~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

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~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

Dragons of Thuban To Ban The Falseness

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    Nothing ever happens by itself


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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Re: Nothing ever happens by itself

    Post  Lola Fri Dec 24, 2010 6:31 pm

    Rok...I love you, man...you fucking Rok!!!!! group

    and my way or the highway! All my life, baby...

    and mirror! yes I have 9 in my kitchen alone! Feng Shui baby!!! All the way!!! rofl

    and NEO being a male version of bitch! More like manwhore!!! banana

    love sex


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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Brick and stones can hurt, but words? C'mon really? That's just illusory!

    Post  Neo2012 Fri Dec 24, 2010 9:23 pm

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    Last edited by Neo2012 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Re: Nothing ever happens by itself

    Post  Guest Sat Dec 25, 2010 12:44 am

    Fumanda you trickster, you only took out what u like and overlooked the rest... You can be just as "bad" as Neo (he only took out what he disliked and overlooked the rest)...or me (to not let myself out)...yet why would you want to be? Why do anything you actually do not want to?

    Here is a task for you Lolita....go figure out what you want...además de tener largos sueños húmedos


    Whats wrong with the horndog Neo? LOL Honestly now....are not all man whores?

    Yes we use labels for things. Speaking of a whore...it is a label cumming from male dominated society...given by insecure males to women that act "inappropriate" but in truth they themselves (males) are like 10 times worse....

    I would rather leave out the details of what the universes exist of...lets leave that to physicists...

    The world is what you make it...if you think it...if you believe it...you will have it...in one way or the other. There is a guy for example that is getting attacked form Thuban space station. Do we have one you ask? No...unfortunately not...and if we did we would not use it to attack people. Yet there is a person alive on this rock (believe it or not) that manifested this into his reality by simply believing it. Does not mean it is real for all. But it is real to him? YES!

    Does not mean he can bring this into my reality or that i wish to accept it....

    To touch the unconditional...

    Unconditional love is a same love for all. You do not love one person differently than the other. And you love them despite all their bullshit. Also sexuality/intimacy itself is not a must for unconditional love to be expressed. It also involves limitless amounts of honesty, patience and acceptance.

    Going into "energy"....intimate exchange is energy exchange....is getting in touch with your "higher functions"....calibrated in a sort...if it can be called like that...opening "doorways" even... but AA battery only goes in AA slot... now if u want to put in AAA things can get complicated...no to mention the 9 volt...

    Yet here you are "surprised" and rather defensive...(so was Fumanda but she "overlooks" things) about the whole thing. Now ask yourself...why is that?

    Calling something what it is...for how long will that be a crime?

    What happened is you and Fumanda "mirrored" each other....your bullshit for her bullshit and the other way around. What is the result? Me bullshitting both of you? Or...

    Think....people...your head has a function.... beeeeeeepp, beeeeeeeep.....bbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppp

    Neo if you want to get into Fumandas panties...make her feel like a woman and not like some prized possession or a princess in a highest floor of a tallest tower in the deepest gorge of Mount Bitchy.

    Than again...what do i know...right? hazard


    Has anyone read what Tony wrote? If not...please do.


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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty We are all bound to our human form

    Post  Neo2012 Sat Dec 25, 2010 7:54 am

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    Last edited by Neo2012 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 73
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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Fumanda's panties...

    Post  Neo2012 Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:38 am

    Post edited (track covering) by member, reason: pussy

    Last edited by Neo2012 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Re: Nothing ever happens by itself

    Post  Guest Sat Dec 25, 2010 1:10 pm

    About post 54, is i say/write a word whore or...amm lets go to other example...IF..for example... i say word Lucifer and you instead of relating it to Jesus go thinking...omg what is this "satanic" crap here now....that this is problem on your end...by how u felt/interpreted when you saw/heard the word. And if i say Jesus and u start twitching with you left eye...again....see what is there making that.

    If i tell a random person i meet on the street "hey you are an idiot" and this random person gets all upset about it...this mans there is a part of that random person that agrees with my statement. Horndog? AAaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    The rest in the post is just too much enlightenment.... Your ego is part of you. Accept it. your ego is in the post you wrote...go see it (it is trying hard to be enlightened). When you show it to others, they are more than happy to return the favor...live with it.

    Speaking of others... you should Focus on Fumanda here...but only if she decides the continue what she started....meaning participating.

    And this is it about post 54, the rest stands as i already wrote it.

    About post 55

    You speak about male as "hunters" and how they want a challenge...to tame a woman....you speak about how SHE CHOOSES...when she wants to "give".... (yes i am sure u forgot to write how man also choose...or did you?....or how about that the woman has to make man interested, by much more than simply being a hard to get bitch with a nice ass)

    Are you reading this Fumanda? See i told you he would only be a toy to you.... You see this no? You could once again have your way...as so many times before...and u would get bored....but for some reason....you got all "upset" since he also "sweet talked" to Xeia.... Cant have 2 bitches in front of the same stove? huhahahah

    Yes Neo she is a woman...has nothing to do with what i said. Why do you think the bitch is there? You are very very 3D here Neo...what happened with all the enlightenment in post 54? Where did all the "energies" go?

    I am a Barby girl...in a Barby woooorld...its fantastic...i am made of plastic...you can change my hair...undress me anyyywheeeere...in your imagination...i am your creation...c mon Barby lets go party....ooo uu aa.....

    A man has two "basic qualities" to "attract" the "prey" Neo.... his DICK and a sense of humor. Or does he?

    See things like you wrote...like this one "Empty your mind, and the Universe will fill your cup! " this empty yada yada is the problem. Since sure...it does sound nice... But writing it is not living or doing it.... You need to express yourself not some "energies"....

    SHE wants to be felt like a woman Neo....get her bitchy side to know this... Stop with the old world hunter thingy...stop feeding her Barby girl persona...unless you do want to that is.

    You can go being the "alpha male" as you stated it....(wont do u much good)

    See Fumanda...Neo was just "exchanging energies"...you took it all too "personal"...your "ego" has deceived you.....you are both one...you and him..along with all the rest...so you should chill...and see it for what it is....you getting this Lola? lol

    You simply should...."understand"....also that Neo is exchanging with Xeia at the same time...and his girl he has there...and that it was all done in "unconditional" way...with hunter-prey 3D basics as foundation....

    ok now...do we all see this?

    enough of me in here....

    Fumanda....Neo....work it out...or leave it as it is....

    Fumanda...do not drag Xeia into this....if you want a target...Neo is more than willing....arnt you Neo?

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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Wake up Rok.....Rok ...wake up!

    Post  Neo2012 Sat Dec 25, 2010 3:11 pm

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    Last edited by Neo2012 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty To Fumanda..& Xeia

    Post  Neo2012 Sat Dec 25, 2010 6:27 pm

    Post edited (track covering) by member, reason: pussy

    Last edited by Neo2012 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 65
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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Giving My All...

    Post  Lola Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:53 am

    I have decided to give my all...I have decided to throw my heart over the fence and let the rest follow...

    And, in order to do this, I will first start by changing my picture to one of me. I will offer you my name as well; a name I am proud of, because it was given to me my my hero; my mother.

    And, why am I doing this?...as a form of good measure...You (Rok, Tony, Neo) have responded to my post and expelled the energy needed to contribute as well as offered your time which is, of course, valuable.

    The least I can do is reward you with honesty and good will.

    ...To keep from being disappointed, we sometimes lower our expectations or avoid taking chances. There can be good reasons for this, but it can limit what we experience. When we follow our heart, even at the risk of disappointment and pain, a world opens up we might not otherwise have entered: a job that takes us in new and exciting directions; friends we wouldn't have guessed would "fit" in our lives; experiences we didn't expect.

    I have always, since very young, have kept my expectations high and looked for what has excited me. I have risked disappointment to follow my heart.

    I have always believed in friendship too. In fact, people, even more than things, have to be restored, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; I have never thrown out anyone. Yes, as we go through life we make-and lose-many friendships. "We grew apart", we say when a friendship we valued drops away. We stop seeing friends who were once close to us because our lives have gone different directions.

    Such was the case between myself and Xeia. Until one day, we found each other again in Cyber Space. I was surprised but relieved to connect with a familiar face and even felt blessed because for so long she had been such a positive influence in my life.

    This encounter represented a new beginning, a new chapter in our life. I imagined we could pick up where we left off and keep on going...telling new stories, sharing new experiences about our family, our careers, our trials and tribulations and everyday wars.

    I was wrong. Xeia had changed, or had she? Was she this person all along and I had just failed to see her for who she was? Had this person just laid dormant for so long and now she had FINALLY found an outlet to voice her true self? She expressed to me her attitudes toward sex, her definition of sex, her ideas of free love and she even shared with me her version of reality. I didn't judge...I didn't agree either...but I considered her ideas and why not? Can't a person consider an idea without adopting it?

    The problem arose, as I see it, when my version of "love" didn't coincide with hers...And another man entered the scene thus compounding that felony.

    And that was Neo...And who was this Neo? And why Neo?...Because Neo was a friend, Neo was a confidant, Neo listened...He spoke plainly and direct...No pretense, No expectations on his part...But, most of all, the "magic" resided, at least for me, in that he saw a side of me that one ever talks about...We talked about my passion for photography, my love for the written word and we spoke of poetry...We debated religion, we argued about race...

    This awoke feelings/emotions that revived my soul...We were having conversations about me, the person, not about my academic degrees, by economic status, my life's accolades, my career path, etc.

    And yes Neo, emotions are connected to the soul, you are making things too simplistic and you are HIDING behind metaphysics and dogma

    And so the wall came down...I allowed myself to dream...to romanticize on my idea of the perfect person...

    Illusions, no I have no illusions, Neo...I lost them on my travels long ago.

    In fact, the fact that I had no illusions...the fact that I had no expectations was part of the attraction...! My 3d life would never allow me to follow this particular dream; this particular fantasy... And so your un-availability made you all the more suitable for me...You posed no threat to my current way of life...You represented adventure, and new experiences...something I welcome and have always needed...restless that I am...

    And then Neo, rather quickly and unexpectedly, you began changing the conversation to something sexual, something physical...and this isn't what I wanted or needed..I felt a disconnect...To add to that disappointment, I also learned that you have these "conversations" with my friend, Xeia...and that YOU TOO believe in "free love" and other ideals that just don't fit with who I am as an individual. I felt protective over my friend, I felt jealous! Funny...jealousy is the only vice that does not offer a reward...

    And most of all, I felt disappointed...I had elevated you to a certain status only for you fall...and suddenly... you became a fraud.

    All you were now was an insecure little boy who wanted redemption...who wanted the girl who ran away...getting the girl (i.e. Xeia) would validate you and your manhood. Xeia had now been placed on your "to do" list. You had now fallen from that pedestal I had placed you on and become just one more guy; mediocre, needy, commonplace...lost and living in the past...trapped in a 3d life that is far from ideal, far from perfect, far from what you had dreamed for yourself. In fact, the only tool you had at your disposal that you used to prevent yourself from falling victim to your despair was your "ego"...Ever present and so graciously willing to teach me a lesson!

    And yet, not all is lost...I did, in fact, learn a lesson...a lesson I have learned before...and this is that no one is infallible or free from need or pain...that if ego is all you have left and this safes you from being confronted by your owns demons than by all means...Be egoistic! Be self righteous! Be! Own it! Just don't expect others to respect you afterwards, or see the value in keeping you around...Be prepared to be seen as a hindrance, a nuisance, a liability...

    However, if you are ready to broadcast to me your own insecurities, your own feelings of inadequacy with decency and humility...with honesty and bravery...If you are ready to be a "man" and I don't mean metaphysics, I mean flesh and blood, imperfect...if you are ready to show me your humanity not your penis...then I will give myself to you openly, and without regrets...

    I too am looking for the ideal person...I too haven't found the one who compels me to stop looking...I too have limitations, things that I am proud of and things that I regret...I too have value...you and your agenda can't take that away from me...When you are ready, come to me, and you won't find opposition...

    Character builds slowly, my friend, but it can be torn down with incredible swiftness...

    Like I said, I am responding to this post because you were so kind as to respond to mine...I try never to express myself more clearly, than I am able to think.


    wine wine wine

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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Dynamics of Interpersonal Relationships Revealed...

    Post  Neo2012 Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:15 pm

    Post edited (track covering) by member, reason: pussy

    Last edited by Neo2012 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:18 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Re: Nothing ever happens by itself

    Post  Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 6:13 pm

    Did not originaly intend to say anything more but your actions Neo had an undesiarable effect on Xeia.she does not speak of it (not your concern)..and thus they had an effect on me (yes see here my "selfishness" in action)


    Fumanda...all you wrote could be put in a single paragraph...less blast, more content...and preferably...more of you in the content...

    And get yourself a new perspective...step down from the pedestal and take a look around.

    Neo... ...

    Do you always talk so much and say so little. Do you ever put yourself in your words or do you hide behind the concepts that are not even of your making. It gets boring....having a discussion with someone elses ideas and thoughts.

    Concepts that you simply adopted...a set of "instructions" to *follow*...yet WHY....?? Was/is life too tough on you Neo? Too hard to wake up?

    Am I being rude right now? Or am i being honest? Myself even?


    Just how blinded can you be, by the very same thing you want to save me from...the "ego".

    While feeding it....by doing "energetic exchanges" (or just exchanges) Quasi connecting with divine feminine or simply getting yourself all "powered up"...while at the same time being so afraid of it (yes i am sure you are not afraid but wise and knowing..or at least you think so).

    What is real Neo if all you are, see, think and do....is or might be...your ego? Have you been altered like all the "rest of us" but have suddenly rediscover yourself recently? Have you found the connection with the source? Is it white and sparkly blue?

    Have you mastered the MATRIX Neo?

    Yet how is it that you are able to function in your every day? By not making decisions? I mean..it could be your ego making judgment when you decide to go for black loaf of bread instead of hot bums... Think of this disaster Neo...your ego might be superimposing your diet on you.... just...o the horror!!!... not even to mention the countless other things in your every day life when you need to "think" before you act/say....

    Who does the thinking Neo? WHO?
    Where does it come from? How do you know it is "pure" (not ego)
    How do you recognize it is not your ego and that is is for the greater good of all involved?

    How do you function Neo?

    Do you let your feelings take you where you need to go?
    Is that separated from ego?

    Is all an illusion?
    Are you an illusion Neo?
    Than why bother with anything?
    Why reply?
    Why get upset? (which u more than clearly are)
    What has driven you into it?
    Who or what made the decision to do it?
    Who or what narrated what you wrote?

    The very same thing you fight against...that you try to resist it....you hide behind it....you try to manipulate with it....

    Are you just energetic imprint Neo? Floating around...having the experience of being in the illusion...staying in the now...not getting stuck in the past...or what was...no thoughts of what will be...you exist...here and now, out of society norms and bullshit...or at least...are you perhaps trying to make yourself believe you are?

    And...are you unconditional or do you love some more and some less?
    Do you try to be or are you?
    Do you fully accept yourself as you are?
    Are you giving yourself the love you "deserve" ?

    Have you walked the path so that you can know the path?
    Who does the KNOWING? You?
    What is you?

    BUT...before all of this...

    WHAT is unconditional?
    Where did the idea of it came from?
    Where did the idea to go after the black loaf came from?

    In fact...where did the idea of EGO came from and what it does or is suppose to do....altered or not...???

    Can you be sure of any actual thought you have and anything you see? Or oh oh...don't tell me...do you feel it? Do you feel it is not ego? Or are you just trying to enjoy the "illusion" the best way you know how?

    Were you making judgments about me and others and how my ego has me under control? How come? I mean..you are so pure aren't you? It could not be judgment...it had to be love right?

    Neo2012 wrote:

    The following statement below (which you've stated) has "some" elements of truth! Congratulations!!!!

    "See Fumanda...Neo was just "exchanging energies"...you took it all too "personal"...your "ego" has deceived you.....you are both one...you and him..along with all the rest...so you should chill...and see it for what it is....you getting this Lola? lol

    You simply should...."understand"....also that Neo is exchanging with Xeia at the same time...and his girl he has there...and that it was all done in "unconditional" way...with hunter-prey 3D basics as foundation...."

    Listen.... Noticed, I said, some, because not all you say is TRUE, however, you can feel and sense the Matrix, you know something is wrong with the world, but you can't put your finger on it...you have questions...i have answers, but you are not asking the right questions Rok.

    Actually no. You missed it, or so it seems, trying to patronize me here. It was sarcasm. Just that.

    You have answers for me Neo?
    How come?
    What makes you think you do?
    Who or WHAT is talking/was talking that Neo?
    Just how much EGO do you have thinking you have answers others need.....me or anyone else you "exchange with"....
    Is Fumanda in need of your wisdom?
    Is Xeia?

    You like to feed, don't you Neo?

    Offering your believes, your absolute truths....waiting for the "right questions"....anything else is beyond your worthy and you simply dismiss it? A?

    Neo2012 wrote:
    She shared confidences between her and I with you! She told you about the things we told one another in confidence and it ruined this fantasy you where having of you and I.

    Perhaps, because you too are no different! Perhaps because you also shared our confidences with her, and suddenly, jealous, and critical of one another’s friendship!

    In any case, the both of you betrayed my trust, and this is the result, a butterfly effect!

    How does the unconditional and secrets (uh oh confidence) coincide? It does not. I mean "god forbid"....a? Two long time (life time) girlfriends talking to each other....What are you 11 Neo that you were unable to make 1+1?

    Neo2012 wrote:
    Dynamics! Relationship dynamics! Interpersonal exchange! In any friendship, if we are to be in close relationship with others, we should be open, genuine, and authentic with one another....

    Have you been opened with her Neo? Have you shared all? Have you told her what time it was? (drka drka John) No you did not. Yet you speak of it here - Grand Master of Know It All.

    Neo2012 wrote:
    The universe doesn’t revolve around your Ego!

    Yes, put this on your wall to see it in the morning when you wake up.

    You are what you are. I am what I am. I am that I am.

    BUT.... Who is I?
    Think...yet...again...WHO does the thinking? Is it you?
    How does the thinking process evolve Neo?

    For the most part of your answers...whose "insights" were you using Neo? Some book? Some guru you might have or teaching you might like? What Xeia told you (i can see her in it)

    Are you dreaming Neo? Do you know if you are?
    When will i get a chance to talk to you? Will you take a "leap of faith"?

    Your condescension, as always Neo, will be appreciated.

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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Re: Nothing ever happens by itself

    Post  Neo2012 Sun Dec 26, 2010 11:17 pm


    I cannot broadcast whom (I am not) just to feed your needs, just to satisfy your “I”…
    (Everything you've said so far is what your “I” wants, “I” needs, as stated, this is the person your “I” needs me to be…blah)

    However, I cannot broadcast my self in that way, those are negative energies! The feelings like you say, insecurities, and inadequacy, for what? To fit your perception of what a man is, or what humanity is supposed to be like? –

    “Ready to be a man?” If you mean, in touch with emotions? Absolutely!

    Flesh & Blood? How are you laying that on me? Is that how we should see our self or is that our point of reference when we try to justify ourselves? -

    Yes, this is our human form, and this form is made of flesh and bones, and it is imperfect, and it is decaying, thank our creator, and it is humility! And, there is a lesson to be learned, which is not only humility!

    However, rather then dwelling on this mere physical fact, and blaming all our illusory negative perceptions in creating more negative energies to just justify our Ego, or blaming our creator, or others, and rationalize and say “fuck, this is how I was made”, “this is who I am”, “this is how I should act”, “under this circumstances, this is what is acceptable”, “let’s conform”, “lets be weak”, “lets be insecure”, “lets be flawed”, “lets be human”, “this is what being human really is”, Ego dwells on this, craves this, wants this!

    When you Awake!, rather then seeing things in this light, you’ll see the real you, accepting our Divinity, accepting the truth, that our bodies, made of flesh and bones is nothing more then a shell, matter occupying space, matter ready to turn to dust at the moment of our passing!

    Who we are, our true self is our spirit! Not our flesh, not our bones! It is our Spirit that mirrors our Creator, and all creation, and the Spirit is strong!

    Imperfection is NOT what makes us human! We all say, “It is human to error” Or is it not? Again, or just is it an excuse, away to justify a deliberate action, justify our Ego?

    You want to define humanity? This is my version…it is compassion, love, devotion, intelligence, tolerance, patience, fellowship, empathy, sympathy, collaboration, social exchange, integrity, honesty, bravery, and perfection.

    We should not confuse our human nature with human suffering! Hindrance, nuisance, liability, insecurity, or inadequacies as you say...if you read my previous post, i've explained where all these negative energies come from!

    There is no “ideal” person! Our Ego, loves to think so, because and "ideal" person, would make my Ego feel good, feel special, feel unique!

    We are made in the image of our creator! Are we not? Is our creator human or spirit? Is our creator Egotistic? Self-righteous? Does our creator display humility? - I say this....embrace your Divinity, not what your Ego says you need...let go of that personality, and you will experience a re birth!

    Are we a piece of meat? Are woman?
    Are you asking, is this how men see us? Or is this ho he sees me?? - Your Ego, needs to validated! He sees Xeia as a piece of meat! (seeking further validation) He sees all women as a piece of meat! (oh, am liking this, says the Ego) Keep going...Oh, I am soooo offended now! (Sarcasm)

    Like Rok stated before, Are we each other’s toys? -

    Again, perhaps you didn’t read previous posts; perhaps we only read that which our Ego wants to see, however, as I’ve said before, and OVERLOOKED, that is a distortion of the truth, created by those who seek to satisfy what their personality of the “I need” needs to hear!

    Sexual talk…Boooo Hoooo , wow, you got me! Oh noooo! How could I ever live with myself, I am such a fraud!!! Damn you “free love”! (Sarcasm darling)

    Wait, it wasn’t wrong for “us” to carry on a sexual conversation, although your are married, and I have a girlfriend, YET, I am a “fraud” because similar expressions where directed at Xeia, between Xeia and my self at the same time we where feeling whatever we where feeling?! WTF? Are you serious?

    Maybe, your “I” needed to believe this or that, and since because is (you) it makes it alright, (justifying) but the minute it involves some one else, moral judgments kicks in “over drive”?

    Let us not be hypocritical here! Or santimonious!

    I know playing victim satisfies your “I” needs but you don’t have to slander people to make yourself feel better. Attacking my character, trying to discredit me by slander? - (enough said)

    Look, if you want to immediately start feeling better about yourself...just tell your Ego..."I am not listening to you", and go back to being in the "now". Laugh, love yourself, love everything and everone around you, embrace every positive moment of your existance!

    The best for last - Xeia - We’ve not talked about Xeia all this time! Let’s address this NOW!

    Is she the one that got away? Do I want to realize a High School crush?
    Not at all!

    Did I want Xeia back in High School? Yes, I did!

    Do I care if Xeia has kids and possibly her figure isn’t the same, or she’s lost her figure? WTF – No!

    Did I knew back in High School that she was attracted to me even though I was a nerd? - No, but it sure made for really interesting topic of discussion now!

    See, I always knew how I felt about her in High School, but I never knew that she felt the same! Until these feelings where conveyed. So, things where said, we immerged ourselves in the “now”, things where said, feelings where exposed, thoughts that had been suppressed for a very long time came to surface!

    WTF is wrong with that??? - Nothing!

    The only thing improper about all of this, which is the cause of the conflict here, is the fact that, neither of you can be trusted to keep certain confidences to yourself. And I am in the middle of it!

    She shared confidences between her and I with you! She told you about the things we told one another in confidence and it ruined this fantasy you where having of you and I.

    Perhaps, because you too are no different! Perhaps because you also shared our confidences with her, and suddenly, jealous, and critical of one another’s friendship!

    In any case, the both of you took an action, you didn't keep confidences, resulting in a conflict, a butterfly effect!

    I did not use you, or her, you are just upset because your "I" needs to be the one to be more special, more beautiful, more sexy, more everything, it all became about you! In your ilusion Xeia doesn't fit in! I do, but not her! She's got no right to feel as good as you, not even remotely good, and I have no right to make her feel this way, because am supposed to make you feel good, and only you! - Total Ego trip!

    However, IF, if you stop and quiet down your "I" needs for a second, and you really want to be in tune with your true self, and learn something about the meaning of humanity…is this:

    Dynamics! Relationship dynamics! Interpersonal exchange! In any friendship, if we are to be in close relationship with others, we should be open, genuine, and authentic with one another. We should be enhancing one another’s self-worth, and self-esteem, not festering hostilities, fostering suspicions and creating bitterness!

    Maybe Xeia and where caught in a genuine moment of exchange, maybe we where giving closure to suppressed feelings towards each other and maybe you didn’t like this and it bother you…. well, get over it! We all on occassion give in to the personality of our "I". Yes, even me! I am no exeption!

    It felt good to let those repressed feelings out, and I am sure Xeia felt good about being able to free those repressed feelings too!

    In addition, the universe doesn’t revolve around you, or me, or her!


    And, that is as real as things are going to get, the flesh and bones, you've mentioned before, yes, its weak, this shell is dying, however we are perfect in Spirit.

    This is where we triumph, and in how we choose to handle life’s conflicts, that is part of what determines our humility, our grace, and in the end it helps us reflect our true self and if we are mindful enough our true self will be that which is the image of God, the image of our creator.

    A my being self-righteous, by the power of God, the power of our Creator, and made in his image, aren’t we all? - Question is…is it HIS self-righteous we are reflecting or are we just merely projecting our self-righteous Ego (I needs) allowing ourselves to be tricked to think we are, when deep down we are not? - If you stay still…you’ll know the answer!

    Last edited by Neo2012 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Before you can discover the source; you first must discover yourself!

    Post  Neo2012 Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:05 pm

    Did not originaly intend to say anything more but your actions Neo had an undesiarable effect on Xeia.she does not speak of it (not your concern)..and thus they had an effect on me (yes see here my "selfishness" in action)

    You are being chivalrous and defensive! Are you trying to impress someone Rok?, perhaps Xeia? Or are you being genuine?

    What was it that you said about how to make a woman feel like a woman?

    A princess in a highest floor of a tallest tower in the deepest gorge of Mount Bitchy....

    Or wait...

    I am a Barby girl...in a Barby woooorld...its fantastic...i am made of plastic...you can change my hair...undress me anyyywheeeere...in your imagination...i am your creation...c mon Barby lets go party....ooo uu aa.....


    SHE wants to be felt like a woman Neo....get her bitchy side to know this... Stop with the old world hunter thingy...stop feeding her Barby girl persona...unless you do want to that is

    A my being very very 3d here for you Rok?? Hhmmm

    Is this how you view woman? Is this how you view Xeia? Are you reading this Xeia? You see how he is just a Toy to you? -

    C'mon dude! Get serious! - I am sorry to have to be the one to burst your bubble or rain on your parade brother, but you’ve left me no choice but to expose your delusions

    Rok, grow some balls! (meaning…aim for some maturity here) lol

    Xeia, might be buying all this from you, or she might just be playing along because she’s getting attention, but I don't have a veil over my eyes!

    Is that too much enlightment for you? - Or for you Xeia?

    And, Xeia, is his perception of you the REAL you? Or has he been feeding your Barby girl persona, or your bitchy Ego? -

    Are you "mirrors" of one another or are you just somewhere caught in your own “3D” illusion, your 3D world, that satisfies each of your Ego?

    Is reality to hard? Or is it that ignorance is too Bliss?

    Or do you really want to Awake and see the world for what the world truly is, and what we truly are?

    A my being too Egotistical? A my being Ego maniac enough for you?

    Do you always talk so much and say so little. Do you ever put yourself in your words or do you hide behind the concepts that are not even of your making. It gets boring....having a discussion with someone elses ideas and thoughts.

    Are you bored Rok? A my boring you with so much talk?

    How much does the universe talk? How much does the source say? - And, when does it ever shut up? -- Hmmm

    Talk to me Rok! What are your concepts and what are your building blocks, the construct of your making?

    3D's, 4D's 5Ds? Optical ilusions? Mental ilusions? Metaphors? Cosmic Knowledge? Mayan Prophecies? Mayan Dogmas? Buddhist Dogmas? Jesus Christ? The bible? The Qu'ran? God? Evolution? Hinduism? Scientology? What are YOUR concepts? Show me YOUR originality? - I want to know Rok! (bit sarcastic?)

    Or are you just being full of shit just to impress a girl or others or maybe yourself? -

    Are you genuine? Or a my being rude now? - Or honest? Or myself? Or asshole? -

    Do you feel "mirrored" now? Hmmm

    Are we projecting or reflecting one another? Hmmm

    Angry? - Hmmm

    Is that how I am coming across as now? - Is it obvious? Hhmm

    (Damn it! A Bit too sarcastic?)

    Tell me...I don't want to bore you…heaven forbid! (get it?)

    How's my Ego looking to you now?

    Come...save me from my Ego!

    Yes. All this time...I've just wanted to save you from your Ego, when really it is my Ego the grand perpetrator here, and I need to be rescued from it?

    Quasi connecting with divine feminine or simply getting yourself all "powered up"...while at the same time being so afraid of it (yes i am sure you are not afraid but wise and knowing..or at least you think so). What is real Neo if all you are, see, think and do....is or might be...your ego? Have you been altered like all the "rest of us" but have suddenly rediscover yourself recently? Have you found the connection with the source? Is it white and sparkly blue?

    What do you know about Divine Femininity? -

    You speak of woman as Barbie Dolls!

    You speak of man as only having a “penis” and “sense of humor”!

    What do you know about Quasi connections? -

    Do they seem white and sparkly to you? Hhmmm.

    Understand something Rok....

    I can see through you! Not because bullshit recognizes bullshit or any of that shit, that your Ego would say to make you feel better about yourself, rather because that’s what wisdom is!

    A two year old doesn’t see the danger of fire, stove, or electrical currents, however and adult does! Why? Is it because the adult is full of the same shit as the child? No! Far from it! Is because the adult is wiser!

    Make no mistake Rok, you are a child in my eyes, in many ways! - (my Ego, I know)

    However, if you indeed where authentic or indeed had some real knowledge, some wisdom, some concept, some sharpen perception, some connection to the source, any of you wouldn't be trapped in all of these 3D crap you guys keep talking about! Or spend countless hours of your life glued to the internet!

    "why you sit every day, night in day, in front of a computer" "you are looking for something, you don't know what it is""but is there, like a splinter"

    You’d would have master your fears by now, your jealousy, your envy, you should have by now found the answers, and wouldn’t be gunnysacking your way through life, as I’ve clearly projected back at you as an example! You should all have master your Ego not still be slaves of it!

    Why over state the personality of the Ego? Because, that is the first step of self-awareness! Because, that is the first abstract we must undestand, and eventually free ourselves from, to free our minds of it! As long as the Ego exist you will never be free! As long as The Matrix exist you will never be free! As long as your caught in the Dream of Duality, you are plugged in Rok!

    Duality does NOT equal ONENESS!

    Being one with the Source of all creation is a humbling experience!

    Yes, you will have answers! Yes, you will have wisdom! Yes, you will feel empowered! Yes, others may perceive you as a false prophet! Or as an Ego Maniac! Yes, many won't believe in you! Yes, many will ridicule you! Yes, many will try and kill you! Yes, many will think you are all "powered up" and full of shit, while you are only being empowered by light!

    Would you be my follower if I said the Angel Jibril came and talk to me? Would you be my follower had I wrote the Bible or the Qu'ran? If I was a physicist or a scientist? Or someone famous Saint, someone like Gandi, Jesus, Muhammad, Mother Theresa, or an Alien from another Planet? -

    What set of instructions do I follow? What books have I read? Who's been my guide? - Is their only one path to the source or many? Do I know others that have found the source? Are we all connected? What is that experience like?

    What? Where you expecting me to be Monk, some sort of humanitarian, or genious, someone? A girl perhaps? Otherwise, am just full of shit like you? - Is that it? --

    Digest this Rok...

    I am nothing more then a Guide. (this is how i see myself) ( i don't see myself better then you or anyone)

    I can show you the door, cannot open it for you! I can point you in the right direction, you have to decide for yourself, but you already know the answer to that, right Rok?

    I can tell you how everything is, give you all the answers, but i cannot make you feel these things or walk the path for you!

    Good day!

    Last edited by Neo2012 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 73
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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty One more thing...

    Post  Neo2012 Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:30 pm

    How does the unconditional and secrets (uh oh confidence) coincide? It does not. I mean "god forbid"....a? Two long time (life time) girlfriends talking to each other....What are you 11 Neo that you were unable to make 1+1?

    1+1 is a very simplistic view to the dynamics of interpersonal communication!

    Moreover, you are assuming that I wasn't aware of the probabilities that our self disclosures wouldn't stay confidential, once again, your making all the wrong assumtions!

    Notice, I never said, "you shouldn't tell Fumanda what you and i are taking about" or vice versa! And, I never said, it was "wrong" for them to interchange our disclosures!


    Fumanda and Xeia are two person who's releationship probably goes back more than 20 years, in some way, it would be correct to say that the are "connected" similar to a son and his father, an employer and employee, two sisters, a teacher and a student, two lovers, two friends, and so on!


    Even when you have triads (groups of three people), dyads (two-person relationships) are still primary; dyads are ALWAYS central to interpersonal relationships!


    Is there some type of conciousness that rules our interactions with others?

    As we interect with one another, are their any stablished rules that govern our interactions?

    Perhaps, Social stablish rules or mutual stablished rules?

    How do we manage what to say, what not to say, what's proper or improper?

    What part of our human behaviors defines how we choose to interact with others?

    How does the unconditional and secrets (uh oh confidence) coincide?

    Rok, do you tell your friends everything?

    Do you share with your father or mother conversations about mastubation with your g/f, or the threesome you took part of the night before you came to visit them?

    Rok, do you tell your best friend about that embarrassing hemorroide you have stuck on your ass that itches and bleed every time you take a shit?

    Do you? Does this describe you? -

    I hope not! Honestly! Plain and simple just because we can tell our friends anything doesn't mean that we should or that its always the proper thing to do!

    The Elements behind this are simple:

    Says what
    In what channel
    To whom
    With what effect

    This view of communication is relatively linear, basic model, but you get the idea, dont you?

    If I know that my friend is friends with a friend of mine and my friend really likes this friend and this friend and I who are also friends share a kiss, should I tell my friend and if so, with what effect?

    Better yet, if so, after considering the possible effects, understanding my reasons for telling my friend is even more important and that will depend on what you think about the relationship you've haad with that person that's been your friend for over 20 years!

    1+1? the value of one doesn't change, is constant, there are no concious elements involve in mathematics, the rules are simple, such is not the case with us!

    Yes, there are rules, some of them can be broken, some cannot, and when we break a rule, a conflict will rise up, how we choose to handle that conflict is entirely up to us!

    We respond to each other on the basis of psychological data to some degree. You base your predictions of another's behavior to some degree on your explanatory knowledge, and you interact on the basis of mutually established rules as well as socially established rules to some degree, but you could never truthfully predict what another person will do, or not do, react, or not react to, the area is very broad, and each person might draw its boundaries differently.

    Who we are, what we know, what we believe, what we value, what we want, what you have been told, what your attitudes are, what you say to others, what their attitudes are, and so on, all influce what you say, how you say it, what messages you receive, and how you receive them. Each person is unique!

    Are you receiving me? - We all don't have the same competence!

    And, its sad because no one enjoys seeing others get hurt, specially for something so miniscule as this in comparison to the so many more important things in life!

    Last edited by Neo2012 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Re: Nothing ever happens by itself

    Post  Guest Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:25 pm

    Neo you quote me and than comment on it...trying to point on my "view of women"...Shows how you did not get any of it. Fumanda did though.

    You are some "knight in shining armor" arnt you? You can not use my lingo against me lol... You do not even understand it. But you did manage to manipulate girls pretty well...one of them is in tears...and again...i feel that...

    See this is me being selfish right now...

    Did not bother reading the rest of the yada yada...

    As far as i saw....the game is up anyway.


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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Re: Nothing ever happens by itself

    Post  Neo2012 Mon Dec 27, 2010 10:27 pm

    I know Fumanda knows, and know she's got it, and i know all she understands!

    If there is one thing I love about Fumanda is her intelligence! She is my equal! For lack of better words, perhaps, my better half!

    She is sensitive, emotional, easily livid, and passionate about things!

    However, she is not easily dazzled and blinded by lingo!

    Do I know she's upset at me? Yes, of course! She's furious, and with good reason!

    Disappointed? Yes, but not about me!

    She may hate how I carried out, and disclosed things with Xeia that I shouldn't have said in light of things!

    But she also knows those where repressed feelings going back to who Xeia was back in High School, and in that view doesn't necessarily constitute the present!

    Presently, I don't know who Xeia is! I know nothing of her relationship with her kids, her husband, nor her life! Other then reminiscing about the past, we, share very little of each other! And, yes, theirs a mutual fondness and respect for one another, but we can't say that we talk all the time!

    I know Fumanda feels hurt, but I trust she knows me much better than you think.

    Like I said, she's not easily dazzled or blind sided, by lingo!

    She is strong! Doesn't need my chivalry! Other, than to hear me say, am sorry, didn't mean to hurt you!

    You know what i mean??? --

    But, you are right...second thing your right about ...this game is over!

    Let's move on...shall we?

    Last edited by Neo2012 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Re: Nothing ever happens by itself

    Post  Guest Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:01 pm

    Neo2012 wrote:
    You are being chivalrous and defensive! Are you trying to impress someone Rok?, perhaps Xeia? Or are you being genuine?

    I love her and i know how all of this is making her feel. Despite her Crab like "maneuvers". This is why i am here. No Neo i am not unconditional...i do not BS myself. And no I do not see her a as a Barby girl..etc you completely missed what all of that was about....but it is ok...i guess you went into your "energetic state" and my bla bla was below your vibration or something...so...

    Problem is...the more i respond to you...the more i feed you...

    You speak of negative energies...oh ... Neo there is this forum named Mists of Avalon...they do not like negative energies (saying things as they are) so u might want to check it out.

    Neo2012 wrote:
    I am nothing more then a Guide. (this is how i see myself) ( i don't see myself better then you or anyone)
    O holy spirit your presence humbles me.

    Ok great Neo you are a spirit. I recognize you here and now. Happy?

    Neo2012 wrote:
    I can show you the door, cannot open it for you!

    Oh boy...could not you found anything more typical....

    Neo2012 wrote:
    I can tell you how everything is, give you all the answers, but i cannot make you feel these things or walk the path for you!

    Omg Neo so u have MASTERED the matrix. Everyone please...may i have your ATTENTION.... Neo is SAVED...we the rest of us are "sinners". I am just so "lost" i mean....how in a world i can no see this...This light being...this love he is projecting on me. The blind fool I am...

    When you have a thought Neo (god forbid-ego right here)....where does it come from....and where does the "place" your thought came come from and where the place of the place of where your thought came come from.... Where do the ideas come from?

    Seems you will do anything to not talk about the basic issue...your double mouth with Fumanda and Xeia...

    Neo2012 wrote:
    Honestly! Plain and simple just because we can tell our friends anything doesn't mean that we should or that its always the proper thing to do!

    You mean like ditching one "friend" to gain a favor from another? I mean...just asking here you know... not that you would actually? Or would you?

    Neo2012 wrote:
    Are you receiving me? -

    Unfortunately yes... (another ego example right here...see it...recognize it)

    Neo2012 wrote:
    Presently, I don't know who Xeia is! I know nothing of her relationship with her kids, her husband, nor her life! Other then reminiscing about the past, we, share very little of each other! And, yes, theirs a mutual fondness and respect for one another, but we can't say that we talk all the time!

    Sounds like u have "unfinished things" since high school....boy...

    Neo2012 wrote:
    Notice, I never said, "you shouldn't tell Fumanda what you and i are taking about" or vice versa! And, I never said, it was "wrong" for them to interchange our disclosures!

    You stated they betrayed your trust...an action that had a butterly effect...as u said... Did not get that as "ok thing to do" or "not wrong"...

    About Fumanda being your equal and all the rest...well...that is something she can comment on herself. I think she will like to, wont you Fumanda? In fact....Fumanda...why don't you share with us just about what all understanding that you got directly from Neo ...hoping that it will make the game over... I greatly dislike the effect this has on Xeia.

    Some "Love and Light" (opening doors and such) ARE YOU READY? OH SIR YES SIR I AM. YES I CAN!!!


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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Enough!

    Post  Lola Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:44 am


    Unconditional love...Free Love, Perfect Love...These are all Utopian ideals...But love becomes complicated; less free, less generous, less egalitarian when it is personal...

    And, in this case, it couldn't be more so...Thus "sharing" becomes a dirty word...taboo...

    I love you, Neo...despite your faults and my complaints...Maybe I should have been more understanding/less judgmental...After all, this "flirting", this "exchange of fucking energies" happened before I came into the picture...

    And what is wrong with jealousy anyway? True, it is the only vice that offers no reward...but to feel jealously is to love...in fact, sometimes you hate most, the ones you love...Too me, a worst word is apathy...to not care, to not feel anything...trust me...I know...

    And what the hell is wrong with EGO?! Are we all supposed to be insecure little pieces of shit...? Why can't we be proud of who we are and what we stand for, etc...OMG We would all be sitting in some therapist's office dropping $250 a session...I don't know about you but I got better things to do with my money!

    And what is wrong with "sharing" Oh Oh...Here is where you will tell me where to go! Lots of things are wrong with sharing...when it is personal, that is...

    After all, we all may be striving to achieve 5D...To live 5D...but we are here...on planet EARTH...in 3D! and Saying it...Preaching it...Yelling it to the 4 winds is NOT doing it! Is not Living it! There are better ways to get your point across than to beat people with a stick....!

    BUT you stubborn people don't get it...So I MUST get my stick!


    ROK: Don't be so stubborn! Tell Xeia you love her: and not like:
    I love you, I need you, I can't live without you or any of that crap that makes you sound like a fucking fagot.
    Tell Her: When I think of you I smile, you make my day bearable...
    Tell Her: You bring meaning to my life...
    Tell Her: I have waited so long to find you...don't leave...
    Tell Her: I am both serene and delirious...I am awake with you...

    Get it? Women need things spelled out for them...especially women that have been broken, as I have...women that are not of this earth...

    And Defend Yourself: Tell her...Look Xeia! I go to work and come home...only to spend the rest of my day talking with you! Isn't that proof enough...What time do I have for other women? You consume all of my time! And for how long have we been talking? And you still don't believe me? Don't you trust me?

    And don't I have a right to be jealous? Am I painted on the fucking wall? Am I a figment of your imagination? Maybe I DON'T WANT to SHARE you...Maybe, I don't like it? Ever think of that? Maybe I am NOT as evolved, should we say, as YOU?!

    And maybe I don't want to suck up! I have my pride! And let's face it...isn't my wit? my self-confidence? my bla bla bla that attracted you to me in the first place....

    YES ROK, you must say all this! Be Courageous! Love makes us so! Keep your pride! Keep your EGO! BUT defend your integrity...Because another man has challenged it...Defend her because you love her and because she has earned it, Pendejo!

    AND Xeia: Did you ever think that ROK wasn't as evolved as you? You are not of this earth, he is...He doesn't see things in the way that you do... He doesn't feel the need to say he loves you...he does something BETTER...he SHOWS you! I respect that! Did it ever cross your mind that he might be jealous? That he is not too cool with the idea of "sharing"? That it pisses him the fuck off that you are "exchanging fucking energies" with Neo? That he sees that as disrespectful? That it hurts because it is...personal?

    Why don't you exchange energies with just Rok, hmm? Do u not believe him? So you feel you must keep another one in reserve? Just in case it doesn't work out? Just because you think you have achieved this higher level of understanding, does not mean he has...you are assuming...and assumptions, more often than not, get us in trouble.

    And why do you need others to SEE you as a goddess in order for you to be happy...? A goddess knows she is one and does not really need anyone to tell her so...no herds of men need come to your door...A goddess knows she is one in her own right...You may BE the Divine Feminine or you may not? You must take baby steps before you run...and if you already are...then you don't need herds of men to tell you so, you don't need a flock of sheep masturbating to your photograph...

    What you need is validation...not adulation!!!!! And don't expect Rok to build you a shrine and start meditating in front of your pictures and some scented candles...NO, you don't need this from others...but from ROK and why? because your emotions are invested in him....but he wont give you this validation because he is hurt, and why is he hurt?...Because you wont put him on a pedestal and give him the gold medal he has worked 2 years to earn...and notice, you are asking for a shrine and not returning the favor...He doesn't get his pedestal...He doesn't even get the best seat in the theater!

    Is he selfish? Yes, love is selfish...carnal love is selfish...it is not divine...not for him anyway and you must see that and respect it...

    And what is divine love? pure love? unconditional fucking love? Children...they save me...why? Because I believe only half of what I see and none of what I hear. Because children are pure, selfless, without judgment...they are the week, the helpless, the future...Cursed be those, who dare close a child's book...

    Unconditional love is not to be found on this Earth, not now, not as things exist now...I would love to find it, don't get me wrong but doubt if I ever will find pure love, sublime love, divine love...

    You know, I often think everything about me is wrong...For starters, I should have been born a man...most of my friends are men...females hate me, usually...because I don't play the victim...because looks, validation, sexiness, femininity is not all that important to me...In fact, I don't think I am sexy at all...but I will tell you what I DO think IS sexy...

    A man taking his son to the park...i.e. a playful, loving responsible father...very sexy...

    A man playing tickle monster with his son all the while letting his son kick the crap out of him...very sexy...

    A protective parent...sexy
    A responsible parent...sexy
    A parent who is willing to sacrifice HIS own happiness for the sake of his children...mega sexy

    A parent who's love is NO match for the GUILT he would feel bringing pain and suffering to his children...responsible, self-sacrificing, selfless, and yes...very very sexy...

    Christ's love for us was sublime, was selfless, was self sacrificing...and a man that follows this rule and leads his life in the image of Christ...this is not only sexy but sublime. This is honorable...This is humbling...

    And Neo: Stop preaching to the choir...Stop peddling religious dogma...You're a Jehovah's Witness who takes pictures with your family in front of a God dammed fucking Christmas tree and then posts it on fb....Come on, man! Really?

    And Neo: A Guide? Really? Are you the fucking map? I think you have been hanging out with Dora La Explorada way too much! Are you Mexican? You are Cuban, carajo! Hay mira que los Cubanos hablan mierda, Dios Mio....me meo....

    And you blocked me from Facebook? Serious? You don't want to be my "friend" anymore? Good! Fine! I'm better off anyway...Didn't want to see pictures of your "family" anymore...Yes, I am jealous, hate your girlfriend....I mean, posting pictures of you and your kids is one thing but you and your girlfriend...? I don't do that! I don't rub it in your face! I mean, I look at those pictures and think...Damn, that should be me in those pictures..not that ugly ass chick...and those should me my kids...They would love me, by the way, all kids do...They know, they feel, I would protect them, they trust me...unconditional love everybody...the only one found on this Earth, as we know it, now...

    So what is the lesson to be learned here...?

    That I am a bitch? Nahhh...we knew that one...

    That we all have pride, EGO and that it sometimes controls us? Yes, knew that too...

    NO, what we have learned here today, or maybe not learned but what we are reminded of here today...is that...

    We all need validation! We all have value...So humble yourself ROK
    We all need to know our place! Where we stand! This free love shit doesn't exist in his Wikipedia... So give it to him, Xeia...
    We all need respect! So, respect my feelings Xeia although they may be different from yours...and respect those of Rok, too...and respect yourself...you are beautiful and don't need a man feeding on you...it humiliates you, degrades ROK, empowers Neo and (trust me, he don't need more empowering) and it offends me...

    Look, if this pisses you all off, sorry...I am not as evolved...In fact, sometimes I don't even believe I belong here...I think I was born in the wrong place...at the wrong time, and in the company of the wrong people...

    And then there is Tony...I am so blessed to have met your acquaintance...I don't know if you realize just how much your chat meant to me...I haven't debated the Holy Book in just so long...Shame on me...! It was 3 30 am last night when we finished chatting and I felt compelled to read...and so I read Ezequiel (a little)...I read Chapter 10...Genesis, too....I am so tired...

    It has been years since I debated the Bible in linear terms, in scientific terms...I felt alive...I mean...I have a Masters in International Trade for God sakes and I never go to church...People think I am an Atheist...I don't ever bother talking about it because what the hell, nobody understands me anyway...But you took the time, and made the effort and took me back to Jerusalem...I mean, I never even talk about this crap...If I do, I get: What, are you Jewish?

    Thank You!

    And I heard you did my natal chart...I am eager to see it...should be interesting...I hope it doesn't tell you that I am crazy for I could have told you that in less time and half the effort...

    Xeia, don't be mad a me...I love you...Believe in yourself and trust yourself for once...don't sell me on this free love shit...I don't buy it...You will lose him...

    ROK, grow some balls, carajo y no seas tan maricon...Tell Neo to go fuck himself, Xeia is yours...I mean, who really has time for a dual with fancy swords and a handkerchief...that is too Victorian and not your style...

    Neo, don't be a user, don't be a fake...Don't be a mujeriego...in other words, don't be Cuban!

    and Alexandra! Shut the fuck up...No body likes you anyways, lol...Yes, got it..this is why I was deleted of Facebook...

    Isn't love beautiful...? Isn't Love Painful? Isn't Love Anguish? Isn't love blind and stupid...

    hammer hammer hammer

    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Re: Nothing ever happens by itself

    Post  Guest Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:54 am


    Not what one would expect Fumanda but still much, much better than yada yada...expressing the self and not some group therapy lessons. Was hoping that you would show "more"....

    You even mentioned Tony...well if you speak with him more he might shake the foundations some of the things you stated as certainty in here...but that is another matter.

    I do not kiss ass Fumanda. I say things when i mean them. When they have value. Not to assure or re-assure someones (her) personal "belief". About the feelings...she can ask..and she does...so... I do not "wear it out" and also i have to be in the "mood" i have to feel like it...meaning...no drama "sponging" like me not sleeping good for past two nights, waking up wet from sweat this morning...felt like having a fever and all that...purely as a result of her reactions (also my problem to handle)...so no mistakes please...Neo or anyone can not do that to me...But this are details, not the bigger picture.
    It is also not my place to allow or to disallow anyone anything. I stated my thoughts, she knows them...don't you worry about it...but i do not state commands. No control freak here in me.

    And her being "confused" from "time to time" (like now)....well...lets keep that off of here for now.. I need a "level 100 clearance" to put that out here lol

    The way you said it lol...well your style yes...I am a "cold European"...meaning i actually wait and see if she "gets is" or when she will "get it"....no "wild" Spanish blood in me (or how was it that you described it to me...) I do try from time to time to make the world spin the other way around...but it is no exactly something that comes naturally to me.

    Also all of this is off topic...i hope all can see that since beginning things went off topic to "higher levels of discussion" (or something)and that the actual "problem" is not being worked on...

    Speaking of getting off topic...this comes to mind: Illusion is the first of all pleasures (O.Wilde)

    But it brought you Fumanda to some new "thoughts"....to some scripture discussions that you like...others were brought to some "friend realizations"..so i just might sponge in some more... Or?


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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Responding to Post 67 & 69

    Post  Neo2012 Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:48 pm

    Responding to Post 67 & 69

    I said, I am a spirit, and you concurred...


    (And, I will get back to Fumanda and her recent recent post)

    Right now...I just want to know more about Rok because in my opinion, he is a good guy, otherwise Xeia wouldn't be in love with him...(makes sense)

    What I want to know is this Rok...

    Do you believe that? Or are you just mocking me?

    On previous post you asked me a series of questions...

    Why do you feel the need to mock me?

    You are welcome to share your beliefs with me Rok, regardless of what they are, or what your sources are, or how you’ve come to the conclusions you’ve come to, I will respect you!

    I will not mock you, please don't try and mock me!

    You can call it for what you really think, and believe, I know I always do!

    I’ll call it for what I think it is. Perhaps, you should to!

    If you want to just flat out tell me, “Listen, I think your egocentric, delusional, and I think you are full of shit!” Go for it!

    Change the Lingo! Stop the mockery and just say what you really think and/or feel, but be mindful what you say is a reflection of your true self that's all.

    I am not going to get on plane and fly 25,000 miles to kick your ass! LOL

    Don't worry, I know you are a part of this existence just as much as I am, or as any of us are. We share a connection, we are one, to make a mockery out of you means to make a mockery of myself!

    And, Yes, I love myself, I am egocentric, I love the smell of my shit, let's put it that way! It has nothing to do with me being born in Cuba. I just love myself, and to that degree I love others, all sentient beings.

    But, you, I do have agree with Fumanda, you need to grow some balls! Don't be offended, it only means, I rather you stand there before me, and say,

    “Look these are my beliefs, and here are the facts that has lead me to these conclusions!” or "I still dont know what my beliefs are, am still learning many things, I've not made any conclusions unlike you that seem to know it all!"

    Thats fine! At least you are making YOUR stand clear. YOU, the real you is all everyone wants to see, not a projection of what you think others will accept.

    YOU! Not a video of someone else’s words! YOU!

    Your words, your beliefs and why…. that’s what people want to know. That’s what I would like to know if you looked at me in the eyes!

    You asked me a bunch of questions, whether your intentions where and are to mock me (which is obvious) because you think that I seem to think that am some kind of God like, know it all (lol) which by the way, that I am… but that’s besides the point, I am still interested in hearing YOU, and to listen to YOU…but the real you…the real view points of your true self.

    The only thing is that am a little more difficult to convince then Xeia is...you really need come clean with me...because i know the difference!

    See, I know what I am, who I am, and I think you’ve got me pretty figured out, but you say nothing of yourself…. why do you think that is?

    I want to know you, my brother, be YOU…

    Reveal your true self…

    I am not Xeia…I am not in love with you, you’re not going to shatter your image with me…

    Whenever your ready…

    We can take on the necessary experiential vehicles to actively work on the concepts and discuss with all honesty, sincerity, the questions, the real questions… that lead to truthful and meaningful revelations!

    I am sure theirs al lot you want to say! Say it! Or do I intimidate you?

    Are YOU a spirit?

    What are you? -

    Who are you Rok?

    And, most importantly...

    Where the are you going when you are dead? – And, why?

    Are we re-encarnating? Are we joining the mothership to go live somewhere else, somewhere more dignifying? Are we going to heaven to be with the Angels becoming Angels ourselves? Or are we going back to the source to be decoded? Are we going to be seen again? If so, how, are we going to be seeing in the Cosmic Universe,perhaps as star dust, perhaps a star? - Or does death means the end of life?

    To Fumanda:

    Fumanda, you speak of the Holy Book, and Tony, and of me as being Jehovah's Witness, while all this time I am telling Rok about the Ego, the Dream of Duality, the construct of the Matrix, in short, you are too saying that am full of shit because Jehovah's Witnessess dont believe in any of those things...Right? lol

    That because of the Holy Book, because of being a Jehovah's Witness...I can't possibly believe believe that we are all connected or that theirs one single source where all things come from, a source of creation that we link to, and links all things together? That's theirs a natural world, and spiritual world?

    Hmm interesting!

    Another thing, is it possible Fumanda, that you are confusing jealousy with zeal? Love is not jealous, but it is zealous!

    In fact, am going to start a new thread…entitled Q&A DECODING THE MATRIX! Where we could share our beliefs!

    In addition...

    Their is no rivalry between Rok and I over Xeia, and there shouldn't be any between Xeia and you, either due to jealousy, or zeal, their just shouldn't be because after all ...all we are...are friends. A coalition of friends that could either serve a greater purpose of productivity, or serve a lesser purpose of unproductive negativity, and I for one, would like to choose the latter!

    I love you too!

    And Xeia...

    Is true, All is illusion, but behind all illusion theirs a source! We can't live on Illusions...in the end we all have to con
    front the truth!

    Last edited by Neo2012 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:22 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Re: Nothing ever happens by itself

    Post  SuiGeneris Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:12 pm

    Rok wrote:
    Also all of this is off topic...i hope all can see that since beginning things went off topic to "higher levels of discussion" (or something)and that the actual "problem" is not being worked on...

    I thought the topic was "nothing happens by itself"... if not... what is the actual topic of this discussion?

    Discussions do tend to morph into something else, specially when passions run high... but i don't think it's a problem if it naturally "drifts away" into something else... there is no rule that prohibits it so... but if you wish to stay on topic... can you please say what exactly is the actual "problem" not being worked on? so it can be addressed also on top of everything else...

    Rok wrote:Speaking of getting off topic...this comes to mind: Illusion is the first of all pleasures (O.Wilde)

    I love this quote.
    He is a genius of the Victorian era, and it is so true... illusion is the fist of all pleasures, at least to me it is.... because it begins in the MIND and thought precedes everything...
    Without illusion one is trapped within the confines of mere "facts"... and that is too constrictive and suppressive...at least for a Waterflyer...

    Xeia Kali

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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Re: Nothing ever happens by itself

    Post  SuiGeneris Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:53 pm

    Neo2012 wrote:And Xeia...

    Is true, All is illusion, but behind all illusion theirs a source! We can't live on Illusions...in the end we all have to confront the truth!

    I never said ALL is illusion. It's not. That is another one of the "facts" i was referring to, only this one came from the new agers...

    We can't live on illusions?... We can. I do for the most part, but i also live on what you would call facts and truth... my own... and i also find great pleasure in them as well...
    Like Oscar Wilde said... "it is the first of all pleasures"... not that it is the ONLY one or end all.

    The dream is real Neo... very real.


    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Re: Nothing ever happens by itself

    Post  Guest Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:37 pm

    Neo2012 wrote:
    Do you believe that? Or are you just mocking me?

    You are a spirit hiding behind some sort of "philosophy" you picked up at one time on your "travels".

    Neo2012 wrote:
    Why do you feel the need to mock me?

    I state things as they are...I do not make them nicer or more acceptable for "general public" I just simply say them. Are you offended? Are you or is something else offended?

    Neo2012 wrote:
    I will not mock you, please don't try and mock me!

    Neo you can do anything in regarding to me...mock, praise, hate, love...

    Neo2012 wrote:
    If you want to just flat out tell me, “Listen, I think your egocentric, delusional, and I think you are full of shit!”

    No actually that was never on my mind when i was responding. Since if it was I would write it. Do not worry Neo, I am not trying to be nice to you (but this should be evident) but now that you mention it.... Well i already stated earlier in this "exchange" that your ego is trying hard to be enlightened. I am not sure if u saw that....in fact...i am not sure if u actually read and though about anything i said to you.

    Neo2012 wrote:
    Change the Lingo! Stop the mockery and just say what you really think and/or feel, but be mindful what you say is a reflection of your true self that's all.

    I am saying what i think. The only corrections to my "statements" is spell checking and occasional grammar corrections. I am and was (in previous responses) myself. You are not the first or last to have problems with this.

    Neo2012 wrote:
    I am not going to get on plane and fly 25,000 miles to kick your ass! LOL

    Why or who or better...what might feel the need to do this? Unless if we call this humor...

    Neo2012 wrote:
    And, Yes, I love myself, I am egocentric, I love the smell of my shit, let's put it that way! It has nothing to do with me being born in Cuba. I just love myself, and to that degree I love others, all sentient beings.

    I wold not know what Cuba has to do anything with it here but... It is nice to hear this belief you have. I hope you can truly accept yourself as you are.

    Neo2012 wrote:
    But, you, I do have agree with Fumanda, you need to grow some balls! Don't be offended, it only means, I rather you stand there before me, and say,
    “Look these are my beliefs, and here are the facts that has lead me to these conclusions!” or "I still dont know what my beliefs are, am still learning many things, I've not made any conclusions unlike you that seem to know it all!"

    Thats fine! At least you are making YOUR stand clear. YOU, the real you is all everyone wants to see, not a projection of what you think others will accept.

    YOU! Not a video of someone else’s words! YOU!

    Bitchy girl and me both have some fire in us (in fact i like that about her....)...she probably understands this and whishes for me to express it more... Yet she thinks i have to act like the image of a "man" she has in her mind. She is used to...getting her way...to a point she can suffocate people.. About her balls advice etc... I responded to her about it. I am quit happy with my balls...they are nice and hairy and i like to keep them warm.
    I am also not here to "explain" my believes to you. Or to compete with you. I made my stand very clear...yet you completely missed it...and not even that...you quite pathetically tried to use part of it as a "counter measure" while manipulating girls at the same time and you unfortunately had partial success. Here at this moment I actually need to thank you in some way...your actions presented me with new "information".

    That video there was not my view...it was what i see as humor..

    Neo2012 wrote:
    Your words, your beliefs and why…. that’s what people want to know. That’s what I would like to know if you looked at me in the eyes!

    You have my words in regard to your interactions with both of the girls involved in each one of my answers. Do i need to elaborate on specific parts? Ask specifics. Do not ask me to write a book.
    Are you or is some "part" of you wondering what my believes about you are? Why the "concern"? Curiosity?
    Why do you keep evading the topic?

    Neo2012 wrote:
    You asked me a bunch of questions, whether your intentions where and are to mock me (which is obvious) because you think that I seem to think that am some kind of God like, know it all (lol) which by the way, that I am… but that’s besides the point, I am still interested in hearing YOU, and to listen to YOU…but the real you…the real view points of your true self.

    Are we going in circles here. You had...for this entire time....read my words. My intention was or is to tickle you. Do you like it so far? Nope, no you do not. You went into same ego yada yada instead of doing what you just tried to patronize me whit...instead of YOU showing some balls....and answer like a "man" you went hiding behind some "meta philosophy" crap.

    Neo2012 wrote:
    The only thing is that am a little more difficult to convince then Xeia is...you really need come clean with me...because i know the difference!

    I have been very clean? (like open or what?) with you Neo all this time. I was honest and direct.

    Neo2012 wrote:
    See, I know what I am, who I am, and I think you’ve got me pretty figured out, but you say nothing of yourself…. why do you think that is?

    Do you wish to divert topic to me Neo? Are you once again doing anything in your "power" to actually not talk about why all of this is here? If you wish to know about me Neo you could ask a specific question any time...during this time... I hoverer am not here to talk about me...that is what you do...in your looooooong posts full of..."glamor, epicness and poetic justic" But still is you have a specific question...just ask....since if you can not see who i am from what i write...

    Neo2012 wrote:
    I want to know you, my brother, be YOU…

    Reveal your true self…

    Is this the "contra" for saying you go by some "teachings" asking to talk to you'?

    Neo2012 wrote:
    I am not Xeia…I am not in love with you, you’re not going to shatter your image with me…

    Whenever your ready…

    Oh i feel so warm inside.... I am "offering" myself here this entire time...yet you do not see it. In fact the only reason i am still here is that Juli got involved.. (as i mentioned this before) I am not here to make you see the light. I am just enabling you to show your "light"...and you have been doing so...spectacularly all this time....

    But i am having second thoughts. You manipulating her using the latina "curse" (or Spanish blood or something) her nature...the way she sees things, the way she reacts to emotionally charged things (or something that appears as such)the way she was lead to believe things...and if any of it were actually true (from your side) you would not see me here...it would simply be her choice....but since you are just feeding yourself...well here i am....but perhaps...i should not be and should simply mind "my own business".

    Neo2012 wrote:
    We can take on the necessary experiential vehicles to actively work on the concepts and discuss with all honesty, sincerity, the questions, the real questions… that lead to truthful and meaningful revelations!

    I am sure theirs al lot you want to say! Say it! Or do I intimidate you?

    If you want to talk about his than you first have to stop BS yourself. And no Neo you do not intimidate me. You bore me.

    And you presenting me with the list of questions is this another contra attempt? Since i did the same and what i got in return was more yada yada....but it was accepted...so...

    Neo2012 wrote:
    Are YOU a spirit?

    As far as "formalities" are concerned....yes

    Neo2012 wrote:
    What are you Rok?

    A meat popsicle

    Neo2012 wrote:
    Who are you Rok?

    Long lost descendant of fuck me dynasty...recently rediscovered and in a process of restoration for the time being...

    Neo2012 wrote:
    Where the are you going when you are dead? – And, why?

    Recycling.....but with the cumming birth this might change for me as well....

    Neo2012 wrote:
    Are we re-encarnating? Are we joining the mothership to go live somewhere else, somewhere more dignifying? Are we going to heaven to be with the Angels becoming Angels ourselves? Or are we going back to the source to be decoded? Are we going to be seen again? If so, how, are we going to be seeing in the Cosmic Universe,perhaps as star dust, perhaps a star? - Or does death means the end of life

    Well...did u compile this list by yourself?

    How to put this... One answer can be...you do not know until you know. The other answer can be that the entire shit hole of universe that has been reflected here in your every day excuse of existence is about to get "reconfigured" and spitted back out...changing things given the new template forming here and now...this forum and this thread included.

    Now if u might have expected different answers...or you are surprised by them...than you really have not been paying the attention all this time (something i also mentioned before)

    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty Re: Nothing ever happens by itself

    Post  Guest Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:54 pm

    SuiGeneris wrote:
    I thought the topic was "nothing happens by itself"... if not... what is the actual topic of this discussion?

    Discussions do tend to morph into something else, specially when passions run high... but i don't think it's a problem if it naturally "drifts away" into something else... there is no rule that prohibits it so... but if you wish to stay on topic... can you please say what exactly is the actual "problem" not being worked on? so it can be addressed also on top of everything else...

    The very first topic of discussion in here was love...used to "test the waters". Waters were tested....people dawned. You do remember this don't you?

    The topic is Neos "flattery" to both you and Fumanda...with the spark of free loving and ego bashing on the side...that "emerged" after the revelation of the ignorance that all three of you had until it was "shown" to you. After that there was some "splitting", self doubts and resentment...twisting into a falseness that is/was/were the interactions of now...seen in the "mirroring"....

    And you...disappointing greatly...let yourself to be sucked in...more or less passively...yet still...

    But again you know..there is a chance i should not touch this with a 10 foot stick (or how do u say it?) and just let it roll as it "goes"

    SuiGeneris wrote:
    I love this quote.
    He is a genius of the Victorian era, and it is so true... illusion is the fist of all pleasures, at least to me it is.... because it begins in the MIND and thought precedes everything...
    Without illusion one is trapped within the confines of mere "facts"... and that is too constrictive and suppressive...at least for a Waterflyer...

    It is probably not a coincidence that we both like the same things. Speaking os Oscar....very interesting man...rarely understood....

    SuiGeneris wrote:
    Xeia Kali

    Kali? Where? Kali in a crab shell? Some new breed or what?

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    Nothing ever happens by itself - Page 3 Empty FUCK YOU! <3

    Post  Lola Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:36 pm

    This shit is hilarious!!!! This is ridiculous!!!!! I honestly thought that with my last post we could all rise above this, be the better person, address things up front!!!!

    BUT NO!!!! You all stand there para phrasing and throwing each others' words BACK AT THEM!! I don't need my words thrown back at me. I am not fucking senile. I am NOT suffering from Alzheimer's Disease

    I know exactly what I said and don't need to be reminded of it.

    Rok: You don't beg? You don't control? You don't make demands? Your balls are hairy? NO ! YOUR BALLS ARE USELESS. You want a woman to put you on a pedestal? Here I'll do it. HERES YOUR FUCKING TROPHY. trophy

    Xeia: This is all your fault!! You made me put this post and start this shit in the first place!! I told you it was a bad idea! I told you that things would get out of hand!!! And now you're hurt!? And now you're upset!? Well, cry Me a Fucking River https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DsPrEcvIvI harp

    Neo: I love you, you fucking asshole. FUCK YOU. You're my fucking spirit guide!? I AM THE MAP DAMNIT!!!!!!!! >:O https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc0mxOXbWIU <3

    Y si no me quieres, vete pa la mierda, pendejo! Te amo mas cada dia, y te quiero comer a besos, maricon...porque me tiras a la basura...Me odias tanto???

    OK are you all happy? We have all degraded to a goddamn fucking Jerry Springer show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPCjC543llU; What? You don't like my gutter mouth!? Maybe I'm a man trapped in a woman's body!

    Wait....Could this be true!? Am I evolving? Growing some balls!? Am I a SheHe? DAMNNNNNNNNNNNN IM A GODDAMN FUCKING STARHUMAN BEAT ME UP SKOTTY!!!!!!

    too da loo niggaass!!! <3 Que Se Jodan Todos, carajo...!

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