~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

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~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

Dragons of Thuban To Ban The Falseness

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Join date : 2010-10-01

Introspection Empty Introspection

Post  Lola Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:49 am

Xeia, is right about two things in particular which I would like to touch upon now...The first, of course, noting that 2 weeks is simply not enough time to formulate an opinion about someone or even a particular group...Although, I will be the first to admit that I do, indeed, tend to size up people rather quickly...The second aspect I would like to touch upon is this...a lot has changed over the past several years...and perhaps, one of the reasons I am so open to Xeia and her change in perspective is that I too have experienced a change in perspective...Hence, why I am open to and embrace her explorations and alternative points of view...

I too have struggled with certain realities in my own life that have led to questions, uncertainties and a very close, yet tumultuous relationship with God...

I would like to share some of these real experiences with the group in an effort to spark a debate...not gain answers, for I don't trust you will have them...and also to give you all some insight into the person I am, what I believe and stand for, and what questions I deal with on an ongoing basis...

I will also state, for the record, that I am a very secretive and private individual...When I choose to share, I do so on my own terms...and I have chosen to now simply because I have the cover of anonymity and the extra comfort that you are all thousands of miles away...

But...as I believe, everything happens for a reason...I will take a leap of faith and present to you different chapters of my story as a token of my appreciation to your input...

I was born in Cuba in 1971 to a farmer's daughter and a middle class entrepreneur...My father had been a factory owner and mosaic manufacturer up until the Revolution of 1959...After that, my father's company was confiscated by the nomenclatura; he became a worker in his own factory and this indignity led him to form an underground newspaper company in which he blasted the new regime...To his dismay, some of the neighborhood folk outed him for money and he got arrested and tried for treason...As a result he was sent to jail and I was sent to military school...You see, my mother did not want us to appear as dissidents of society; to her understanding, this was the best move to make...It wasn't until 1979 and President Carter, that my father was able to gain political asylum into Spain...I remember the day vividly...as the town folk threw eggs at us as we left our home...Gusanos! They yelled...Worms...we were worms...Free worms, I thought...ready to dig into different soil...

It was in Spain, where my relationship with GOD started...and we didn't get off to a good start...I was placed in a nunnery so that I may learn about God and Catholicism and everything else my parents thought was lacking in me as a child at the age of 10. I remember asking a lot of questions; the nuns were always irritated with me...they hit other obstinate children but never I...I quite didn't understand how or why my insolence was tolerated...until one night I found out, what it was they sensed about me...Father Eugenio was dying...

I ran to his room; I had felt so bad because he had been kind and tolerant of me...he had been patient...Now he lay dying and I felt alone and disposable. At first, the nuns would not let me into his room but I guess I was crying so uncontrollably that they just gave up and let me in...I saw him and a feeling of peace came over me...and out of nowhere, I commanded that all the window curtains be opened...The angels are here! I said...They will bring you peace and you will rest, I said...Do not cry, respect him, and wish him safe journey...

Just like that, he was gone...One of the nuns came over to me and said: child, what did you see? I saw nothing, but I know he is well and death was here and it is nothing to be afraid of...

Well...Let's just say the relationship between me and the nuns was somewhat strained after that but this was of no consequence...Shortly thereafter, my father and mother decided they would leave to the United States...Another chapter was about to be written...

I was 13 and on the way to an amusement park...My uncle was driving and my cousins where there with me when we were hit by a truck...The car spun, and my uncle died instantly...my cousins died in the hospital...I, one the other hand, fell into a coma which lasted almost 6 months...during this time, I developed an infection in the femur...Upon awakening from the coma doctors operated but the infection had taken hold and destroyed the bone which was simply removed...What was left now what a 12 inch scar and many questions...Many months of rehabilitation followed as I was not supposed to walk again...but, I eventually did...with a limp that is...

Why did the others die? Why am I here? Why did you let me live? Why did you make me this way? I was angry with God...I demanded answers...that only led to more questions...It became obvious to me that GOD wanted me here but he wanted me scared why? Was this GOD's sick sense of humor or did he simply want to teach me a lesson about arrogance and vanity?

As the years went by, I became very engrossed in issues of life and death, the afterlife, etc...I was blessed to have friends who would teach me or welcome me into their particular faith in an effort to help me find the answers I sought...I was also blessed with wonderful partners, lovers to never focused on my so-called handicap but me as a person and what I had to offer...Inhibitions, sure there were many...but I eventually overcame them...

Fast forward to 1991-92...I had gone to Spain to study languages and translation...I was in the court yard when a blind student approached me...I helped him find a seat and he asked to meet me...which meant he needed to feel the contours of my face...You are beautiful, he said...Your facial features are well defined and acute...but you feel ugly, don't you? I didn't argue...I simply went along, as I felt he knew something that I didn't even know about myself...I walk with a limp, I said...had an accident...I am blind, he said...I was born that way...Tell me, I said...why does GOD make you imperfect? Because he wants you to focus...because you are special and he wants you to concentrate on your job! Well, what is my job? Come with me into the library, he said...There is something I would like to show you...We walked across the courtyard into the cold building echoing with hundreds of years of history...He pulled out a Geography book and pointed to Mesopotamia...and said...You're job is here...Learn different tongues and walk with a slow gait...God wanted you to slow down...There is much he wants you to learn and he wants you to pay attention...

I didn't understand what Gustavo said but I looked for him again...as I was intrigued by his words and taken by his kindness...I asked around with my peers but nothing...even the registrar's office had never heard of him...No record of him at the University of Salamanca...I felt alone...

It is now 1993...I had been awarded a foreign language scholarship and an opportunity to study economics at the University of Jerusalem...My mother had begged that I call her each day...to make sure you are alive, she would say...Funny, I never felt, unsafe...and I never felt alone... A few unexplained events happened here as well...I will share those here...

I was working in the American Embassy in Tel Aviv...The bus I would take from my apartment in Haifa to work was blown up one sunny day...this made global headline news...But, I didn't take the bus to work that day...I had worked until 11 PM the night before and felt fatigued...Bodies fell unto porches on the main boulevard...the scene was horrific...but I was alive...I ran to a close by Egyptian Coptic Church, one of the last remaining in Israel....and I prayed...Rather I argued with God again...What do you want from me, I kept asking...You keep me from dying...yet you bring me close to death? Why? The Coptic church smelled of incense and stone...a preacher in a black robe and a cross tattooed in hand came close...He wondered why I was crying...Because I don't know why God wants me here, I said...Because I don't know what my purpose is...Ahhh, he said...the eternal question...I felt he was mocking me...I became angry and frustrated...I hated him at that moment...So, I fired back!!! What is your purpose, I said bluntly...Are you not aware you are going to die and soon? This frightened him...But yes, I did...I really did feel he was about to die! And in anger, in desperation, I blurted it out...But I was too self absorbed at the moment and simply watched him walk away and retreated into my own self pity...

More happened in Israel...more experiences...that I will keep to myself for now...because I want to talk to you about Turkey...

I was on vacation with a friend, yes a friend who took a liking to me but I did not reciprocate...We were walking in the souk or town market...A women approached me and called me a whore...She disliked my hair undone and exposed...She approached me and spat at my face...a man, another man...approached me in horror...and knelt...She speaks Ladino, he said...she claims you are the Devil...As if by instinct I approached the meat stand and asked for a knife...My friend watched in horror as I chopped off a piece of hair and walked to offer if to this distraught woman...I spoke and in Arabic I told her...I am sorry, I mean no disrespect, here...take my hair...do not be afraid....My friend Marc thought I was just as crazy as this woman...I told him no, that she was in pain...After I gave her a bit of my hair she smiled...Mark and I walked about our business but the old man followed me and said...You are not alone, the angels, they protect you! Thank You, I said...cried a little and walked away...

I escaped a sniper in Lebanon...I had a stranger offer me shelter in the Sahara...

I am at peace only when I help others...I am frustrated and misunderstood...I am jealous, commanding, nurturing...I can see death, understand it, know when it is imminent...I am passionate about reading but believe nothing...I love you but I do not trust you...I often feel I can heal you but am more satisfied destroying you...I believe God is with me, but why? I believe he has a purpose for me, but what? I believe there is a path I must follow but, how?

I see what eludes others, I understand things that confuse others...I hide behind my children because they are the only pure beings on this Earth that even if I feel misunderstood, accept me anyway...

As for men, I believe a man must make love to the mind, before he makes love to the woman...Just think...God has made me multi-orgasmic and yet I don't care for sex...In other words, I can have sex with a man and not love him...I can love a man and not have sex with him...I don't care either way...I want a man to intrigue me, to engage my curiosity, to understand my troubled mind...I don't want a man to tell me that I am beautiful...Though flattering, this too is not needed...

What I want is answers, what I seek is truth... in a man, I want loyalty and devotion and what I want is trust even though I can't trust you in return...

So, here is my story...one of dejection as I don't believe I belong here...but am stuck here...why or for how long is what I am trying to find out...



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Introspection Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Didymos Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:21 am

Introspection Astrol11

Introspection Lolaal10

Although you cant relinquish your inner fears of The Love of the Cosmos, God and the Logos; you might be able to discern the loves of the angeldemons you are hosting.

This is a template of the symbolic language they can use in unison and this, like your fingerprints or your dexoribonucleic acidity describes your 'contract' of 'Being here'.


PS.: Should you check the news of New Years Day, you will find that the angeldemons sent you a powerful message; one which you, as is common occurrence, failed to notice.

In Alexandria, Egypt; a Coptic Church was attacked by terrorists/suicide bombers, killing 21 people (so far) and wounding many more. It represented a symbol as to the Islam-Christianity religious animosity.
The intelligences you host, are able to interpret the meaning of this.
"Alexandra, the old orders of the religions are passe. Do not linger and empower them through your insecurities.
There is no longer safety in the belief of manmade gods and devils.
Look around sweet love and begin to recognise, that your pains of the past are destined to be the seeds of your future, from whom you can grow like the mustard seed of the Logos and blossom like the Lotus of the Shalom, home of all of the elements, from the east.
As the sun rises in the east and shines also onto the west, so shall your return into remembrance be - if you would allow it."

Last edited by Didymos on Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:04 am; edited 3 times in total

Posts : 65
Join date : 2010-10-01

Introspection Empty Clarification...

Post  Lola Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:03 pm

Tony, I am so glad and thankful you took the time to complete my chart...

But I can't even pretend to understand it...

Can you please elaborate? I am curious to see what this all means and how I can apply it...or am I doomed to my fate...

Thank You again for your time and diligence...


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Join date : 2010-10-14
Location : Mid Atlantic Ridge

Introspection Empty Re: Introspection

Post  4Rivers Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:04 am

Alexandra, the title you chose is rather appropriate - "Introspection" -
"Frustration" would have worked just as well. Your trying to find something that is not yet here... in steady state.
But 'here' is not inside your head... 'here' is the real/illusion world in solid form, the Matrix if you will.

You are in a contradiction, a contrast of opposites... how can you ever come to terms or have peace of mind
in such a state? However though, it has become a comfort zone... a shield to protect yourself from (more) pain.
If only the 'oustide' world could hear your cries for help, and just for once, could there be anyone still real
out there that is not trying to play you/me, and the rest of the crowded stage of the Matrix.

I feel your frustration... I think 'we here' of like 'mind' are all in similar frustration levels, as we
find the vibrations 'here' rather thick and heavy with players of the negative kind. Not much hope to rescue
when false love, integrity, and feelings are used as trump cards in the passion play for dominance over another soul.
It's all very fleeting... and you get burned, and you get hurt, and you struggle... and your on your own once again.

But deep inside you... you 'know' the flame is there. You are... 'just' in your cause, and for long you struggle,
and forever you win. It is only time that measures. You 'know' you are not alone, but this 'time' it is dark and
the others of resonance are few and far between, if at all in your life.

You will find this other half or resonance in 'time', as him/her are there for you to find.
You are here for you, and you are here for me, and we are 'here' for all of us. The purpose is 'your' sense of
purpose, and 'my' sense of purpose, in the 'all in all' to forge a new reality of truth from the heart...
make it so for you, and for me, for all of us to see... the masters of destiny.

Dear Lola
lolaphoenix alexandra, what a beautiful name

(lola, i allowed me to focus on y write, t'is so sweet)+ our ASC are only 10° or so apart and y WOW¨!11.11 merkur triple . only 10° from my sat/sun konj-cramp

…do y have a hard time believing y inner riches are there?
an your sat opp neptun the outSPacer + marginally this beautiful triple………saturn hits us on the back until we understand…… but the hits get softer with the time lol(a)

as – for me, i'm 53 now……1. in second round tzolkien
{in the first round not so much was actually possible for me,, – as all seemed blocked out, shadowed sunlight.
as tonilosus said: The purpose is 'your' sense of purpose, and 'my' sense of purpose, in the 'all in all' to forge a new reality of truth from the heart...

do you have a firm and mind-settling daily focussing-practise, lola ?

……Because he wants you to focus...because you are special and he wants you to concentrate on your job God wanted you to slow down I fired back!!! What is your purpose, I said bluntly……… You are not alone, the angels, they protect you! ……and they make us feel their love, when we serve our fellow kin, like they do……children because they are the only pure beings on this Earth that even if I feel misunderstood, accept me anyway...

As for men, I believe a man must make love to the (same woman's? or to his own lol} 'smind, before he makes love to the woman...
Just think...God has made me multi-orgasmic and yet I don't care ………lol

in lakech reimar will do this again on thuban does not work with pics here

i'd be thrilled about your tzolkinKIN, i'm a cosmic night, in the longcount 6wind or so

Last edited by cosmicnight13 on Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:40 am; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 73
Join date : 2010-10-01

Introspection Empty It is the question that drives us....

Post  Neo2012 Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:01 pm

~The Eternal Question~

What is my purpose in life? And, what happens when we die?

Aristotle believed in the soul as the essential function of the body. He believed that the soul is the activity of the body, and as such it cannot be immortal. Once the body died, all activity (its soul) died too.

, and Plato (Plato who was a student of Socrates) both believed in the soul and they thought of it as some sort of ghostly occupant of the body. In other words, the body dies, but the soul does not! This belief is known as the immortality of the soul and they often spoke about the afterlife. Thus, Socrates said that the soul has reason, will, and desires united in virtuous harmony.

Hence, according to Socrates and Plato’s philosophy, the soul is the agent responsible for the thoughts and actions of an individual to which they are ascribed.

Interestingly, Socrates also said that wisdom is knowledge about the “Good” or the “right relations between all that exists”.

in modern times, Lao Tzu, said “Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing self is enlightment. Mastering others require force. Mastering the self requires strength”. In addition, Adi Shankaracharya said, “Self-knowledge” alone is the means to the highest bliss.”

However, what is the self? According to Western Philosophy, the self (similar to the soul) is the true agent ultimately responsible for the thoughts and actions of an individual to which they are ascribed once enlightment is achieved.

In addition, unlike Socrates description of the soul, which he said to have reason, will, and desire, the self is considered to be unaware, and unconscious of its own true nature.

This is mainly because the personality of the Ego, which is associated with the mind, according to psychologists, it (the ego) compulsively continues to think, making it difficult for the self to acquire self-knowledge of its own true nature, which is needed in order to become experienced and enacted in the world. Thus, in order to reach “nirvana” the Ego must be dissolved!

Others believe, that it is our “consciousness” the responsible agent for our thoughts and actions rather then some ghost occupying our body or an unaware self waiting for self-knowledge.

In short, the world has seen its share of “thinkers”, and “idealist” all pondering upon the same questions! Great thinkers like Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Descartes, Locke, David Hume, William James, Kant, Hegal, Althusser, Foucault, Bourdieu, Thomas Nagel, and psychologists like Marx and Fred.

Ideologies, and theories have shaped the minds of every human being in the world!

People look everywhere for answers, from science and evolution theories, to the cosmic universe, to God and spiritualism.

Darwinian evolution vs. Christianity vs. Mystical and Easter Traditions vs. German Idealisms vs. Western Philosophies vs. Mayan ideologies vs. Aliens vs. Scientology vs. The Love of the Cosmos, and the Logos many leading to confusion and obscurity and a feeling of being unfulfilled.

Ergo the most important and relevant question becomes the most less asked…

What is the truth? And, how do I find the truth?

Our own Discernment is the key, rather then simply following what others believe, Why not simply just put things to the test?

Taking the 1st step...

The acquisition of Knowledge.

Learning the “why” of things rather then following someone’s instructions!

Discerning, “Why” is power!

Why was your life spared?
Was it an act of intervention or a product of mathematical equation?
Why are some children born blind, or disabled, while others are born healthy? Why do some die young and others live to be a 100?
Is there a purpose for a child to develop leukemia vs. other children that doesn’t? Or for any child to be born any other way but "normal" and "healthy"?

Are those who aren't more special, more gifted, more significant?
Where are "their" guardian angels?

What does their natal chart say? - Oh shit, you are fucked!

I guess, perhaps, if everyone only read their horoscope, maybe people could prevent being struck by a drunk driver and seeing their relatives die before their eyes or themselves become disabled...hmmm

Or perhaps, there is just the law of mathematics, probabilities, and sooner or later we al become victims of statistics. Similar to some sort of universal lottery, which says, “oops we’ve got a winner here!”, “your time is up”, and with the flick of a finger, we are all dead man...eventually!

Their is one universal alternate reality and that is that we believe only what we want to believe, and that much is true, but the truth, the real truth does exist, and is out there, and it is looking at us, and it is coming for us, all of us whether we are able to discern it or not.

"Death smiles at all of us, all we can do is smile back" - Gladiator

Kiss, Kiss, Adiu my friends!

Last edited by Neo2012 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:32 am; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 103
Join date : 2010-05-17
Location : The Mirror of the Infinite

Introspection Empty For Neo

Post  Allisiam Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:47 pm

Quotes from Carlos Castanadapedia.....like wiki these COPY PASTES do contain pieces of truth in our perennial search for the Why in Whynot...

Words spoken by the Sorcerer Don Juan Matus to Carlos:

If you really want to learn, you have to remodel most of your
behavior. You take yourself too seriously. You are too damn important
in your own mind. That must be changed! You are so goddamn important
that you feel justified to be annoyed with everything. You're so damn
important that you can afford to leave if things don't go your way. I
suppose you think that shows you have character. That's nonsense!
You're weak, and conceited! In the course of your life you have not
ever finished anything because of that sense of disproportionate
importance that you attach to yourself.

Self-importance is another thing that must be dropped, just like
personal history. The world around us is very mysterious. It doesn't
yield its secrets easily. Now we are concerned with losing
self-importance. As long as you feel that you are the most important
thing in the world you cannot really appreciate the world around you.
You are like a horse with blinders, all you see is yourself apart
from everything else.

To help you lose self-importance talk to little plants. It doesn't
matter what you say to a plant, what's important is the feeling of
liking it, and treating it as an equal.

You have to be aware of the uselessness of your self-importance and
of your personal history.

Your death can give you a little warning, it always comes as a chill.
Death is our eternal companion, it is always to our left, at an arm's

How can anyone feel so important when we know that death is stalking
us. The thing to do when you're impatient is to turn to your left and
ask advice from your death. An immense amount of pettiness is dropped
if your death makes a gesture to you, or if you catch a glimpse of
it, or if you just have the feeling that your companion is there
watching you.

The issue of our death is never pressed far enough. Death is the only
wise adviser that we have. Whenever you feel, as you always do, that
everything is going wrong and you're about to be annihilated, turn to
your death and ask if that is so. Your death will tell you that
you're wrong; that nothing really matters outside its touch. Your
death will tell you, "I haven't touched you yet."

One of us here has to change, and fast. One of us here has to learn
again that death is the hunter, and that it is always to one's left.
One of us here has to ask deaths advice and drop the cursed pettiness
that belongs to men that live their lives as if death will never tap

Think of your death now. It is at arm's length. It may tap you any
moment, so really you have no time for crappy thoughts and moods.
None of us have time for that. The only thing that counts is action,
acting instead of talking.

We are all going to die. There is something out there waiting for me,
for sure; and I will join it, also for sure. Use it. Focus your
attention on the link between you and your death, without remorse or
sadness or worrying. Focus your attention on the fact you don't have
time and let your acts flow accordingly. Let each of your acts be
your last battle on earth. Only under those conditions will your acts
have their rightful power. Otherwise they will be, for as long as you
live, the acts of a timid man. There is no time for timidity, simply
because timidity makes you cling to something that exists only in
your thoughts. It soothes you while everything is at a lull, but then
the awesome, mysterious world will open its mouth for you, as it will
open for every one of us, and then you will realize that your sure
ways were not sure at all. Being timid prevents us from examining and
exploiting our lot as men.

Posts : 65
Join date : 2010-10-01

Introspection Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Lola Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:56 am

It is strange that modesty is the rule for women when what they most value in men is boldness.

Introspection Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Guest Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:20 am

Alexandra wrote:It is strange that modesty is the rule for women when what they most value in men is boldness.

Ninon de Lenclos?

How about: it is strange that any woman would let herself "undergo" such crap

Do you think thoughts/proverbs..etc of others can make you what you are?

About your chart...I told you Tony gave the raw basics about it in the chat you also are a part of...you would only have to search a day back at that time...and find his comments on it....

I do not remember everything clearly...but it would seem that, given his comments on your chart, u should do a 180 in your ways or go "insane"...could be i am being a little "dramatic" here.


Posts : 65
Join date : 2010-10-01

Introspection Empty For Rok...

Post  Lola Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:07 pm

My My...Somebody is sure grouchy today!

When I made that comment, my dear Rok, I was simply trying to diffuse what I already felt was about to turn into a highly negative and judgmental conversation with a very undesirable and accusatory tone...

I can see we have a multitude of fascinating personalities in this here forum...Somehow I don't think we would be the kind of group that would get together for tea or even a few cocktails at the local pub.

As for your comment/suggestion rather that I make a 180 shift lest I go "insane"...What ever happened to universal love, cosmic love, acceptance, etc...Guess I wouldn't be part of your orgies, now would I?

As for insane...well that all depends on your definition of sanity...

Sweetheart, I believe that we all have our version of our vision and therefore we cannot impose our views on others...I believe that our life experiences shape our belief system...

Why are you angry? Why are you in pain? My little drama boy....

Posts : 73
Join date : 2010-10-01

Introspection Empty Cheers to Self-Importance!!!!

Post  Neo2012 Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:52 pm


“Thankfully, because I know that whom I am, and whom I am not, I am free!”

That is my own quote - Live it, learn it, inhale it, and exhale it...

Yes, my Dear....

I live in the light of enchantments! And, I am not affected by Sorcery!

On the contrary I am light! I am a Sorcerer myself, and a powerful one I am!

You quoted the Sorcerer Don Juan Matus who said to Carlos:

“You are too damn important in your own mind”
“Self-importance is another thing that must be dropped, just like personal history.”
“The world around us is very mysterious”.
“As long as you feel that you are the most important thing in the world you cannot really appreciate the world around you”.
“To help you lose self-importance talk to little plants…what’s important is the feeling of liking it, and treating it as an equal.”

Now here is my Answer:

You are damn right Skippy! I am too damn important!

But not just in my own mind Skipper, I am too damn important to my sons, daughters, mother, father, brothers, sisters, family, friends and foes!

The world around us isn’t mysterious; rather we are the world!

We only find mystery in all that we cannot understand, or properly perceive, or discern!

To appreciate the world around you, you must begin appreciating yourself! Love your self!

Indulge in self-importance, because you are an important element, we all are!

Do not lose your self-importance! If so, you would not be talking to the plant, you’d be committing suicide!

Its simple really, and its called “INTERDEPENDCY”….

We are all intimately connected, to other parts and to the whole! I exhale carbon monoxide and you inhale it, you exhale oxygen, and I inhale it! Talk to the plant? I am the plant, and the plant is I.

When I lose my self-importance, I destroy all that I am. I destroy the trees, I contaminate the air, I destroy the ozone layers, I hunt other species to their point of extinction, because…

If I have no self-importance, what on earth is going to make all these other things appear so important as to actually give a fuck about them? Hmmm

It is because of interdependency that we all have a high degree of self-worth as well as self-importance!

And, when we understand that a change in any one-element causes changes in the others, such often comes at a high price! Stupidity of our part perhaps, or perhaps just bad programming? -

Or maybe, its just bad propaganda, maybe because false sorcerers like Don Juan Matus here (although well intended of course) they often like to talk a lot of crap they typically call mysteries, because, they have no clue whatsoever about who it is they are, and/or their place in the world, little less knowledge of the world! (no pun intended) But not everything that shines is gold, and not everything that sounds pretty is true!

Give yourself self-importance my friend! Because, you are important!

Having a clear sense of self-importance and being self-absorbed are two different things, my dear. (something perhaps Don may not be undestanding either) lol

Very Important! (Pay attention) - A change will lead to other changes, but regardless of what changes are introduced, other changes result.

“Be water my friend” - Bruce Lee once said.

Not bad, Bruce! But, I say, be earth, be wind, be water and be fire! Know thyself!

We are the plants, the animals, the sky, and space. We are gravity, and time. We are life and extinction! And, yet we are a spec of dust as well!

Our thoughts combined with our actions can be as powerful, if not more powerful then the massive amount of energy it takes for a Star to go Supernova! Thus, we can create a dark hole so powerful, not only consuming ourselves in it, also the entire planet!

Last edited by Admin on Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:53 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : added text)

Introspection Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Guest Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:56 pm

Alexandra wrote:My My...Somebody is sure grouchy today!

When I made that comment, my dear Rok, I was simply trying to diffuse what I already felt was about to turn into a highly negative and judgmental conversation with a very undesirable and accusatory tone...

I just stood up for women. Did not know that is a bad thing. Will wait for some day that women stand up for themselves...without turning into man hating feminists. (no i am not calling you a feminist)

Alexandra wrote:
I can see we have a multitude of fascinating personalities in this here forum...Somehow I don't think we would be the kind of group that would get together for tea or even a few cocktails at the local pub.

As for your comment/suggestion rather that I make a 180 shift lest I go "insane"...What ever happened to universal love, cosmic love, acceptance, etc...Guess I wouldn't be part of your orgies, now would I?

My orgies? Never had one. Do not plan one. Thought about one? Sure i did...

Going to a pub with you Fumanda? I would like that....it would be a "fiery" situation...

Alexandra wrote:
As for insane...well that all depends on your definition of sanity...

Sweetheart, I believe that we all have our version of our vision and therefore we cannot impose our views on others...I believe that our life experiences shape our belief system...

I am insane. Does it not show?

No further comment needed.

Alexandra wrote:
Why are you angry? Why are you in pain? My little drama boy.... [/size]

Someone has the "inside info". Do you remember...20 years ago Fumanda...when you were still young and that....do you know how fire burns? The Flames Fumanda....

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Introspection Empty Bravo!!

Post  Allisiam Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:09 pm

Bravo Neo!!!
*and the crowd goes wild*

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Introspection Empty Bravo? - Why Thank you, It is the thought that counts, I suppose! :)

Post  Neo2012 Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:57 pm

Also, for Allisiam and others:

Re: Words spoken by the Sorcerer Don Juan Matus to Carlos:

“Your death can give you a little warning; it always comes as a chill. Death is our eternal companion, it is always to our left, at an arm’s length.”

“How can anyone feel so important when we know that death is stalking us?”

Here is my Answer Part 2:

Dearest Allisiam,

Death is a reality. It’s no fable, and it is certainly no illusion. And, while it remains decidedly the most grief-inducing element within the experience of our human family we must not live in fear of it! And, certainly not think of it as something that’s stalking us! In fact, we should focus on what truly matters most, “now”, this moment, for if you are reading this, and I am writing this, we are indeed alive!

But since Death is such a big deal that we are all sooooo afraid…well, let’s talk about it!

Let’s begin with the Origin of Death! Everything has a beginning…. let’s dig deep! Ready?

Please take note; there will be a Quiz on this much later…

As for the death’s origin, the Hindu Rig-Veda (one of the four canonical Vedas) depicts Yama as the first man to die. The Rig-Veda implies that Yama is another name for the first man, and that he had a twin sister, Yami, who was the first woman.

(The Sanskrit) are a large body of texts originating in ancient India. Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism]

We read: “Remembering the earth and days to follow, obtain a son, the issue of his father. Yes, this the Immortals seek of thee with longing, progeny of the sole existing mortal.” (RV. 10. 1. 3)

The Rig-Veda thus depicts Yama (This is the name of the Hindu God of Death, also regarded as the first mortal being or in other words, the first person to die) as “the sole existing mortal,” hence, the first man, and that it was Heaven’s will for him to beget offspring for the sake of “earth and days to follow.”

Regarding the introduction of death to humanity, the Rid-Veda says:

“He [Yama], for God’s sake, chose death to be his portion. He chose not, for men’s good a life eternal.” (RV. 10. 13. 4)

Interestingly, Yama means “cessation” or “restrainer”. A fitting meaning for the one reputed to have brought cessation and/or restrain to eternal life on earth.

These Rig-Veda quotations seem to recall memories of the Holly Book’s (The Bible’s) earlier record of the first man and woman, and how they brought death to the human family.

For example, the Bible’s account reveals that the first man and woman were closely related.

As Adam said: “This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.” (Genesis 2:23)

Also, it was God’s will for the first human pair to “be fruitful and become many and fill the earth.” (Genesis 1:28)

Moreover, by his willful disobedient action, Adam, the first man, rejected life and chose death. This was not for men’s good, because it resulted in loss of eternal life for all of his descendants by God’s judgment, which was carried out by the natural law of heredity.

So the Bible states: “And to Adam he said: ‘Because you listened to your wife’s voice and took to eating from the tree concerning which I gave you this command, “You must not eat from it,” cursed is the ground on your account. In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life. In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.’”—Genesis 3:17, 19.

Explaining how the first man’s actions affected his offspring, the Bible says:

“That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned.” This clearly shows that death came as a punishment for disobedience to God the Creator. Disobedience to God is sin. And, “the wages sin pays is death.”—Romans 5:12; 6:23.

The Rig-Veda shows sin to be a violation of divine law with death as the penalty.

We read: “Whatever law of thine, O God, O Varuna, as we are men, Day after day we violate, Give us not as prey to death, to be destroyed by thee in wrath.” (RV. 1. 25. 1, 2)

The Vedic writers obviously felt a sense of sin and viewed death as a punishment for sin, and they tried to appease their gods by prayers and sacrifices.

Many of the Rig-Veda hymns are taken up with prayers for removing sin, and with sacrifices propitiating their gods.

They also made their god Varuna the upholder of moral law, apparently sensing some legal obligation toward Heaven.

*********************FEAR OF DEATH**************************

The Sanskrit word for death is mrtyu. The Rig-Veda portrays Mrtyu as Death personified and as the son of Bhaya (Fear).

This suggests the close link between fear and death.

Indeed, references to death in early Vedic writings make it clear that death was viewed with dread.

The Hindu writer Rohit Mehta admits that death elicits fear within many humans.

Discussing an allegory in the Hindu Katha-Upanishad, Mr. Mehta wrote: “Why was Death unwilling to convey its secret to the young and fearless enquirer? Perhaps Yama thought if the secret of Death is known by the mortal then surely he will have no fear of death.”

No doubt, It is this fear of death that has held the human race in mental slavery to all manner of superstitions and omens. However, by “knowing the secrets of Death” we can shed our fear of it!

The Bible speaks of “all those who for fear of death were subject to slavery all through their lives.” (Hebrews 2:15)

So, do I dare ask? - I do! - How have men been held in slavery through fear of death?

It is by the immense volume of restrictive omens, customs, and superstitions that inhibit life’s movements!!!

For example, the Hindu manual “Knowledge of Omens” is particularly connected with astrology. (Astrology hmm how very interesting)

There was a code of omens named the “Law of the Lizard.” Hmm fascinating! You should read it whenever you have time.

The worst omen was a cat cutting across one’s path. It betokened death. Hmm even more fascinating!!!

Moreover, all such dread of omens stems from fear of death, which admittedly has a profound effect on how a person conducts his life. Agreed? -

Hence, an understanding of what death truly is will positively do much to remove such fear!

Ergo the answers to the ever so Eternal Questions becomes again the point of discussion!

Where are the dead? What is the condition of those who die? Really, what happens at death?

Much of the uncertainty about the condition of the dead revolves around the understanding of the word “soul” and the word “spirit.”

Self-knowledge of the personality of the Ego, and our True Self as many others believe and so on and so forth.

To arrive at the truth concerning the above questions, it is necessary to distinguish between the original meaning of these two words and the later interpretation given to them by religious commentators, and many so called “thinkers” and “philosophers”.

We must dispel all preconceived notions based on the speculations of mere human interpreters, and focus on what these words actually mean!

Sooo, Alissiam, again, for the second time, to answer the Sorcerers question:

“How can anyone feel so important when we know that death is stalking us?”Simple…

Acquire Self-Knowledge, and acquire Wisdom. Acquire Wisdom, and aquire Freedom!
Knowledge and Wisdom liberates us from FEAR. Thus, finding Victory over Death!

Any questions? -

Last edited by Neo2012 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:34 am; edited 1 time in total

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Introspection Empty lol

Post  cosmicnight13 Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:33 am

in lake'ch dear KIN

lolthe tarts are flying in 4/4-takt..PEACE!!
lola ihave to focus on you, in that, that you of course mean a man has to make love to HIS own mind to train himself in these … ican quote only from my {oblivious mind lol} tenderness, forgive ness, self appreciation etc.

so has a woman of course, and as we know, that we all are more or less fucked upcompletely, why then fight, against each other although we know better…

{except for personalreasons that i know not, lol}

Above, i quoted you much + toni, didn't actually say much except: the angels, ,…

they are there they want to help us to come outof this shit that is not our making but we are only helplessly entangled in allthis crap.

but: i dont know what neo tries to reveal………angels support of course only our shorteningWay to our inner godspark, goddess, kin…or however y wanna estimate this, the most important stuff now, we are under pressure that it hacks‘‘ realize‘

if we go up on another intelligently––is anotherthing

………and these emocions there, left make nervous, lol…

is, to realiZe…:
–––angels drown in this selfimportant blabber that rules our minds, mostly.
They don't support selfaggrandi zement, which seals intelligence away.

But they love to see you work Allisiam, i loved to see your comment on such behavior, and i could also use some of it in my own stuff on the mysteryqueenblogg{DreamSpell}, see comments, yesterday. LOL

……and i think, rok is a warrior, fumanda{?,lol}, he does not want to put anybody down, but tries to lift everybody up …out of the soup –noodleRealityrelationshipSoup, that the powers that were, left us in.
…and including himself, naturally, that is what we all must do now, try to look over this edgy crapedge {crapedGeeee…lol} and 'see' us kin and perceive us mutually…… in new ways

……and as quick as possible, lol.
And the angels help us, if we would only but LISTEN

ciao reimar cosmic night


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Introspection Empty A conversation with Didymos, 4Rivers & CosmicNight13...

Post  Lola Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:45 am

Following the Premise of Introspection...

Dear Didymos:

You present to me a birth chart/natal chart as a blueprint of who I am and what I am predestined to become...I struggle with this premise because it robs me of free will...Why would the Creator give us the incredible and majestic brain and then tell us...you are not allowed to use it! This will be your destiny! This is who YOU are! Nay!...As a student of mathematics possessing of somewhat reasonable logic...

I offer to you the Mind of God...

We can get a glimpse of the incredible mind of God simply by looking at His creation. Take one (very) small part-the mind of man: The brain is a soft lump of tissue weighing about 3 pounds. It is one of the most watery organs of the body, its outer tissue being 85% water. There is very little relationship between brain size and intelligence. Some very bright people have smaller brains than those who are less intelligent. The brain feels no pain because it has no pain receptors. It floats in fluid inside the skull, and the fluid (derived from blood) acts as a shock absorber. The brain stops growing in size at about age 15. The brain has four times as many nerve cells as there are people on Earth. With its 10 billion neurons, it can record 86 million bits of information each day of our lives. Supporting, protecting, and nourishing these 10 billion neurons are 100 billion cells which make up half the mass of the brain. The brain continues sending out electrical wave signals as long as 37 hours after death. Since nerve cells can’t reproduce, you have fewer of them as you get older. Persons of 70 or 80 may have only 75% of the nerve cells they are born with.

Nerve impulses travel more quickly than cars do, with some up to 250 miles per hour. If all the nerves were laid end to end, they would stretch almost 45 miles.

Let’s Now Look To The Heavens: They defined the exact shape of the closest major galaxy, a beautiful spiral named Andromeda, containing more than 300 billion stars. The nearest of these is (an incredible) thirteen quintillion miles, or 2.2 million light years, beyond the Milky Way, a distance calculated by comparing the star’s apparent brightness with a star of similar brightness and known distance from Earth.

The incredible complexity of the human brain and the vastness of the heavens speak of the awesome power of the Creator’s mind, and together “declare the glory of God” (Psalm 19:1)

[size=15]My Dear 4Rivers:

You are so right! I am contradiction...I am frustration...I am a contrast of opposites!

What I seek though is the correlation of Mind and Body...

Medical science has come to understand that there is a strong relationship between a person’s mental and physical health. However just think; The Bible, revealed this to us around 950 B.C.


“A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy is the rottenness of the bones” (Proverbs 14:30).

“Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones” (Proverbs 16:30).

“A merry heart does good like a medicine but a broken spirit dries the bones” (Proverbs 17:22).

I am not there...this is not me...

Dear CosmicNight13:

Thank you for the depiction of the beautiful black stallion!

I will tell you a funny story...Prior to 1993, I had no intentions of traveling to Israel. True, I had received a foreign language scholarship from my university but I had a choice of countries/universities to choose from as were associated with the foreign study program offered at my school.

I felt it was instinctual for me to choose Israel although my choice seemed illogical and irrational to those who knew me...

My choice of countries seemed illogical to Israeli customs as well!!! I was detained in Israel for 8 hours...Was I Jewish? No...What was I doing there? Studying...How much money do I bring? Do I belong to the Communist Party? On and ON went the line of questioning...

Until in sheer desperation I declared quite emphatically... “I am the black stallion of Spain in search of freedom!”

By this time, customs had declared me a “non threat” and let me be...

Ahh... Israel was a sort of freedom for me...For me Israel didn’t signify the Holy Land...NO...for me Israel signified the root of all conflict, the source, the beginning of the end...

In fact, The Bible predicts quite clearly the Middle East Conflict...

In the Book of Beginnings, in Genesis 16:12, God said that Ishmael (the progenitor of the Arab race; would be a wild man...and every man’s hand will be against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

Almost four thousand years later, who could deny that this prophecy is being fulfilled in the Arab race? The Arabs and the Jews are “brethren” having Abraham as their ancestor. The whole Middle East conflict is caused by their dwelling together.

And somehow, I never felt unsafe...I instinctively knew two things...First to speak their tongue...Second to speak to both the Jew and Arab of God’s true name...The Creator’s true name...YahWeh...

I was there to study international law, trade and economics...I met many beautiful people and my degree requirements included a lot of interviews...

But somehow I knew that if I approached these people not as a Christian Catholic, not as a follower of Jesus or Mohammad, but as a follower of YahWeh...all animosity would be deflected...Interviews went well...Invoking His name became a deterrent and information was given to me freely.

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Introspection Empty Re: Introspection

Post  4Rivers Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:24 am

Alexandra wrote:Following the Premise of Introspection...

My Dear 4Rivers:

You are so right! I am contradiction...I am frustration...I am a contrast of opposites!

What I seek though is the correlation of Mind and Body...

Medical science has come to understand that there is a strong relationship between a person’s mental and physical health. However just think; The Bible, revealed this to us around 950 B.C.


“A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy is the rottenness of the bones” (Proverbs 14:30).

“Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones” (Proverbs 16:30).

“A merr heart does good like a medicine but a broken spirit dries the bones” (Proverbs 17:22).

I am not there...this is not me...

My Dear Alexandra, you continue in your contradiction and contrast of opposites...
and by default, also your frustration.

You seek a correlation of Mind and Body, then quote some Proverbs
and end with... "I am not there... this is not me..."
You are in a loop... a feedback loop. There is something missing... yes?

Something to bounce you out of this loop. To have all the peace of mind needed
to break the chains that bind you. As Cat Stevens would say...
"break the ancient chains of your tomb and join the eternal womb"

The answers are in the Proverbs that 'you quoted'. Let me break it down a little...
Proverbs 14:30 - "a sound heart"
Proverbs 16:30 - "words sweet to the soul"
Proverbs 17:22 - "a merry heart"

Ok, so... 'are you getting it' or 'are you armageddon it' ?

A contrast of opposites (+ and -) requires a ground or neutral link to break the tension (feedback loop).
So a positive and negative with a neutral/ground gives us the Trinity. What is this extra element?
You know it all too well... but, you have for so long externalised it, now its channel/bridge
has been broken. Broken from the outside/matrix... your 'heart' has been broken. And your spirit
has lost its corridor/bridge/portal through your 'heart'. So your correlation of Mind and Body
is missing the Spirit to break your loop of 'frustration'. And so what you need is the 'Trinity'
of Mind/Body/Spirit.

An eternal womb... to be reborn in perpetual motion.

You need to go into 'your/self'... whole again... "following the premise of introspection".
And then back to the Matrix as a Master of Your Destiny...

Religion is for people who believe in a hell
Spiritualism is for people who have been there

I saw you standing on a sunbeam
In the middle of my daydream


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Introspection Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Didymos Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:29 pm

Alexandra wrote:Following the Premise of Introspection...

Dear Didymos:

You present to me a birth chart/natal chart as a blueprint of who I am and what I am predestined to become...I struggle with this premise because it robs me of free will...Why would the Creator give us the incredible and majestic brain and then tell us...you are not allowed to use it! This will be your destiny! This is who YOU are! Nay!...As a student of mathematics possessing of somewhat reasonable logic...

I offer to you the Mind of God...

We can get a glimpse of the incredible mind of God simply by looking at His creation. Take one (very) small part-the mind of man: The brain is a soft lump of tissue weighing about 3 pounds. It is one of the most watery organs of the body, its outer tissue being 85% water. There is very little relationship between brain size and intelligence. Some very bright people have smaller brains than those who are less intelligent. The brain feels no pain because it has no pain receptors. It floats in fluid inside the skull, and the fluid (derived from blood) acts as a shock absorber. The brain stops growing in size at about age 15. The brain has four times as many nerve cells as there are people on Earth. With its 10 billion neurons, it can record 86 million bits of information each day of our lives. Supporting, protecting, and nourishing these 10 billion neurons are 100 billion cells which make up half the mass of the brain. The brain continues sending out electrical wave signals as long as 37 hours after death. Since nerve cells can’t reproduce, you have fewer of them as you get older. Persons of 70 or 80 may have only 75% of the nerve cells they are born with.

Nerve impulses travel more quickly than cars do, with some up to 250 miles per hour. If all the nerves were laid end to end, they would stretch almost 45 miles.

Let’s Now Look To The Heavens: They defined the exact shape of the closest major galaxy, a beautiful spiral named Andromeda, containing more than 300 billion stars. The nearest of these is (an incredible) thirteen quintillion miles, or 2.2 million light years, beyond the Milky Way, a distance calculated by comparing the star’s apparent brightness with a star of similar brightness and known distance from Earth.

The incredible complexity of the human brain and the vastness of the heavens speak of the awesome power of the Creator’s mind, and together “declare the glory of God” (Psalm 19:1)

Dear Alexandra!

When the child asks the parent for clarification on something bothering herhim, most parents explain, hoping that the child will have enough nous and vocabulary to understand the answer.
When the child goes away and comes again later, asking the same questions, the parent will more often than not explain the answers again, perhaps in altered symbols and words; hoping that this time the child will think deeply about what the parent has said and then be able to this time understand the answers given.

When the child comes again a third and following times, asking the same thing from its own perceptions of the self and the intellectual and mindful premises of the answers sought; the parent will most likely understand that the child did not really ask any questions.
The child had made herhis mind up about something and was seeking external verification of hisher already fixed and cemented presupposed mindful disposition.

Then the parent will say to the child: "Well I tried to give to you what I have in regards to your enquiries; to show you an avenue how you can learn and discover more about this topic.
I can see, that my things are of no use to you. So it serves little purpose to further invite you to use those tools of my understanding.
I cannot answer you child, perhaps some other adult can give you other tools, more userfriendly for you."

Thank You Alexandra about your science lessons on the anatomy of the human brain, the presently standardized status of neurology and your discourses on cosmology.
I did not know any of that.

And the Mind of God? Well this is the unfathomable mystery is it not?
Everyone has their own ideas; its a private matter causing confusion and fights when discussed in public.
It is part of the separation of state and religion and of many other forms of separations - just look at the theocracies - my, my, there is the proof.
And the science of the brain shows how its networked - God is Dead, my, my, just another personal viewpoint, Nietzschesized or not.

And so noone ever can know the Mind of God, he or she is unfathomable, unknowable, mysterious and forever hidden and separate from the material creation and the encumbrances found therein.
Can science know, can Alexandra?

Certainly scribes who claim to know the Mind of God must be charlatans amd liars, deceiver and selfdeluded egomaniacs - stone and crucify the blasphemers!

Consider the words of 4Rivers sweet Lola and Reimar wishes you oh so well. You continue to Be Loved by the Many and the Cosmos.

But like the untamable stallion of the prairies, you have chosen to remain as you are and not seek the greater gnosis; the sophic wisdom given to you by the Universe to civilise yourself from the puerile stage of the larvae of the caterpillar to the cocoon of the butterfly.

Be well my dear I wish you well on your path of roaming the wilderness searching for yourself, not knowing who you are and rejecting the true images of yourself.


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Introspection Empty Banning the Falseness...to Dydimos, to Rok, to Tony, to Xeia, to all.....

Post  Neo2012 Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:37 am

Dydimos wrote:
And the Mind of God? Well this is the unfathomable mystery is it not?
Everyone has their own ideas; its a private matter causing confusion and fights when discussed in public.

Mystery is for those who's perception is blurred by their Ego!
Confusions and fights are for those who's Ego does not permit them to be REASONABLE!

In either case, none of it bears any consequence in relations to the Source of all creations whether people discuss, fight or create their own ilusions that suite what they personally want to see, or hear and/or interpret to justify their Ego!

There is a source of creation! And, all things have a point of origin! Yes, a point of origin for all living and non-living things, and a source that binds all things together!

And whether people want to invest their energies in disputing the obvious facts, such does not change them! And, for those who dispel their Ego and acquire knowledge, acquire wisdom, and receive within the unfathomable truth!

Is time, I say "enough" you unreasonable people!!! And, share with you the truth!

And the truth begins with the understanding of the SOURCE, that non-quantifiable invisible substance that is the source of all creations!

In Latin spiritus ...yes, I am that I am...Spirit!

Hmmm, what is it? What does it convey? - How does it affect us? -

Spirit literally translated means “breath”.

But, this implies much more than the act of breathing. How do we know this? –

Because after breathing stops, life remains in the body cells for a brief period – “for several minutes,” according to science. And, its for this reason that efforts in performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation and prompt defibrillation can succeed, and body organs can be transplanted from one person to another.

However, once the spark of life is extinguished from the cells of the body, that’s it! All efforts to restore life become futile! And, all the “breath” in the world cannot revive even one single cell.

Hence, the spirit, then, is non-quantifiable invisible substance or invisible energy or life force – spark of life – that keeps the cells alive.

In conclusion, this is an undeniable fact! Indeed, this “spark” or “force” that animates our body is sustained by our breathing. And, once our breathing stops and cannot be restored; this spark becomes extinguished and live ceases.

James 2:26 – “The body without spirit is dead.”________________________________________________________________________

Do all living things have a spirit or do having a spirit only applies to humans? –________________________________________________________________________

The spirit is a force that is present individually in all living things!!!!!!!

Wise King Solomon wrote: “Who is there knowing the spirit of the sons of mankind, whether it is ascending upward; and the spirit of the beast, whether it is descending downward to the earth?” – Ecclesiastes 3:21

The spirit, or life force, can be compared to electric current that flows through a machine or an appliance. The invisible electricity may be used to perform various functions, depending upon the type of equipment it powers.

For example, a stove can be made to generate heat, a computer to process information and perform calculations, and a television se to produce images and sound. Yet, the electrical current never takes on the features of the equipment it activates. It remains simply a force.

Similarly to the force of electricity, the spirit, this invisible non-quantifiable substance or invisible energy known to us, as Spirit or Holly Ghost may be used to perform various functions.

For example, in creating the “heaven and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1

“And the Spirit (the invisible energy) of God moved upon the face of the waters.” - Genesis 1:2

Creating not only the heavens and earth, rather creating all things, light, the separation of light from darkness, day from night, water from dry land, bringing forth grass, the herb yielding seeds, and the fruit tree yielding fruits, whose seed was in itself, two great lights, the greater light (sun) to rule the day, and the lesser light (moon) to rule the night, also the stars, the physical Universe as we see it, and creating an abundance of living creatures to inhabit the waters, creatures to fly above the earth, and all living creatures that moveth.

Ultimately, creating man in his image and likeness, and giving man dominion over all the earth!

Creating all things with specific purpose and specific functions. Animating all living things to perform according to their functions and purpose for creation.

Thus, the human brain with its neo-cortex (cerebral cortex) once activated by this force begins performing according to its purpose.

A purpose that underlines specific functions! Intelligence and consciousness involving all concepts of consciousness! Activating within the brain the very seeds of intellect, spiritual growth, emotions and desires. Thus, achieving Consciousness on a level of organic synergy that is extremely complex and sophisticated.

A form of consciousness that gives unique thoughts and personality to each human being!

And, speaking of “electricity” as a similar force, it is interesting to note that no individual is pronounced “clinically dead” until they are “brain dead” or when the “electrical” activity in the brain ceases. Thus, it is presumed that an end of electrical activity indicates the end of consciousness.

Speaking of end of consciousness, also, note that even though its possible to bring a person back by restoring breathing as in the case of resuscitation mentioned earlier it doesn’t mean that consciousness is automatically restored in all cases.

Timing is of a crucial essence! Why? – Because, whenever a significant loss of oxygen to the brain occurs there is huge risk it may cause brain damage, and when this occurs then recovering human thought and personality becomes impossible which in those instances someone would have to, then, pull the plug of the artificial life support.

Also, interesting is that by observing the electrical activity of the brain we’re able to see the difference between consciousness, and unconsciousness, as it occurs during sleep, and especially in a coma.

Why is all this relevant to the Spirit? - I’ll explain later.

However, the important thing to understand right now is that the Spirit simply put, is God’ holly force, HIM – HIMSELF, or if you don’t believe in God, I would put it to you this way; the Spirit is the force of the SOURCE and therefore the SOURCE – ITSELF from where all things originates from!

And, as a force, IT does NOT take on any of the characteristics of the creatures it animates. This means, IT has no personality, no thinking ability; it is just the animating force.

In addition, since the Spirit is just a force that gives animation to a specific living organism, when a person dies, his “spirit” does not go on existing in another realm as a spirit creature.

Rather it extinguishes or better yet, it simply returns to the Source that giveth!

The Bible states that when a person dies, “the spirit itself returns to the true God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7

Moreover, being that the spirit is the life force animating all living things, when the spirit “returns” to God it means that the force that he has bestowed upon us will then return back to him as we cease to exist.

This does NOT mean an actual movement of all living things from earth to God, or that we as human beings, with our mind and consciousness, will someone be displaced from the earth, displaced from our human form to a ghostly form and then return to God. Cappice? –


So what, then, happens to us? What happens to our body and our consciousness or self?________________________________________________________________________

Genesis 3:19 – “In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.”

This means that at death, we don’t cross over to the spirit realm, rather our bodies’ return to dust! Simply, we “return to the ground”, become lifeless, and nonexistent.

The punishment for sin is death – absence of life – not a transfer to another realm. – Romans 6:23

Ecclesiastes 9:5,10 – “The dead know nothing…there is no pursuit, no plan, no knowledge or intelligence, within the grave.”

(Moffat) Death, therefore, is a state of nonexistence.

King David wrote that when a person dies, “his spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish.” – Psalm 146:4
Ever been to a funeral and tried having a conversation with the dead? -

Clearly, the dead are unconscious, inactive.
They cannot see you, hear you, or talk to you.

So, what does this mean for us? –

It means that once the Spirit is gone from us and our cells die, and the spirit goes out, and back to God, back to the Source, only God, only the Source, has the ability to restore it back to us.

Consider, for example, what the Bible says about Jesus’ death.

The gospel writer Luke wrote: “Jesus called with a loud voice and said: ‘Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit.’ When he had said this, he expired.” – Luke 23:46

As Jesus’ spirit went out of him, he was not literally on his way to heaven!!!

How do we know this??? –

Jesus was not resurrected from the dead until the third day. And it was 40 more days before he ascended to heaven. – Acts 1:3,9

At the time of his death, however, Jesus confidently left his spirit in his Father’s hands, fully trusting in God’s ability to bring him back to life.

Yes, only God (the source) can bring a person back to life. – Psalm 104:30

Who is God? God is the Source! What is the source? – John 4:24 – “God is a Spirit”________________________________________________________________________

Yes, a Holly Force, an Entity of non-quantifiable invisible energy with an Universal level of consciousness and intelligence, so complex, so sophisticated, we could never and will never understand its higher levels of functionality or capacity but that who’s existence is visible to us just as clearly as electricity, or the air we breath, and just as measurable by its visible effects.

We are ALL part of it, and part of all creation, linked by ONE spirit…HIS.

And, when we meditate, and focus we are able to become ONE with him, and ONE with all of creation.

In fact, he wants us to have that kind of relationship with him!!! To mirror him, for we where created to HIS image!

Could we tap into this mystical force or this energy that is natural, but cannot be detected by science? –

Sure, such magical energy is often referred to chi or kundalini which are basically fluctuations of an underlying primary substance that is present in all things and interconnects and binds all…as mentioned the Holly Force, or Spirit or God or Source.

Well, then what? What happens next? What hope is there for us if we just return to the ground and become inexistent?_______________________________________________

The Bible says: “The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus] voice and come out.” – John 5:28,29

How exactly does this happen? – It happens in a blink of an eye! Although, it may take days as in the case of Jesus (3 days) or it may take years, even thousands of years!

A dead person knows nothing of the sort. A dead person is in an unconscious state! Cannot tell time! Similar to the unconscious state of sleep or the unconscious state of being in a coma! As an example: A person can be in a coma for YEARS completely unaware of his/her condition or the time they’ve been asleep!

When referring to Lazarus condition Jesus said, ““Laz´a·rus our friend has gone to rest, but I am journeying there to awaken him from sleep.” John 11:11

“Consequently when Jesus arrived, he found he had already been four days in the memorial tomb” – John 11:17

Was Lazarus on his way to Heaven when Jesus resurrected him? - Absolutely not! He was dead! Unconscious in his deep sleep!

How then was he raised from the dead? - Was he raised in a ghostly form? –

John 11:38-44 – “Hence Jesus, after groaning again within himself, came to the memorial tomb. It was, in fact, a cave, and a stone was lying against it. 39 Jesus said: “TAKE the stone away.” Martha, the sister of the deceased, said to him: “Lord, by now he must smell, for it is four days.” 40 Jesus said to her: “Did I not tell you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” 41 Therefore they took the stone away. Now Jesus raised his eyes heavenward and said: “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42 True, I knew that you always hear me; but on account of the crowd standing around I spoke, in order that they might believe that you sent me forth.” 43 And when he had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice: “Laz´a·rus, come on out!” 44 The [man] that had been dead came out with his feet and hands bound with wrappings, and his countenance was bound about with a cloth. Jesus said to them: “Loose him and let him go.”

1 Corinthians 15:35-40 – “Nevertheless, someone will say: “How are the dead to be raised up? Yes, with what sort of body are they coming?” 36 You unreasonable person! What you sow is not made alive unless first it dies; 37 and as for what you sow, you sow, not the body that will develop, but a bare grain, it may be, of wheat or any one of the rest; 38 but God gives it a body just as it has pleased him, and to each of the seeds its own body. 39 Not all flesh is the same flesh, but there is one of mankind, and there is another flesh of cattle, and another flesh of birds, and another of fish. 40 And there are heavenly bodies, and earthly bodies; but the glory of the heavenly bodies is one sort, and that of the earthly bodies is a different sort.

Hence, we are flesh, one of mankind, earthly bodies; different than heavenly bodies as such he created us to his pleasing.

When a star dies, it becomes a white dwarf, a white dwarf then becomes a black dwarf, but a star nonetheless.

Jesus descended from heaven; he had a prior existence, one of a heavenly body. He descended into a human form for a purpose, and once that was fulfilled, he then ascended to the heavens giving up his human form in order to be his true self, and to be able to take his true form, that of a heavenly sort.

Man where created man, prior to being created man, we did not exist, thus, we die as man. And, we will be resurrected as man, for that is our sort of existence and being!

And, such is what pleases him (God); the creation of mankind pleases him so much that in order to offer salvation to mankind for our sins, he gave us his only son.

God did not create us to live in Heaven, you unreasonable people!

In fact, nor do we really want to live there either! Why? Because, we don’t want to die, none of us do! That is the reason we fight diseases, and we look to find the cures to cancer, and HIV and to stop old age!

We die because we can’t stop death, not because we “want” to go to heaven!

We die, because it is our punishment to die. The first human beings Adam and Eve genetically passed on this imperfection to us! Or haven’t you ever heard of the terms Mitochondrial Eve, mitochondria DNA, and Maternal and Paternal mtDNA? And, Y Chromosome Adam, Y Chromosome paternally inherited? - Mutations of mitochondrial DNA lead to Genetic illness that causes our death!

Our creator has only one plan for us and that is to see us performing and living up to the functions we where created to perform, with Earth as our home, in harmony with all that exists. And, to see us perform the functions his spirit animates within us, which without we are dead.

Mankind was created for a purpose! Earth was created for a purpose!

But, the story of how sin came to exist and how mankind will fulfill God’s purpose for Earth is another story altogether!

Last edited by Admin on Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:56 am; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : corrected texts)

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Introspection Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Didymos Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:17 am

Neo2012 wrote:Dydimos wrote:
And the Mind of God? Well this is the unfathomable mystery is it not?
Everyone has their own ideas; its a private matter causing confusion and fights when discussed in public.

Mystery is for those who's perception is blurred by their Ego!
Confusions and fights are for those who's Ego does not permit them to be REASONABLE!

In either case, none of it bears any consequence in relations to the Source of all creations whether people discuss, fight or create their own ilusions that suite what they personally want to see, or hear and/or interpret to justify their Ego!

"You are postulating Nonsense Neo; and here I thought you had learned better.

For one the above quote is posted in let's say 'wry humour'. You have misconstructed the words as you so often do, say as in your misreadings of Rok's replies to your regurgitated drivel of second hand and third hand philosophical meanderings.

Ego, ego end more ego it really is your favorite semantic expression.
EGO=GOE=GOD+A=A GOD, that is who you are One amongst many and more - nothing special."

There is a source of creation! And, all things have a point of origin! Yes, a point of origin for all living and non-living things, and a source that binds all things together!

And whether people want to invest their energies in disputing the obvious facts, such does not change them! And, for those who dispel their Ego and acquire knowledge, acquire wisdom, and receive within the unfathomable truth!

Is time, I say "enough" you unreasonable people!!! And, share with you the truth!

And the truth begins with the understanding of the SOURCE, that non-quantifiable invisible substance that is the source of all creations!

In Latin spiritus ...yes, I am that I am...Spirit!

"You silly and ignorant little Neo here; you little man still holding on to your mother's aprons. Of course there is a source of creation, the spirit, the universe, the cosmos. Read the forums, read books with a bit of technical guts and essence. Work on yourself to educate yourself in some hard work and application of your mind.

All you do is ignore the things you cant understand for lack of actual education.
Is this simple expression: Exe*=1 too complicated for you? Decipher it and you have your source energy and the spirit; all that does and can exist!"

Hmmm, what is it? What does it convey? - How does it affect us? -

Spirit literally translated means “breath”.
But, this implies much more than the act of breathing. How do we know this? –
Because after breathing stops, life remains in the body cells for a brief period – “for several minutes,” according to science. And, its for this reason that efforts in performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation and prompt defibrillation can succeed, and body organs can be transplanted from one person to another.

However, once the spark of life is extinguished from the cells of the body, that’s it! All efforts to restore life become futile! And, all the “breath” in the world cannot revive even one single cell.

Hence, the spirit, then, is [color=green]non-quantifiable invisible substance or invisible energy or life force –spark of life – that keeps the cells alive.

In conclusion, this is an undeniable fact! Indeed, this “spark” or “force” that animates our body is sustained by our breathing. And, once our breathing stops and cannot be restored; this spark becomes extinguished and live ceases.

The spirit is a force that is present individually in all living things!!!!!!!
Wise King Solomon wrote: “Who is there knowing the spirit of the sons of mankind, whether it is ascending upward; and the spirit of the beast, whether it is descending downward to the earth?” – Ecclesiastes 3:21

The spirit, or life force, can be compared to electric current that flows through a machine or an appliance. The invisible electricity may be used to perform various functions, depending upon the type of equipment it powers.

"So very profound Neo, so deep and penetrating. Define the Spirit if you can. Not in platitudes, and generalities, but in something meaningful, something that can be tested, experimentally, even if the technology requires finetuned equipment.

Come on show us how your Grand Philosophies and Wisdoms translate into the real world."

For example, a stove can be made to generate heat, a computer to process information and perform calculations, and a television se to produce images and sound. Yet, the electrical current never takes on the features of the equipment it activates. It remains simply a force.

Similarly to the force of electricity, the spirit, this invisible non-quantifiable substance or invisible energy known to us, as Spirit or Holly Ghost may be used to perform various functions.

For example, in creating the “heaven and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1

“And the Spirit (the invisible energy) of God moved upon the face of the waters.” - Genesis 1:2

Creating not only the heavens and earth, rather creating all things, light, the separation of light from darkness, day from night, water from dry land, bringing forth grass, the herb yielding seeds, and the fruit tree yielding fruits, whose seed was in itself, two great lights, the greater light (sun) to rule the day, and the lesser light (moon) to rule the night, also the stars, the physical Universe as we see it, and creating an abundance of living creatures to inhabit the waters, creatures to fly above the earth, and all living creatures that moveth.

Ultimately, creating man in his image and likeness, and giving man dominion over all the earth!

Creating all things with specific purpose and specific functions. Animating all living things to perform according to their functions and purpose for creation.

Thus, the human brain with its neo-cortex (cerebral cortex) once activated by this force begins performing according to its purpose.

Why is all this relevant to the Spirit? - I’ll explain later.

"Why later Neo? Let it all hang out like the gorgeous bosoms of the Sinusoidal Wavefunction.
Explain to us your gnosis Neo and stop hiding behind your ego of your self acclaimed divine understandings.
Did you know that Sinus means Bosom from the Latin Neo? What do you really KNOW?"

We die because we can’t stop death, not because we “want” to go to heaven!

We die, because it is our punishment to die. The first human beings Adam and Eve genetically passed on this imperfection to us! Or haven’t you ever heard of the terms Mitochondrial Eve, mitochondria DNA, and Maternal and Paternal mtDNA? And, Y Chromosome Adam, Y Chromosome paternally inherited? - Mutations of mitochondrial DNA lead to Genetic illness that causes our death!

LOL, ROFLM and whatever acronyms there might be! Neo you are such a magnificent competitor for the Real Logos, which COULD become mirrored in you and your teachings.

But you, in your human delusions what this is all about have chosen to COMPETE with the Word of God, instead of BECOMING its Mirror; just like I try to do.
I dont compete Neo, I reflect.

Something , a task and work; you are still in diapers to learn or even to comprehend.
You want a contest Neo? You have already lost; because the True Logos looks at you, considers your gnosis, nous and understanding - and smiles!


Posts : 73
Join date : 2010-10-01

Introspection Empty To Dydimos

Post  Neo2012 Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:06 pm

Don't you have something more original to say then:

Neo you are such a magnificent competitor for the Real Logos, which COULD become mirrored in you and your teachings....I dont compete Neo, I reflect... You want a contest Neo? You have already lost; because the True Logos looks at you, considers your gnosis, nous and understanding - and smiles!

First of all, thank you for admitting that I am magnificent, because honestly that's the only honest truth you've said in all of your ramblings! LOL

Secondly, you say that you reflect...hmmm if you do...continue reflecting! Don't rush it. Continue! I understand, not everyone's aptitude are the same! Some people are slower then others in understanding, and mastery.

Me? Postulating nonesense? You are asking me to get educated? To read the forum, books, application of what exactly? -- The Logos? The Cosmic Universe? And, you say that I am dellusional?! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Its obvious that you my friend do not reflect!

And, do you know why you can't reflect? I mean, you think you do, but you really don't!

I'll tell you, I don't mind being honest! Is how i am! Its because you are compulsively thinking and talking and have nothing truly meaningful to add or to say, other then saying, "I dont compete", and compile a list of insults and get defensive, because your brain is taking a fart from all the uncomprehensible yet unrefutable evidence thrown your way.

Your logic is telling you, I can't compete with this shit! Fuck you! lol Ha Ha Ha Ha...unbelievable!!!

Example of your thoughts on ramdom:
1+1=2 but it can't be, the value of one is not one, it can't be, no wait, let me make the value of one whatever i want, yes, let's do this, this is my phylosophy, and shit...it makes sense...if i change the value of one, then one plus one isn't two...or is it...yeah...you buying this? - Hold on, if i change the value of one to let's say five then the one would have to look like a five, nah, no i don't need to change the number itself, people will just "interpret" the value as five once i change the sum of to its different value, yes 1+1=6, the one one means five in this equation people...where is your intelligence? Helloooo, don't you not get this? Are you ignorant? -- lol

That's what the Logos represent, that's what Darwanian Evolution represents, that's what waiting for Extraterrestial Beings to come and save us represent, that's what reencarnation represents...someone's delussion! Someone's bad perception and ilusory thought alter reality!

Some thinker over thinking to compesate for their unwillingness to see the truth for what it is!

Is that the sort of books you want me to read? Well, guess what? I have! And, my friend, I have FREED my mind of it!

In the end 1=1+1=+1=2, yes, the sum of 1+1=2 there is no change in value!

Nor can misplaced beliefs and bad perceptions ever change the facts....ever!

If you read my post, you would understand the correlation of science and spirituality, the facts, not some hypothetical theory, but the facts of life!

The Logos is smiling at me? - Ha Ha Ha Ha

The only thing smiling Pal besides life, is death...and death smiles at us all!

"All you do is ignore the things you cant understand for lack of actual education." -

Is that your final answer after reflecting so profoundly on what exactly, the "real" Logos? Someone's alter reality of an otherwise simple and logical equation? Hhmmmm?

Please, do not compete, enlighten me with your extraordinary knowledge of books, and forums and high level of education!!! Or is that you are still reflecting? - Oh, I see...okay!

Reflect my friend, reflect! And, perhaps you too will FREE your mind!

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...dude, you've cracked me up today with your insults!

I LOVE YOU! God bless you, you are histerical!

Thank you, I wanted to start this morning with a laughter, I guess the Universe answered me! How's that for competition?? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...

Last edited by Admin on Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:56 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : corrected grammar)

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Location : Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

Introspection Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Didymos Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:37 pm

Indeed Neo!

Like a little boy, close to puberty, first time watching some teenage girls undressing in the shower and sharing his discovery about those enticing sights with his equally puerile friends - you laugh and giggle yourself in childish perceptions of superlatives.

Its ok Neo, one day you will grasp your foolishness a little better and cease to present your cult-derived dogmas from the premises of thinkers as childish in their minds as being self deluded in their sense of selfimportance in their banalities of superstitions and misinterpretions of their books of their words of wisdoms filled with symbols they cannot decipher.

Keep on laughing at yourself; its an invigorating medicine.


Posts : 73
Join date : 2010-10-01

Introspection Empty Re: Introspection

Post  Neo2012 Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:47 pm

dydimos wrote:Indeed Neo!
Its ok Neo, one day you will grasp your foolishness a little better and cease to present your cult-derived dogmas from the premises of thinkers as childish in their minds as being self deluded in their sense of selfimportance in their banalities of superstitions and misinterpretions of their books of their words of wisdoms filled with symbols they cannot decipher.
Ohhh Tony,

Don't you know anything?

"For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God!" - 1 Corinthians 3:19

"Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?" - 1 Corinthians 1:20

Yes, I laugh, I laugh at the foolishness of the Logos, at the foolishness of "thinkers" who think their so wise, and those who follow and believe their foolishness. I laugh at their self-delusions of wisdom and self-knowledge.

And, I laugh at myself too sometimes with the laughter of content for being able to perceive God's wisdom while others seem lost in their knowledge of the world.

I laugh with the laughter of a child that looks up at the silly things man say and do and the goofy wisdom of mankind however creative they get. In fact, the more creative they get, the more comical it is!

People who believe they can cure their cancer by going to a healer, then, dying and being told they where not cured because of "their" lack of faith!

Shaman? Healers? Witchery and Falseness and Confusion is this Wisdom or Foolishness? Natal Charts and Horoscopes? Divinations and Worshipers of the Occult? Practinioners of Magic and Sorcery? Who's behind all these mystical prowerness if not Demons and the Devil himself? Is it the Angels, or God himself?

More importantly what sort of wisdom or intelligence or benefit do these things bestow upon us? -

In the end, I've not met a Shaman who's lived forever, or a witch or sorcerer who's lived forever and who's flesh and bones haven't descended to the grave!

Foolish man, and their foolish wisdom! Laughable it is!!! And, sad as well!

Last edited by Neo2012 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:38 am; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 65
Join date : 2010-10-01

Introspection Empty For Didymos...Conversations between a boy and his father...;D

Post  Lola Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:11 pm

"Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your GOD gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed." JOSHUA 23:14

Believing in others' ability to keep their promises to us comes down to the issue of how much we trust them. Joshua understood that-and before he died he wanted to remind the people that the promises GOD made to them had never failed. GOD keeps HIS promises. The people just needed to believe and trust HIM.

"Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet." REVELATION 16:13

There's no lack of scary beasts in the book of Revelation. You'll find a fiery dragon, living creatures covered with eyes, and...frogs?

We're used to the fairy-tale stories of frogs kissing princesses, but these croakers aren't looking for lovelorn ladies...they're meant for kings. The little green guys are actually evil spirits, sent to gather the kings of the earth for a final battle with the rider on the white horse.

Of course, that rider is Jesus-and it will take more than croacks and kisses to get those worldly leaders to face up to the Lord in battle. But those frogs have been well trained by their master, so they know how to persuade. The kings will come.

Frogs or not, this won't be like any fairy tale anyone has ever read. But will it have a fairy-tale ending? Will there be a happily-ever-after?

Absolutely! But only for those lined up behind the Lord. While the little green meanies have a date with the lake of fire, followers of Jesus can expect a brand-new world without death, mourning, crying, or pain.

That's about as happily-ever-after as it gets....

And no father (Said the child) I don't need your lesson...I am as sure of who I am as I KNOW that I Know God...I am a blasphemer!

And if blasphemy makes me the Devil...Then, I am Lucifer,too...Or rather, I am a figment of your imagination, I am...duality...I am chaos...I am mourning and destruction and death...I am an angel sitting at the right hand of GOD...I show you confusion, so that you may appreciate clarity...I show you darkness, so that you may see the light!

And I show you hell so that you can appreciate and be ready to accept heaven...

"There will be no more light. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the LORD GOD will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever." REVELATION 22:5

The sun gives us life. From it we receive light, warmth, and energy. The whole food chain ultimately begins with the sun. Without the sun we would die.

But there will be no sun in heaven. We won't need that big, orange ball anymore. Instead of the sun giving us life, we will have the SON.

No need for the sun, lamps, fires, or flashlights to illuminate our way. No more batteries going dead! There will be no night, no darkness, no moments of fear. Heaven will be filled with the light of the glory of the LORD.

What about our food? The SON is the bread of life, and He'll sustain us with fruit from the tree of life. In heaven, we'll have everything we need...and we won't even miss what we once relied upon.

The Devil's mission will be completed...He will escape the souls of each and every one of us...and return home...

As it is in the Book of Daniel...as it is repeated in the BOOK of Revelations...

Only those who KNOW this....THOSE WHO KNOW LUCIFER AND KNOW GOD...and the difference and how they've worked together...ALL THOSE WHO ACCEPT THAT THE FIRES MUST BURN SO WE MAY RECONSTRUCT will return home...

THE SON will give us eternal life!

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