I told you this? - But, do you listen? -

No, you are stubbon like a child...you are the goat being sprung out of an Elephant, pig headed and stubborn. See..?

Then, you turn around and accuse Xeia of things, accuse me of being a fake!


Because your mind is full that's why! Full of pre-conceived notions, filled with 3d stuff that has clugged your perception of things! The very things you are always talking against! Who are you kidding? or Fooling? -

So, tell me Rok, in the end what is that we are seeking? -

Introspection - Page 4 Tsahik10

To learn the will of our Deity, our God, is it not? Isn't that the reason we go to Mother? -

But, what is the will of our God? - Is it not to teach us his way? -

Introspection - Page 4 Teach_10

But, have you learned? -

No, all your mind sees is in 3d, the very thing you speak off so much, is your prison!

Xeia...and who are you supposed to be in all of this? huh? -

Do you really think is you, "the daughter", teaching him the way? - Hmmm interesting!

Xeia, forgive me for saying this to you, but theirs more to life then just living it by the wit of our emotions! Be mindful of your sensitivities not to be seduced by harmful the charms and promises of this person, which you have from the very outset of you meeting him a year ago! This is been a veritable trap indeed, one that you keep re-living over and over and over again in everyone of your encarnations! If you don't belive me, look at your love life, the, tell me it isn't so? - Constantly falling for the wrong guy! Since, I've known you, its been that way!

In fact, Rok wields a very negative influence in you that is difficult for you to see because you've been seduced, you will only lie to yourself to think you've seduced him...because you haven't! He has prowled on your emotions and sensitivity, and you've fallen to his charms and promises like you have so many times before with other man.

On a more positive note, every day that goes by brings you a step closer to realizing your full potentials.

Well, now...Rok said, Like i told him before in group chat that Neo and MM is not something i agree with. In fact it is like elephant giving birth to a goat....does not compute

He never touches himself or takes a look at himself....he just diverts attention, plays with words...acts all smart pasting Shakespeare...vomits his "clairvoyance", manipulates....and than he is MM? Sorry but no......

Fear not, if you've not yet see, you will Rok.


If you really want to know me...you can just ask! In spite all, am not that egotistic! I have also had to learn humility and humbleness! Haven't we all? -

p.S. TO ALL: I'll soon SHARE "myself" with you all, post some of my own testimonies! More to come, much more!

Last edited by Neo2012 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:52 am; edited 1 time in total

Introspection - Page 4 Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Guest Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:45 am

SuiGeneris wrote:

And Rok listen to this: There is nothing that he can do or say that will change the way i feel about you. If this "hypothetical love affair" i have with you... as you once called it... is ever to end, it will not be because of a third person. You can now chisel these words onto a Rock... put it in an Ark under 7 locks and throw away the key.

It was never about you being "taken over"....was kinda hopping at least you will get that. It was about you going out all emotional in full spectrum...and the rest is known to you....

It was about him shutting his yap. But as i said before.....handle it the way you want it...just do not bring it to me...do not toss (project or something) it on me... (and yes you do that)

SuiGeneris wrote:
She has her reservations. She may not understand or agree with the lust factor. I do. I can see it.. i can smell it, I can recognize it... in me and in a bluey... This is why i'm not afraid of it. Does this mean i have to have sex with everyone who asks? No, I'll do it with whoever, however and whenever i choose to. I don't have to prove anything to anyone or become promiscuous in order to "fit" into someone's idea of a DragonQueen. I'll make my own brand new definition as i go along. I am too complex to fit anywhere.[/color]

He did say to keep the mental allowance and that the actual physical can be "skipped". But o...this is me tell you stuff again...so bad bad Rok...cant even handle himself...


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Introspection - Page 4 Empty Re: Introspection

Post  SuiGeneris Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:01 am

Rok wrote:she once upon a time, she does not remember....told Neo about it
I didn't. I know it's hard to accept... but i didn't. And no, there was never "once upon a time" that i do not remember or have forgotten... i did not mentioned Avatar to Neo. Ever. If someone did, it wasn't me. If somebody has been feeding him information with non honorable intent, it will be known sooner or later.

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Introspection - Page 4 Empty Re: Introspection

Post  SuiGeneris Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:35 am

Rok wrote:

I can get a "hint". If you are not there you do not feel like talking...something you also once said yourself (a close approximation) "So i do not bug you."

Wait so now all of a sudden you are the one who doesn't wanna bother me? 2 days ago i asked i wanted to talk to you. First you said no, then yes and when on the line you told me: "What do you want??" In such a nasty way i never heard before... You were flaming mad at me... but of course you have to come here and say you never crossed the line but were/are close to... is that a threat Rok?
What are you gonna say? take it as you want...bitch!? Might as well...

Rok wrote:I did just that...look what happened.

What has happened?... In my view, this is just starting...

Rok wrote:Yes it was a joke. Still he should go on and without me saying anything about it. Handle it the way you like to. This and all the rest. And do not come all upset to me saying how he "dares to come to my forum and talk to me like that"...etc...calling me clueless when i tell you i do not even read what he writes...and when i try to make him either speak his true self or simply shut up....events "unfold"....

Now if you will all excuse me. I think i shared enough and will now take myself and my ignorance out of this thread so others...all others...can shine their own light in here.
So what if "events unfold"... what are you so afraid of?

You don't want me to "bring things to you"?? Poor Rok you don't want me to drag you into my "Barbie dramas"? I talk to you, i share things with you... I am myself with you, and now you're saying i shouldn't? What are we going to talk to each other about then? The weather? Get real please...

You know what? Neo is right.... YOU DON'T SEE ME!!

I am invisible. Madame Narf needs to be found.... and since I was the one who "found" you, perhaps i AM writing my own Story backwards...


Introspection - Page 4 Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Guest Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:48 am

I said i do not want to voice...not that i do not want to talk.

No one is threatening.

And do whatever you want...i do not live with him...you do...


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Introspection - Page 4 Empty FOR RAVEN...RE: POST # 81!!!!! FOR ALL!!!!!

Post  Lola Fri Jan 14, 2011 6:21 pm

When Tony implied that Raven was more than capable of speaking for herself, I believed him...I was expecting something brilliant...But, alas...

All I get is a Mirror!? (refer to post #81...Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...)

Let me tell you about mirrors, darling...I LOVE MIRRORS!


One (1) in the kitchen...
Three (3) in the dining room...
One (1) in the living room
One (1) in the family room
In all three bathrooms
In my office/den
In all bedrooms
In the foyer
In the hallways
In the staircases to direct positive energy...

And I do this, not just because I follow the I Ching and Feng Shui principles...

I do this because I love looking at myself....I love who I am...I am proud of who I am...I am not afraid to look at myself...I have nothing to hide from myself...

Sometimes I look and I see Lucifera...I love her, I embrace her and her power...she is manipulative, she is cunning, she is sharp, she is selfish, she is self indulgent, she is sexy...

Sometimes I look and I see an Angel...I love her too and all she has accomplished...she is compassionate, she is self-sacrificing, she is mother, she is home...

I am duality...good & evil...
I am beautiful...light green eyes, jet black hair and an flawless complexion...

Look at my posts...Some are down right nasty...Some are inspirational, motivational...I choose who I want to be...

I am unique...I am original...I am an individual...

I have the power to elevate and I have the power to consume you...

I choose...It is called Free Will, darling...Ever heard of it?

I am not here to be liked...

The sheep are asleep...

I am your alarm clock...

This is your wake up call...



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Introspection - Page 4 Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Didymos Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:00 pm

Xeia; I am impressed; like the floodgates have opened for the convergence of March 28th; so has the waterflyer begun to discern the fliers of the air.

(32) Jesus said, "A city being built on a high mountain and fortified cannot fall, nor can it be hidden."
(33) Jesus said, "Preach from your housetops that which you will hear in your ear. For no one lights a lamp and puts it under a bushel, nor does he put it in a hidden place, but rather he sets it on a lampstand so that everyone who enters and leaves will see its light."
(34) Jesus said, "If a blind man leads a blind man, they will both fall into a pit."

Raven; the pillars of Hercules Show The Way to the Straits of the Travellers of Gibraltar; the Altar of the Rock of the Logos as witrnesses of two as the many yet more than two.
(30) Jesus said, "Where there are three gods, they are gods. Where there are two or one, I am with him."
Introspection - Page 4 250px-10Introspection - Page 4 170px-10Introspection - Page 4 100px-11

Lola Mary of the Ankh; the New Lucifera has absorbed the Old Lucifer!
Isaiah 51:9
Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the LORD; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon?
Introspection - Page 4 1worsh11
It can be either Wisdom of the Mother or the foolishness of man to invoke the Words of the Dragon!
Cant thou Remember RaHaB of the Old Infinity of the B=8, transmutating into the RaHaR of the R=666=999 as the Doubled Infinity of the 88, Peace of the Lotus and the Home of the Elements?

Rok WITH Neo:Girdle your Loins and BeCome the One of the Jobs to Do and Know!

Job 38 (King James Version)

Job 38

1Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,
2Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?
3Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.

4Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.
5Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?
6Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;

7When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
8Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb?
9When I made the cloud the garment thereof, and thick darkness a swaddlingband for it,

10And brake up for it my decreed place, and set bars and doors,
11And said, Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further: and here shall thy proud waves be stayed?
12Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know his place;

13That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?
14It is turned as clay to the seal; and they stand as a garment.
15And from the wicked their light is withholden, and the high arm shall be broken.

16Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea? or hast thou walked in the search of the depth?
17Have the gates of death been opened unto thee? or hast thou seen the doors of the shadow of death?
18Hast thou perceived the breadth of the earth? declare if thou knowest it all.

19Where is the way where light dwelleth? and as for darkness, where is the place thereof,
20That thou shouldest take it to the bound thereof, and that thou shouldest know the paths to the house thereof?
21Knowest thou it, because thou wast then born? or because the number of thy days is great?

22Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail,
23Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war?
24By what way is the light parted, which scattereth the east wind upon the earth?

25Who hath divided a watercourse for the overflowing of waters, or a way for the lightning of thunder;
26To cause it to rain on the earth, where no man is; on the wilderness, wherein there is no man;
27To satisfy the desolate and waste ground; and to cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth?

28Hath the rain a father? or who hath begotten the drops of dew?
29Out of whose womb came the ice? and the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendered it?
30The waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen.

31Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?
32Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?
33Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?

34Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, that abundance of waters may cover thee?
35Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go and say unto thee, Here we are?
36Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts? or who hath given understanding to the heart?

37Who can number the clouds in wisdom? or who can stay the bottles of heaven,
38When the dust groweth into hardness, and the clods cleave fast together?
39Wilt thou hunt the prey for the lion? or fill the appetite of the young lions,

40When they couch in their dens, and abide in the covert to lie in wait?
41Who provideth for the raven his food? when his young ones cry unto God, they wander for lack of meat.


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Introspection - Page 4 Empty Para tí...

Post  SuiGeneris Sat Jan 15, 2011 3:55 am

To Love Again...

Introspection - Page 4 FF10_Yuna-and-Tidus


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Introspection - Page 4 Empty Ahhhh....This is refreshing.....Bravo!

Post  Lola Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:52 pm

Ahhhh! Some of us may be in a process of emotional housecleaning. Maybe you're gathering up old beliefs and tossing them out for new ones. Bravo! It's probably an important time to reflect on what you stand for. Clarity should come once you've gotten rid of the internal clutter. Ditch what's not working and start over.


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Introspection - Page 4 Empty Am proud your changing, adapting...

Post  Neo2012 Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:36 am

To Xeia....continued from my last post....

Introspection - Page 4 Daught10

Who does “my daughter” represent? –

She is a guide that mother chooses to teach him the ways.

Does she represent his soul mate or vise versa? – Reality? – No!

But, reality doesn’t sale much on the big screen, nor in life! This is a motion picture that’s been made for an audience whose minds are still plugged to 3d programming.

The plot of Cinderella, Snowhite, and every other Fairy Tale is thus revealed when early in the movie a reference is made indicating that Neytiri is destined to become the next spiritual leader or Tsahik, and whose fate is to marry T’su’tey the next clan leader or successor.

Right there, at that very moment, when I first saw the movie, my mind “hit” pause, and everything unfolded!

T’su’tey has to die, in order for Neytiri and Jake Sully to fulfill their destiny, because Avatar or not, this is Hollywood!

And, that is where Avatar ultimately fails to keep it real, and our 3d ways is quick to perceive Jake Sully and Neytiri as soul mates! A great movie becomes a classic fairy tale! Neytiri falls in love with Jake Sully, who learns the ways of the Na’vi all out of love for the Na’vi and especially for Neytiri!

Xeia, and all the Xeia’s alike with high sensitiveness where immediately seduced.

Now, Rok meets Xeia. And, as Rok stated before in previous post by referring to Xeia as, “I am a Barbie doll; I am fantastic”, and woman or man alike as Toys for one another…

Clearly immediately sizing up Xenia’s sensitiveness as well as vulnerability he proceeded to create his fake Avatar.

Everyone here in this Thuban Family seeing this, yet you’ve all have kept your mouths shot afraid of Rok? Hmmm? Or perhaps, it’s just been way too entertaining for you!

You all had to let this go on for a whole year, enjoying yourselves like fans with unobstructed view to the big screen!


Matthew 22: 24-30

24“Teacher, Moses said, ‘If any man dies without having children, his brother must take his wife in marriage and raise up offspring for his brother.’ 25 Now there were seven brothers with us; and the first married and deceased, and, not having offspring, he left his wife for his brother. 26 It went the same way also with the second and the third, until through all seven. 27 Last of all the woman died. 28 Consequently, in the resurrection, to which of the seven will she be wife? For they all got her.” 29 In reply Jesus said to them: “YOU are mistaken, because YOU know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God; 30 for in the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage, but are as angels in heaven.”

In other words, who’s her soul mate? – For they all got her!?

Hence, the truth is not based on sentimentality, only the dream world is!

We are “free” and there are no exceptions, although we may choose to give that ONE person we fall “in love with” the fullness of our love, loyalty, and devotion there are NO STRINGS ATTACHED! As it is manifested clearly through the process of death! The “strings”, the “attachments” are all an illusion, simply stated “a dream”!

If you divorce, a divorcee has to live a normal life after a divorce, meet other people, and perhaps get re-married. If you die, the survivor has to live a normal life after the death of the beloved marriage mate.

Hence, like Tony said, your soul mate is YOU! (The person in the mirror)
Everyone else are just mates of a temporary nature! A wife, a girlfriend, I would say are merely just an extended and sometimes prolonged state of flirtation, companionship, friendship, having many rewards and mutual benefits, and so on and so forth!

Below is an Example of this 3d programming (soul mates)…

“I don’t understand how you can own somebody!” (Ironic)

“I better find your loving, I better find your heart!”

“And, nothing is going to tear us apart, Am more then just a number!”

I though would like to add there is a humor and a tease in here...that can be seen to you...since it is our private matter...an "inside joke" of a sorts...

SuiGeneris wrote:
And now let's talk Meta shall we?

It is right where it should be... inside the circle... inside the womb. So, since I am the womb and you are the DICK then you are right now inside of me both impregnating me as an individual bluey and as my new Starhuman child to be since you are also within the collective. No wonder you felt the impulse of "projecting" yourself all over my chart.

I did not have that specific thing in my conscious mind, at that time back than, when composing your astro "analysis" but i am now ok with how you see it (remember the chat...)

SuiGeneris wrote:
YeY cheers I like pretty colors and lots of shine and sparkles!

Indeed you do :)

To end it differently than there...and to relate a bit more to Winnie the Pooh...you will understand this since we talked about it already...hoping it will not be used against me....this is now me talking about me....the "back stage" events...

Think positive to be positive...and similar sayings have too many holes for me to get a hold on. It only works (the example i am using) if you believe in it. One has to make the person believe in it...i can do that...so i now where the "scam" is. Some might want to use such a statement and twist it around pointing fingers....but i will get to that part... I do not see my example emotionally. I see in a way that can be compared to a salesman trick. So when you know the trick...the magic is gone.

About pointing fingers...

If i "myself" am the reference point...than i am "perfect" (this is how most people see themselves) but if i take reference point in some other person or some teachings...than there might be some problems. BUT...people lie...most of the time unknowingly...and they lie mostly to themselves... People lie it is a fact of life. If you do not talk to them they can not lie to you and ALSO you can not lie to them.... This is why it is hard for me to trust people. This is also why it can be hard for me to trust myself. The biggest problem is that....i have to trick myself into things...if i am to "cooperate" with me. There is an ongoing conflict of emotional perceptions regarding me...myself...not others...but myself...and a "battle" for balance, objectivity...

Some would now come and say - just trust yourself and be who you are... Yet this is like the before example of "think positive to be positive". Something like various "truisms" and "cold readings" ...manipulation 101....etc

It does not go the same for emotion. Emotion is not exactly a logical process. You either have it and feel it or you do not. The emotional side happens by "itself" (not exactly true) but to not go into the depths of unconscious it can be generalized as such.
Logical side is the "choice" part. The "known" part. Emotion is the "induced" part.

So given all of the above - if i was super sure i am God and perfect....i would be a big old fake. When people forget what means to be humble and dismiss objectivity they loose "perspective". There is no more balance....the emotion takes over. I know you are very emotional and I am not calling you a fake here. Yet you also know that you indeed require reason, that emotion alone can not do it...in fact...you crave for logic or at least you should...you already experience the emotion better than any man can...so perhaps i should crave for emotion as you crave for logic.

My pure emotion will (as in others) justify anything and everything to suit my needs....my pure emotion is as self righteous as it can get... My pure emotion...the most raw form of it... imposes things and demands things for no valid reason. Keeping oneself in check is what i inspire to do and it is also what i can come to admire in others if i recognize this in them.

I would prefer you to think first and react later....to take things more slowly and not rush into then....to consider the outcomes and see the reasons before letting the feelings to come out etc....but i am describing me here in some way...see...same thing as you can do....by describing parts of yourself in general way. in fact....it could be u wish the opposite for me...to surrender more to the emotion...like i would like to see you more in the logic.

With more logic you would benefit yourself in a way that you would no longer get drowned in emotion over some silly things and you would understand me better. So not to abandon your emotions but to see them better.

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