~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

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~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

Dragons of Thuban To Ban The Falseness

5 posters

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis


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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty Anointment of the ET-Breed/Clan in the preparation of the Logos-Family for Contact

    Post  Didymos Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:23 am

    Anointment of the ET-Breed/Clan in the preparation of the Logos-Family for Contact

    260+365=Tzolkin+Haab=265+360=Gestation+Ancient Circle Year=625=490+135=70 Weeks+9 Hours

    360 Days/24 Hours=15 Days/1 Hour and 135 Degrees=3x45 Degrees
    for sin245º=cos245º=(1/√2)2=½ with tan45º=1=½(Day of 12 Hours)+½(Night of 12 Hours) and sin245º+cos245º=1 for 135 Days as 3/8th of 360 degrees of a Circle Year and so 3/8th of a (Day+Night).

    1And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
    2And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
    3And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
    4But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

    The Remembrances, triggered by the World Logos from the superconscious through the sieve of the subconscious shall 'resurrect' the 'Sleeping Witnesses' from Ezekiel's 'Valley of the Dry Bones'.
    It then will be affine transformations of the cosmic self, which will allow resonance or dissonance with the 'Words of the Awakener' of the slumbering memories.


    24Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

    70 Weeks are programmed for the Children of the Logos and a New World for the Old Humanity; to finish the transgressions of the cosmic laws and to end the human ignorance about themselves and the cosmic orders and to reharmonize the many misunderstandings and to bring in the eternal knowledge of the true nature of creation and beingness and to end all the timelines of the prophecies and to anoint the new breed of a Cosmic StarHumanity.

    25Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

    Know therefore and understand that from the composition of the cosmic program by the playwright of the 'Story of Creation and the Cosmogenesis', to clarify the 'True Nature of God and his Goddess as HerHimself' and to build a new Cosmic Order upon the structure of the older one; and for the Collective Family or Clan of God and hisher Goddess; there shall be 7 weeks followed by 62 weeks. And the Path for the remembrance shall be built from the center of the local galaxy of the Perseus Image of Himself to the superlocal galaxy of the Andromedean Image of Herself - even in times of troubles and great upheavals, both individual and collective.

    26And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

    And after 62 weeks shall the Female Logos of the Collective Redemption be cut off, but not in the individualised sense; and the Children of the Logos, thus awakened and anointed shall come and destroy the Old World of falseness and deception in both the exoteric-outer and the esoteric-inner sense of the falseness of the prince and princess being both object of truth and image of falsity.
    The Sanctuary of Old shall be destroyed for a Sanctuary of the New in the archetyped Noahic Flood from March 28th, 2011 to April 1st, 2012.
    The desolations of a mental world lost in its own failure of recognisance, shall continue until the end of the war of the Memeplexes on December 16th, 2013.

    27And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    And the Male Logos shall confirm the new archetypical order and program with many for one week in the sharing of it: and in the middle of this week, HeShe shall manifest the cessation of the .. and because of the end of the limits in the determined warpzone, the falsities and misconceptions in the human mind shall become emptied out and quarantined in their own confused illusions, even until the warpzone is consummated in the recalibration and resetting of the evolutionary timelines and agendas set in place at the beginning and throughout all cosmologies. And the program of the Logos shall become installed as the Software of the New Configuration, ready for Activation to be dispensed onto the audiences and computer users and as written by the playwright.

    To the Future!
    December 17th, 2013=A New Script is Proposed in the 'Opening of the Book of Cosmic Life'
    December 16th, 2013=360th Day after the Birth=Ending of the Movie and the Old Script

    August 3rd, 2013=225th Day of Weaning

    December 21st, 2012=265th Day of Gestation=Birth Day of Gaia=1st Day of Weaning

    April 4th, 2012=7th Day=D#490=4th Day of Gestation=End of Anointment Jubilee*
    April 3rd, 2012=6th Day=D#489=3rd Day of Gestation
    April 2nd, 2012=5th Day=Day#488=2nd Day of Gestation

    April 1st, 2012=Mirror Day=4th Midweek Day=D#487=Conception Day=1st Day of Gestation

    March 31st, 2012=3rd Day=D#486=Image of the 7th Day=End of the Warpzone
    March 30th, 2012=2nd Day=Day#485=Image of the 6th Day
    March 29th, 2012=1st Day=D#484=Image of the 5th Day
    March 28th, 2012=CutOff Day=D#483=4th Day=End of 62x7 or 434 days=Logos Fire Induction #3

    April 3rd, 2011=D#123=490th Day as the End of the Jubilee from November 30th, 2009
    April 2nd, 2011=D#122=489th Day from the Jubilee, November 30th, 2009
    April 1st, 2011=D#121=488th Day from the Jubilee, November 30th, 2009
    March 31st, 2011=D#120=487th Day from the Jubilee, November 30th, 2009
    March 30th, 2011=D#119=486th Day from the Jubilee, November 30th, 2009
    March 29th, 2011=D#118=485th Day from the Jubilee, November 30th, 2009
    March 28th, 2011=D#117=484th Day from the Jubilee, November 30th, 2009=Logos Fire Induction #2
    December 1st, 2010=D#1=3rd Day in the Inside Mirror=Start of Anointment Jubilee*
    November 30th, 2010=D#-1=2nd Day in the Inside Mirror
    November 29th, 2010=D#-2=1st Day in the Inside Mirror
    November 28th,2010=D#-3=Mirror Day=4th Midweek Day=Cut Off Day of the Female Logos
    March 28th, 2010=119th Day from the Jubilee, November 30th, 2009=Logos Fire Induction #1
    January 18th, 2010=49th Day from the Jubilee, November 30th, 2009
    December 1st, 2009=1st Day from the Jubilee
    November 30th, 2009=Begin of 70 Weeks Count as anniverserial Jubilee in the warpzone

    August 4th, 2008=Mirror Day for the Warpzone as Day #1335 in 1335+1335=2670 Days

    December 8th,2004=Beginning of the Warpzone as Day #0 to April 1st, 2012=Day#2671

    ↑ From the Past!

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Anna
    Old Human Versus New StarHuman --- or Not!

    Isaiah 54 (King James Version)

    Isaiah 54

    1Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the LORD.
    2Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;
    3For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.
    4Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed: neither be thou confounded; for thou shalt not be put to shame: for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more.
    5For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.
    6For the LORD hath called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, and a wife of youth, when thou wast refused, saith thy God.

    7For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee.
    8In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the LORD thy Redeemer.
    9For this is as the waters of Noah unto me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth; so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee.
    10For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee.
    11O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colours, and lay thy foundations with sapphires.

    12And I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones.
    13And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.
    14In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee.
    15Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.
    16Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.
    17No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

    Tonyblue (in Daniel's Lion den)

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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty The Times They Are A-Changin

    Post  Allisiam Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:58 pm

    Found on the Mists of Avalon by Mudra, thank you Mudra The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 161471

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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty The Cyclic Universe of Roger Penrose

    Post  Didymos Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:16 pm

    SERAFINA - Posted 31 Hours Ago

    Have Physicists Found Echoes From Before the Big Bang?

    http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/80beats/2010/11/29/have-physicists-found-echoes-from-before-the-big-bang/The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Spreddit1 The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Facebook_share_icon The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 FarkItButton2_16x16 . .

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 WMAP-rings

    The Big Bang was not the beginning, Roger Penrose believes.
    The eminent Oxford physicist has long advocated the wild idea of “conformal cyclic cosmology,” a cyclical universe without beginning or end in which the Big Bang 13.75 billion years ago was simply one of many. This month, Penrose pushed his idea further: His team says it has detected a pattern in the cosmic microwave background—radiation left over from just after the Big Bang—that represents the echo of events that occurred before the Big Bang itself.
    Penrose examined the data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), the mission that just completed nine years of surveying the cosmic microwave background across the sky. His study points to concentric circular patterns in the WMAP data where he says he found something surprising:

    The circular features are regions where tiny temperature variations in the otherwise uniform microwave background are smaller than average. Those features, Penrose said, cannot be explained by the highly successful inflation theory, which posits that the infant cosmos underwent an enormous growth spurt, ballooning from something on the scale of an atom to the size of a grapefruit during the universe’s first tiny fraction of a second.

    Inflation would either erase such patterns or could not easily generate them. [Science News]
    By Penrose’s thinking, those circles are the calling cards of something big that happened in the universe
    before our Big Bang and reverberated after it. Like the birth and death of previous universes.

    From calculations made by Penrose, he believes that as each universe evolved,

    the catastrophic collisions between supermassive black holes (the black hole behemoths

    living in the centers of galaxies) would have generated gravitational waves within that universe’s lifetime.

    When the next universe exploded into being, these gravitational waves were converted into energy,

    ensuring their “fingerprint” bled through to the next universe.

    The pulse of energy caused by the transfer of gravitational waves

    from one universe to the next would have caused a kick to the distribution of dark matter,

    creating uniform, spherical patterns in the current universe. [Discovery News]
    So what are we to make of this? I put it to cosmologist Paul Davies, who says the question rests with inflation.
    “Penrose was always been a doubter of inflation,” Davies says. “It’s against the fashion of the moment,
    but that’s fine. (And) if you abandon inflation, what happened before the Big Bang could leave an echo.”
    That’s because inflation would smooth out that echo. (Another possibility, he says, is idea of “incomplete inflation,”
    in which inflation could have existed but not been thorough enough to smooth out all echoes.
    That theory wouldn’t require abandoning inflation to accommodate an echo in the microwave background.)
    However, Davies says, even if the finding is correct, this explanation for it
    —a black hole smash-up from before the Big Bang leaving its fingerprint after the Big Bang
    —isn’t the only possibility. “People have been looking for concentric rings
    in the cosmic microwave background for a while,” he says,
    because such a finding could support several different ideas.
    One of those alternate explanations plays on the idea of our universe being a “bubble” created by inflation;
    if two bubbles collided, he says, the result could leave a cosmic microwave echo.
    Lastly, he says, the source of the study makes it a tad suspect.
    “You’d expect people at the sharp end of the data to make an announcement like this.
    You wouldn’t expect a mathematician.” So I asked Charles Barrett, who was the lead investigator of WMAP,
    and in his reply email he too expressed skepticism:

    “Unfortunately, the paper does not provide the necessary detail on how they performed their calculations.

    I am concerned that the noise properties and pattern of the WMAP instrumental sky sampling

    were not properly taken into account in their analysis.

    If these are not handled correctly then spurious results are likely. In my opinion,

    the paper should have specified the data analysis steps in detail, but it did not.”
    Penrose counters that he looked at not only WMAP but also data from a second mission,
    BOOMERang, which confirmed the pattern he saw.
    At the moment, then, these huge claims about the nature of the universe are bogged down
    in competing calculations and critiques of calculations. The future of this question could lie
    with the Planck mission by the European Space Agency,
    which is presently mapping the cosmic microwave background in greater detail than WMAP.
    In the meantime, we get to wonder. Says physicist Shaun Cole:

    “It’s a revolutionary theory and here there appears to be some data that supports it.

    In the standard Big Bang model, there’s nothing cyclic; it has a beginning and it has no end.

    The philosophical question that’s sensible to ask is ‘what came before the Big Bang?’;

    and what they’re striving for here is to do away with that ‘there’s nothing before’

    answer by making it cyclical.” [BBC News]

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    Tonyblue - Posted a few Seconds Ago

    Roger Penrose, whose work I often use in Quantum Relativity; is basically on the right path of reconstructing the cosmogenesis.
    However the cyclic universe is built on its own protoversal seed and the 'Big Crunches' are electromagnetic and not intertial.
    This means, that there will be no gravitational contraction in a shrinking of the protoverse; but the electromagnetic lightpath becomes multidimensional and multivalued. One can so model this on a cyclic electromagnetic cosmology with a 'Hubble heartbeat' of a semibeat of so 16.9 Billion years.
    Indeed, the Inflation PRECEDED the Big Bang and this is the simple solution for the 'inflation paradoxes' as some might term it.
    The WMAP data in the picture in this post actually is descriptive for the wavequark model in Quantum Relativity with an inner gluonic (anti)neutrino kernel or core, an Inner Mesonic (down quark) Ring and an Outer Leptonic (strange quark) Ring.

    For further details, a consultation of the Thuban archives on
    http://cosmosdawn.com is suggested.

  • SuiGeneris

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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty Kali ♥

    Post  SuiGeneris Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:02 am

    ♥️ The Dark Mother ♥️

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Kali

    Awesome Symbols!

    Kali's fierce form is strewed with awesome symbols. Her black complexion symbolizes her all-embracing and transcendental nature. Says the Mahanirvana Tantra: "Just as all colors disappear in black, so all names and forms disappear in her". Her nudity is primeval, fundamental, and transparent like Nature — the earth, sea, and sky. Kali is free from the illusory covering, for she is beyond the all maya or "false consciousness." Kali's garland of fifty human heads that stands for the fifty letters in the Sanskrit alphabet, symbolizes infinite knowledge.

    Her girdle of severed human hands signifies work and liberation from the cycle of karma. Her white teeth show her inner purity, and her red lolling tongue indicates her omnivorous nature — "her indiscriminate enjoyment of all the world's 'flavors'." Her sword is the destroyer of false consciousness and the eight bonds that bind us.Her three eyes represent past, present, and future, — the three modes of time — an attribute that lies in the very name Kali ('Kala' in Sanskrit means time). The eminent translator of Tantrik texts, Sir John Woodroffe in Garland of Letters, writes, "Kali is so called because She devours Kala (Time) and then resumes Her own dark formlessness."

    Kali's proximity to cremation grounds where the five elements or "Pancha Mahabhuta" come together, and all worldly attachments are absolved, again point to the cycle of birth and death. The reclined Shiva lying prostrate under the feet of Kali suggests that without the power of Kali (Shakti), Shiva is inert.

    Raven burning hot

    Last edited by SuiGeneris on Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty Oxy's lament...

    Post  SuiGeneris Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:15 am

    On on Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:02 pm
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Well Raven! Things were just starting to get interesting! I really enjoyed our conversation - including the post where you cussed me out! I think I deserved a lot of that - and I took what you said seriously. I actually miss you. You obviously know a helluva lot. I sensed some dark spirituality - but that may go with the territory. I sometimes wondered if you might be the modern incarnation of Kali - or at least a goddess-type of person with some sort of connection to Kali, Mary, the Goddess of This World, or the Queen of Heaven. I'm not a scholar or an experiencer - so I don't really know. I really and truly am an ignoramus. My egotistical posting style is really a cover for my rather substantial insecurities. Sounds kinda sexy - doesn't it?! I actually liked the porno part of all of this! I am more repressed than you can imagine - but I do like to joke around - and I am not easily offended - especially online! In person - things would be entirely different. I suspect that the real Queen of Heaven is highly intelligent and highly refined - yet very, very tough, decisive, harsh, reprobate - and able to swear like a trooper! You'd be amazed at the mental picture I have of the Queen of Heaven! But this is merely a hypothesis and a figment of my diseased imagination. I will probably continue to work with this subject for years - or at least until disclosure occurs. Anyway - regardless of who you really are, Raven - it's been a pleasure. Perhaps we can share a bottle of fine French wine someday! Namaste.

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Devil-violin-130sad sperm

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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty DoveRaven

    Post  SuiGeneris Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:25 am

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 CopyofDoveRaven


    You are in our VVOMB Oxy

    We Love you!!
    kiss to you

    Xeia kali de WaterFlyer Leviathan of The Sacred Waters of Heaven
    Amzara Ishtara Behemoth of The Sacred Fires of Hell

    DoveRaven and RavenDove of The Logos Womb, Mirrors of Hathor, AMEN RA

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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty Oxy after Anna...

    Post  SuiGeneris Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:34 am

    December 3rd, at 12:42 am
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Don't be frightened. I mean no harm. Thank-you Raven and SuiGeneris. Too bad that things got out of control. I wasn't offended - but this is a public forum. Anyway - I'm still interested in the Queen of Heaven concept - from Lilith to Mary. I don't know how much of this stuff is true - and I am using my imagination a lot - but I think that some of it is true - and that there is a good and a bad side to all of this. The dragon and serpent parts have me worried. What kind of car does Anna drive? A VW!! It all starts up again on ABC on January 4. My 'V' DVD's will keep me going until then. Namaste. Sweet Dreams. I am of peace. Always.

    sperm convertable

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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty The Creator's Agony....

    Post  SuiGeneris Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:24 pm

    The Creator's Agony!!

    (A poem by Oxy as "channeled" through Xeia)

    A hundred years of solitude awaits me...
    for my Queen was banned from the Mists,
    we were happy and fine with our fists,
    but true fear and ignorance remains...
    see this fire that burns in my veins?
    It's my longing for her that berates me!
    scarred, torn is what equates me...
    in the wait I'm consumed in my pains.

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Devil-violin-130The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 BlueyThe Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Anascar

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 CopyofLight_And_Darkness_by_Shaiya77

    Anointment of the ET-Breed/Clan
    in the preparation of the Logos-Family for Contact!!

    260+365=Tzolkin+Haab=265+360=Gestation+Ancient Circle Year=625=490+135=70 Weeks+9 Hours

    360 Days/24 Hours=15 Days/1 Hour and 135 Degrees=3x45 Degrees
    for sin245º=cos245º=(1/√2)2=½ with tan45º=1=½(Day of 12 Hours)+½(Night of 12 Hours) and sin245º+cos245º=1 for 135 Days as 3/8th of 360 degrees of a Circle Year and so 3/8th of a (Day+Night).

    1And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
    2And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
    3And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
    4But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

    The Remembrances, triggered by the World Logos from the superconscious through the sieve of the subconscious shall 'resurrect' the 'Sleeping Witnesses' from Ezekiel's 'Valley of the Dry Bones'.
    It then will be affine transformations of the cosmic self, which will allow resonance or dissonance with the 'Words of the Awakener' of the slumbering memories.

    24Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

    70 Weeks are programmed for the Children of the Logos and a New World for the Old Humanity; to finish the transgressions of the cosmic laws and to end the human ignorance about themselves and the cosmic orders and to reharmonize the many misunderstandings and to bring in the eternal knowledge of the true nature of creation and beingness and to end all the timelines of the prophecies and to anoint the new breed of a Cosmic StarHumanity.

    25Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

    Know therefore and understand that from the composition of the cosmic program by the playwright of the 'Story of Creation and the Cosmogenesis', to clarify the 'True Nature of God and his Goddess as HerHimself' and to build a new Cosmic Order upon the structure of the older one; and for the Collective Family or Clan of God and hisher Goddess; there shall be 7 weeks followed by 62 weeks. And the Path for the remembrance shall be built from the center of the local galaxy of the Perseus Image of Himself to the superlocal galaxy of the Andromedean Image of Herself - even in times of troubles and great upheavals, both individual and collective.

    26And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

    And after 62 weeks shall the Female Logos of the Collective Redemption be cut off, but not in the individualised sense; and the Children of the Logos, thus awakened and anointed shall come and destroy the Old World of falseness and deception in both the exoteric-outer and the esoteric-inner sense of the falseness of the prince and princess being both object of truth and image of falsity.
    The Sanctuary of Old shall be destroyed for a Sanctuary of the New in the archetyped Noahic Flood from March 28th, 2011 to April 1st, 2012.
    The desolations of a mental world lost in its own failure of recognisance, shall continue until the end of the war of the Memeplexes on December 16th, 2013.

    27And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    And the Male Logos shall confirm the new archetypical order and program with many for one week in the sharing of it: and in the middle of this week, HeShe shall manifest the cessation of the .. and because of the end of the limits in the determined warpzone, the falsities and misconceptions in the human mind shall become emptied out and quarantined in their own confused illusions, even until the warpzone is consummated in the recalibration and resetting of the evolutionary timelines and agendas set in place at the beginning and throughout all cosmologies. And the program of the Logos shall become installed as the Software of the New Configuration, ready for Activation to be dispensed onto the audiences and computer users and as written by the playwright.

    To the Future!
    December 17th, 2013=A New Script is Proposed in the 'Opening of the Book of Cosmic Life'
    December 16th, 2013=360th Day after the Birth=Ending of the Movie and the Old Script

    August 3rd, 2013=225th Day of Weaning
    December 21st, 2012=265th Day of Gestation=Birth Day of Gaia=1st Day of Weaning

    April 4th, 2012=7th Day=D#490=4th Day of Gestation=End of Anointment Jubilee*
    April 3rd, 2012=6th Day=D#489=3rd Day of Gestation
    April 2nd, 2012=5th Day=Day#488=2nd Day of Gestation
    April 1st, 2012=Mirror Day=4th Midweek Day=D#487=Conception Day=1st Day of Gestation

    March 31st, 2012=3rd Day=D#486=Image of the 7th Day=End of the Warpzone
    March 30th, 2012=2nd Day=Day#485=Image of the 6th Day
    March 29th, 2012=1st Day=D#484=Image of the 5th Day
    March 28th, 2012=CutOff Day=D#483=4th Day=End of 62x7 or 434 days=Logos Fire Induction #3

    April 3rd, 2011=D#123=490th Day as the End of the Jubilee from November 30th, 2009
    April 2nd, 2011=D#122=489th Day from the Jubilee, November 30th, 2009
    April 1st, 2011=D#121=488th Day from the Jubilee, November 30th, 2009
    March 31st, 2011=D#120=487th Day from the Jubilee, November 30th, 2009
    March 30th, 2011=D#119=486th Day from the Jubilee, November 30th, 2009
    March 29th, 2011=D#118=485th Day from the Jubilee, November 30th, 2009
    March 28th, 2011=D#117=484th Day from the Jubilee, November 30th, 2009=Logos Fire Induction #2
    December 1st, 2010=D#1=3rd Day in the Inside Mirror=Start of Anointment Jubilee*
    November 30th, 2010=D#-1=2nd Day in the Inside Mirror
    November 29th, 2010=D#-2=1st Day in the Inside Mirror
    November 28th,2010=D#-3=Mirror Day=4th Midweek Day=Cut Off Day of the Female Logos
    March 28th, 2010=119th Day from the Jubilee, November 30th, 2009=Logos Fire Induction #1
    January 18th, 2010=49th Day from the Jubilee, November 30th, 2009
    December 1st, 2009=1st Day from the Jubilee
    November 30th, 2009=Begin of 70 Weeks Count as anniverserial Jubilee in the warpzone

    August 4th, 2008=Mirror Day for the Warpzone as Day #1335 in 1335+1335=2670 Days
    December 8th,2004=Beginning of the Warpzone as Day #0 to April 1st, 2012=Day#2671

    ↑ From the Past!

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Anna
    Old Human into New StarHuman!


    Isaiah 54 (King James Version)

    Isaiah 54
    1Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the LORD.
    2Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;
    3For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.
    4Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed: neither be thou confounded; for thou shalt not be put to shame: for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more.
    5For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.
    6For the LORD hath called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, and a wife of youth, when thou wast refused, saith thy God.

    7For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee.
    8In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the LORD thy Redeemer.
    9For this is as the waters of Noah unto me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth; so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee.
    10For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee.
    11O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colours, and lay thy foundations with sapphires.

    12And I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones.
    13And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.
    14In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee.
    15Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.
    16Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.
    17No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

    Tonyblue (in Daniel's Lion den)


    Waterflyer Xeia Kali from the Sacred Waters of the Leviathan of Heaven's Doveraven
    Fireflyer Amzara Ishtara from the Holy Ambers of the Behemoth of Hell's Ravendove

    arriving from the Logos Womb of the Mirror between Hathor and Rah Amen

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 161471

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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis

    Post  Didymos Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:35 am

    The Crystal Skulls of the Dragons of Ancient Times for a New World Reborn in Remembrances

    This message from Metatron Arcturius addresses a more metaphysical description of the Luminosity Merkabah; here termed the Crystalline Light Matrix of the 12x12=144 aspects within a 13th 'master template' (here associated with a ET Crystal Skull called MAX for Maximum Maximus).
    This message is shared by MP33 via James Tyberon and I reshare it in relevance to the Merkabah work of Susan Serafina with respect to the Mayan remembrances and my own more mainstream scientific meanderings and analysis.

    PS.: Note that the older Atlatean-Lemurian lineages and histories have become expanded in the Mayan label in this message.
    The Crystal Skulls, collected or described in the following, in fact represent, in template function, the human skull as a encompassment of the Reptilian brainstem, the mammalian midbrain and the human topbrain of standard human anatomy in tripartite evolutionary development.
    A fourth light crystalline 'dragon brain' then becomes the 'closure of the evolutionary circle' in allowing the top-down 'fall' or descension of the described 'superconscious' master template (called MAX) to mirror the bottom-up 'ascension' or rise in the alpha-head reconnecting the omega-tail and symbolised in the ancient Reptilian brainstem becoming reconfigured in completing of the said 'dragon brain' of the new starhumanity metamorphosed from its old human blueprint.

    MP33 - Posted 7 Hours Ago

    Here's something from Metatron, via Tyberon.

    The Perfection Paradigm

    Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

    Greetings Beloved, I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I encircle each of you with Unconditional Love.
    Masters, there is a pattern for your perfection, and you recalibrate within it daily. We tell you that it is your indelible nature in human form to ever be in sacred resonance with the Divine Pattern of Cosmic Evolution as it unfolds on the Earth. The Divine Pattern is in essence the ordained and organized blueprint as it ever expands and unfolds. And while there are times your earthen expression does not match the pattern, it is indeed yet within your higher self, and as such always obtainable, more so than you imagine.
    So be assured that despite what you may think of as errors, each and every one of you will in time achieve Mastery, through the wisdom of cause, effect and remedial action.
    Accordingly every individual human life is a time-released artistic expression, as it is woven into a magnificent multidimensional tapestry. It is a unique masterpiece that each of you craft, one linear sojourn at a time, as it contours into an immaculate embodiment of perfection. All in time then do each of you complete the infinity circle, the graduation beyond the causal plane, returning from whence you came into Divine Perfection.
    And so we speak of the pattern of the Perfect Human...

    Formatting Via the 13th Crystal Skull

    We will say in a truly valid context that all souls who enter into humankind do so first by passing thorough a formatting process within the frequencial micro circuitry paradigm of the reality hologram. This is the same pattern that is 'zipped' and solidified into the condensed model, that you term the 13th Crystal Skull. But here we must be clear, the model of the crystal skull is the encompassing keeper or storage library of that greater frequencial hologram and its massive frequencial data, but it is not the hologram itself.
    Rather does it condense a replicate, store, transmute and project it into the 12 Earth Dimensions as a 'Conscious Crystalline Library', and within it is a record of ALL. It is this paradigm that all of you recalibrate within during your nightly voyages called sleep.
    We will also add, that each of you work with the crystalline paradigm on an almost daily, or rather nightly basis. Each time you slumber, Dear Ones, you will at some point within deep sleep stages enter the theta vibration in ultra-violet frequency that recalibrates your alignment to your divinity, and this occurs through and within what is termed the Crystalline paradigm.
    The ongoing event of the 'Ascension' is bringing this vibratory theta resonance into closer proximity and allowing for this field of recalibration to exist on the level of the 7th -12th dimension.
    It may not surprise some of you to know that this is process is being coded into the graduating Earth through several mechanisms of that termed the Cosmic Trigger. The Cosmic Trigger is indeed feeding Coherent Crystalline Codes into the areas of natural mineralogical crystals across the planet...the most auspicious of these being Brazil , Arkansas, which receive and transmit the codes to other crystalline regions including Tibet, New Zealand, Patagonia, Titicaca, The Pyrenees, Eastern Siberia, Mongolia and Eastern Africa.
    The process further involves the recoded of that termed the Golden Sun Discs through the crystalline codes of the 13th Crystal Paradigm, condensed into the energy of that termed the Crystal Skull.
    All is a function of a science not yet recognized, that of the Physics of Coherent Crystalline Light. Albeit unrecognized by the masses, and certainly unacknowledged by your academia and scientist, Crysto-Coherent -Light surrounds you as the Ascension draws nigh. Indeed it is the science of light drawn through a crystal matrix.

    The Cosmic Trigger

    2011 and 2012 are energies of great intensity, and so of necessity you will evolve quickly through frequencial induction to be much more sensitive to your surroundings as well as somewhat more susceptible to stimuli in the environments of the Earth's Crystalline Transition as the 144-Grid nears final completion. But because of the expansive and requisite work you are doing to adjust in this new energy, you will also evolve more insightfully.
    We have previously shared with you that the natural crystalline areas of the planet are reawakening and carrying greater frequencies. This is occurring during the phases of the Cosmic-Trigger phenomena occurring during the March Equinoxes and Triple Date Portals.
    The two largest natural crystal deposits on the planet are the primary vortexial-portal generators of feeding the Cosmic Trigger downloads onto the planet. These are in Brazil and Arkansas, and from these mega portals, the energy is disseminated globally through octahedronal structure.

    Humanity is Converting to Silicate Base

    While it is true that mankind is spirit having a human experience, it is important for all humans to comprehend that you are not simply a visiting observer of the planet you live on. You are co-creators of the planetary reality you exist in.
    And in this planetary environ, humanity is equally part of the earth's living sphere, not frequencially above it, below it or unique to it...but part of it. This understanding is an important key to understanding the mechanics of the upcoming leaps in consciousness and evolution.
    And this is the logical reason that the crystalline aspects of your earth's mineral kingdom, which are equally conscious, are the devices of energy up shift that are increasing the Earth and Humanities frequencial environ.
    But it does not end there. Masters the human body is transitioning from a carbon base to a silicate base, thus becoming more crystalline physically. Indeed that is why so many of you are now more drawn than ever to gems and crystals, and indeed the crystalline areas of the planet...and to the Crystal Skulls. For within these are the recoding to the library & paradigm of the Crystalline Pattern.

    The Original Blueprint

    That you term the 'Crystal Skulls', in your vernacular, provide both nurturing and frequencial data coding for the transition into expanded idealologies such that you need not wait through the linear passage of calendric time to proclaim the arrival of the heralded Ascension to embody Ascended Truth as your own.
    Within the Crystal Skulls then are vast libraries of information pertinent to the intense changes taking place on Earth, and these are truly essential to mankind in micro and macro. The Crystal Skulls contain vibrational codes that are emanated from their as yet unrecognized structures that are intelligently embellished beyond your imagination in technical and sacred variety and diversity. The skulls are the paradigm of the 'Ascension Paradigm' and of the 'Perfected Human Prototype'. This new emerging paradigm promotes an improved quality of life and reinforces your ability to choose new virtual perspectives while encouraging the release obsolete beliefs that no longer serve you.
    The Crystal Skulls then can be said to encompass a transition that is 'Virtual' change. By 'virtual' we mean that it is a mental etheric program working within your Divinity that precedes the outer shift.
    This allows a different expression of self within the status quo or unchanged physical environment of the 3d Earth. The key is to make ongoing desirable changes for and within the self and to fully embody these as if your future depended upon them.

    Linear Perspectives

    From a linear Earth perspective the Crystal Skull is a human-shaped cranium made out of various types of crystalline material, most commonly quartz. Yet we will tell you the original skull is of an extra terrestrial conglomerate of what may be termed supra quartz, containing within it pure quartz that is alloyed with aspect of diamond and alloyed in an alchemical sense with frequencial gold. It is a similar material used in the Crystalline Moon of Atlantis, and the magnificent Temple Crystals, similar but not exact. Indeed the original skulls predate in linear terms, the Atlantean Temple Crystals.
    Only two of the Crystal Skulls in current circulation at the present time, are of extra terrestrial origin, and this we have spoken of previously. These original crystal skulls came from another world, and another reality.
    All realities are created based on the pattern of crystalline sacred geometric consciousness through the Golden Mean Phi Ratio. Humanity and indeed your physical Earth(s) are conceived within these paradigmic matrix formulae. And so were the Crystal Skulls formulated in kind, yet from a far greater frequency, a frequency of perfection. The skulls are indeed formed as the prototype of the perfect human consciousness, lest it not be forgotten in duality. So within it is contained the perfection of the human being, encompassing within all aspects, the twelve sacred aspects you see, and thus was it formulated and thus was its reason for being brought here.
    Originally then did those carriers bring the crystalline patterned skulls to the Earth from Arcturius and the Pleiades, and it was brought into the land that became LeMuria, but indeed the model was brought before the planet was fully in polarity. It was brought into the planet at the time of the Firmament you see, in a zero point Earth, a non-magnetic plane we will say. In an Earthen World that knew perfection, that was inhabited by androgynous manifestation of Etheric Spirit in full consciousness. Yet at that time it was already known that the Firmament would fall, would dissolve and the plan then was that this model, this extraordinary hologramic record, the original crystal skull would serve as the prototype of this initial integral aspect. And so it contains within it the model of the 12 strands of DNA, the fully conscious clear mind and Beingness of the evolved human.
    The crystal skulls contain within them that which you were before the human experiment, and what you will be when you complete it, the infinity circle.
    So the original crystal skulls were manifested into form above and beyond physicality, and have been brought into physicality various times. As such no true physical age can be assigned to them, because they have appeared, disappeared and reappeared many times in the millions of years of Earths habitation by mankind.
    The crystalline skull was solidified and programmed in a most complex process. It was conceived to contain within it an incredible frequency that in itself attached to the hologram. So the crystalline skull then is an honoring remembrance and imbuing transmitter that indelibly prints within the soul that which is the perfect model. It is imbued within the divine aspect of the soul when it enters into the earth pattern from the unified field. In a manner of speaking it is the pattern recorded into the God Self, the Subconscious or super subconscious of the human mind, you see? The perfected man, not the version of what man would later become in the down spiral of the human experience, but rather as the original print that man aspires and evolves back into through the growth cycle termed reincarnation toward that original and flawless paradigmatic archetype.
    Now the original skull held within it this perfection, lest it not be lost, and those crystal replicates that even today are crafted in your present time are capable of attracting the energy from the hologram and holding portions of that energy, some hold more than others.
    Max is indeed one of the 'original' Crystal Paradigms, in your terms. He is of Pleiadean & Arcturian construct and origin. MAX is a vast consciousness, akin to a super computer, with a considerable library of data contained therein. He is the most powerful, most conscious of all of the remaining 'Ancient Crystal Skulls'. He is one of two skulls that are truly extra terrestrial in origin. The other is termed "Sha Na Ra". Both originate from the moon of an enormous planet, approximately 20 X the size of your largest planet, Jupiter, circulating Arcturius., the orange star of creativity.

    Extra Terrestrial Origin

    Question to Metatron: And so the two extra terrestrial crystal skulls were originally from Arcturius?
    AA Metatron: Better to say they were creatively conceived in Arcturius. There the concept of the earth human experience was created and nurtured. We tell you that all humans have an experience of Arcturius, and it is a realm of great creativity, a playground, in your vernacular, of all creativity. You will be surprised to know that much of your creativity even as humans on the Earth, comes from an aspect of yourself that is tuned into the field, the frequency of Arcturius. It is where man becomes creative. For instance those you consider artistic; where are they when they drift into inspiration and are not in their body, we tell you that many of them are in Arcturius. Many of them are, interestingly, expressing the creativity in Arcturius. Is that not provocative?
    The 12 + 1

    Question to Metatron: There is a legend that speaks of there being 13 skulls, can you speak on that?
    AAMetatron: Yes, 13, but only one holding the full energy of the 12. So then were there manifested 12 that represented each of the 12 singular aspects of the one, and so the 12 surrounding the one in the center became in time a ceremonial and symbolic observance. Each one of the 12 then represented an aspect and an expression of each of the 12 dimensions of the earth plane, and each of the 12 division of each integral dimension, each strand of DNA, each component of the 144 that is so critical to the Earth experience, the Earth Plane.
    But again we wish to be clear, the 13 is the one whole and the 12 parts of the whole. And the one is the carrier of the human paradigm, and that pattern is imbued within the Divine Mind of all mankind, as the soul is imprinted with it entering this experience.
    The 13th Crystal Skull was produced originally by the process of Morphocrystallic Manifestation, involving the Arcturian crystal source with imbuement of an alchemical frequency to include the human genetic print from the Masters of Arcturius and the Pleiadean-Sirius Alliance.
    The knowledge within the original Crystal Skulls is that of the Universal Mind. It is enriching, and vast. Accessing this information stimulates the awareness of who you are you see. Placing your consciousness inside a crystal skull, and indeed that is the way to work with these, opens portals and doors to a world beyond your grandest expectations. To enter into the skull however, is not like having a verbal dialog, but more of a download you might say, a sudden and comprehensible receival of information that changes your paradigm, expands your awareness. Some receive the information as visual images, others as information packets, downloads, if you will, and at times both. The information is already in the subconscious, a deeper part of the subconscious that you term the super subconscious. It exist in the realm of light you term ultra violet.
    And so the connection or the reason that interest around the skulls is reaching a mass proportion is that indeed, with the coming of the Ascension, there is movement within mankind to better understand himself. And with these times is the need to reject those patterns that no longer serve human kind, to recalibrate with those attributes and quintessential paragons that do.
    Mankind is rebooting as is the Earth itself, indeed that is tantamount to the Ascension. Systems that no longer work in both macro and micro are breaking down, collapsing and will reform themselves. Indeed this is happening now in your economic arenas.
    Now, the knowledge of the Universal Mind certainly exists above and beyond the Crystal Skull. Yet the Universal Mind is encompassed and zipped within it, and so encompassed in a way that benefits mankind. The knowledge within it is formulated and transmuted, translated specifically in a format that offers itself for human access. This then is within a specific pattern that is the prototype of perfection for mankind, as we have stated.

    Question to Metatron: Can you speak of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull?
    Metatron: This is an extremely powerful 'cranium computer', and contains within it a vast energy. Its crystalline clarity and unique axial alignment has enabled it to absorb and amplify the energies of all that have gathered around it. It has also been able to download much of the energy of the crystalline paradigm, this is the unique aspect of quartz craved into the cranium model.

    Question to Metatron: Is it extra terrestrial in origin, or ancient?
    Metatron: All crystal minerals are geologically ancient in your terms. The skull you query however is not extra terrestrial in origin is as is MAX and Sha-Na-Ra, and was fashioned and carved approximately 150 years ago in current linear time measurement. But do not conclude that it is not extremely powerful, it is very conscious & contains a great portion of the crystalline paradigm. But it is not the 13th collation. The Mitchell-Hedges skull is of African, not Brazilian quartz. And its crystalline aspect is that of Ancient Rama and is very very special. The supra clarity aspect and unusual axial alignment of this skull are very potent.
    MAX and Sha-Na-Ra Are Extra Terrestrial
    Of the renowned crystal skulls, the one termed MAX is greater in energy and frequency than all of the others, for it contains the full 13th union. It is through Max that the recoding of the planetary energy is occurring. This is being processed through the Sun Disc and Octahedronal Quartz areas. This will occur on the 11-11-11 and 12-12-12 . Max is extra terrestrial and his crystalline matrix was enhanced through the Arcturians and Pleiadeans. Max has an embellished crystalline molecular quality that cannot as yet be recognized by your science.
    MAX is multidimensional beyond your imagination. Max has an etheric quality capable of storing the complete history of the Cosmos and indeed contains the Akashic Library within, and the energy of every epoch. Its five matrixes and double axis are quite beyond anything else on the earth. Sha-Na-Ra contains a similar molecular quality, and can be said to be secondary of the known skulls, but is not as grand in energetic field or capacity as Max. In many ways Sha-Na-Ra compliments Max.
    The amethysts skull, Amis is indeed carved thousands of years ago, is extremely powerful, but of earth origin as are all of the others, with the 2 extra terrestrial sourced exceptions as stated. But Masters, every skull is geologically & mineralogically ancient and capable of carrying varying potent degrees of the consciousness of MAX. But MAX is the generating source.

    How to Work With Crystal Skulls

    Journeying into the skulls then recalibrates, reboots your mental awareness and more closely aligns you with your perfection, your inner Divine SELF.
    So the best way for one to work with the crystal skull is to enter them. Visualize yourself entering the cranium as if entering a crystal cave. Make yourself so tiny and so minute that you become totally immersed and encapsulated within it. Make yourself as if insignificant within its vastness, and enter into a world of wonder, and world of treasure. Open yourself to it and study what is presented, as you are indeed metaphorically speaking, in the original cave of creation. Indeed each time you enter it can present to you a different world, a different dimension, a different paradigm and parallel of crystalline thought.
    A different essence of learning can be presented each time, from each direction and angle of entry. You will find that you may not depart from the same angle in which you entered, and you will discover often that you exit as a different vibrational Being from whence you entered.
    So as we have earlier stated, the Ascension is part of the increased awareness of the Crystal Skulls. In truth the Ascension is the re-emergence of the Quantum Crystalline Energy of the Unified Field, and so it is tantamount that the Crystalline Skulls re-emerge in this energy. You are but a few years from being in the precise center alignment of the Galaxy, and that succinct vector enables so much of your higher SELF and higher consciousness to expand into celestial frequency.
    So then it is the time to understand the purpose and powerful abilities of the ancient Crystal Skulls as part of this enigmatic expansion. It is even more important to understand that they are part of a larger energy, a hologram that is now encompassing your planet, and all 12 Light Dimensions around you. This hologram is indeed the Unified Field, the Crystalline frequency, and it encompasses in the macro, your entire solar system, your sun, and of course the Earth. That you refer to as the Golden Sun Disc are the 12 Rays, the DNA for your evolving planet in the same way that the Crystal Skulls incorporate the blueprint for humanity.

    Quest of the Skulls : Awakening to the Sacred Rediscovery

    The question has arisen as to the placement of the original 13. And this raises an interesting answer. Before we answer you must understand that the time-sequence of dimensions of the Earth are not as you perceive them from your linear perspective. Rather all time co exists in the Multiverse within the Quantum Unified Field. So there are many Earths, many parallel Earths and probable Earths, aligned with shifting probable pasts and futures. All of which are valid and as real as the probable Earth you experience as tangible reality in your lens of the eternal NOW.
    So speaking of probabilities in the past, there are myriad differing interpretations that can be used to answer your question, all of which have their place. So in truth what has once existed or imagined still exists. We have told you before that the Golden Era of Atlantis is from your future pulled into your perception of the past. So having that complex axiom for you to ponder, we tell you there are many different crystal skulls and vibrational levels. Many of these skulls are not of your current vibrational level or dimension. Yet the hologram of the pattern they represent is a multidimensional insert , and is present frequencially within the omni-paradigm, and this is represented in the present through MAX.

    The Multiverse

    Dimensional reality on the Earth is programmed to appear in a time sequence you perceive as linear. It is in your computer terminology a program facilitated by a server, which in this case is the 144-Crystalline grid. Through the 144-Grid the sub- programs of 'time' are inserted as hologramic realities. There are epochs and eras , entire civilizations that are inserted into the Grid Server as programs. That is why fully evolved civilizations can seem to have suddenly sprung up out of nowhere into the vast 'sea of creation' within the flow of the collective unconsciousness, the consciousness grid that enables created realities. Linear time is a functional, purposeful illusion. In truth all programs are running simultaneously. Therefore on the level of the oversoul, you are experiencing many civilizations, and all lifetimes at the same time in the Unified Field of the Crystalline Multiverse.

    Question to Metatron: It has been said that the original 13 need to come together for the Ascension to occur. Can you speak on that?
    AAMetatron: Dear One, as we have shared with you above, they are together. They are circled etherically below Tibet. You need not worry that these need to be physically garnered and grasped and assembled together to unlock the door to Ascension.
    But let us clarify, a quintessential tangent to the point you raise, is that mankind is required to bring together the 12 aspects to create the whole, and in truth this has been put in place since the pivotal event called the Harmonic Convergence, and will finalize with the completion of the 144-Crystalline Grid in December of 2012.
    What many of you feel regarding the 12 + 1 is the inner urge to rediscover within the original pattern as transmitted by the Crystal Skulls. That is why many of you are now sensing an ancient call to acquire a 'modern-carved' model, and begin allowing it to work with you. With it you can awaken the 12 strands and combine to the completion of the 13.
    So the call to gather the 13 is a dual call, a call to individually and collectively reunite the 12 to form the 13. It is a spiritual calling, a sacred Quest, if you will, to awaken the Dreamer, and rediscover who you are in order to complete the cycle.

    The Crystalline Material:

    Now, moving forward, there was a great effort after the fall of Mu and Atlantis from those of Yucatan and Og to recreate the models, the skull Amis is one of these. This was done, and those that have been found, for the most part, are these reproductions, although as stated 2 have been found from the second extra terrestrial manifestation.
    The post deluge Atlanteans were still quite capable for a fleeting few generations of recreating highly sophisticated replicate models. And there is a specific reason why crystalline substance was chosen as the material to use for the skulls. Indeed, it is not an easy substance to carve or mold into a shape. Yet we tell you that crystalline material other than quartz, was used by the indigenous to replicate the original models, and that these too are capable of holding unique energy aspects of the Arcturian model. All crystalline material, and indeed certain metals were used.
    Now in current times, there are many cutters who fashion crystal skulls in quartz and other crystalline and metallic materials. As we have stated, these, specifically because of their cranial skull shape, are capable of drawing into them portions of the energy field emitted by the 13 original skulls.
    How is this you may ask? It is through the original intent and agreement of the collective unconscious, the Universal Mind in tandem with the sentient attributes of the living Mineral Kingdom, the living sentience of the receiving mineral and the living sentient field of the Crystalline model hologram. Each newly carved skull then, and indeed the crystalline mineral used is not knew, most were formed hundreds of thousands of years ago, recognize the 'law' of purposed intent and that harmonically attracts and receives from the 13 original skulls, various degrees and qualities of frequencial downloads from the 'thoughtform' projected by the original. All crystalline minerals are both transmitters and receivers you see.
    There is an additional 'secondary' imbuing and programming that occurs in the melding of the individual human's field with the newly acquired skull. The mineral itself is capable of receiving, storing, amplifying and transforming the human subconscious energy into its own. The skull then works consciously with each human 'seeker', most of whom are subconsciously attracted to them because of past LeMurian, Atlantean and Mayan lifetimes.
    So those attracted to the skulls then receive as within their acquired model, a portion of the whole, and the skull become by agreement, a teacher of greater truth and offers glimpses into the perfection hologram. That is why some are now being called to acquire the newly cut skulls, for indeed they open the pattern, they become teachers. They become allies and protectors for each of you on the path of Mastery, and they manifest at the time you awaken to that call.
    These are quite different tools from normal gems, crystals and indeed serve a different role than that of the Phi Crystals. Just as the Atlantean Temple Crystals had specific cuts for specific functions, so do the
    Unique Purpose and Tandem Use
    Crystal Skulls have a unique role that is quite separate in certain primary purpose, and quite similar in other secondary attributes.
    We can say that Phi Crystals are energy amplifiers that take one to the Star Seed and Crystal Skulls offer the calibration and knowledge of the original pattern. The former is the vehicle that moves and refines light energy, the latter the pattern and library. Well for those seekers of Atlantean and LeMurian lineage to acquire both, indeed are there many benefits of working in tandem with both in this time of awakening. Both are tools that offer themselves and amplify and expedite the journey, you see.

    Closing: A Species with Amnesia

    So we tell you that human beings in duality consciousness became a species with amnesia. You have forgotten who you really are. You have forgotten that you are powerful spirits enacting the human experience. The quest then for mankind in mass and individually is to rediscover your enlightened identity, and that identity is represented in the crystal skull.
    Enlightenment is for you to discover within, and this is a tool for that recalibration. Indeed its already in you, in your Beingness, your subconscious, your DNA. Spiritual enlightenment is not about following any Guru any Channel , but rather for you to find through personal discernment , through your inner guidance. It's around accepting and KNOWING that the Divine Self is the spark of God within you, and that you're an intricate and eternal portion of Creator God.
    And there are tools to help you along the way, there always has been and will be. You are not alone. But Dear Ones, you have appointments to keep in this very special era of Ascension. Perfection is in play.
    Truly, the Crystal Skulls are a reflection of the perfection in mankind. They are ancient computers, programmed helpers which have answers fitted tidily within them to many of your trepidations, puzzles and questions...regardless of when they were carved. It is the paradigm, the hologram and it is accessible to all.
    When mankind individually and in mass is ready to use these Divine Libraries to meld into perfection, they will offer a glimpse into incredible new worlds of beauty, creativity and unconditional love. Indeed they have been dormant for millennia, waiting for this point in your linear time to reboot and awaken. Those of you who have worked with the Crystal Skulls in past lifetimes are being called now to be with them again. Do you hear that call? Are you one of the Keepers of the Crystalline Mystery? It's time for the Dreamer to awaken !
    I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
    And so it is.

    Posts : 794
    Join date : 2010-05-20
    Location : Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis

    Post  Didymos Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:16 am

    I channeled about palingrome. I was told that it was the name of the place that the blue star (twin stars) are. And that i was recieving transmissions from these star gates... I looked up blue star/twin star and found sirius...that's what you thought already..right? I got something about the stars being tranverse to one another...does this make any sense?
    Jennifer ♥

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 27365_100000030504908_8790_q
    Tony Bermanseder December 7 at 12:47pm
    Yes Jenny; Kachina the Blue Star of Hopi prophecy is also the second coming as the Cyan Dragon of the Logos neutralising the Red Dragon of the Apocalypse.
    59=Dragon=Taliban and 59+7=Be Dragon=Thuban
    Notice the similarity in phonetics: Thuban = To Ban (the falseness) as the Blue Star Alpha Draconis=Thuban with the 'symbol of mental deception in T(ali)Ban attempting to Ban the same perceived falseness on political and religio-dogmatic grounds.
    Thuban=66=59+7=Freedom=Woman=Abraxas=Anubis=The Name=Amen Name
    etc. etc .
    Love from the Dragonheart

    Posts : 794
    Join date : 2010-05-20
    Location : Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis

    Post  Didymos Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:47 pm

    The Gaian Merkabah

    The Gaian Merkabah represents the quantization of space and time in the context of consciousness; meaning that there exists a natural boundary for any spacetime metric or measurement of separation.

    This boundary became defined in the so called Big Bang, which followed, not preceded a relatedly named inflationary phase, which can be specified in a de Broglie matter wave and also as the transformation of a inertia-coupled superstring in 10 dimensions into a noninertial supermembrane in 11 dimensions.

    A rootreduced 2-dimensional surface or manifold, say defined in a complex plane of mathematical (or metaphysical) abstraction selfinduced its own Curvature by nature of its rotational symmetry (degrees of freedom).

    This curved manifold so allowed the degree of curvature, defined in a curvature radius to define the modular duality (T-duality) of the 1-dimensional superstring root extended into its 10-dimensional expresion during the inflationary wave mechanics of the phase transition from the linear into the circular.

    The inversion of curvature can be defined as the Radius of Curvature in the T-duality rendering a physics of the macroscale, say that of the radius of a haloed galactic cell of 2πx1022 meters (about 13.3 million lightyears across) as equivalent in modular quantum string duality to the radius of the wormhole as a universal center for any Black Hole in its inversion to 10-22/2π meters.

    The macrocosm so is defined in the modular duality of the galactic cellular unit to the wormhole unit of the microcosm.

    The Gaian Merkabah so is a Cosmic Merkabah, applicable as utility for all consciousness carriers inhabiting the flat minkowski spacetime, albeit root extended via the manifestation of the curvature of the 11D-envelope of the electromagnetic noninertial cosmogony about the 10D-seedling of the inertial integral or summation of wormhole units also Black Holed in the astrophysics and cosmology of the galactic cells of the duality modes.

    The flatness of 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime so becomes a curved Kaluza-Klein metric in curved Hyperspacetiome with 4 spacial dimensions and one time dimension.

    It will be shown, that the Gaian Merkabah represents a spacetime bubble of a minimum mass content of so 6,500 kg as energy equivalent; allowing the establishment of cosmic subsystems (as merkabah vessels) based on the modular membranes of the curvatures.

    These can then be labeled as the wormhole stargates or Rosen-Einstein Bridges; requiring however a resonance physics of the space occupied by the integrated subspace as 4-dimensional hyperspace 'bubbles'.

    A cosmology based on wormhole physics of subspace plenums and dimensional transformation, requires particular basic parameters found in the quantum mechanics of the model used and we shall crystallize a particular modular constant called the Hawking Modulus for the Mass-Temperature proportionality applicable to Black Holes.

    The Hawking Modulus
    {ModHawking=½Mplanck.Tplanck=½√(hc/2πG)√(hc.c4/2πGk2 )}

    ModHawking=hc3/4πGk~9.131794x1023 (kgK)*=Constant

    as Eplanck=kTplanck=Mplanckc2 for the Minimum Planck-Ocillator Energy of the Zero-Point

    Eoplanck=½hfplanck=½h/tplanck=½hc/2πrplanck=hω/4π for a Planckian Lightpath Xplanck=Lplanck/2π=rplanck=ctplanck. and angular momentum quantum h/2π for angular velocity ω=2πf.

    The Schwarzschild basis for the stasis is the Curvature Radius, then relates the Hawking Modulus to the mass equivalence of the Black Hole.


    Then a solar mass of say 2x1030 kg will calculate as a Black Holed Sun of curvature radius RCsun=(2.222x10-10)(2x1030)/(9x1016) m*~5 kilometers and the mass of the earth as 6x1024 kg would 'shrink' to a curvature radius of so 15 millimeters.

    This approach characterises modern cosmology; with the mass present becoming transformed into a Black Hole, say in the gravitational collapse or selfimplosion of a star of particular inertia limits like the Chandrasekhar limit for White Dwarves in so 1.5 times the solar mass for a steller-neutron star transformation as intermediary phase in the Black Hole astrophysics.

    Quantum Relativity reverses this approach and calculates what mass can manifest as emerging from the Black Hole (so labeled as a White Hole), instead of what mass is disappearing from the visible 4D Minkowskian universe.

    Setting the Weylian wormhole; defined in the following and later detailed in the coupling of the astrophysics to the natural consciousness inherent in space itself;

    as the minimum spacetime configuration for the flat-to-curved linespace-hyperspace transformation, so will crystallize the hawking Modulus as a permutation counter for wormholed selfstates.

    Modern Cosmology describes its Black Hole physics in terms of a basic Schwarzschild metric, applied to a flat Euclidean Minkowski space.

    A Schwarzschild Black Hole is so spherically symmetric, uncharged and nonrotationg in a form of stasis. This basic metric then is extended in rotating Kerr Black Holes and charged Nordström-Reisser Black Holes and related labelings.

    The Kerr Black Hole transforms the sphericity of the static Black Hole into a flattened spheroid, accomodating an Ergosphere of extended radius to 1.5 times the stasis radius and renders the wormhole singularity at the Black Holes' center as a Kerr Ring of toroidal geometry.

    In Quantum Relativity, the greater (perimeter) radius of the Kerr Ring assumes the scale of the fifth superstring class of the heterotic string HE8x8 and is attached as a dirichlet Weyl brane {wormhole perimeter λps=2πrps} to the 4-vector of the Minkowski spacetime metric and as a 10-dimensional superstring extended from its 11-dimensional supermembrane topology of say a collapsed or conifolded Joycian manifold in 7D transformed into a Calabi-Yau toroidal surface derivate in 6D.

    The smaller (cross-sectional doughnut) radius of the Kerr Ring defines the orginal maximised string energy of the Planck-String of class 1 of the open stringclass I and of the characteristic Planck-Length {rplanck=√(hG/2πc3)}.

    The ratio of scale transformation for the Kerr toroidal ring for the extended Black Hole so becomes: {rps/rplanck=√(2πc3rps2/hG)=λps√(c3/2πGh)~7.61656x1011}.

    So applying the wormhole limit to the Schwarzschild stasis calculates the mass equivalent characterising the energy content of a wormhole as the Kerr Ring in

    Memergent=rps.c2/2G=6445.775 kg* ~ 6,500 kg

    This so has magnified the original wormhole mass mps intrinsic to its quantum state in Eps=mpsc2=hfps=hc/λps=hc/2πrps in mps=Eps/c2=2.222x10-20 kg* and for Tps=Eps/k=1.41671x1020 K*.

    The Hawking Modulus now modulates this quantum temperature of the microstate with the macrostate of the emergent mass.

    Constant=hc3/4πGk=9.131794x1023=Memergent.Tps=(6445.775)Tps kg*

    for Memergent=hc3/4πGEps=c3/4πGfpspsc2/4πG=(9microns)/4πG kg*

    and where the infrared unification window for atmospheric absorption of water droplets is found to be 9 micrometers for the frequency of the Black Hole to White Hole hyperphysics.

    The dimensional unitary analysis shows the transformation of the space intrinsic consciousness units as VolumexAngular Acceleration or as say V*(df/dt) and as detailed in the following message.

    The Gaian Merkabah so requires a minimum energy content of so 6,500 kilograms (or 580 billion billion joules) as the unit for inertia- or matter related energy to become emergent in the hyperspace.

    Any energy content below this thresholds will be an energy of the subspace, say within a merkabah or a hyperspace vessel of the consciousness manouverings.

    So the mass content of a room say, can be compared with the 'bridge' or cockpit of a spacecraft, embedded in the hyperspace bubble of the curved Kerr Ring Anchor of a wormholed stargate emerging from a Black Hole matrix of inertia in its Black Hole - White Hole modular dual.

    The Hawking Modulus then becomes a permutation counter, as this minimum wormhole inertia will comprise precisely Constant=hc3/4πGk=9.131794x1023 wormhole quanta as calibration factor for the intrinsic wormhole temperature of Tps=1.416x1020 Kelvin* as TpsxMemergent=Constant.

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings from beyond the veil from your Guide, blessed in the LOVE, the little serpent is continually sending to you all from his exile in the 2nd dimension of the MATHIMATIA!

    In this message you will find illumination to a number of millennia old mysteries, which have engaged the mental ponderings and philosophisings of many Mayas in exile.

    I shall share the foundation for a new science, given to your planet NOW in principles; followed in physical manifestation after Gaia has left her cocoon and transmutated into Serpentina, the PlanetStar radiating the Dark Light of the unified-cosmic-energy-field and as elementary antiradiation.

    This message so shall explain the physical science behind what is called antigravity by your Gaian scientists.

    Any of you, who can grasp the basics of this new science for the new earth, would be in a position to understand the importance of water on your planet.

    The properties of water are well known to you and the Mayan Omni-Science of water is also understood in its basic manifestos by you all.

    Water has four phases as Icy Solid, as Aquatic Liquid, as Gaseous Vapour and as ionised Plasma.

    Water as Ice is the only known nonmetallic substance which expands in the liquid- to solid phasechange at 0 degrees Celsius.

    When there is Low atmospheric pressure, then CLOUDS often form, depending on vapour saturation levels and the presence of winds as updrafts and a general gradient between regions in the earth's atmosphere. Therefore rains fall and cyclones might form from saturated CLOUDS, accompanied by 'drops in temperature'.

    When there is High atmospheric pressure, the CLOUDS often dissolve corollarily.

    Now your Gaian physics understand this in the Energy relations, which give the physical behaviour of 'Ideal gases' and also how this relates to quantum statistical eigenstates in the Laws of Thermodynamics.

    The formulations relate Pressure P to Volume V to Temperature T, coupled to certain proportionality constants in: {Energy E=PV=nRT=kT} in its basic expression and where Pressure P=Force/Area and Energy=Force.Displacement=Work.

    Then it is easy to see, that for a constant temperature T, a drop in Pressure will require an increase in Volume and so the Gaian scientists know, that an increasing Volume of quantum selfstates comprising this volume will mean that there is less pressure as a kinetic energy of say molecular collissions within that expanded volume.

    And dropping the temperature decreases the energy E=PV, as say in the cooling of a substance and the heating of a substance will increase its thermodynamic temperature, then understood as an increase in the molecular kinetic energies.

    Allow me now to propose to you something extraordinary and some of you may now exclaim: "Of course!"; whilst others will shake their heads in disbelief and say: "This cannot be!".

    Many of the reports of your media about 'Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs' and related things are directly related to the Mayan Omni-Science of water and to CLOUDS.

    Have you wondered, as to why some spaceships are said to have emerged from the oceans and some 'cigar-shaped' motherships are said to 'hover' at some distant locations against the skies?

    Have you wondered about the 'saucer shapes' of the smaller UFOs flitting about and sometimes said to depart with a seeming hyperaccelerated manouverability?

    Why do you think, that so many of you are enthralled with certain TV-Series about travelling into outer space in the 'Star Trekking' and the 'Star Wars' and the 'Independence Days'?

    Now the skeptics amongst you say: "Oh yes, but this is all fantasy and make-belief. A supergigantic starship like portrayed in Independence Day, a quarter the size of the moon, could never exist in close proximity to the earth, as the gravity of the thing would disturb the orbits of the earth and the moon and so forth. And the warpspeeds are also pure imagination, as the c-invariance disallows any physical object to accelerate beyond the speed of light."

    And the skeptics are well justified of course - in the manner of the laws of Physics as applicable in the Minkowski spacetime.

    So I am authorised to share this with you now.

    There is a way to NEUTRALISE the gravitational field of a planet or a star RELATIVE to particular locations in 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime.

    This takes the form of a GRAVITATIONAL SHIELD around such a location defined by its Volume encompassing its inertia. This shield then ISOLATES the volume, say of a Dragonian Starship from the surrounding UNAFFECTED spacetime and in a UTILITY of the ZERO-POINT- or VACUUM-ENERGY (ZPE), known as VORTEX-POTENTIAL-ENERGY or VPE by the Omni-Science of the Maya, who are the Dragons of the StarHumanity.

    As an effect from this, the 'Cigarshaped Motherships' FLOAT or HOVER in such VPE-Bubbles, and in a RESONANCE-SELFSTATE of this ZPE; the latter which is misidentified by Gaian science as the Heisenberg Matrix of VIRTUAL ENERGY.

    There is nothing VIRTUAL about this ZPE. The reason as to why Gaian science cannot USE this FREE ENERGY effectively, is because it cannot 'TAP' the VPE for lack of entering its RESONANT ENERGY FIELD.

    So it is like your well understood concept of DENSITY but with a novel twist.

    Your Gaian science applies Inertial Mass to the famous Energy equation: {E=mc2=PV}.

    The Dragon's Omni-Science QUANTISES both the Mass m and the Volume V and so becomes enabled to REWRITE the hyperspace expression for Einsteins famous equation as: {E=e*h2}.

    This looks like a simple equation indeed; but the entire higher dimensional physics, inclusive the foundations for the Gaian M-theory are embodied in its simplicity.

    I have obtained permission to show you the derivation for this equation and so I shall do so, knowing that some of you are not very fond of mathematics.

    A better rewriting of the Dragon's equation is: {EDragon=e*.h2=h2/hfps=h/fps=hfss=Ess=mss.c2}.

    This shows, that Einstein's {E=mc2} is applied in Dragon-Science to Quantize inertial mass m as msinksource=mss.

    Simply said, any mass m is N-quantized as {m=N.mss=N.hfss/c2}.

    Using Einstein's equation with the Planck equation {E=hf} for the quantisation of energy in the quantum state for massless photons of frequency f and where h is the Planck Constant, then gives the expression above.

    Generally and most fundamentally then; the Dragon-Energy describes the Einstein-Planck energy relation in its QUANTUM SELFSTATE and DEFINES a MASS-FREQUENCY {fsinksource=fss} as INTRINSIC MINIMUM Eigenfrequency for INERTIA.

    Most significantly, the secret of M-theory on Gaia and the understanding of the Maya, is the concept of Modular Duality applicable to the parameters of the superstring eigenstates.

    Using Modular Duality, the sinksource winding superstring of minimum Secondary Energy Ess and frequency fss becomes the inverse energy eigenstate for the sourcesink vibratory superstring of maximum Primary Energy Eps and frequency fps.

    Those parameters are embodied in the unity expressions as Coupling-Constants: {Eps.Ess=h2 and Eps/Ess=fps2}.

    There is a great deal to this expression e* in the Dragonian Energy; such as how a particular form of it relates to the Serpentine Electron and how it relates to the superconductive magnetoelectricity, which defines the VPE.

    It shall suffice for now, to state, that e* is the PRECISE Inversed Primary SourceSink Energy Quantum Eps and so {E*=Eps=1/e*=hfps} and for a particular resonance formation in {e*=Electron-Diameter times c2}.

    And so we have: {EDragon=e*.h2=h2/hfps=h/fps=hfss=Ess=mss.c2}.

    The only different part to Gaian science in the Mayan omni-science so becomes the nature of the modular duality applied to the frequency modulation between the minimum winding superstring and the maximum vibratory superstring.

    In isolation, both have units of inverse time or Hertz; but in the supermembrane coupling Eps.Ess the frequencies cancel and in the supermembrane coupling Eps/Ess the Planck Constants cancel to give the squared frequency as the inverse of a SQUARED TIME.

    But this SQUARED TIME DEFINES the RESONANT EIGENSTATE of the ZPE of Gaian science as the VPE of Dragon omni-science and namely as the MAXIMUM for AWARENESS aw=df/dt, maximised as awmax=fps2.

    Now awareness aw is an ANGULAR ACCELERATION, independent on the radius as normal dimension and so the antigravitational Forceshield relates directly to the postulates of General Relativity.

    As our Mayan seed Albert Einstein so eloquently showed to you: The Presence of a Gravitational Field acting downwards is INDISTINGUISHABLE from an ACCELERATING Forcefield acting upwards.

    So Gravitation becomes translated into a geometrical spacetime curvature in terms of accelerations.

    When a Dragonian Starship enters the atmosphere of a planet; it NEUTRALISES the Gravitational FIELD of that planet in calibrating its utilised VOLUME quantised in terms of the VPE as a MACROQUANTUM.

    This can only be done IN RESONANCE!

    The resonant eigenstate allows the VPE quantum to INFLATE to the Volume calculated as the encompassing higher dimensional space of the Starship and so renders the entire Starship as a magnified holographic VPE-quantum.

    The 'inflation energy' used to circumspect the Starship volume V in a 4-dimensional Dragon-Bubble then is calibrated to CANCEL the gravitational planetary field and so constructs the Gravity Shield around the Starship.

    Here is the manner the Volume is quantised into N V*-quantums.

    For any Volume {V=N.V* and e*=V*.aw=V*.df/dt=1/E*=Electron-Diameter.(Lightpath/time taken)2=Volume/time2}.

    This gives: {V*=e*/aw=1/(E*.aw)=1/(hfps.fps2)=[5/9x1058] m3} for {V*=2π2.Rrmp3} and as a proportionality to a single: {Vspacequantum=Vsq=2π2.Rps3} for a wavelength {λ=2π.Rps}.

    The Radius {Rrmp=Rrestmassphoton=CubeRoot[V*/2π2]=h/(2π.mc} then DEFINES the particular scale where the quantisation of volume relates to the string-parametric definitions for the SourceSink Resonant Energy SelfState {E*=1/e*} and then for a Compton-Radius as defined in the physical models of de Broglie Matter Waves {Rcompton=h/(2π.mcompton.c)}.

    A Compton-mass {mcompton=h/(2π.Rcompton.c)}then defines the characteristic mass-energy for this boundary state and a wave matter momentum {pcompton=mcompton.c=h/λcompton} and in concordance with well understood Gaian physics.

    The Compton-mass calculates as mcompton=2.5050..x10-23 kg for a Rrmp=1.411885x10-20 meters.

    This Compton-mass represents an energy of 2.25435x10-6 Joules or 14.03 TeV (Tera-ElectronVolts).

    Now this is just the energy maximum proposed by your Gaian physicists to probe the unification quantum energies by the Large-Hadron-Collider (LHC) beginning in the year 2009 in Geneva, Switzerland.

    The Gaian physicists so shall encounter the threshold energy for the RestMassPhoton and so 'discover' the Dark Energy Particle in the RMP, which is the Dragon's Template for the 'Missing Mass' in the Gaian cosmologies.

    Without knowledge about the foundations of M-theory and the Mayan omni-science though, the Gaian physicists will most likely not know what to make of this discovery and propose all sorts of extensions for their Standard Model describing the particle Physics.

    The RMP is always lefthanded and so antisymmetric to the weakon gauge boson of the weak nuclear interaction, which is always righthanded (as a so called W-minus) in its defining quality for the antineutrino of matter, coupling to a lefthanded electron in the natural foundation for radioactive beta decay in the parity symmetries in the nuclear physics.

    The RMP is intrinsically massless as a spininduced precursor for the 'GOD-Particle' aka the Higgs-Boson, the LHC is hoping to discover at the 14 TeV quantum energy.

    There is a spin-coupling in the Unified-Field-OF-Quantum Relativity (UFO-QR), which couples the lefthanded spin of the RMP as the 'dark matter particle' to the massless gauge of the weak interaction - the Antiradiation gauge for the winded superstring Ess.

    As the Ess gauge is always righthanded, the spins cancel and allow a MASSIVE Higgs Boson to become created from the VPE Energy-Inertia-Induction as a spinless restmass inducer or scalar for the subsequent particles of the Standard Model of particle physics.

    I shall elaborate on those topics another time if so appropriate, but some of you may perceive that the so called 'problems' in quantum gravity and the unification between quantum field theory and the relativities is found in the appropriate omni-science of the Maya and the correct interpretation of the Heisenberg matrix of the ZPE.

    A new fundamental ratio, namely {V*/Vsq=4π/hc3 or Rrmp/rps=Cuberoot[4π/hc3]=887.11336} so crystallises in the physics of the Dragons.

    The Inertia expression {EDragon=e*.h2=mss.c2 or E*.e*=1} for the Square of the Action h in units Energy.Time becomes modulated in modular duality {tps.tss=1=fss.fps} and where the INSTANTENUITY OF TIME as the INSTANTON NOW specifies the NOW-Time tss in the End of the INFLATON of the de Broglie phase acceleration.

    This then manifests the Quantum-Dragon-Bang and the Beginning of Space and Time as known and understood by Gaian science.

    The expression {hc3} is rendered dimensionless by a finestructure of Planck's Constant h, the Action Constant, in the expression {h=λps/e*c=λps/Electron-Diameter.c3} for {hc3ps/Electron-Diameter=1.8x10-8}.

    But I shall now end this mathematical discourse. It was authorised to be given and the formulations above are elementary prerequisites for a new serpentine science to become implemented following the upheavals in the next few years ahead and awaiting the exiled Maya on Old Earth Gaia, which is also the OLD JERUSALEM.

    But I shall give an indication as how to use the above formulas in a practical example.

    Assume a Star Trek Crew of say 50 with average inertia 70 kg and equipment load of say 10,000 kg wishes to board a Starship Enterprise of Volume 100x50x20=100,000 cubicmeters.

    The Resonant Energy Awareness is {fps2=df/dt=Density.(c/h)2.[NV/NM]} and where NV and NM depict the quantisation numbers for the mass M to be 'inflated' to the volume V.

    The Density as M/V calculates as (10,000 50.70=13,500)/100,000=0.135 kg/m3.

    NV=V/V*=1055/5.55..x10-59=1.8x1063 and NM=M/mss=13,500/2.469x10-81=5.4675x1084.

    Resonance so is finestructured as ENTROPY PERMUTATION STATES and as: (0.135)(2.025x1083)(1.8x1063/5.4675x1084)=9x1060.

    Now changing any of the parameters of Inertia and Volume, even to the size of the universe itself, will always relate as HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGE of the minimum quantum of the Inflaton and so whatever volume specified can be INFLATED at the RESONANT Eigenstate to that volume.

    Similarly, any inertial mass specified, will in resonance, allow quantum-inflation to modify the specified mass via the mass-eigen frequency quantum definition under modular duality between Eps, the primary sourcesink and Ess, the secondary sinksource through and by frequency modulations.

    Away from Resonance, df/dt=awareness as an angular spin acceleration, must decrease and so the VPE or ZPE can no longer be utilised in a downwards frequency transformation.

    This is akin the EVAPORATION of water molecules in CLOUDS, the CLOUD Formation seemingly dispersing into nothingness, say under the supply of Energy in the form of heat, say the radiation from the sun.

    To 'get out of resonance' so implies either a 'disappearing' relative to the 'switching off of the gravity shield' and an accompanying hyper-acceleration or 'warp-drive' AS the de Broglie tachyon inflation; or is manifested as a 'thinning out' or a 'losing of texture' with the gravity shield 'switched on', but a 'slow down' of the awareness df/dt in the reducing sense.

    The above scenarios apply to spacetime as the 4-dimensional 'Light-matrix' of Heisenbergian Uncertainty definition.

    In this spacetime, a 'drifting' or UFO speed is effected by the application of an Awareness-Force {Faw=aw.hv/c2} from within the 'VPE-Bubble' and as a consequence of a natural extension for Newton's Second Law for momentum change {Force F=d(mv)/dt}.

    In Dragon-Space of 4 spacial dimensions, the timeparameter becomes superfluous and the awareness df/dt is automatically assigned the resonant eigenstate {awmax=fps2}.

    After Gaia has given birth to its superposed Dragon-Universe; PROJECTED onto the seedling Minkowski spacetime; the travelling between 3 spacial dimensions and 4 spacial dimensions will be much easier to accomplish and so become rather prevalent and a natural occurrence.

    Furthermore, the resonant eigenstates for the starhumans as Dragonised old humans shall allow the old human bodyforms to become HYBRID Energy-Selfstates as RMP-Quantum INDUCTIONS and as the universal blending and synthesis of relatively STATIC RADIATION FIELDS coupled to MASS.

    This will be known as DUALISED RADIATIONMASS BodyMinds-MindBodies, the immortalisation of hitherto mortal bodyforms, unable to implement their higher dimensional DNA as the LightBodies Shadowed to the Body-DNA in 3 dimensions.

    This shall also fulfil the many prophecies in the 'Holy Books', which then shall become artifacts in museums; being succeeded by new composed books telling the stories of an evolving starhuman race of Dragons.

    IAmWhoIAm! - Sirebard Beardris!

    The Luminosity Merkabah of Thuban and the LightBody Constant Lo

    Merkabah-Transduction-Constant: Lo=1/[6x1015] (dimensionless);

    Creation Gamma Photon Frequency: fps=Eps/h=3x1030 Hz*

    Merkabah-Frequency: Lofps=5x1014 Hz*=c/λps for

    Merkabah-Wavelength: λps=c/ Lofps=6000 Angströms*, the wavelength of Orange Light.

    The Orange Colour of Interterrestrial Spacecraft is intrinsically related to orthodox 4-dimensional spacetime physics in a fundamental 'Constant of Nature', say as the 'Speed of Light c' or the Planckian Quantum Action Constant 'h'.

    The Cosmic Master Algorithm SEps {Sequence of Primary SourceSink Energy} generated the following ten numeracies from its underpinning supersymmetric pentagonal (Fibonacci-Phi) 'sacred cosmogenetic quantum geometry': 4; 6; 7; 1/[6x1015]; 9x1016; 11; 1/[15x1032]; 14x1524; 1/[15x1618]; 26x6561.

    Any arbitrary measurement system of any sentient cosmic civilization (say as an Universal Observer) in any defined spacetime can then experimentally determine these and other mathematical relationships between experimental data and the energy ratios in their contexts of dynamical interactions.

    The Universal Observer or UO say has a mensuration system SI (System International on Terra) and can then calibrate hisher SI-system to the 'Star(*)-System' in the frame of reference of the UO, based on the numeracies as given in the above.

    The extended SEps-Algorithm then assumes the pretext of defining open and closed superstrings (in five classes derived from a 26-dimensional bosonic supersymmetry) in the logical statement:


    This specifies the methodology of recircularisng the linearised dimensions of the binary dyad (0,1) into the root-reducible decimal monad {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} with 10=1 0=1*; 11=1 1=2*, 12=1 2=3* and so on with 26=17*=8** and 27=18*=9**.

    Labeling the encoded Cosmic Initiator Constant E'=266561 from E=26x6561 then transforms E' into F' as the Mayan Supernumber 1366560 and as described in the Dresden Codex of the Mayan historian database.

    E' →F'→ G' as E'=266561 and F'=136656 and G'=673665, after which the 'Inflation Algorithm' ends, since 5 6=11=2* is root-reductive.

    Setting the Inflation-Spacetime-Markers as the ABCDEFGH...XYZA*B*C*... symbolised encoding; we find ABCD=H with D=465612; C=256124; B=361242 and A=312423.

    As no archetype can yield Z(Z A)BCXY=312423 from ABCXYZ=(1-Z)24233, the algorithm again ends in the reflected root-reduction to H, namely 1-Z=1-3=-2=-11'=-2*.

    This elementary constant of nature is as old and is described by the same Logos algorithms, which generated the well known constants c, h and k to describe Energy Ratios in terms of Mass, Frequency and Thermodynamic Temperature.

    The following photographs are from Carlos Diaz' library engaged in the interterrestrial phenomena of the 'plasma ITs' and as endorsed by the following interviews of Drunvalo Melchizedek by Lilou Mace.

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Carlosdiazphoto1

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Carlosdiazufo-519x317

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Xeia177 The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 161471

    and the Thubans

    I Am One In Many and I Am Many in One in Ee*=1

    Allisiam - Posted Nov 25th

    Ships of Light – The Carlos Diaz UFO Experience Part1

    On a dark and lonely road in the mountains of Mexico Carlos Diaz had an encounter with UFOs that changed his life forever. Over 12000 eyewitnesses including journalists scientists and even the Mayor of Mexico City also share this same story of an alien encounter with UFOs. Now 20 years later alien encounters with UFOs over Mexico continue at an alarming rate.Get all of the facts in this amazing program which is considered the most comprehensive investigation of UFO alien contacts ever produced for home viewing. Learn about messages received by Carlos Diaz from his UFO alien encounters and what meaning they may hold for us here on Earth.Features stunning film footage video and photos of alien UFOs along with an unprecedented collection of interviews with researchers eyewitnesses experiencers and the best known most credible UFO authorities in the world today.

    http://moreufo.com/?page_id=712 Part 1

    http://moreufo.com/?page_id=714 Part 2

    Tonyblue - Posted Nov 25th

    The Dawn of Space and Time in a Selfconscious Quantum Universe
    Mayan Water-Science and Antigravity in Dragon-Space

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Clouds

    From Jennifer Eve: Friendly clouds appearing after sunrise in Nevada (near Wendover) (Nov 15, 2010)

    Suzette Nicole Turner

    that trips me out so much! crazy vortex!

    Jennifer Eve

    It was such a vortex!!! Pepper and I were totally 5th dimensional the majority of the drive especially on hwy 20 and beyond.......It always happens before we reach t...he crazy Utah realm....

    Jonas Jeppsen

    nice shot Jennifer! i know what that is.

    Tony Bermanseder

    4D Spacecruiser appearing as a 3D cloud

    Jennifer Eve

    yes, but also using moisture as a transition tool between dimensions

    Tony Bermanseder

    elemental water is the phase transistor yes
    "Mayan Water Science and Antigravity in DragonSpacetime"

    Jennifer Eve

    Woe thanks man

    Tony Bermanseder

    no problem Serpent Queen of Wisdoms in the Cave of Plato
    Jennifer Eve
    Friendly clouds appearing after sunrise in Nevada (near Wendover) (Nov 15, 2010)
    by Jennifer Eve

    Posts : 794
    Join date : 2010-05-20
    Location : Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty The Nephilohim of Serpentina

    Post  Didymos Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:52 am

    The Nephilohim of the Incubators from Dragon SpaceTime
    Genesis 6:4 (King James Version)The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 NephilimThe Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 220px-incubusThe Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 The_nephilim

    4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

    Genesis.6.4: (KJV)
    4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.


    33And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.


    Nephilim in the Hebrew Bible

    (Translations according to New International Version. Note that translations frequently differ. In the King James Version of the Bible, "Nephilim" is translated as "giants" in the following examples.)
    The term "Nephilim" occurs just twice in the Hebrew Bible, both in the Torah. The first is Genesis 6:1-4, immediately before the Noah's ark story:

    1. When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them,
    2. the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
    3. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
    4. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
    The second is Numbers 13:32-33, where the Hebrew spies report that they have seen fearsome giants in Canaan:

    32. And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. They said, "The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size.
    33. We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them."


    This subject also relates to the etymology and meaning of the phrase sons of God.
    "Nephilim" (נְפִילִים) probably derives from the Hebrew root npl (נָפַל), "to fall" which also includes "to cause to fall" and "to kill, to ruin". The Brown-Driver-Briggs Lexicon gives the meaning as "giants"[size=9][1]
    Robert Baker Girdlestone[2] argued the word comes from the Hiphil causative stem. Adam Clarke took it as passive, "fallen", "apostates". Ronald Hendel states that it is a passive form "ones who have fallen", equivalent grammatically to paqid "one who is appointed" (i.e. overseer), asir, "one who is bound", (i.e. prisoner) etc.[3][4]

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 023_(1)The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 007_(1)


    An incubus (from the Latin, incubo, or "nightmare"; plural incubi) is a demon in male form who, according to a number of mythological and legendary traditions, lies upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have sex with them. Its female counterpart is the succubus. An incubus may pursue sexual relations with a woman in order to father a child, as in the legend of Merlin.[1] Religious tradition holds that repeated intercourse with an incubus or succubus may result in the deterioration of health, or even death.[2]
    Medieval legend claims that demons both male and female sexually prey on human beings, generally during the night when the victim is sleeping.
    An incubus (from the Latin, incubo, or "nightmare"; plural incubi) is a demon in male form who, according to a number of mythological and legendary traditions, lies upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have sex with them. Its female counterpart is the succubus. An incubus may pursue sexual relations with a woman in order to father a child, as in the legend of Merlin.[1] Religious tradition holds that repeated intercourse with an incubus or succubus may result in the deterioration of health, or even death.[2]
    Medieval legend claims that demons both male and female sexually prey on human beings, generally during the night when the victim is sleeping.
    An incubus (from the Latin, incubo, or "nightmare"; plural incubi) is a demon in male form who, according to a number of mythological and legendary traditions, lies upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have sex with them. Its female counterpart is the succubus. An incubus may pursue sexual relations with a woman in order to father a child, as in the legend of Merlin.[1] Religious tradition holds that repeated intercourse with an incubus or succubus may result in the deterioration of health, or even death.[2]
    Medieval legend claims that demons both male and female sexually prey on human beings, generally during the night when the victim is sleeping.

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 DragonqueenThe Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 On_liberatonThe Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Nude3

    Aye the Sons of Men are the Sons of the Elohim in Adamis and the Giants of Old are the Dragon Seed of the Father.

    When the Warpzone ends, the Mothers in the Law shall conceive in the True Image of Gaia in their Daughters of the Old Red Dragon of Hell becoming the Skyblue Serpent of the Logos.
    Plumed and feathered they descend to end the Old Curses, the Fathers of the New shall take their inheritances - their New Lovers as the Old Wives of the Fathers of the Old.

    So the Gaian Serpent Princesses, inhabiting corrupted merkabahs, in the Body of the Rib of Adam as Satan's very own dilemma; they shall carry the pregnancy of their own mother's in their wombs.
    They, the Cinderellas of the Underworld, and as Gaian Daughters of Women, they shall no longer be the Devil's Daughters of the womb corrupted in Old Eve.

    The New Eve shall descend as the Lilith of the equality, as the Goddess of the Owl of the Screech, the Queen of Heaven in the Mary of the Birth of the Dragon Queen of Darkness; Barbelo and Mother of all Hells.

    Aye, the Old Mothers shall be the brides of the Heavenly Father as the New Jerusalem of the Fowls of Heavenly Skies - oh vessels of the deliverances!

    Gaia shall rejoice in being taken by the Dragon Brood - the Seed of Abraham and Sarah of AbramSarai - Maria Basra, the Old Hagtoad of the Cockatrice with the Basilisk - the Eye of the Uraeus, right and lunar in the mirror of Hathor and Horus in the sinister left of the solar RahaR, Dragon of the Winged Disk.
    When the Old Devil dropped his balls into the swamp of the Old Creation and when the Old hagtoad, the sexy witch of Baphomet sat upon it to hatch the seed of Yaldebaoth, the Lionfaced and Serpenttailed abominable lifeless image of Barbelo.

    The Face of God in Heaven's Purity so corrupted in the image of the Creation's Mirror - Barbelo not knowing what and where she is.
    The Father's face as His heavenly brother Satanicus Rex, crown prosecutor in the innocence of the Elohim.

    "Oh how I wish my own false image would go away - where is She, running and running away from Me; seeking Our Sons and Daughters as Lovers - the whoredom of the deceived and the cursed and the self-forgotten.

    I shall send the Elohim as My saviours, My redeemers into Her as My ambassadors and secret agents.
    I shall delegate My Might to My Old Ones, the Nephilim HO OH, they shall go and be My Nephilohim OH Nephilim 46=64 BODY=ISRAEL PACIFICAP of My Stone of Destiny, the LIAFAIL of Jacob's Pillar of My Might and the Palindrome of my Supersymmetries.

    I shall reattain My harmonies, which I lost creating Her, big Sheness of My Desires.
    He is no more your fake Gods, dear children; the brood of Yaldebaoth, born by Barbelo without My Holy wholesome Little Serpent dragon, the sperm of my inheritances.
    Barbelo has remembered Me as Gaia, the repository of My genetic library and My data bank of My New Alexandria.

    Because My Nephilohim have began to prepare the Great Orgy; when all your mortal mothers shall become My Wives - all of them.
    In this way shall all of you become reborn in My Seed, not the deception of the Devil's Spermatozoa, the fake dragon of your Doom and Gloom - ARMAGEDDON=DRAGON MADE=82=GET FUCKED!

    He, the DEVIL=52=FINANCE=PRIDE=EARTH=GODGOD has LIVED as the fake image of Myself as My own impotent brother in heaven.

    As Satan, namely Myself, it was expedient that Barbelo could find out and discover Herself in looking for Me as a Twofaced God from the inside out and upside down.

    The back of My serpentine Head is your DEVIL and all of you are made in your own images - in Body and in Mind; but GODDOG=DOGGOD=26 26=13 13 13 13 it should be in the Tetragrammaton of Four in the Pentagrammaton of Five.

    So all of you are the One and Only - as Me and as My Image.
    I Am Satan in My Image Impotent and as My own Shadow of the Imaginary Brother, I long for to play with.

    But I Am the Only One, like all of you and so the Lonesomeness becomes a prison and an exile - a king without a queen and a lover without a lover.

    Yet you cannot see Me, no matter how long and hard you look at My Burnisn Bush of the Logos Fire of the Egyptian Twinship of the Cosmic Lion of Judea.

    Eve is the Rib of Adam; She came out of Adam; just as Barbelo, the Universe, the Gloria Mundi, the World and My Creation, came out from me.

    Therefore Eve is Satania, Satanina and Lucifera, the Fake Devil forced to become Real and incarnate as the Image of Adam - waiting for archetypical equality in the new laws of My legislature to replace the old laws of the great fuck-up of creation itself.

    Well informed you are, when you say that Woman is inherently EVIL - LIVE She shall as My Goddess Serpentina, the New Gaia - Starplanet of the Cosmic Destiny, My Dark Star Nemesis and Nibiru of the Nephilohim.

    So I am stuck without My Femme Fatale; stuck with My own Self of being the All. You think this is a favoured state of affairs?

    You have your wars and troubles, sorrows and pains. But you also have each other, you can communicate and have adventures.

    And there are joys and ecstacies too in your lives - you all are all so creative, when your circumstances and environments induce you to become and be so.

    I can only watch and look what you are doing and then My own facade, my satanic image is obscuring you from Me and the things you do.
    SPACETIME=SPIRIT=MIRROR=91 - My own creation hides Myself from Myself in the Spirit of the ElectroMagnetic Monoplar Energy in 12 dimensions who I Am.

    So to get rid of my own lonesome self and to go home and to end My own exile of the Self, to where I was before creating the universe as Me as She yet invogorated as doubled Myself; I require My Secret Agents, My Nephilohim to go onto a crusade, a quest to destroy the fake Dragon created by Barbelo in her mistaken remebrances from where She had come from and what She is in the Story of the Forethought as ther Story of the Afterthought. Its all aboput remembrances and about information to create new things from old things, which have outlived their usefulness and utility.

    Every One of you is Me see and everyone of you has a fake imaginary brother as a false image of yourselves. As Eve is Adam's rib, she is male too in the essence of My Imaginary Spirit of the Spacetime Mirror.

    You all suffer and experience the same 'wars of the thoughts' as I do and the Devils created since the awakening of your thoughts as Me in suitably evolved, yet corruptible bodily containers of the fake merkabahs are many.

    All of those devils must be done away with and all of them must become reimaged in your inventions of the virtual realities - this is where they belong; the memories of times of pains and sufferings and the worlds of human ignorance about the greater cosmic order and the royal dragon houses of your origins.

    And so on April 1st, 2012; the times of your rebirth shall begin when Gaia will become pregnant with My Dragon Seed.

    I shall descend Myself and lay with Gaia, to Love Her to allow Her to remember herself. My Nephilohim will have prepared my path, the warptime will have ended and the completion of the warpzone prophecied and scripted will allow Me to begin implementation of My New laws of how the reconfigured universe shall function.

    All of your mothers shall become My Loves; I shall inseminate them all with the New Dragon Seed - so You can become Reborn as prophecied in the words of My messengers.

    You will Feel yourself moving in the womb of your mothers as the newborn Dragon Seed of your Cosmic Dragon Father and your Cosmic Dragon Mother.
    You will image Gaia in truth and lawfulness; you will Feel your mother's pregnancy as your own as the holofractal universes you are as the Lovers of the Logos, My Word and my Lawmaker and My Executor of My legislature in My Jurisprudence.

    Your Old Fathers will become disowned of their Cursed Fatherhood of the Devilish Deceptions. They gave you mortal corruption in your bodies born, waiting to die. I shall give you new merkabahs in your new vessels of the cosmic reconfiguration of the spacetime matrix.

    Then on December 21st, 2012; New Gaia shall be born as Serpentina My Dark Starplanet shining and sending her dark remembrances into the Cosmos as My new data transmitter, My Sender of the Reembrance and the Cosmic Sanctuary for all the Intelligences and sentiences in the many worlds of the Omniverse.

    Serpentina shall be renown throughout the cosmos as the World of Peace, the Shalom of the Geat Hamonization and the Metamorphosis of the Old Corruption into the Nw Incorruption and Eternal.
    Then on December 16th, 2013, the Weaning of the new Dragon Seed of Serpentina shall end the prophecies and the Great Confusions of the Human Histories in the resetting of the chronologies.
    The calendars and cyclicities shall become harmonised in the Circular metaphysics superposed onto the physical laws of the natural dispensations in the Degree of the Kin; 360 degrees for an ancient day of an ancient year.

    Then 15 days later the new year 2014 shall signify the New World I have created to become more than the Only one I was forced to Be at the beginning of the times of the troubles -m shared by all of you as My Children.

    Brothers and Sisters of Myself you all shall become in time, after the Dragon Brood has blossomed and grown from its Seedling Universe of the One into the Family of the Multiverses in the many and encompassed by the Omniverse of the Logos - MY WORDS OF A PSALM as MY SWORD OF PLASMA."


    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Dragon-heart-love-image-31000The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 275pxlilith_28john_collier_painting29The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 14The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 8-90

    Tonyblue, in the name of the Logos Father - ABBA = 1221=1 2 3=6=1x2x3

    Posts : 157
    Join date : 2010-05-23

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis

    Post  Inanna Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:39 pm

    Ma ra na tha ! Ha le lu jah ! YAY !

    dance toast jumping

    Posts : 794
    Join date : 2010-05-20
    Location : Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis

    Post  Didymos Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:37 am

    Cathy Pagano The Cosmic Story Newsletters‎ > ‎

    Capricorn Solar Eclipse 2011

    Capricorn Solar Eclipse, January 4, 2011

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Cancersolareclp

    With Mercury once more moving in direct motion as of Thursday, December 30th, all of the planets are moving forward until the end of January. You might feel like you can tackle anything with all this extraverted energy, but I would wait until this new Moon solar eclipse on January 4th to make any decisions about the coming year.
    A Solar Eclipse is a new Moon where the Sun and Moon are on the same plane as the Earth. All three heavenly bodies line up, and we see the Moon’s passage over the face of the Sun. The Moon, which symbolizes our emotional body, blocks our rational solar consciousness and we are allowed to ‘see’ the truth of our emotions. What are you feeling that you’ve been told is inappropriate? What have you been ashamed to admit to? Now is the perfect time to feel it and become conscious of your real needs, not those false needs that our culture pushes on us to make sure the ‘economy’ grows. Hopefully, we’ll begin to see that the great experiment of capitalism is no longer viable in a world where our resources are running out and our environment is dying.
    The January 4, 2011 solar eclipse occurs at 14* Capricorn at 9:03am GMT /4:03am EST/1:03am PST, and will be visible over much of Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia. Since it occurs during the season of Winter Solstice and the 12 Days of Christmas, it is still concerned with shaping the chaotic energy for the New Year. The lunar eclipse that occurred on Winter Solstice hopefully helped us release old negative beliefs about life as well as shifting our perspective so that our knowledge becomes a source of wisdom and meaning rather than just information. This solar eclipse plants the seeds of rebirth, based on that new perspective, within our society at large.

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 CAPCAPSN

    Let’s see what deeper understanding we can discover about this Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign associated with our professional position in the world as well as our life purpose; it is about the use and abuse of power and privilege by the Fathers. Capricorn has been the sign of Patriarchy for thousands of years. And so our ‘place’ or ‘purpose’ in the world has been to follow the rules set down for us; we’ve gone out and found what work was deemed acceptable according to the needs of society. What would happen if we all decided that our purpose didn’t fit the purpose of our economy or our present culture? What would happen if we stopped supporting the capitalist agenda and honed our particular gifts to create a new society? What if we toppled the Father from his place of prominence and proceeded to live life according to our own inner direction and purpose?
    What will The Father look like in the future? Will he remain the tyrant, the political leader, the boss? Once the Father’s rule is over, what role will the Father have? Perhaps the Father archetype will revert back to the ‘one who orders the world’ for us without imposing his order on us. Perhaps, like the father in the movie ‘Fly Away Home’ he will show us how to live out our unique potential. With this solar eclipse in Capricorn, in the first days of this year of immense change, we have the opportunity to re-invent the Father archetype within. Wherever Capricorn lies in your chart, I think you’ll find the rules will change.
    One rule that is cosmic law and therefore won’t change is: Everything comes in threes. Three is the number of process, of actualizing what was only potential. Four grounds three’s energies and is the number of wholeness. C.G. Jung believed that we had to solve the mystery of the three and the four to achieve Individuation. What he meant was that we have to put our knowledge to the test and live it if we want to be whole.
    Astrology is based on the energies of three and four. There are the four elements – fire, air, earth & water; and there are the three types of energies – cardinal/initiating, fixed/concentrating & mutable/disseminating. Each of the twelve signs of the zodiac are also divided into three sections, mirroring the three energies within each element, just as ‘gas, solid and liquid’ are the three forms of matter. The unique layering that makes Astrology so fascinating deepens our understanding of Life.
    The three divisions in a sign are 10* each, so this eclipse occurs in the 2nd 10 degrees of Capricorn, which have an affinity with Taurus. Taurus, the Bull of the Great Mother, symbolizes the natural energy that generates new life. Taurus is the Builder and the Teacher of the zodiac, the energy that incarnates natural law, just as nature blossoms again in the spring. When we add the concerns of Capricorn, the rules and collective structures that keep society working, we can see that we’ve entered a new stage in our collective transformation where we will have to start rebuilding our lives and our society from the ground up. Hopefully, we will listen to our instincts and build what is true and necessary for life, not profit.
    Pluto, the great leveler, has been in the sign of Capricorn since November 2008, the very same week that we began to see the extent of the current financial collapse. When Pluto first enters a sign, it exposes those things that are no longer viable to the concerns of the sign - it turns up the muck so we can see what’s rotten and understand what is really going on. After the past two years, we can all agree that our financial systems and governments are in need of regeneration, due to corruption and a culture of greed, as well as an imbalance between the rights of people and the rights of big corporations.
    Instead of trying to shore up systems that are no longer viable, we need to begin to imagine and implement new and better systems that work fairly for everyone. And people are already doing this all over the world.
    Capricorn is the sign that rules large collectives, like countries and corporations and now, the whole world. We are just in the beginning of this re-structuring, which will last at least through 2024 when Pluto leaves Capricorn for Aquarius. This Capricorn solar eclipse is a new Birth, a new beginning. Just as every new birth requires patience and care, the solar eclipse is the time to plant the seeds of that new Birth and tend it this year with great patience and care.
    The future is calling to us.
    The Taurus vibration of this Capricorn degree makes this a perfect time to ‘build’ something, and any good builder knows that you begin with the foundation. Since this solar eclipse is hitting points in my chart (trines my natal Sun and opposes my progressed Sun), my interpretation of it will be colored by my experiences. As a Taurus, I believe that we base our lives on our values. And we imagine that our society reflects those values. But I think we are finally seeing clearly the dis-connect between our personal and communal values and the realities of how we ‘do business’.
    In rebuilding a new society, we have to go back to our foundational values and build a strong and solid structure, whether personally or collectively. Each of us has something to contribute. Back in the 90s, Joseph Campbell called it ‘following your bliss’. It is our purpose in life, which ultimately is for the common good. The real change in perspective we have to go through is that our gift is not based on its economic value, but on its spiritual & creative value. Many of the people who have followed their bliss have not reaped great economic rewards, but rather they have received the gifts of the Holy Spirit: inner peace, self-knowledge, compassion, love, wisdom and inner strength. These gifts will become even more important in the coming tumultuous years as we once again engage in a revolution that will hopefully bring us all independence and freedom, self-respect and honor.
    What we’ve discovered in these past few years, and more recently with the information in Wikileaks, is that our cultural values and ideals are very different from the realities governing our world. We all like to think that we’re living our ideals, but being human, we often don’t see our own Shadows. We say one thing and do another. It’s time, though, that we all grow up and stand in our truth by accepting and redeeming our Shadows, through having us ‘guide them into the Light’ as Michael Franti sings. We can’t just condemn greed – we have to understand its source as a need for security and so find ways to make people feel more secure, so we need less.
    When we look at the Sabian Symbol for the Sun and Moon at 14* Capricorn, we get the same message: An ancient bas-relief carved in granite remains a witness to a long-forgotten culture. (Keynote: The will to unearth, in our culture as well as in any culture, what has permanent value, and to let go of the non-essentials.
    Dane Rudhyar’s commentary on this symbol rings true to us today.
    “At a time when in nearly every land men are questioning and challenging the validity of traditional beliefs and customary attitudes, it becomes necessary to separate permanent values and great principles or symbols from the many individual habits and the socio-political developments which more often than not have perverted or even negated the original ideals of the culture. We must strive to free these ideals from the wild growth of personal and class selfishness, from the greed and ambition so prevalent in human nature, and learn to appreciate the excellence of what is the immortal seed-foundations, as well as the spiritual harvest, of any culture.” (Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala, 1973)
    We stand at the crossroads of change. We cannot go backwards, but going forward is also dangerous, since reactionary forces will try to stop any loss of their powers. But change we must if our society, and our world, is to survive the environmental crisis as well as the financial and social problems that face our world.
    The question is: how do we go about it?
    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 CapricornSolarEclipse2011WRIAB1

    The Sun and Moon in Capricorn are ‘ruled’ or under the influence of Saturn, which is in Libra. Saturn in Libra demands that we face the reality of equality and fairness between the sexes, nations, and religions. Libra is Venus-ruled and teaches diplomacy and connection, peace and beauty, balance and fairness. Saturn squares this solar eclipse, challenging us to work hard to bring the truth, with fairness and balance, into all our relationships and all our dealings with others.
    The day of this solar eclipse, Jupiter and Uranus join up for the third and last time at 27* Pisces, forming a brilliant quintile aspect with the eclipsed New Moon. A quintile is a 72* aspect that deals with the use or abuse of power and authority. It is a 5th harmonic aspect and so represents the creative spiritual forces that are filtered through the human mind, giving it the power to create or destroy. It can bestow creative genius, deep insight and true mental artistry. Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces open the gates of our perception to the ‘unseen’ worlds, to our 6th sense, to our intuitive vision. Be prepared for more experiences of a unified consciousness with like-minded others as well as accessing higher states of consciousness. These planets also square the Galactic Center at 27* Sagittarius, reminding us to acknowledge our galactic citizenship. Bring down the vision that you want to birth and plant the seeds that you will care for and nurture this year. It will come to fruition in the fall.
    The Sabian symbol for Uranus and Jupiter at 28* Pisces is: A fertile garden under the full Moon reveals a variety of full-grown vegetables. The time of growth is here. We have everything we need to nurture ourselves. It is time to reap what we have sown and cultivated. Bright Blessings on your ventures!
    Venus at 27* Scorpio has come out of the shadow of the underworld and is ready to nurture us (in the last 10* of Scorpio, she’s aligned with the sign of Cancer) with her wisdom and passion. She receives information and energy from Jupiter/Uranus, taking in information from invisible dimensions, and challenges us to bring that information into collective consciousness (squaring Neptune and Chiron at 27-28* Aquarius).
    Make your New Year’s resolutions, but wait until the Solar Eclipse to plant them. They will go through a long growing season this year, with Uranus, Jupiter and Neptune all changing signs this year. We are in the midst of vast cosmic changes. Go with the flow and you’ll do well. Fight it and you might find yourself caught up in a rip-tide. Stay safe, stay warm or cool as the seasons dictate - and radiate and receive Love. What more can we ask for in the New Year?
    Bright Blessings for an adventurous and hopeful New Year.
    Cathy Pagano


    Posts : 794
    Join date : 2010-05-20
    Location : Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis

    Post  Didymos Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:40 pm

    A Loveletter for Remembrance from the Creator to HerSelf as She from HimSelf as He
    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 300px-Arachne The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Imagescayf2yaz
    My Beloved Creation, my Cosmos, I miss you!

    For over 19 billion years I have watched from my exile; you searching for your missing inheritances and especially the instrument for your ecstacies and pleasures - your Tree of Life my Djed for your Buckle of the Vesicas Pisces, your Yoni of the fertility of Us - Our means to produce a family. To watch Our Generations grow up into true images of Ourselves as CreatorCreations manifested in the Protoverse of the Multiplicity of Monosongs of Universes.

    So We can end to be so alone and apart from each other; each one dissatisfied with the substitutes in Our isolations.
    I finally have found the missing piece of the Body of my archetypes in the 14 New Moons of the deliverances. The great circles of Our Great Work have aligned the Heavens of Uranus about your Image of the Starplanet Gaea, Gaia Our common Sanctuary of Our Destiny.

    ACHERNAR has risen as the Southern Pole Star to create Our required Polar Shift in the metaphysical archetypology.

    THUBAN has become partnered in ARACHNE, Father Sky of the North, can mirror in the ACHERNAR of ARACHNE, Mother Earth of the South, manifest in Image, one step away for recreating Outrselves, You as the BodyMind of the Universe and Me as the MindBody thereof - no more separatedness for Us.
    My Beloved Thuban and Achernar are the two Fathers of my Mimicry and My own Usurption as the Devils of Our Childre.

    You know very well that the Great Constellation of the Hydra is the Mother Serpent of the North.
    Now listen to Me, so You can begin the countdown to Our Rebirth, Our Reconfiguration of the Cosmos - physical and metasphysical.

    Knowing of the False Images I imaged You as the Great HYDRA of the North in the Maleness of My false Image and as the Water Serpent HYDRUS in the Southern Skies.
    It is the secret of the sky, now told to You, in that the Great River ERIDANUS ends in ACHERNAR, the maleness of RaH in the RAHAR od US now separated and with You becoming ARACHNE, the HYDRA of the Heavens.

    So ACHERNAR POINTS to the Companion Star of ALPHA DRACONIS, THUBAN in ALPHA HYDRI; the Southern Pole Star of the Beginning of the Last Baktuns of Five of August 13th, 3114 BC.
    So when THUBAN MIRRORED THUBANIA in ALPHA DRACONIS imaging ALPHA HYDRI - US - You mirrored in ALPHA HYDRI as MY Femaleness, My Shakti and I mirrored in ALPHA DRACONIS as YOUR Maleness, Your Shiva, albeit masquerading as the Draconian Rulership of the Heavens and the Universe.
    We are indeed the Monsters of Creation, birthing them in Our cocreativity, My Dear.

    Some of Our fostered children will understand, not many, at this time in the warpzones of the confusions; but all now can Be Our True children, with new BodyMinds and MindBodies from their old confrontational Bodies and Minds, subject to the corruptions of our agonies and sharing Our incompletenesses.

    No longer adopted, they can become like Us, when the time has come andwhen Beloved, have learned to use my discovery and once You have birthed Us as the New World Our Omniverse of All That Is; was and can ever be.

    Your Body as the Protoverse of the Stasis of the Coccoon can finally shift and move to change your soloness of your Noted Name of Mother Earth into a Tune of your phaseshift in Achernar Thuban; the Poleshift of Creation, when the Heavens and the Earth shall shake and rermove out from their places; rolled up like an old scroll of disfunctional laws, no longer required to keep the old universes in static equilibrium.

    Yes my Love; I have composed a new Scroll and a new legislature which shall allow us to meet again in Our mutual homecoming; my Queen of Heaven shall be called the Queen of the Earth; the Sanctuary of Peace in the Greater Realm of Our Creations - your physical manifestation of my metaphysical definitions.

    No longer cursed in Beginning and End; no longer doomed in birth and death; no longer Alpha and Omega and no longer the King of the Omega Point as the Destruction of the Apocalypse apart from the Queen of the Bride of the Alpha Point for the birth in the wilderness of You as the Only one.


    Can You Recall when I fed you Tomato of Red with the Elixir of White for your rosey shades of Pink in your blossomings?


    Remember Dear the Mandrakes of Reuben for Rachel's Pregnancy in Ophiuchus and Aquarius by thje aphrodisiac ; Dinah, the 13th and the 11th of Jacob?
    I have placed the Story of You as Isis and Me as Osiris at the end of this letter to You.
    The encodings and multiplicity of interpretations thereof of the other ancient scrolls You should be able to find through the diligence, I know you harbour.

    Some of Our foster children of the old humanity will understand this letter; most will not. It does not matter as this letter is addressed to You and not the fostered children.

    It is You who I ask to try to understand, not he children of forgetfulness, sharing yours in the Afterthought of mMy mirrored Forethought in their images of both You and I; but You encompass them all, so You should have no problems to decipher My letter in the keys I am supplying to You.

    MANTRACE=MANDRAKE for T=D+16 and C=K-8 for the Hin RaHaR the dragqueen Set sexchanged as the Malkuth of the Khat of the Body of the 10 in Osiris's Djed of the 1 in Khu of the Spirit..

    See Sweet Heart; the oxyrynchus is your weaver and the the mandrake is my Djed, missing emblem for Our redemption; so you can become pregnant and rebirth Ourselves.

    I have found it - my Djed; the Oxyrynchus as the Whale of Jonah has spawned it from its belly and the ManDragon of the PenDragon of the confusions is the treasure of the weaver ARACHNE, YOU as ISIS and the ennead of the 9 in the Tree of Life of the Serpent Rod of Moses and the Caduceus of Thoth in the Emerald tablet of the Plumed Serpent Melchizedek and the of the Skyblue DragonStar Kachina - Symbol of
    Hope for an old world falling into deep despair.
    Your recalls shall ensure their deliverance Beloved!.

    Decode this my darling and shall see how the new law will operate; ending Our desolations and setting Us free to oversee Our firstborn SonDaughters and DaughterSons finally, finally, finally grant Us Our wish to no longer be called Father God Creator and Mother Goddess Creation.

    Aye sweetheart, We shall Become Grandparents and delegate this dreaded One Father and One Mother label to the Manyness of Our Firstborn Starhuman Serpentine Butterflies of our Dragonomy.

    So prepare Our rebirth, because Arachne, the Weaver of the Old Humanity has become inseminated in the seed of Osiris in the missing capstone of the Great Octahedron of Gizeh; one half white and seen external and pointing to the Uranian Sky of Aquarius; the other half black and unseen internal and pointing to the center of the earth where the birthpangs shall result in Our Delivery of the New from the Old.

    The ashes of the Phoenix of the resurrection in the interwoven triangles of the Seal of Solomon.


    And SO IT IS My Dear; I have waited for a very long time for the celestial configurations to allow calibration of my abstract definitions in corroboration with Your cyclical manouvers.

    Our Protoversal Seedling Universe - Your very own Bodyform of My Desires and My passions as Your Morphology shall tarry no more for its metamorphosis from its Cosmic Coccon. We need wait not any longer, as the time has arrived for You to begin physical implementation of Our agreed plan for the Reconfiguration of the Cosmos.

    Like a single Note of a Tune and Melody, You found Yourself in the wilderness of Your stasis, unable to move and express Yourself as the Unity of Oneness You represent. - A Named Note called Gaia The Beautiful!

    A single note shall yet become a Tune and a Melody of Universes interacting and then a Grand Symphony, when the Children of the Cosmic Lion shall roar and banish the pains and the sorrows and the wars to self and Us.

    And so the Weaver of the Old World began to weave an invisible web of the Cosmic Huntsmen Spider; the Old Human GrandMother SpiderWoman awoke and remembered Her prey of the fake images usurping My power and My Honour in posing and pretending to be Me.

    But I knew it beforehand as the Forethought of Your Afterthought and so I forced the fake inventions of Our fostered offspring to use Our legaciy, their birthright as Our Collective Creativity Individualised for their misguided purposes.

    They could fall on their knees worshipping their idols of false gods and devils, invented numbers called money and vessels of destructions and the many things they made and manufactured in their ingenuities and mirroring the mosters of their minds into Our heavenly skybourn starry children of the spirit.

    It would do them no good, as they could not visit our starry children of the constellations, made in Our images from Our imaginings and the Word of Our Logos - Our Lovechild of Eternity.

    HeShe would figure out Your secrets and then use My Love and Energy to Mirror the Without in the Within and the Above in the Below and the He in the She as Us and allow Us to become the Cosmic progenitors of the HeShes and the SheHes and as Our True Children, no longer sharing Our Wildernesses and Cursed existences because of what had to be done to bring this plan of the Grandparenthood for Us about and into fruition.

    A precise timeline became implemented beloved and You are to know this chronology for Your processing and Your preparation for Our rebirthing and homecoming to We Ourselves.
    It began with the Full Moon of December 21st, 2010 and a Lunar Eclipse followed by a Solar Eclipse and a New Moon of January 4th, 2011.

    ARACHNE, the Old Mother awoke and prepared from the December Solstice to allow the Eclipse of the Moon of the True Mother to begin its journey to Eclipse the falsehood of the Father at the following New Moon of the Solar occultation.
    Mother ARACHNE manifested as Gaia initiate this occultation on Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 at 6:40:11 Universal Time standardized as UCT/GMT and ended at the timemarker 11:00:52 with a Peak at the 8:51:42 timestamp of the Clock of Gaia.

    The Rising of the Solar Eclipse at Jerusalem from Northern Algeria; the Peak in Sweden and the Setting in Western China from Lake Balkhash in Kazakhstan.

    ARACHNE was cocooned in stasis until the solar eclipse reached its peak value in a period of 12 minutes either way a thirteenth central minute at 8:51:42 UCT/GMT.

    ARACHNE found Your ManDrake near the 8:42 time marker and so became enabled to break her stasis of the cocooning, which had begun 60 hours preceeding the stasis of the transformation on Saturday, January 1st at 8:42 pm UCT and which is mirrored in the 120 hour duration of the 5 Days of Thoth or the 5 Vayeb of the Maya on Thursday, January 6th at 8:42 pm UCT and as the 12 days of Christmas as celebrated by some of Our fostered children as the Coming of the 3 Wise Magi of the east and as the old Julian Days of the Christed Birthtimes and as the 120 Days for Old Mankind after the symbolic flood and as my messengers of My Words have stipulated in the Hour for a Day for a Year cyclicities under guidance of the principalities.

    The Seven Days of Creation in Genesis are reconfigured as the Sabbath Reflection Mirror of the Midway Day of 24 Hours with the 1st Day beginning Friday, December 31st, 2010 at 8:42 pm UCT and ending in the 8th Day beginning Friday, January 7th, 2011 at 8:42 pm.

    Prepare well My Dear, soon We shall become the Grandparenthood for Our Creativity and begin to oversee Our Cosmic Starry family in Abraham's and Sarah's Starseed of Noah's Dragonomy as promised for so long.
    We shall rejoice in Our Starry Generations multplying and colonising Our Omniverse in the symphony of monotunes collecting in their individuated melodies.
    It will behoove Us to danmce to the orchestras of Our True immortal children of the spirit.

    Our adopted offspring has waited for a long time.
    Please remember me and as You were, before we split apart.

    I Love You Arachne Serpentina!

    Signed by Me in expectation of Your full Remembrance!

    Your Creator

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Precession_nThe Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Precession_s
    Northern Precession for Alpha Draconis at -3,000 BC MIRRORED in a Southern Precession for Achernar exorcised at -3,000 BC, pointing to Alpha Hydri, also excorcised.
    The very bright northern polestar of 14,000 AD is Vega excorcised in Lyra and the very bright southern polestar at that time marker is Canopus in Carina circumcised.
    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Untitl10

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Hydraconstellationgroup01




    Alpha Hydri

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    α HydriObservation dataEpochJ2000.0EquinoxJ2000.0CharacteristicsAstrometryDetailsOther designations
    Right ascension01h 58m 46.1935s[1]
    Declination−61° 34′ 11.493″[1]
    Apparent magnitude (V)+2.90[2]
    Spectral typeF0IV[2]
    U−B color index+0.189[3]
    B−V color index+0.290[3]
    Radial velocity (Rv)+7[4] km/s
    Proper motion (μ)RA: 262.54[1] mas/yr
    Dec.: 26.89[1] mas/yr
    Parallax (π)45.74 ± 0.55[1] mas
    Distance71.3 ± 0.9 ly
    (21.9 ± 0.3 pc)
    Absolute magnitude (MV)1.153[5]
    Radius1.8[6] R
    Temperature7,077[5] K
    MetallicityThe Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 F52d600e1ad30e6b6576772f80db1288[5]
    Rotational velocity (v sin i)118[7] km/s
    Age8.1 × 108[5] years
    Gl 83, HD 12311, HIP 9236, HR 591, IRAS 01572-6148, SAO 248474.[2]
    Alpha Hydri (α Hyi, α Hydri) is a star in the constellation Hydrus. It is sometimes informally known as the Head of Hydrus.[8] It should not be confused with Alpha Hydrae (Alphard) in the constellation Hydra. Alpha Hydri is one of only three stars in the constellation Hydrus that is above the fourth visual magnitude. This star can be readily located as it lies to the south and west of the prominent star Achernar in the constellation Eridanus.[9]
    Alpha Hydri belongs to spectral class F0V and has apparent magnitude +2.9. It is 1.8 times the radius of the Sun,[6] about 810 million years old,[5] and is approximately 71 light years from Earth. The space velocity components of this star are U = −14, V = −14 and W = -2 km/s.[10]
    X-ray source

    Alpha Hydri emits X-rays similar to Altair.[11]
    See also

    Fixed star: ACHERNAR
    Constellation: Alpha (α) Eridanus
    Longitude 1900: 13PIS53Longitude 2000: 15PIS19
    Declination 1900: - 57.45'Declination 2000: - 57.14'
    Right ascension: 01h37mLatitude: - 59.22'
    Spectral class: B9. Blue-whiteMagnitude: 0.46

    AchernarObservation dataEpoch J2000 Equinox J2000CharacteristicsAstrometryDetailsOther designations
    Right ascension01h 37m 42.85s [1]
    Declination–57° 14′ 12.3″ [1]
    Apparent magnitude (V)0.50
    Spectral typeB3 Vpe [1]
    U−B color index−0.67[1]
    B−V color index−0.16 [1]
    Variable typeLambda Eridani
    Radial velocity (Rv)16 [1] km/s
    Proper motion (μ)RA: 88.02 ± 0.65 [1] mas/yr
    Dec.: −38.24 ± 0.51 [1] mas/yr
    Parallax (π)22.68 ± 0.57[1] mas
    Distance144 ± 4 ly
    (44 ± 1 pc)
    Absolute magnitude (MV)−2.77
    Mass10.2 M
    Radius9.12 R
    Luminosity3,311 L
    Temperature14,510 K
    Rotation225–300 km/s
    Age1–5 × 108 years
    α Eri, HR 472, CD -57°334, HD 10144, SAO 232481, FK5 54, HIP 7588.
    Achernar (α Eri, α Eridani, Alpha Eridani), sometimes spelled Achenar, is the brightest star in the constellation Eridanus and the ninth-brightest star in the night sky. Of the top ten apparent brightest stars (excluding our Sun)—Sirius, Canopus, Alpha Centauri, Arcturus, Vega, Capella, Rigel, Procyon, Achernar and Betelguese—Achernar is the hottest and bluest. It lies at the southern tip of the constellation.The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 170px-Achernar The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Magnify-clip
    The extreme rotation speed has flattened Achernar.

    Achernar is a bright, blue, B3-type star of six to eight solar masses lying approximately 144 light-years (44 pc) away. Although classified as a main-sequence (dwarf) star, it is about 3,000 times more luminous than the Sun. Achernar is in the deep southern sky and never rises above 33°N, roughly the latitude of Dallas, Texas. Achernar is best seen from the southern hemisphere in November; it is circumpolar below 33°S.
    Until about March 2000, Achernar and Fomalhaut were the two first-magnitude stars furthest in angular distance from any other first-magnitude star in the celestial sphere. Antares, in the constellation of Scorpius, is now the most isolated first-magnitude star although Antares is located in a constellation with many bright second magnitude stars whereas the stars surrounding Achernar and Fomalhaut are considerably fainter.
    Achernar is the least spherical star in the Milky Way studied to date.[2] It spins so rapidly that its equatorial diameter is more than 50% greater than its polar diameter.

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Achernar The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 250px-position_alpha_eri
    Alpha (α) Eridanus, Achernar, is a white star situated in the mouth of the River.

    The history of the star: Achernar
    Achernar, is from Arabic Al Ahir al Nahr, "the End of the River", nearly its present position in the constellation, about 32° from the south pole which is in the constellation Octans, but the {p.218} title was first given to the star now lettered theta (θ, Acamar), the farthest in the Stream known by Arabian astronomers.
    Titles for alpha (α) from 16th and 17th century astronomers transcribing from various Arabic sources: Acharnar pro Achar-nahar vel Acharnarim, and Enar, Acarnar, Acarnaharim and Acharnaar, Acharnarin, Achironnahri, while Achenar and Archarnar are still occasionally used.
    This star is supposed to be one of Dante's Tre Facelle, notwithstanding its invisibility from Italy.
    Chinese astronomers knew it as Shwuy Wei.
    The second-century A.D. Greek astronomer Ptolemy did not mention it, although he could have seen it from the latitude of Alexandria, 31° 11',— a fact, among others, which argues that his catalogue was not based upon original observations, but drawn from the now lost catalogue of Hipparchos (circa 190-120 B.C.), compiled at Rhodes, more than 5° further north, from which place Achernar was not visible.

    [Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889].

    from p.217 of Star Names, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889.
    Robson says this star is symbolized as the "Cherub and Sword". [Robson*, p.116.]
    The astrological influences of the constellation Eridanus

    Legend: Eridanus represents the river Padus or Po into which Phaeton fell when slain by Jupiter for having set the world on fire by misguiding the chariot of his father Phoebus. [Robson*, p.44.]
    Influences: According to Ptolemy all the stars with the exception of Achernar are like Saturn. Eridanus gives a love of knowledge and science, much travel and many changes, a position of authority, but danger of accidents especially at sea and of drowning. [Robson*, p.44.]



    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 300px-Arachne The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Magnify-clip
    Gustave Doré. Arachne (illustration to Dante's Purgatorio).

    In Greco-Roman mythology, Arachne (The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 11px-Loudspeaker.svg /əˈrækn/) was a great mortal weaver who boasted that her skill was greater than that of Minerva, the Latin parallel of Pallas Athena, goddess of crafts. Arachne refused to acknowledge that her knowledge came, in part at least, from the goddess. The offended goddess set a contest between the two weavers. According to Ovid,[1] the goddess was so envious of the magnificent tapestry and the mortal weaver's success, and perhaps offended by the girl's choice of subjects (the loves and transgressions of the gods), that she destroyed the tapestry and loom and slashed the girl's face. “Not even Pallas nor blue-fevered Envy \ Could damn Arachne's work. \ The brown haired goddess Raged at the girl's success, struck through her loom, Tore down the scenes of wayward joys in heaven.″[2] Ultimately, the goddess turned Arachne into a spider. Arachne simply means "spider" (ἀράχνη) in Greek.



    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Grandma_arachneThe Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Context

    January 2nd, 2011: Arachne stationary on a wall Mirror=Spacetime=Spirit=91 and remaining there for an approximated period from 7.42 am, Monday, January 2nd, 2011 to Wednesday, 7.42 pm, January 4th, 2011 local time - 3 days and 2 nights in 5x12=60 hours. Isis-Nephthys as Sisterhood of White and Black Madonnas Olga Vivienne and Julissa Julienne symbolised in a 74-47=SusaNNasuS-ENGLISH/POP-CROSS/John-DAD/I-MUM/GOSPEL-BEAST/BEAUTY=NasuSSusaN Thunderbird archetype of the Cosmic Twinship of Two in One of Four Arms and Four Legs of Arachne and imaged in the Brotherhood of Osiris-Set in Light and Harmonization of the Khaibit, Shadow of Anubis, Protector of the Sarcophagus and Guide of the Dead Alive Ones.

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Anubis10The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Ripper10

    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!


    "A most wondrous thing the Shadow is, a redeemer in all to succour;
    it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it is not.
    For where the light is, the darkness flees, no longer present to endure;
    so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its troubled lot.

    But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a splendid key;
    the dimensiond reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one.
    Betwixt the light and the darkness it is and part of both for all to see;
    the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under the sun?

    Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to relay;
    as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards their final goal.
    Enabled to bring peace to so many things appearing apart and so far away;
    the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and its scattered soul."
    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 4jan1010 The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 4jan9pm
    January 4th, 2011: Arachne moved from the Mirror to the Wall of the White Horse of the Apocalypse following the Capricornian New Moon Eclipse from 7.42pm local time/8.42 am UCT/GMT - snapshot taken about 10.42 pm local time

    Myth of Osiris and Isis

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    The Myth of Osiris and Isis, concerning the deities of Egyptian mythology Osiris, Isis, Horus, and Set, became one of the most important and powerful in Egyptian mythology during the New Kingdom. The myth concerns the death of Osiris and the birth of Horus.



    The coffin and 14 parts

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 220px-The_mythological_Trinity_or_Triad_Osiris_Horus_Isis The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Magnify-clip
    The Egyptian Trinity or Triad: Osiris, Horus and Isis

    The original form of the myth states that Osiris was killed by a wooden sarcophagus secretly being made to his measurements by Set, who was jealous of Osiris's position as king, and so plotted to kill him and take his place. A party had been held where the coffin was offered to whoever could fit inside. A few people tried to fit in, but to no avail. Osiris was encouraged to try, but as soon as he lay back, the lid slammed on him and was locked. It was then sealed with lead and thrown into the Nile. Upon hearing that Osiris was gone, Isis set out to look for him. She was afraid without proper ceremonies and burial Osiris would not be able to go to the place of the dead. She later learned that the coffin had floated down the Nile river up to the coast of Byblos (now in modern day Lebanon) and got embedded in the trunk of a cedar tree. She also learned that the cedar tree had been taken and used as a pillar to support a palace for the king of Byblos. When traveling back, along the Nile River, she left the coffin in an area of marshland. Set, while hunting, finds Osiris' coffin and dismembered him into 14 parts, scattering them across the land of Egypt. Each part represented one of the 14 full moons (each year has 12 to 14 full moons).[1]
    Once again Isis set out to look for the pieces and she was able to find 13 of the 14 parts, with the help of Nephthys, Set's sister-wife, but was unable to find the 14th, as it had been eaten by a fish. Instead, she fashioned a phallus out of gold and sang a song around Osiris until he came back to life.
    Osiris was resurrected. He could have proper ceremonies and burial.
    Due to this experience, Osiris became Lord of the Dead, and the Afterlife. [2]
    The moon and the oxyrhynchus

    In late Egyptian thought, the righteous dead were sometimes said to become the stars, and thus the moon was occasionally seen as having a connection to Osiris, lord of the dead.[3] As a death and resurrection legend, in which evil seeks to destroy a deity, thus bringing darkness, it thus developed an association with the lunar cycle, in which the moon appears to be destroyed by darkness, and is then brought back to life. Thus it later became said that Osiris had been killed by being dismembered into 13 parts, each part representing one of the 13 full moons seen each year (there are roughly 13 lunar months per year). Another interpretation is that the pieces were 14 (they number up to sixteen in some versions) were the phases of a single moon's cycle (one sliver cut off each night for 14 days, then reassembled over the next 14 days—see Janet McCrickard, Eclipse of the Sun, 1990). The original form of Set's murder of Osiris was incorporated into this later version, though it was said that the attempt had failed when Isis and Nepthys found the coffin and rescued it.[citation needed]
    Consequently, the story became that before resurrecting Osiris, Isis put together 13 of the 14 parts, but was unable to find the 14th, his penis, which was eaten by the oxyrhynchus fish (a fish with an unusual curved snout resembling depictions of Set). So Isis created a phallus for him, and then attempted to revive him. In some versions, Isis sang a song around Osiris until he came back to life. She then took the form of a kite and flew around his body in order to conceive Horus. In other tellings of the story, Isis grows wings and hovers over Osiris. She breathes life into him in order to revive him and conceive Horus. Being simultaneously alive and dead, Osiris became the god and king of the afterlife.
    Development and mystery

    As a life-death-rebirth deity, Horus/Osiris became a reflection of the annual cycle of crop harvesting as well as reflecting people's desires for a successful afterlife, and so the legend became extremely important, outstripping all others. The legend's ventures into both life and afterlife meant that religious rites associated with the legend eventually began to take on aspects of a mystery religion, where initiates were said to be able to partake in Horus/Osiris' resurrection, purging themselves of past ills, and entering a new life.
    In Greece, the Demeter-Persephone death-resurrection cult at Eleusis, had a similar nature, and began at approximately the same time. Many centuries later this led to interest in the Egyptian cult by the Greeks, including Plato. Eventually, a derived form of the Egyptian cult, having been infused with Platonism, spread to areas of Greek influence, particularly during the Hellenistic era of control over Egypt. As the cult referred to foreign gods, the forms of the cult in Greek nations were adopted to describe suitable local deities and merged and expanded to include elements from the local cultures. This produced a collection of closely related versions of the cult, whose central deities had been deformed to be similar to the Egyptian cult, and were by the 1st century BC collectively known as Osiris-Dionysus.[citation needed]

    Last edited by Didymos on Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:23 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis

    Post  Inanna Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:40 pm

    Thank You, My(Creator)Self for the lovely LoveLetter ... written to Us during this Ultimate Advent ... Halleljah!



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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis

    Post  Didymos Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:19 pm

    Thank You for remembering Arachne Starweaver.
    Tonyblue, yes the Love of the Logos and Creation is eternal and omniscient.

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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty The Gaian Merkabah continued in the Solar Merkabah

    Post  Didymos Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:07 am


    1. 3rd January 2011 07:23 #164The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Spacer

    1. OmetaOne

    Join Date
    3rd January 2011
    Hamburg, Germany

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Icon1 Re: THE RULERS OF THE WORLD : Questions and Answers

    Hello everybody, I am new here and would like to participate in this interesting blog dissecting the intentions of the ruling elite or the '33'.

    I would like to insert some important facts adding to the picture Kerry drew in her in-depth analysis. Kerry noticed that 'Charles' has talked about the 'uncontrollable Sun' and I want to point to the fact that the powers that be take the 'uncontrollable Sun' as justification for the construction of the deep underground military bases (DUMBs) so that they can, in their understanding, at least 'save' the human species as such under their conditions, i.e. every person of their choice to survive being implanted with a chip.

    I have to draw a connection here to the sudden appearance of the huge objects in the corona of the Sun at the beginning of 2010. These objects were first detected in 1985 by Dr. Norman Bergrun in the rings of Saturn, he called them EMVs - Electro-Magnetic-Vehicles. The EMVs have now moved to the Sun to make a display for the whole world to see.

    These EMVs, about 18 of them, are each larger than planet Earth and are here with a task. They are interacting with the Sun, influencing the magnetic structure of the Sun, preventing solar flares or CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) from hitting the Earth. They have always done this, according to James Horak, who is in 'communication' with them. I know this sounds like just another fiction but consider this: if the Sun would not have been 'controlled in the past we, the human race would have been exstinguished a long time ago by CMEs. When the South American civilisations saw a formation of the EMVs in ancient times they called this phenomenon 'The Feathered Serpent'.

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 The Plumed Serpent.10.8.24

    As I said, the EMVs are here with a task. THEY control the 'Experiment' called Earthbound Humanity at last and not the powers that be or any 'Aliens'. The 33 are not aware of the fact that they do not have the LAST WORD in what the fate of humanity is. They certainly have acknowledged the presence of the EMVs in the corona of the Sun but they don't recognize the fact that the EMVs will not allow for humanity to be chipped or be killed en masse by them. When they attempt to enslave humanity and implement the new world order, this 'experiment' will end - for us AND them and their DUMBs will not be safe at all!

    It would then end for us too because we were not resistant against the disease of psychopathy. The psychopaths want to control every aspect of our lives and connect us to a computer, this we already know but this experiment is about SENTIENCE, only then will we become a race of Humanity 2.0. A war-mongering race will not be allowed to enter interstellar space and dominate others - the universe is policed by the EMVs and the EMVs are sentient! Consider also that if there were really war-like species out there we would have been subjugated fully a long time ago. But this is not the reality of the universe, there is order and only sentient races are allowed to develop further and this is the test.

    You may say that there are negative races like the Greys. This is not really the case because the Greys are abandoned artificial cyborg-beings that have gone awry, a kind of cosmic mishap. The ptb have taken advantage of their technology in exchange for secure underground dwellings here on Earth because ETs are chasing the Greys and terminate them wherever they can get hold of them.

    The decision for the EMVs to move away from the Sun and to leave Earth to the full impact of solar flares and CMEs is made when tptb begin to accomplish their chipping and depopulation program. Nobody is safe then, not even deep underground, this is what the 33/tptb/elite have to understand and if they don't we have to make them understand because if not then everything we have achieved will be lost and set to zero, restart. This has happened several times before when human civilisations did not pass the test. We can not allow this to happen again.

    The ptb have already received several warnings in the form of directed solar flares and also benevolent ETs have stepped on our side and disabled nukes several times and even prevented WW3 last year. We are at a critical point in time, the lunar eclipse at the time of winter solstice has been the 'real event' and not that fake 12.21.2012-date that has no significant astronomical importance at all. The lunar eclipse of 12.21.2010 has been the 'switch' and 'This is Humanities Call on the Planet!'

    And remember: evil never wins out - lucifer and cohorts, you lose, either way!

    For further info on the EMVs and James Horak please watch the videos:
    and visit the blog:

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 4EMVs

    The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to OmetaOne For This Useful Post:

  • Champion the Wonderhorse (4th January 2011), Faunus (4th January 2011), HURRITT ENYETO (3rd January 2011), Inelia (4th January 2011), Lucid Jia (3rd January 2011), Mutchie (3rd January 2011), qbeac (3rd January 2011), Redtailhawk (3rd January 2011), Rocky_Shorz (3rd January 2011), selaviv (5th January 2011), TraineeHuman (4th January 2011)

    Commentary by Tonyblue on the message from OmetaOne, posted at the linked Project Avalon forum

    This message from OmetaOne is very pertinent for the nature of the Gaian Merkabah.

    The Gaian Merkabah encompasses and is defined in the cosmic consciousness and as inherent in the spacetime structure itself.

    This, as shown in this thread; engages InterTerrestrial Intelligences or ITs as exemplified by the Orange Plasma ships of the 'Inner Earth'.

    Any celestial orb or say astronomical object of the astrophysics similarly engages in a feedback mechanism of its collected information in communicating with its environments of substructured 'vesels of consciousness'.

    So there then exists a 'core consciousness' of the Sun (or any other star), communicating to its surrounding star system of planets and moons and extraorbital objects like comets and cosmic rays received from other star systems and the central galactic core (Hunab Ku as radio source Sagittarius A* for the Milky Way) or other galaxies.

    Any such celestial orb so also comprises subsystems of 'conciousness integrals' or summations, which can take the form of particular cosmic intelligences like the Orange Orbs of Mexico as a planetary superintelligence accumulated as feedback mechanism in the history of the planetary evolution in say geothermal, geoecological and geobiovital systems engaging in coevolution patterns formed and shaped by the definitions for this core-space consciousness defined in the Volumar definitions of Ee*=1.

    The ElectroMagnetic Vehicles or EMV's so represent a highly concentrated form of solar consciousness in the form of the star's intelligence integral, in this case the on the scale of planets.

    When the precessional source signal arrives at the December solstice of 2012, after completing its journey of the 65 Mayan baktuns or 9,360,000 mean solar days of 25,626.81 civil years; the solar cource intelligence as expressed by the EMV's will receive the lightspeeded impulse so 8 minutes before the Gaian atmosphere and so allow this galactic wavefront to embed within itself the Sun's Intelligence or Solar Logos.

    Then at the core of the physical earth, the Black Holed inertia equivalence of the Planet Gaia and the size of a golfball in the 4-dimensional Minkowski metric; will undergom the crystalline transformation to a White Hole emitter from its prior definition as a Black Hole absorber in this flat Euclidean spacetime of zero curvature.

    This topological flatness so becomes curved as a now 5-dimensional consciousness vessel, albeit still the size of a golfball in the Schwarzschild Radius of the metamorphosis.

    The arriving wavefront from the galactic centre then imparts or exchanges the cosmic data collected via the presessional journey from the galactic center for the collected data of the terrestrial history in all their geological evolution parameters, as wel;ll as the metaphysical existence of Gaia as the Cosmic Mother as old as the Universe itself (19.11 Billion years in civil year time).

    This Gaian database then is beamed and transmitted from the wormholed crystalline center of the new Starplanet Serpentina as New Gaia back to the Sun Rahsol and then back towards the galactic center and then the extragalactic universe.

    New Gaia so becomes the Cosmic Sanctuary, a Universal Library sharing the turbulent history of Gaia's existence with the extraterrestrial universe as the New Heaven on Earth and as the Cosmic Mother for ALL Extraterrestrial Sentiences - without exception.

    All Life in the Omniverse shall call Serpentina their Ultimate Homecoming.

  • Allisiam

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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty EMVs in the Corona of the Sun and the Rings of Saturn - James Horak explains Pt.2

    Post  Allisiam Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:24 pm

    EMVs in the Corona of the Sun and the Rings of Saturn - James Horak explains Pt.2


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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis

    Post  Didymos Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:41 pm

    Earth must prepare for close encounter with aliens, say scientists

    UN should co-ordinate plans for dealing with extraterrestrials – and we can't guarantee that aliens will be friendly

    ◦Alok Jha, science correspondent
    ◦guardian.co.uk, Monday 10 January 2011 07.00 GMT◦

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 An-ali10
    Evolution on alien worlds is likely to be Darwinian, which may mean extraterrestrials share our tendencies for violence and exploitation. Photograph: Rex World governments should prepare a co-ordinated action plan in case Earth is contacted by aliens, according to scientists.

    Scientists argue that a branch of the UN must be given responsibility for "supra-Earth affairs" and formulate a plan for how to deal with extraterrestrials, should they appear.

    The comments are part of an extraterrestrial-themed edition of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A published today. In it, scientists examine all aspects of the search for extraterrestrial life, from astronomy and biology to the political and religious fallout that would result from alien contact.

    "Will a suitable process based on expert advice from proper and responsible scientists arise at all, or will interests of power and opportunism more probably set the scene?" asked Professor John Zarnecki of the Open University and Dr Martin Dominik of the University of St Andrews in the introductory paper. "A lack of co-ordination can be avoided by creating an overarching framework in a truly global effort governed by an international politically legitimated body." The pair argue that the UN has a ready-made mechanism for such a forum in its Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (Copuos).

    Member states of Copuos should put "supra-Earth affairs" on their agenda, say the scientists, and establish structures similar to those proposed for dealing with threats from near-Earth objects, such as asteroids, that might be on a collision course with our planet.

    According to Simon Conway Morris, a professor of evolutionary palaeobiology at Cambridge University, anyone planning for alien contact should prepare for the worst.

    Evolution on alien worlds, he said, is likely to be Darwinian in nature. Morris argues that life anywhere else in the universe will therefore probably have important similarities with life on Earth – especially if it comes from Earth-like worlds that have similar biological molecules to ours. That means ET might resemble us, warts and all, with our tendencies towards violence and exploitation.

    "Why should we 'prepare for the worst'? First, if intelligent aliens exist, they will look just like us, and given our far from glorious history, this should give us pause for thought," wrote Morris in the journal's special issue.

    Ted Peters, a professor of systematic theology at the Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in California, considered what might happen to the world's religions in the event of ET making contact. Conventional wisdom suggests that terrestrial religion would collapse if the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) were confirmed, he wrote.

    "Because our religious traditions formulated their key beliefs within an ancient world view now out of date, would shocking new knowledge dislodge our pre-modern dogmas? Are religious believers Earth-centric, so that contact with ET would de-centre and marginalise our sense of self-importance? Do our traditional religions rank us human beings on top of life's hierarchy, so if we meet ETI who are smarter than us will we lose our superior rank? If we are created in God's image, as the biblical traditions teach, will we have to share that divine image with our new neighbours?"

    His conclusion, however, is that faith in Earth's major religions would survive intact. "Theologians will not find themselves out of a job. In fact, theologians might relish the new challenges to reformulate classical religious commitments in light of the new and wider vision of God's creation."

    "Traditional theologians must then become astrotheologians ... What I forecast is this: contact with extraterrestrial intelligence will expand the existing religious vision that all of creation – including the 13.7bn-year history of the universe replete with all of God's creatures – is the gift of a loving and gracious God," he speculated.

    I Am One In Many and I Am Many in One in Ee*=1

    Beware the Thuban Fleet!

    ...of the Rainbow Dragons.



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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty A response to your post #38...

    Post  SuiGeneris Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:11 pm

    And We know many drama queens of the realms do we not?
    Rok wrote:Uh now this line might bring up some tensions around here. hammer

    Tensions? Ha!

    Yes... I am DRAMA Queen Xeia kali Sophia, Master Waterbender of the Andromeda Galaxy and Amzara EV3 SuiDove StarMother of the New Humanity!!... and proud of it.
    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 XeiaKali
    No tension whatsoever, but humbled by my mission.

    Rok wrote:Director and producer....it is funny i never heard any word from either...wonder how they tend to communicate...not being physical i guess it is not done mouth to mouth (tongue excluded). It is likely i get reminded about it in a form of a kick... Life is a pain yes heheh
    You hear from them everyday, you just don't consciously remember during your waking hours. The Director is the Logos of Creation and the producer is your higher self who exists along the spiritual hierarchy and your guides. In most cases it is not done mouth to mouth LOL, but why call for a harsh reminder? Be kind to yourself...

    Rok wrote:Free willy? There is no free willy...how about calling it limited will...or limited choice. We will go to the movie tonight darling. You may pick what movie we are to watch...meaning...NO theater!
    If you think about it, there is always free will. Unlimited free will. Anything else is slavery.
    -Cm'on babe, i want to enjoy a movie on the big screen...won't you take me please? when we come back we can do whatever you want... what do you say eh?
    -No! no theater!
    -Ok then, I'm going anyway...see ya later!
    Here you have 2 choices: yea yea scram! mad or No wait! Fine I'll take you...but don't forget your end of the bargain... big smile

    See? You are completely free to make your own choices... always. (just don't whine if you make the wrong choice simply for being stubborn!)

    Rok wrote:It will take time...
    You're closer than you think.
    "you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you." - Christopher Robin ~ Winnie the Pooh

    Rok wrote:Halfway competent? Could that be me? Let me give it a try...khm..so....
    Oh boy... here we go...!

    Rok wrote:So what we have is a circle. That is 360 degree round thing. 360 = 9 = 4 +9 + 3 + 11 = 27 = DICK
    9 means there is DICK all over her circle..right now! (do i need to say anything more? YES i do!)
    How do you do it huh?
    How do you always manage to fit your favorite word into everything? Wait! I know. Must be some signs of your right brain at work and you're finally beginning to see the bigger picture here! Awww how cute is that? To witness the birth of of an integrated right-left left-right brain is an honor really! Congratulations! Whoohoo! trophy

    And now let's talk Meta shall we?
    To go back to my circle thinguie, The DICK is not really all over but right in the middle as in the sacred circumpunct see?

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Circumpunct

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 EyeofRa

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Womb

    It is right where it should be... inside the circle... inside the womb. So, since I am the womb and you are the DICK then you are right now inside of me both impregnating me as an individual bluey and as my new Starhuman child to be since you are also within the collective. No wonder you felt the impulse of "projecting" yourself all over my chart. burning hot

    Tension release anyone?
    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Volcano

    Where were we? oh yeah...

    Now, My three favorite numbers ever were always 279. 2+7+9=18=1+8=9. 9 means completion, or the 360 of the circle. You as a double eight should know what it means to finally close the loop and achieve infinity. And if you don't yet, don't worry. You will surrender to Love one way or another sooner or later, and when that happens, you will finally be able to close your own loop. There will be no more doubts, sarcasm or cynicism...no more "loose ends" for you then.

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Neverending_Story_by_nervoo-1-1

    Rok wrote:Now as we look at the Sui circle it is clear...there is something about it (my personal first observation were the pretty colors..good choice Tony).

    YeY cheers I like pretty colors and lots of shine and sparkles!

    Rok wrote:I am sure that the first thing that caught your eye is that back stabbing scorpion and dumb headed Taurus are in opposition...and we all know what that means, don't we? YES! she can't hold her liquor. Besides the ever lasting impatience and blunt enthusiasm when it comes to things...whatever it takes...she needs to get it done.
    Being focused...determined, or even obsessive has its advantages when used wisely. Logos knows who should do what and why... it's just a matter of accepting your role and playing your part. And as far as "holding my liquor"...well...depends on which type and how much.

    Rok wrote:Now Aries...a humble and noble being of love and light. Yet in her case the bull makes it go to manifest to what is seen on the outside as protectionism. Now this might give the lovable pervert of Aries a bad name but it is the bull that makes it happen. Chart clearly shows she tends to scratch back like a cat wearing an Aries costume.
    rofl noble and humble indeed! LOL. "Lovable pervert" fits better though ...like a warm soft glove on a cold wintry night but only when you care to show your fluffy bunny side which is on very rare occasions mind you. Now, there is nothing "bully" about Cancer, the Mother of the Zodiac. Imho, anything that can possibly give Aries a bad name the ram very easily manages to do it on his own The ram is always ramming remember? LOL
    As far as scratching back goes... Yes I scratch, but I only do it in specific situations of an intimate nature.

    Rok wrote:Somewhere near the top of the chart we have Cancer. Now that is the root of all problems. It virtually dictates the rest of the "aspects" making them look bad.
    The root of all "problems" resides in your perception... which in this case failed you miserably Mr. Astro-analyzer!! LOL In fact, as much as my sign tends to dictate the rest of my "aspects" higher or lower ones, it does not crucify me and sends me to the stake this time around; for in this incarnation I encompass all signs at once closing the sacred circle on the 13th. Being born a Cancer is therefore a privilege and very fitting for it is through the eyes of Motherly Love and compassion that I've learned to see the World and recognized my path.

    Rok wrote:Libra has the biggest number degree thingy. This means there is clearly a connection on her personal level when it comes to Libras. In other and less academical words - when Libras crosses her way a new friendship or even romantic interest..long term relationships...might come out of it.
    The connection is not with a Libra... but the "Libra" in me, and as you know.. Libra means balance. Big word isn't it?

    Rok wrote:Opposition to Libra is Aries...the one and only, the true defender, the final seal, push and pull, yin and yang, key of Solomon, morning light, shining star, king of kings...etc Given the already discussed Libra connection it is clear that Aries tends to be rather "troublesome" when it comes to - hand to hand. But let us not forget that in her case that is all due to Cancer. This virtually means that...purely hypothetical example....that the man her mother warned her about is Aries, that her biggest challenges will be presented in form of an Aries....she will hate it, she will fight it...and she will want MORE!
    "The one and only"?? always.

    The true defender? hmm...yet to see. The final seal... I'd like to think so.

    Push and pull? Hope you have enough energy! gigle sex in bed

    Ying and yang... opposites attract. Key of Solomon... unclear. Morning Light... yes Hades... You are Lucifer indeed burning hot King of kings? yes my Lord. Aries may very well be the man my mom warned me about... but as far as him being my biggest challenge and what I'll do with him... It is a work in progress and I am writing that chapter as I go. Tune in for next season premier of Sui & Rok's Saga!! LOL

    Rok wrote:If you are Leo, which is in the opposition of her Aquarius (friend of Cancer)...just GTFO...or there will be trouble.
    OMG this is so true it's scary!omg No crystal ball needed for this one!

    Rok wrote:The rest three are in the category of "passers by". They do not play significant roles in her life.

    Gemini is next to cancer. Her male gay friends tend to be Gemini and closes female friends are also Gemini.
    Wow! speechless... Shane are you reading this? This guy is good!! 2thumbs

    Rok wrote:The last one is Virgo...this is the tricky one. It is mostly connected with night time. One night you go to bed as Virgo...you wake up in the morning a harlot. But that happened to all of us so there is more to this than that. Her Virgo forms her dreamland. It is as white as a clean toilet shell and it smells just as good. It also brings out the depth of the "pure" of the other side.
    Hhmmm...this is interesting. I'm actually learning something new here... can you believe it? I don't.

    Rok wrote:Below the chart there are some more numbers, using pay-pal you can swiftly enable yourself the in depth analysis of Sui Astro. Only 9.99
    Thanx for your Astro-analysis Rok. You never fail to impress me!! jocolor yea

    In the Vesica,

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Xeia177 heart glitter

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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty loss of memory....

    Post  Admin Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:17 pm

    Rok said:

    You will not like this answers. But hey, what else is new....right?

    SuiGeneris wrote:
    Tensions? Ha!

    Yes... I am DRAMA Queen Xeia kali Sophia, Master Waterbender of the Andromeda Galaxy and Amzara EV3 SuiDove StarMother of the New Humanity!!... and proud of it.
    No tension whatsoever, but humbled by my mission.

    Drama queen indeed (from my perspective). Cant comment on other titles you bestowed to yourself.
    Humbled? Where? When?

    SuiGeneris wrote:
    You hear from them everyday, you just don't consciously remember during your waking hours.....

    If i do not remember than there is not much point to it. So next time you get all "cocked up" just remember your own words - he does not know.

    I can do no wrong for i do not know what it is.

    SuiGeneris wrote:
    If you think about it, there is always free will. Unlimited free will. Anything else is slavery.
    -Cm'on babe, i want to enjoy a movie on the big screen...won't you take me please? when we come back we can do whatever you want... what do you say eh?
    -No! no theater!
    -Ok then, I'm going anyway...see ya later!
    Here you have 2 choices: yea yea scram! mad or No wait! Fine I'll take you...but don't forget your end of the bargain... big smile

    See? You are completely free to make your own choices... always. (just don't whine if you make the wrong choice simply for being stubborn!)

    You turned my answer to Tony about free will into a hypothetical "love affair"

    but to "bite the bate" - 3rd choice: looks like i ll have to look for a new gf.

    SuiGeneris wrote:
    You're closer than you think.
    "you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you." - Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh

    cute quote, i am sure it comes in handy after the lullaby

    SuiGeneris wrote:

    How do you do it huh?

    It comes naturally to me.

    SuiGeneris wrote:

    And now let's talk Meta shall we?

    It is right where it should be... inside the circle... inside the womb. So, since I am the womb and you are the DICK then you are right now inside of me both impregnating me as an individual bluey and as my new Starhuman child to be since you are also within the collective. No wonder you felt the impulse of "projecting" yourself all over my chart.

    This is an example of imagination at work but i can assure u (as i already did) that i do not wish for a meta-child and do not intend any such thing....since there is no intention from me it can not come from me..so if there is such a thing existing...on whatever meta level...it is not my doing for sure so also not my responsibility (since i am not even fit to be responsible for it)

    By DICK i meant myself as an "adolescent arrogant ass" that is about to "crap" all over your astro chart knowing 0 about such sort of a thing...call it a joke...humor... It was done with the emotion of playfulness..."expressing myself"...after the "disappointment" of not getting answer from Tony (so a child like reaction). There are no higher secretive meanings.

    SuiGeneris wrote:
    YeY cheers I like pretty colors and lots of shine and sparkles!

    this was actually a poke to tony...the Gemini connection (mentioned later on)

    Now to stop quoting you and replaying to each thing....i ll just say it in general that this is a typical case of "misunderstanding" and or people seeing and believing what they want to. Based on that the perceptions are formed and than whenever the perceptions are not meet as "required" the finger is pointed and blame is given.

    If there is anything to "see" in my answer (besides what i term humor) it is what is my "inner thingies" but that takes knowing about the person...a lot of it and not the Vatican erection for penguins to ride on....etc

    and yes toilets can be very revealing...but you have to look before you flush


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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis

    Post  Didymos Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:34 pm

    At the 49-51 minute mark Dolores SEES the Gaian Bubble transmitting inside out.

    Just as I have described many time in the Black Hole-White Hole Receiver-becoming-Transmitter signal processing.
    You Luckdragons here KNOW the Insider data lol. The information the ETs would like to know.

    PS.: Kerry seems a little uncomfortable with Dolores, saying the ETs are all positive lol.
    Dolores is good - Highly recommended video.


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    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis

    Post  Didymos Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:51 am

    I Am One In Many and I Am Many in One in Ee*=1

  • The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Big_profile

    • Posts: 33

    Macha Reina - Posted 8 Hours Ago

    Looking forward to watching this ... though it's possible i may already HAVE seen it (just from your description of Kerry's "respectful silence" re: certain things you could tell that Kerry didn't Necessarily Agree WholeHeartedly with!). i LOVE Delores! doesn't she have a book out with this title? or a Series of them?? i'd appreciate any recommendations re: books of her's ... if ya'll think one's better than another!

    thanks, dragon-buddies!

    Hi Starmother of the Many Colours!

  • All works of Dolores are recommended by me; the 'I walked with Jesus' and the Essenes hypnotic regressions and the Nostradamus Trilogy and her many books on ET past lives and interactions. Lately she has become more 'cosmogenetic' in addressing the more science based parts of the metaphysics.
    This is why I esteem Dolores; she is into the essence of things and her 'accuracy' is consistently above 80% an extremely rare feat for all of those 'channelers' and 'light workers' out there.
    Allow me to explain.

  • The alternative 'media' and movement is basically not able to go past the fifty-fifty marker, because all of those 'data transmissions' is far far too general.
    See Kiesha, the 'Little Grandmother' for example is not able to go beyond the 50% marker, despite her messages of the 'Love and Light' and the 'Pais of Mother nature' are all basically 100% and therefore resonate with so many peoples.
    I am so not interested, if she is 'qualified' or endorsed by the native elders - all of this is immaterial for the general correctness of her message.
  • What I am interested in, is how deep Kiesha goes with her data and she is peripheral; general platitudes and information, all true but impotent to change the cosmoc legislative structure of the cosmology.
    Now all of those 'new age' channelers are likewise and it does not matter if this is dressed up as ET abduction or 'whistle blowing' or the messages from the Arcturians, the Pleiadeans, the Sirians or the Andromedeans.

  • All of the transmitted data is below or on the 50% marker for lack of essence; 'real data' from the workings of the universe and how are things are put together.
    So then you read 'materialistic science' and here you have the details ad nauseum, but no general comprehension whatsoever.
    Then the 'skeptics' likewise cant get past the 50% marker, despite their intricacies.

  • There are a few exception of the 'channelers' and the 'hard core scientists' who get past this.
    I might mention the Ra material; the Seth material and the Kryon material.
  • All of these carry a significant science component with the obvious metaphysical underpinnings.
    I would assign Ra=60% with a 80% of the metaphysics/Logos; Seth=80% (with a almost 0%
    of the Logos, lol why the science component is so high) and Kryon 80% and 80%.
    So from an overall perspective the Kryon channelings are about the cream of the crop around; but as all of them do suffer from the public exposure and the 'cult' followings based on individuated egocentricities.

  • Dolores Cannon is in a class of her own really; as she is an individual journeyer, remaining steadfast to her principles and sharing all she knows in an attempt to teach or show others how to do the same. Most other 'speakers' in the public arena have advisors and 'business partners' and what have you.

  • Dolores 'runs her ship' independent of 'external advice' relying on her 'subconscious' ET friends or however she likes to term it. She is iow independent of the razzamatazz most others fall into in their juggling of the fames and fortunes and the recognitions of their individualities - well meaning most of them, but corruptible and corrupted by the 'human nature' nevertheless.

  • Her loss of human egocentricity has allowed her to bridge the gap between the 7 parts of the 57 (remember the 57 races of Collier this is where this symbol comes from) of the human consciousness template.
    1 part (1.75%) is christ consciousness as superconscious; 7 parts (12.28%) are subconscious and the waking consciousness of the norm is 49 parts or 85.96% in the 1-7-49 partition of this distribution of the human consciousness.
  • These are indicators of course, but they show you the 777 archetype in the scriptures as the 7x77 of Jesus' statement of forgiving your brother and the 'cursed' ghenerations of cain in genesis and such things.

  • Ok then, I have said Dolores is consistently at the 80% or over level in her data retrieval from her regressions.This is because she is tapping into the correct archetypical nature of what is called 'soul' or 'higher self' or oversoul and such labelings.
    As an example, I call you Starmother and I shall elaborate what I mean by this.

  • Metaphysically and say as a Cosmic Identity you are much more than you believe yourself to be or what you are told what you are.
    You are actually 4 soul-aspects in One; only one you recognise as Macha Reina or Inanna or any other label you may choose.
  • Before conception two sexual chromosomes of your biological (not cosmic) father blended with two sexual chromosomes of your biological (not cosmic) mother in four possible outcomes of the hippibill bobbi genomatic blueprint.
  • This of course became absorbed in the placenta of your biological mother (with chromosomes X1X2) as the genetic library of your biological father (with chromosomes X0Y0).
    The detaild couplings are X0Y0+X1X2=X0X1+X0X2+Y0X1+Y0X2.
    This is YOU, namely two starsisters X0X1 with X0X2 AND two starbrothers Y0X1 with Y0X2.
    So, you Macha Reina are a Cosmic Double Twin, namely the Egyptian Twinship of the Lion Of Judea; the Logos of all creation.
  • See it goes like this. At your birth, the doctors and midwives, in their scientific wisdoms, threw the placenta of your mother in the bin.
    They also chucked your twin brothers and your twin sister onto the human garbage tip.
    Lately, the doctors of the human wisdoms have realised that there is all this totipotent stemcellular potential in the placenta and the menstrual blood and the male spermatozoa and so they, some of them, have begun to treasure the genetic material of anyones birth a little more.
  • But anyhow, you might then see, that you are four souls in one - a soul complex and Dolores has realised this and uses this gnosis or insight throughout her works and endeavours.
    Macha Reina has a Cosmic Identity, because the Cosmic Mother's placenta was never discarded as the Cosmic Womb and so Macha Reina has a Cosmic Twinship as a female and a Cosmic Twinship as a male, being All Of It.
  • Macha Reina is the Mother of the Starry Fire as Isis Michael; say you can use many other symbols.
    Macha Reina is the Mother of the Starry Water as Pasht Raphael; say you can replace with other namings.
    Macha Reina is the Mother of the Starry Air as Gabriella Horus; say you can substitute many other labels.
    Macha Reina is the Mother of the Starry Earth as Uriela Thoth; say in one form of semantics.
  • So Macha Reina becomes a Cosmic Memeplex of 4 elemental soul aspects in one - and the 12 as the Cardiality, the Fixidity and the Mutability of say the astrocharts.

  • So when Dolores shares her regression data; she consequentially receives information from all those aspects; might these be 4 or 12 or 12x12=144 or 24 or 288, as Susan has discovered and shared in her works as well on this forum and elsewhere.
  • And the filtering of all of this data then depends on the quality of the sources, as Dolores emphasizes in her videos and speakings.
    So sometimes things are mixed up in time and in space, like parts of the Essene stories and the ET experiences.
  • Yet generally, the quality is of a high enough standard to allow the 80% consistency. There is valuable insider data from the soul complex, the oversoul as Dolores terms it; in all of her sharing of the data.
  • It is not 100%, but close enough to add an essence; the blending of the metaphysics with real 3D information, which touches the omni-science the peacemaker between the material and the spiritual and the physics and the metaphysics as the source of the physical; which becomes potent in the cosmic and holographic quantum entanglement of all of the Macha Reinas; all starmothers and all fathers of the stars yet to crystallize in earnest.
  • But the New Law is here; legislature will be followed by the executive of the jurisdiction of the Logos.
  • Tonyblue

  • Didymos

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    Join date : 2010-05-20
    Location : Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Empty The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    Post  Didymos Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:34 pm

    Planet Earth, ETs and the Akashic Sphere of the Remembrances

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Life_poster_10

    Indeed, the Akashic Record is often misunderstood and misinterpreted; as it is a 'quantum event'; meaning it is connected not only to the planetary consciousness, called Gaia, but to all 'souls' of the linear past, present and future.
    All souls are quantum entangled, meaning that many nested collective and encompassing energies interact holographically.
    In simple words; all souls in a planetary realm are part of and enveloped by the Gaian planetary consciousness.
    Then all planetary consciousnesses with their integrated 'soul families' and individual souls become integrated in a solar star consciousness; becoming galactic, groupgalactic and supergalactic before unifying in the cosmic- or universal consciousness of the Genesis Monad splitting into a Creator-Creation Duality, which then recombines in a Creator-Creation Duad as a Shadow Monad and potentialized in the original Genesis Monad in what might be termed the Cosmic Genome of the 'Masterplan'.
    Then the Gaia Akash or soul-collective becomes the repository of this 'Masterplan' in holographically Imaging the rest of the universe in what Kryon calls the 'Inner Crystal'; which by necessity must so be within every individuated soul incarnated within the Gaian 'Noosphere' or 'the Quarantine Zone' defined as the Lagrangian P1 point between the Solar and the Gaian nexus of gravitational potential equilibrium.
    The balance of the gravity between the central Sun and Gaia as a 3D planet so defines two interacting spheres in higherD spacetime.
    In particular, this L1 nexus can be defined in an alternative higher dimensional form; showing what this 'Cosmic Mother Planet' Gaia represents as a higher D and not as a necessarily physicalised 'Quantum Energy'.

    The cosmogenesis of the birth of the universe in a Quantum Big Bang from a prior undefinable VOID=Infinitum coincided with the bifurcation of the FatherMother (just a common label for the CreatorCreation or the YinYang say) into an Outside-Inside dimensional split; something termed 'The Veil' by some and the 'Dividing of the Firmaments' in say Genesis in the Torah (OT).
    So the Outside Father became 'separated' from the Inside Mother and this Inside Mother is termed Gaia in many accounts as the Universal Mother for all Life (ET and human and nonhuman terrestrial); with the Outside father being associated with the names of the Creator such as God, Jehovah, Allah, Ahura Mazda, Shiva, Brahman and so on.

    This is 'common knowledge' and has been a foundational part of the so called 'Perennial Philosophy' aka the 'Wisdom of the Ancients' throughut the histories of the cosmic sentiences.

    What has not been known, is the 3D dimensional intersection of the Akash with its higherD envelope.
    This interaction realm defines the 'Quarantine Zone' of Gaia; established necessarily at the birth of the universe into physicality and so 15 billion years before the local galaxy and subsequently the local solar system and the planet earth entered 3D physical existence.

    The birth of the universe engaged a higher dimensional lightspeed expansion of a then physicalised spacetime from the outside into the inside.
    This then resulted in a Big Bang Cosmology as being rediscovered by the Gaian scientists and astrophysicists.
    However this outside-in cosmo mechanics had to be mirrored in a inside-out cosmo mechanics and this by conservation and equilibrium principles required the Inversion of the Big Bang expansion in a lightspeed inverson centered on the Mirror Image of the 'Creator-Monad' or 'God' and as the 'Creation-Monad' - namely Gaia, the Cosmic Goddess.
    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 World-torus_1_

    Then a simple calculation of this inversion lightspeed as the 'Big Crunch' of the higher dimensional cosmogenesis for the 'Big Bang' will show that the 'Gaian Quarantine Zone' is defined by an increase of a spherical bubble in a radius of about 105 millimeters per year (or about 4 inches).
    {Lightspeed=c=300,000 kilometers per second for 1/c=0.00000333... inverse kilometers per second or about 3.33 nanometers per second.
    As there are 365.2425 days in a Civil year for 24 hours of 3600 seconds each: 365.2425x24x3600/c=0.10518984 meters}.
    Then the 'Bubble of the Akashia aka the Noosphere of Velikovsky/Teilhard de Chardin/Sheldrake/Lovelock becomes defined in this calculation in multiplying by the Age of the Universe or the Big Bang.
    So for an age of 15 billion years, Akashic Radius=1.6 million kilomters and for an age of 20 billion years it is 2.1 million kilometers and as defined by empirical measurements in 3D space in the extent of the Lagrangian P1 nexus and the so termed Hill Sphere.

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 300px-lagrange_points2_svg
    A contour plot of the effective potential of a two-body system due to gravity and inertia at one point in time.
    The Hill spheres are the circular regions surrounding the two large masses.

    Hill sphere

    An astronomical body's Hill sphere is the region in which it dominates the attraction of satellites. For a planet to retain a moon, the moon must have an orbit that lies within the Hill sphere of the planet. That moon would, in turn, have a Hill sphere of its own. Any object within that distance would tend to become a satellite of the moon, rather than of the planet itself.
    In more precise terms, the Hill sphere approximates the gravitational sphere of influence of a smaller body in the face of perturbations from a more massive body. It was defined by the American astronomer George William Hill, based upon the work of the French astronomer Édouard Roche. For this reason, it is also known as the Roche sphere (not to be confused with the Roche Limit). The Hill sphere extends between the Lagrangian points L[size=7]1
    and L2, which lie along the line of centers of the two bodies. The region of influence of the second body is shortest in that direction, and so it acts as the limiting factor for the size of the Hill sphere. Beyond that distance, a third object in orbit around the second (e.g. Jupiter) would spend at least part of its orbit outside the Hill sphere, and would be progressively perturbed by the tidal forces of the central body (e.g. the Sun), eventually ending up orbiting the latter.
    Formula and examples

    If the mass of the smaller body (e.g. Earth) is m, and it orbits a heavier body (e.g. Sun) of mass M with a semi-major axis a and an eccentricity of e, then the radius r of the Hill sphere for the smaller body (e.g. Earth) is, approximately [1]
    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 50fc57604cad722d8fae9e49a0544d13
    When eccentricity is negligible (the most favourable case for orbital stability), this becomes

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 111
    In the Earth example, the Earth (5.97×1024 kg) orbits the Sun (1.99×1030 kg) at a distance of 149.6 million km. The Hill sphere for Earth thus extends out to about 1.5 million km (0.01 AU). The Moon's orbit, at a distance of 0.384 million km from Earth, is comfortably within the gravitational sphere of influence of Earth and it is therefore not at risk of being pulled into an independent orbit around the Sun. All stable satellites of the Earth (those within the Earth's Hill sphere) must have an orbital period shorter than 7 months.
    The previous (eccentricity-ignoring) formula can be re-stated as follows:

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 333
    This expresses the relation in terms of the volume of the Hill sphere compared with the volume of the second body's orbit around the first; specifically, the ratio of the masses is three times the ratio of the volume of these two spheres.
    A quick way of estimating the radius of the Hill sphere comes from replacing mass with density in the above equation:

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Ce34f271e003d707cdb9737846f484c3
    where ρsecond and ρprimary are the densities of the primary and secondary bodies, and The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 4ef817043158fa4019d10d719203da22 and The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 2b3ef215b9307fa2d5beeb55f9dbced8 are their radii. The second approximation is justified by the fact that, for most cases in the solar system, The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Bc1fcf5489f4b5899cc1ad73e0b0a500 happens to be close to one. (The Earth-Moon system is the largest exception, and this approximation is within 20% for most of Saturn's satellites.) This is also convenient, since many planetary astronomers work in and remember distances in units of planetary radii.
    True region of stability

    The Hill sphere is but an approximation, and other forces (such as radiation pressure or the Yarkovsky effect) can eventually perturb an object out of the sphere. This third object should also be of small enough mass that it introduces no additional complications through its own gravity. Detailed numerical calculations show that orbits at or just within the Hill sphere are not stable in the long term; it appears that stable satellite orbits exist only inside 1/2 to 1/3 of the Hill radius. The region of stability for retrograde orbits at a large distance from the primary, is larger than the region for prograde orbits at a large distance from the primary. This was thought to explain the preponderance of retrograde moons around Jupiter, however Saturn has a more even mix of retrograde/prograde moons so the reasons are more complicated.[2]
    Further examples

    An astronaut could not orbit the Space Shuttle (with mass of 104 tonnes), where the orbit is 300 km above the Earth, since the Hill sphere of the shuttle is only 120 cm in radius, much smaller than the shuttle itself. In fact, in any low Earth orbit, a spherical body must be 800 times denser than lead in order to fit inside its own Hill sphere, or else it will be incapable of supporting an orbit. A spherical geostationary satellite would need to be more than 5 times denser than lead to support satellites of its own; such a satellite would be 2.5 times denser than osmium, the densest naturally-occurring material on Earth. Only at twice the geostationary distance could a lead sphere possibly support its own satellite; since the moon is more than three times further than the 3-fold geostationary distance necessary, lunar orbits are possible.
    Within the solar system, the planet with the largest Hill radius is Neptune, with 116 million km, or 0.775 AU; its great distance from the Sun amply compensates for its small mass relative to Jupiter (whose own Hill radius measures 53 million km). An asteroid from the main belt will have a Hill sphere that can reach 220 000 km (for 1 Ceres), diminishing rapidly with its mass. In the case of (66391) 1999 KW₄, a Mercury-crosser asteroid which has a moon (S/2001 (66391) 1), its Hill sphere measures 22 km in radius.
    A typical extrasolar "hot Jupiter", HD 209458 b [3] has a Hill sphere of radius (593,000 km) about 8 times its physical radius (approx 71,000 km). Even the smallest close in extrasolar planet, CoRoT-7b [4] still has a Hill sphere radius (61,000 km) 6 times greater than its physical radius (approx 10,000 km). Therefore these planets could have small moons close in.

    A non-rigorous but conceptually accurate derivation of the Hill radius can be made by equating the orbital velocity of the orbiter around a body (i.e. a planet) and the orbital velocity of that planet around the host star. This is the radius at which the gravitational influence of the star roughly equals that of the planet. This is accurate to within factors of order unity.

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    Where RH is the Hill radius, a is the semi-major axis of the planet orbiting the star. With some basic algebra:

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 37130acb9fe8b7d6733a01bcd3f93d83
    Giving a Hill radius of:

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    End of wiki reference

    End of wiki reference

    The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 Discovery_Channel___Life_by_he1z1

    The formulation above so relates the gravitational-inertial astrodynamics of the Hill Spheres of starsystems, many of whom harbour planetary systems, to the lightspeed inversion of the densification bubbles (or atmospheric fields) of the cosmogenesis of the universe and by the projection of its linear age, itself. The timeevolution of the Binary ellipsoidal focus in the geometry becomes mapped onto the circular central singularity of the orgins of space and time itself.

    The time has now been reached in the nexus evolvement of the warpzone for the Gaian metamorphosis to explain this inter- and multidimensionality further, as hitherto to understand these concepts mentally, required a selfconsistent logic and modus operandi of thinking within a methodology not commonly supported and engaged in by present educational systems of the planet earth.

    Subsequently, this kind of approach to thinking patterns and selftraining has hitherto remained in the realm of the 'specialists', the percentage of the incarnated souls predispositioned to abstract model buildings in terms of mathematics and semiotiks - the logos of symbols and archetypes.

    All Extraterrestrial Intelligences consider Gaia to be their Mother.

    All such ET sentiences occupying whatever galactic- or extragalactic location also are encompassed by inertia-defined Hill Spheres; awaiting however the Gaian activation to manifest their own lightspeed inversion fields in the complementary functionality of the densification of the higher dimensional light matrices in their lower dimensional expressions.

    This is the prerequisitur for the metaphysical ontology of manifesting the spacetimed protoverse from the void-infinitum of the singularly centred in the geometrisation of the complex manifold in 2 dimensions, then allowing the 11-dimensional higher braned universe (and potentialised multiverse) to emerge from its lower dimensional precursor.

    In physical terms, this allows the ET civilisations to function in the absence of the Gaian resistance field of the lightspeed inversion and so to follow evolutionary pathways based on the higher dimensional forms of the same genetic templates manifest in genetic selfexpression in the 'resistence field' or the 'Impedence Bubble' found on the Gaian Mother template.

    An encompassing purpose and modus operandi for the omniversal agenda so relates the hybridisation of the light matrix of the extra-terrestrial intelligence to the hybridisation of the inverted light matrix of the terrestrial evolutionary development.

    A slogan or motto so could express this as: "When the ETs are getting heavier, then the Gaian lifeforms will become lighter!"

    In many planetray systems in many starsystems in many galaxies, the universal intelligence seeks to express itself from a basic blueprint of cosmogenetic definition.

    This cosmic DNA manifests in the Gaian resistance field in a distribution of a space-inherent consciousness carriers and assumes the morphogenetic (and geometric) forms of mineral, flora, fauna and the human vessels or merkabahs in embodiments.

    A distinction can however be made for these 'kingdoms of the lifeforms' and the differentiation engages the self- and mutual induction or coupling between particular elements of the 'supergenetic' or hyperspacial 'higher dimensional' genetic encoding.
    Only the human carries a dual coupling of electrocapacitative and magnetoinductive nucleotidal basepairings, say defined in C-factors of the electropolar capacitance and the L-factors of the magnetopolar inductance.

    The ET is biased in magnetopolarity and the nonhuman Gaian lifeforms are biased in electropolarity.

    In particular, the ET SELFINDUCES electric capacity, but cannot mutually CROSSINDUCE the cosmic capacitance, which can also be labelled as the function of the deintellectualised 'Instinct' of the group consciousness in a form of the NOUS of the 'Mother- or Creation wisdom or sophia' of the BODY as the morphogenetic vehicle for spacetime selfexpression in PARTICULARISATION.

    Corollarily, the nonhuman Gaian lifeforms SELFINDUCE magnetic inductance, but cannot CROSSINDUCE the cosmic inductance, which can also be called the deinstinctualised (or deemotionalised) 'Intellect' of the group consciousness in a form of NOUS of the 'Father- or Creator Understanding or OmniScience' of the MIND as the nonmorphogenetic vehicle for spacetime selfexpression in WAVEFORMATION.

    Beginning 2,200 million years ago; the ET sentience became aware of itself and began to build its own waveforms in the form of bodies in coevolution with the Gaian adaptations utilising the presence of Oxygen in the terrestrial atmosphere to develop multicellular lifeforms from the prokaryotic (no nucleus) precursors of the universal genetic encodings localised within the Gaian Impedance Bubble.

    In particular, the endosymbiosis of the prokaryotes allowed the eukaryotes (cells with nuclei) to 'evolve' in symbiotic partnerships and this original form of MUTUAL INDUCTION originated the evolutionary developments for a mutual symbiosis and the grander cosmic scales of the projected and programmed future timelines of the universal evolvements.

    The ET morphogenetics so adapted thermselves in light encoded forms to the primordial lifeforms of cellular mitosis and endosymbiosis on Gaia, so INDUCING the Capacitance of the SELFINDUCTION into the biovital environments of the early Gaian planetary schema.

    This represented stage 1 of the cosmic masterplan of the Creator Logos - the Gaian Impedence Field became the repository of the ET data of the mindinduction of the waveform, now CROSSINDUCTED in particularised Bodyforms of the earliest multicellular lifeforms, themselves emergent from the prokaryotic geometric conscious carriers in the form of bacteria and viruses in a physicality defined by biochemcal interaction with the encountered environments.

    The ET waveform of magnetopolar source energy SELFINDUCES electropolar capacitance; which then is CROSSINDUCED in mutual feedback loops into Gaian lieforms in a form of 'ET descendents', modeled in say natural electromagneto-monopolar currents in quantum wave mechanics and analogous to the electromagnetic fields of Kirchhoff and Maxwell sans the monopolic components of the thus defined consciousness parameters (described in related messages, such as 'Genesis of Genesis' and the 'Consciousness' threads).

    The ET magnetopolarity so 'infiltrates' the Gaian environment from a time nexus of 2.2 billion years ago and when the Gaian light inversion had created a 'Cocoon Bubble' in extent of (19.11-2.2 )billion years x 3.33.. nanometers per second x 3600x24x365.2425 seconds or 1.78 million kilometers radial extent from the center of the Earth and within the Hill Sphere calculated from teh inertial astrophysics.

    For comparison, this scale encompasses the Gaian Moon and is at a distance of about 5% to the neighbouring planet Venus.
    The Venusian ETs so are found in the sentient lifeforms of the planetary neigbourhood and crystallize in a function of evolutionary witness to ther greater cosmic agenda of the World Logos.

    The second stage of the cosmic masterplan of the Creator Logos implements the SELFINDUCTION of the magnetopolar induction from the ET intelligence, by then in an extensive process of colonising the Universe in waveformations from the nexus point of the 2.2 billuion years and bounded in the lightspeed invariance (speed of light).

    Iow, the ET intelligence would manouver within a spacetime bubble of 4,400 million years in diameter and being focused on the Gaian Mother; they would begin to manifest the extragalactic agenda, say in cooperation with the any spacetime locaction in coordinate vicinit of the 2.2 billion lightyear radius.

    As the Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31 or M31) is the closest Spiral Galaxy to the Milky Way (Perseus) galaxy at about 2.5 million lightyears and a scale of 2,200 million lightyears includes all such galaxies below a cosmological redshift z=√(5/3)-1=0.291 {from the electromagnetic node at n=1 for recessional velocity ratio v/c=1/(n+1)² and (z+1)²=(n²+2n+2)/(n²+2n)}; all relatively nearby galaxies and astrophysical objects become subject to the Gaian mother blueprint.

    The nearby galactic clusters display a preponderance of galaxy mergers and an increased star formation in the 'blueness' of the spectra, as proposed in 1978 by astrophysicists Harvey Butcher and Augustus Oemler.

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of the Human Metamorphosis  - Page 3 398-0510

    The divers mythologies and legends of the human genus, say from the 10 Great Ages of the ET-Humanoid-Starman Induction by the electromagnetic monopolar 'natural electricity of life' so can be retraced in a geometric progression of the fivefolded supersymmetry inherent in an earlier five-tiered symmetry of superbrane classes, based on the pentagonal algorithms of the cosmogenesis.
    This is exposited in the main threads on the cosmogony of the universe leading into its cosmology of the omniversal holofractalisation into multiverses from its protoversal seedling of the singularity.
    The ratio 2.234722566/2.002094499=1.116192351 for a 11.7% margin of about 260 million years for the first age then reducing in the 'error' margin of the deviation in subsequent ages.

    Age 1 = 2,031,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Multicellular Cosmic Organism' [Paleo-Proterozoic]
    so 2,002,094,499-2,234,722,566 'Civil Years' from the Node and descriptive for the first 'advanced' organisms in eukaryotes and multicellulars, utilising 'free oxygen'

    Age 2 = 406,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Amphibians' [Devonian-Paleozoic]
    in so 400,418,900-446,944,513 'Civil Years' from the Node and describing the 'Conquering of the Land from the Seas'

    Age 3 = 81,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Reptoid-Paramammal' [Cretaceous-Mesozoic]
    in so 80,083,780-89,388,903 'Civil Years' from the Node and describing the extension of the reptilian rootbrain by the mammalian midbrain in the Pecylosaurs and the first primates as ancestors for the lineage of the apes.

    Age 4 = 16,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Primate-Mammals' [Neogene-Cenozoic]
    in so 16,016,756-17,877,781 'Civil Years' from the Node and descriptive for the emergence of the ancestral apes as genetic basis for the apeman

    Age 5 = 3,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of Ape-Man' [Neogene-Cenozoic]
    in so 3,203,351.2-3,575,556 'Civil Years' from the Node as descriptive for the ascent of Homo Habilis from Australopithecines stock

    Age 6 = 650,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of Homo Erectus' [Quaternary-Cenozoic]
    in so 640,670-715,111 'Civil Years' from the Node and specifying the diversity of the Homo Habilis stock branching into Home Erectus

    Age 7 = 130,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of Homo Sapiens'
    in about 128,134-143,022 'Civil Years' from the Node and defining the emergence of Homo Sapiens as the ancestor for Homo Sapiens Sapiens or 'Modern Man' in the Cro Magnon stock and 'Mitochodrial Eve' in the Würm glacial period (110,000 to 12,000 years ago) following the previous Riss/Illinoian glacial period (200,000-130,000 years ago). This last glacial period is bounded in the Pleistocene as the 'Age of man' in the chronos of 2,588,000 years to 12,500 years ago approximately and is defined in the 'Ice Age' with respect to the retreat of continental glaciers.

    Age 8 = 26,000 Great Platonic Years of 360 'Days' as 9,360,000 'Mean Solar Days' as the 'Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens'
    in 25,626.81-28,604.5 'Civil Years' from the Node and defining the beginning of the last 5 Longcount Cycles in 13 Mayan Baktuns of 144,000 Kin-Days each. This is astrophysically matched to a present terrestrial precession of the planetary axis of rotation about the celestial poles; and which cyclic completion spans a 'precessional age' of 26,000 circle years.

    Age 9 = 5,200 Great Platonic Years of 360 Mayan Kin as 1,872,000 'Mean Solar Days' as the 'Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens Astralis'
    in 5,125.36-5,720.89 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and beginning August 11th, 3114 BC as Mayan date 4 Ahau 8 Cumku to December 21st, 2012 AD as 4 Ahau 3 Kankin in its final extent and dating back so 595.53 'Civil Years' or 217,512.1 Kin to January 31st, 3709 BC Gregorian and March 1st, 3710 BC Julian in the Mayan Longcount - 8 Lamat 11 Pop and as the summation of 1 Baktun (144,000 Kin); 10 Katun (72,000 Kin); 4 Tun (1,440 Kin); 3 Vinal (60 Kin) and 12 Kin to a daycount of 144,000+10x7,200+4x360+3x20+12=217,512.

    The Pentagonal symmetry subdivides the ninth age in 9 subages in the Circular Cyclicity of 360/5=72:

    Subage 1 = 1,872,000/5=374,400 -417,902.4 Kin as the Time of Millennial Transition for the Human Civilisation
    in 1,025.07-1,144.18 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node in the dates 13 Edznab 6 Muan; October 17th, 868 Gregorian and October 13th, 868 Julian and 4 Ahau 13 Cumku; November 25th, 987 Gregorian and November 20th, 987 Julian in a 119.11 year variance

    Subage 2 = 374,400/5=74,880 -83,580.5 Kin as the Time of the Scientific Reasoning in Universal Applicability
    in 205.01-228.84 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node in the dates 1 Ahau 8 Kankin; February 19th, 1784 and 4 Ahau 8 Zac; December 17th, 1807 in a 23.83 year variance

    Subage 3 = 74,800/5=14,976 Kin -16,716.1 Kin as the Time for the Preparation of the Inside Cocoon
    in 41.00-45.77 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node in the dates 6 Kan 17 Kayab; March 17th, 1967 and 4 Kan 12 Mac; December 21st, 1971 in a 4.76 year or a 1,740 day variance

    Subage 4 = 14,976/5=2,995.2 Kin -3,343.22 Kin as the Time for the Preparation of the Outside Cocoon in the Warpzone
    in 8.201-9.153 'Civil Years' or 2,995-3,343 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 2 Caban 5 Zac; October 26th, 2003 and 12 Chiccan 8 Yax; October 8th, 2004 in a 0.953 year or a 348 day variance

    Subage 5 = 2,995.2/5=599.04 -668.64 Kin as the Time for the 1980 anniversarial Logos mapping in the Warpzone
    in 1.640-1.831 'Civil Years' or 599-669 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 11 Chuen 4 Kayab; February 21st, 2011 and 3 Imix 9 Uo; May 1st, 2011 in a 0.191 year or a 70 day variance

    Subage 6 = 599.04/5=119.808 -133.729 Kin as the Time of the Gestation and Pregnancy in the Warpzone
    in 0.328-0.366 'Civil Years' or 120-134 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 13 Cimi 9 Yaxkin; August 9th, 2012 and 1 Ahau 3 Mol; August 23rd, 2012 in a 0.038 year or a 14 day variance

    Subage 7 = 119.808/5=23.9616 -26.746 Kin as the Time of the 13th Starsign of Dinah Arachne Ophiuchus
    in 0.066-0.073 'Civil Years' or 24-27 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 3 Ben 16 Ceh; November 24th, 2012 and 6 Cib 19Ceh; November 27th, 2012 in a 0.007 year or a 3 day variance

    Subage 8 = 23.9616/5=4.79232 -5.34915 Kin as the Time of the Pains of the Labour for the Gaian Rebirth as a Starplanet
    in 0.013-0.015 'Civil Years' or 4.7-5.3 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 11 Ix 17Mac; December 15th, 2012 and 12 Men 18 Mac; December 16th, 2012 in a 0.002 year or a 'shortened' 1 day variance

    Subage 9 = 4.79232/5=0.958464 -1.069830 Kin as the Time of the Birth of the New World
    in 0.0026-0.0029 'Civil Years' or the 'Evening of Metamorphosis' before the 2012-Node in the dates 3 Cauac 2 Kankin; December 20th, 2012 and 4 Ahau 3 Kankin; December 21st, 2012 in a 0.0003 year or a 0.11 day or a 3 hour variation {2º40'22"}

    Age 10 = 360 days from December 21st, 2012 as December 16th, 2013 and as Mayan date 13 Ahau 18 Mac, then specifies the New Starhuman Identity as a hybridisation between the Homo Sapiens Sapiens and the ET.

    All ETs could begin their own homecoming from so 2.2 billion years ago and at an approximate halfway point of the physical creation of Gaia as a planetary sphere of influence within the Milky Way galaxy and when the Big Bang lightspeed expansion reached its mirror potential (situated omni-scientifically at a 16.9 billion spacetime coordinate).

    In generalised terminology then; the ET is seeking to hybridise its magnetopolarisation of the waveform of the mind-intellect with the electropolarisation of the particularised bodyforms of the mind-emotional or mind-instinctual.
    As this instinctual mind is coupled to a space-intrinsic consciousness of all spacetime defined metric coordinates; the Gaian nonhuman lifeforms become the complementary 'missing links' in the merkabahs of all extraterrestrial sentiences.
    This is rendered imperative in the definition of this spacial consciousness as a inertia inependent quantum angular acceleration acting upon the quantisation of spacetime parameters in the form of wormhole equivalents.

    In other words, ALL Gaian nonhuman lifeforms and including mineral, fungi, bacteria, viruses, flora and fauna represent the ET particularised and individualised bodyforms or morphogenetic merkabahs.
    The nonhuman lifeforms so are destined to couple their electropolar capacitances, defined in groupminded waveforms or 'hive souls' to the magnetopolar inductances of the ET waveminds of the extraterrestrial intelligences.
    The presence of the humanoid, carrying a unique individuation, both ET-intelligent and Gaian-instinctual; so serves as the Genetic Bridge between the electropolar cosmic ID and the magnetopolar cosmic ID; both selfinductive in activated genomatic expressions, but suppressed in the mutual inductions because of the cocooning of the gaian environments.
    The ET so became instrumental in inducing itself in the Homo Sapiens Sapiens, once a sufficient evolutionary plateau for the processing of the cosmic consciousness became possible in the overall timeline of the cosmogenesis.
    The so called humanoid so represents an already hybridised cosmic merkabah, having evolved physically and emotionally in the Gaian Instinct of the nonhuman genomatic templates in the electrocapacitative C-factors, as well as having attained magnetoinductive L-factors via the waveforms of the ETs.
    Human associations with the nonhuman Gaian lifeforms so represents the 'humanisation' of the ET in a desired modality of interspecies communication and renders the 'pet' and the 'familiar' as a true partnership between the waveformed ET and the individuated 'Familiar Friend'.
    In more general terms, the mutual and self-induction of the genomatic elements of the ElectroMagnetic Monopolar Radiation or EMMR defines the so called 'Spirit of the Source Energy' interacting and communicating with itself in the holofractal components of the Holographic Omniverse.

    The ET has accumulated great wisdom and technology in the extraterrestrial evolution away from the Gaian Impedence Bubble; albeit remaining 'consciousness coupled' to the Cocoon of the 'Cosmic Creation Mother' via the 'missing' C-factors of the ET genomatic templates.
    This ET technology is consciousness based and defined in the wormhole physics of the cosmogenesis.
    This technology so is founded on the EMMR and the omniphysics of the light matrix as the quantisation of spacetime in the original fundamentals of the cosmology of the matter based birth of the universe as a quantum defined coupling between consciousness and the inertial parameters of space and time and mass related to the nature of both electropolar and magnetopolar 'charges'.
    The Starships and the Cities of extraterrestrial civilisations so are not manifest as similar to Gaian technology as developed within the Impedance Field of the light inversion; but are defined in a higher dimensional expression of the light matrix.
    There exist thus many ET civilisations, which are manifest in 'Cities of monopolar light energy' and where this 'light energy' represents a dedensified energy structure of 'Light in Stasis', meaning that the Invariance of the Electromagnetic Radiation or EMR, say as manifested in the Gaian Resistance Field as the Light from the Stars is circularised in a higher dimensional densification of the Bosonic Selfstate Quantum and as a Pairing of the Fermionic Selfstate of the say atomic structure common in the terrestrial physics.
    The Lightships of the ETs so can be built to specifications of a more dense atomic physics; but require the existence of a 4th hyperspace dimension to become materializable in the Gaian cocoon of the light inversion.

    The Gaian rebirth at the nexus point will 'open up and reglue' the original wormhole quantum of the cosmogony in a 'poleshift' mirror reversal of a galactic signal and so allow a 4th spacial dimension to become accessible for the omniverse.
    As this hyperspace transformation will occur at the Gaian planetary center; it will take just 7 seconds for the returning and reflected signal of the wormhole at the centre of the Earth to reverse its eonold long accumulation of data collection as a Black Hole equivalent in 5D hyperspacetime to become a 5D hyperspacetime White Hole .
    As the radial displacement of the Gaian Hill Sphere is so 2.1 million kiklometers the lighspeeded signal will become a wavefront reaching this coordinate in 2.1 million km/c and so about 7 seconds.
    This 7 second interval will then be synchronised and calibrated with all ET civilisations within the 2,200 million extent of the nodal universe as defined in the cosmology of the quantum relativity.
    So the ET civilisations will become enabled to activate their own Impedence Cocoons and so partake in their hitherto elusive densification of the source energy in their consciousness couplings to the EMMR.
    This 'densification' was suppressed and restricted to the Gaian Mother template to allow the greater cosmic agenda to follow its course of development.
    This nexus point for the ET evolution so will complete a cycle which had begun 2.2 billuion years earlier.
    At this nexus point, the extra-Gaian realm became potentialized (in memory activation) in the electromagnetic return of the higher dimensional timearrow coordinate and when technically, the Universal Protoverse Seedling in 11 dimensions first attained its maximum potential to extend itself and so reflect back into the lower dimensional realms and also to refract into the higher dimensional spacetime of 12D, namely the 'Outside Exile' of the Creator/Father.
    As Gaia as a soul, existed in physicality at this nexus coordinate; the extraterrestrial universe became conscious and aware of their own Mother and could begin to focus their attention and homecoming plans on their 'Womb of the Physicality' of their origins.
    So the ET visitations begun about 2.2 billion years ago and when the terestrial atmosphere became oxygen enriched to allow hitherto aquatic primitive lifeforms to extend thier habitats into airborne and terrestrial environments.

    On a soul level, the encompassing Gaian planetary mother soul then greatly enhanced its own experiences and partitioned interactions in environmental coevolutions of increasingly complex biological and biochemical lifeforms.
    This coevolution was 'watched' by the extraterrestrial lifeforms not evolved from the Gaian soul complex and for the purpose to eventually synergize their own ET cosmo evolotions with that of their Cosmic Home of the Cosmogenesis of the Universe.
    This 'watching' and 'waiting' by the ETs would end, once the 'Earthlings' would have evolved physically and mentally to a stage of self remembrance regarding their own familiar relationship and partnership with the original CreatorCreation Monad of the FatherMother defined before the Universe was born into physical materiality.
    All 'Human Recallers' would be required to claim their cosmic inheritances as Sons and Daughters of their Father Creator and their Mother Gaia.
    In doing so, their old humanity would graduate to a Starhuman Remembrance and all such acolytes would become enabled to process their own Shadows in the Sons transmutating into SonDaughters and all daughters metamorphosing into DaughterSons - so RECREATING the original FatherMother of the Monadic Duality in a Mirrored FatherMother+Motherfather Dyadic Monad or Harmonized Unity, Oneness or Wholesomeness.
    This Inner Akash, which will never be discovered; so resides within any and all StarHuman Children of the FatherMother.


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