~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

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~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

Dragons of Thuban To Ban The Falseness

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    Post  SuiGeneris Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:14 am

    Matthew Through Suzy Ward ~ January 15th 2011

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    Tucson, AZ shooting; mass deaths of birds, fish; manmade weather; Wikileaks' effect; Haiti; pole shift; human cloning; soul contracts, multiple lifetimes; 2012/Golden Age misconceptions, reality

    1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew to speak about happenings in your world as observed from our vantage point. By far the most requests for our comments are two matters of great concern to many, thus we begin by addressing those.

    2. The shooting in Tucson, Arizona, was as reported, a mentally unstable young man’s attempt to kill Congresswoman Giffords and as many of her supporters as he could, but it was not the “senseless act” as often described. The shooter was acting under mind control and all who were killed or wounded either followed original soul contracts wherein they had chosen to participate in an event with “a higher purpose” or just prior to the shooting, they amended their contracts to include that incident for that same purpose.

    3. While it was unquestionably traumatic on a conscious level for those who were wounded and their families, and a tragedy for all who loved the persons who were killed, at soul level the participants willingly served to force attention on the inevitable results of increasingly vitriolic rhetoric in a society that has become inured to that kind of speech as well as violence. This pervasive conditioning had to be brought to the forefront of national, international, awareness so the outcry for an end to incivility and violence can change the collective consciousness of your civilization, which in large part has accepted that kind of behavior as an innate aspect of human nature.

    4. That behavior is NOT an innate aspect of human nature—it is taught! The makeup of souls is pure light, which is the same as love, and it is the most powerful force in the universe. Violence, divisiveness and hatred are deliberately introduced through the many influences that impact life on Earth. And because whatever constitutes your collective consciousness is what creates your world, it is essential that those influences be brought to light so healing and unified spirit can be the legacy not only of the lives affected by the shooting in Tucson, but the lives of all souls who have helped to cleanse your world of darkness. Not punishment or revenge or retaliation will ever bring peace and harmony—only LOVE can end the illusion of separateness and let the innocence and purity of infants reenter hearts and minds.

    5. Light beings throughout the universe honor the souls who agreed to be “victims” in Tucson. Those who died were lovingly, gratefully greeted in Nirvana, light is being intensely beamed to their grieving families and friends, and those who are recovering from wounds have angelic helpers assisting the medical teams. However, do not for a moment underestimate the relevancy and power of untold numbers of prayers and heartfelt sentiments in those respects!

    6. US President Obama’s memorial address was transmitted to us from Earth’s monitors in Nirvana. We know the soul of this man, thus better than he knows himself, yet without his conscious awareness that he willingly left his spiritually advanced civilization to serve in the vanguard of the Golden Age master plan, his words on that memorial occasion were from his heart and soul in concert with all the heavenly hosts.

    7. As much as we wish we could tell you that that assassination attempt is the last incident of its kind, we cannot know that—with Creator’s exception of nuclear detonations in space, Its law of free will must be honored by God and all of His emissaries. What we do know is that the shooting’s effects, the shock, horror and prayerful sentiments in its aftermath, have given the energy of reconciliation an enormous thrust forward. Although in the weeks and months ahead, other acts of violence will occur and warring and stubborn political partisanship will continue as the duality in humankind runs out its course, the energy momentum toward peaceful coexistence is far too strong to be derailed and the stage is set for the emergence of long-hidden truths. Regardless of individuals’ choices to accept or reject these truths, the forthcoming revelations and ensuing changes will propel Earth into her era of love, peace and harmony.

    8. The other concern in many minds is the mysterious sudden deaths of millions of birds and fish in various locations around the globe. This was not from a single cause, but a “last straw.” The small bodies of those animals are more vulnerable than human bodies to the many forms of toxic pollutants in your air, water and soil, so their immune systems were seriously weakened before they were hit by a blast of low vibrations from manmade electromagnetic grids.

    9. If you are wondering why our space family did not use their technology to prevent such a blast, it is because doing so exceeds their authority. They are, however, permitted to deflect or neutralize harmful radio waves aimed at the peoples, and they did so; without their intervention, there would have been many human bodies sickened or killed along with the mass exodus of birds and fish.

    10. To address other inquiries, it is completely understandable that you would like to have “forecasts”: When the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations will be officially announced; when spacecrafts will land; when the economy will get straightened out and the new system running smoothly; when chemtrails and genetically altered foodstuffs will stop; when the truths about “9/11” and religions will be disclosed; when suppression of free energy sources and natural health therapies will end. Those are some of the primary questions in your thoughts, which we see as clearly as we see your light that sparkles as brilliantly as a field of diamonds in the sunlight.

    11. If we could give estimated times for those and other developments of interest to many, we would do so joyfully. Earth’s energy field of potential is in such commotion, with the dark ones fighting bitterly in desperate last stands, that it would be folly to offer even “best guesses.” So we tell you what we DO know with absolute certainty—your patience and steadfastness in the light will be rewarded beyond your grandest imagining.

    12. Yes, the unusually severe weather conditions in many parts of your world, including heavy snowfalls, flooding and temperature extremes, are man’s handiwork. It is not necessary for the scientists who are doing the Illuminati’s bidding to initiate each incident anew—once elements in the atmosphere have been strongly set in motion, the domino effect takes over. When conditions start to ease as the energy within them dissipates, weather control technologists set off another disruption, and the same is so with volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Your off-planet brotherhood reduces to the extent possible the intended harmful results of all the manipulated happenings while still enabling their full release of negativity. Why is the Illuminati controlling weather and creating ‘natural’ disasters? To produce the negativity that arises out of high death toll, grief, fear, chaos, widespread destruction, disease, economic disasters and hopelessness.

    13. It is not within our province to assess as light-filled or dark the reason underlying the dissemination of secret documents via Wikileaks, but we can say that the overall effect is beneficial. Even though the previously suppressed information has been released only in minimal amount, it can lessen the shock of that country’s citizenry when evidence shows the extent to which their government has betrayed them through the workings of its members in the Illuminati and those who succumbed to that international group’s threats or payoffs.

    14. With so much money donated for the reconstruction of Haiti after the earthquake a year ago, why is that country still a disaster zone? Because those funds were stolen by the Illuminati after their technology caused the quake—that stealth is why former US presidents Clinton and Bush rushed to Haiti so quickly after the quake.

    15. Concerns about a shift in Earth’s magnetic pole and where this may be leading are needless. The shift underway is a corrective measure that began over 60 years ago, when Earth’s planetary body was so deeply entrenched in third density that it was on the brink of flying out of orbit into certain destruction. God authorized powerful distant sources to beam massive amounts of light to stabilize the planet’s orbit, and that stabilization process will continue until Earth is within fourth density.

    16. When a clone commits a crime, how does that affect the real person’s karma and lifeprint review? It doesn’t affect karma at all, and in the lifeprint review, it is simply a factual happening during the physical lifetime. On Earth persons are cloned to keep their powerful positions intact in case of natural death or assassination, and since it usually is individuals high in the ranks of the Illuminati who are cloned, it is done voluntarily.

    17. Since the cloning process “downloads” all the person’s character traits, behavior patterns and knowledge to that point, the clone continues the person’s own ruthlessness and deception that resulted in criminal activities prior to the clone’s production. It is the same with successive clones; however, mental and physical deterioration occurs with each downloading into a replacement clone, and if a person is cloned after a chronic disease has set in or after years of ingesting drugs or alcohol, even the first clone’s condition is compromised and replacements are frequent. An example is former US President George W. Bush— that is why the cloned vice president, Cheney, actually was running the presidency.

    18. Souls may choose to enter clones with the intention of changing negative character traits and behavior patterns into positive, but rarely is this successful. Most often souls enter clones of persons who resisted and were killed, such as Pope John Paul and former US President Jimmy Carter. The souls that entered their clones succeeded in their intention to not succumb to Illuminati demands and they became the respected individuals you know of.

    19. No, Barack Obama has not been cloned, nor will he be.

    20. Please do not be dismayed because attempts to manifest strong healthy bodies or high energy levels haven’t produced desired results. Third density powers of manifestation are not sufficiently developed so that a weak body can be transformed into glowing health or a low energy level raised to high in the twinkling of an eye. But by all means, continue to “see” yourselves in those prime states—positive thoughts about well being attract the energy of similar thought forms in the universal soup and enhance your chances of success. As Earth’s ascension journey continues, the higher vibrations will improve health conditions and strengthen your abilities to manifest along with your belief that you do indeed have that power.

    21. We make soul contracts to evolve spiritually but we can’t remember what’s in them, and that doesn’t make any sense. If we knew what our missions are, life would be a lot easier. No more making big mistakes and wasting lifetimes trying to get it right.

    22. If you remembered all your contract provisions, what purpose would the physical lifetime serve? What advancement could there be in spiritual clarity, application of universal laws and use of free will if you simply followed decisions you made before knowing what circumstances you would encounter during the lifetime?

    23. Forgetfulness of soul contracts, which cover the foundation and major players that fit the soul’s chosen experiencing and let the personage fill in the details as life keeps unfolding, isn’t meant to drown anyone in a lifelong sea of confusion, and it doesn’t if folks pay attention to their soul level guidance that is as unmistakable as gigantic flashing arrows. Following those bright blinkers that are conscience, inspiration, instinct and so forth, aligns conscious decisions with contract choices.

    24. However, that does not negate your free will to deviate from the contract when other opportunities for growth arise. Contracts aren’t rigid, but rather allow for flexibility as different kinds of situations can offer the same measure of learning—actually, it isn’t learning, it is remembering what your soul knows. Spiritual growth is a series of self-discoveries that get passed on from lifetime to lifetime, and each contract is designed to provide opportunities for the soul to keep evolving.

    25. Awareness of a “mission”—a term that denotes a soul’s primary purpose for embodying—doesn’t pop up as an Aha! moment, it comes as meaningful accomplishments that impart a sense of fulfillment. And no lifetime ever is wasted! What you consider “mistakes” because they lead to situations that are very difficult to handle are not a waste if you learn from them. Furthermore, they may be part of your contract—not all lifetimes can be on Easy Street or there could be no advancement for the soul. Evolvement requires balance, and attaining balance requires dealing with stressful situations as well as enjoying ideal circumstances. Incarnating offers myriad possibilities and probabilities, but no certainties that would preclude your making the many choices that let each lifetime become a unique learning adventure.

    26. God explained this more succinctly in His reply to my mother when she asked why people can’t know everything that their souls know:

    If all were absolutely known, if nothing required any independent thinking or decisions or activity, then why would there be any need for multiple experiencing? What would there be to learn? Why would life itself be necessary? We could just fast forward to The End, which is The Beginning, and let all lives of all times reside at that initial point of Being.

    27. Now that holiday observances are over and your thoughts are back into routine tasks, various misconceptions about the year 2012 also are back. Beliefs that the major reforms required to usher in Earth’s Golden Age cannot be accomplished in the two short years remaining are paralleling beliefs that darkness will continue right up until the end of 2012, then abruptly disappear. Beliefs that three days of darkness or some other dramatic occurrence will herald the beginning of the Golden Age. Beliefs that profound geographic changes will precede Earth’s entry into fourth density. Beliefs that two Earths will emerge out of the ascension process. Beliefs that going along with Earth into the Golden Age is the pinnacle of spiritual growth. Beliefs that after 2012, your world will be unchanged henceforth.

    28. Because your beliefs create your reality and collectively those beliefs create your world, you need to know the universal reality of what is happening and what is ahead. To dispel beliefs born of misconceptions, we start by assuring you that all essential reforms to rid your world of darkness will be completed in good time and in stages, not in one fell swoop at the end of calendar year 2012.

    29. Nothing profound will happen immediately prior to Earth’s entry into her Golden Age; the last days of 2012 will be similar to the first days of 2013.

    30. While some seacoasts will gradually move a short ways inland and some low lying islands will slowly become submerged, there will be no drastic changes in land mass or seas.

    31. Earth is a soul residing in a planetary body and she has no need for a second such body.

    32. Souls will continue evolving until once again they are within the Cosmic Oneness of Creator, thus “the immortal soul” and “the eternal life of the soul.”

    33. And nothing in this universe is static—changelessness is contrary to the scientific laws that govern all life in this universe.

    34. Let us speak a bit more about what is ahead. It is so that relatively little linear time remains prior to Earth’s total exit from third density—that is why the transitional phase you are entering will be tumultuous, with changes coming thick and fast. You will be in the midst of people who are fearful because all the systems familiar to them are in chaos and collapse. You know that this is part of world transformation and you are there to assist in the process; by calmly dealing with forthcoming circumstances, you can ease the grave concerns of those who don’t understand that the turmoil is leading to the “better world” they want.

    35. As for the onset of the Golden Age, not all of its glories are sitting on its doorstep, so to say. Yes, everything born of dark intent will have ceased with the advent of that Age—so no more warring or other violence, no more impoverishment or disease, no more polluting or mind control or corruption. All necessary truths will have been revealed and there will be reformed governments and economic, legal and judicial, energy, educational, communication and transportation systems. That is but a partial list of great changes underway, and at the end of 2012, none of them can be considered as perfected. Refinements will continue in all of those areas and other advancements too, and as you keep growing spiritually and intellectually, you will greet all forward strides with rejoicing. [To all who sent questions about specific aspects of life in the Golden Age, please read “Essay on 2012,” dated December 31, 2007, in Matthew’s Messages on www.matthewbooks.com.]

    36. Now we say Farewell in this message only, as never are we away from you in spirit. We are with you every step along your journey into the Golden Age even as we see you already joyously living in that magnificent world.


    LOVE and PEACE

    Suzanne Ward

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    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:50 am

    Sekhmet, on The Power of I AM
    Manifesting Your Intentions and for World-Wide Peace!!

    Latest Channelings... - Page 2 Sekhmetpic
    Jan 21, 2011

    Channelled on January 4, 2011
    Sekhmet, on The Power of I AM, Manifesting Your Intentions and for World-Wide Peace

    “Well, I’m thrilled to be back. Took a little time out, sipped some water, and got the throat up to absolute maximum capacity, because this is about power, empowering your intentions. We’ve got this great year, Ashtar calls it 2-0-1-1. Here we are on this fabulous day! Now we know that you can’t all see the solar eclipse and the meteor showers. The new moon is pretty obvious Worldwide, although there are some places where the clouds will be somewhat obscuring the place where the moon is not shining anyway.

    “But let’s just review the power that we have here; first of all new moon. Well you all know about starting intentions, or resolutions, but we like the word intentions because it’s just an ‘I’ word that’s a lot more powerful. So we’re doing intentions for the year 2-0-1-1, and the day of the new moon. Wow, what a great beginning!

    “Now let’s talk about the solar eclipse. You all know that in some parts of the World the solar eclipse is visible and in some parts of the World it’s not. That’s OK because it’s happening, and the energy of that is happening for everyone World-wide and beyond. And what is the solar eclipse anyway? It’s fabulous energy for beginnings. Double Wow! And the fact that there was that lovely meteor shower – that’s just more light, bright, fabulous energy visible.

    “You know the energies that are coming in at this particular time on your calendars in Earth time have been so conducive to change. They’ve been literally shaking everybody up, rooting out some of the old concepts and beliefs, and even dogmas have fallen by the wayside. We particularly like that one, because if you believe that power exists outside of yourself to change your life, to guide you, direct you, or in any way tell you what to do, or what is best for you we should say – oh we know there’s rules and regs and laws, and all of that, and we’re not suggesting that you step outside of those. You might be getting some ideas for which ones you want to keep, and which ones you don’t, because your time to raise your voices about that is coming real soon. But what we want to say here is that it’s really important for everybody walking the Planet in human body to know where your seat of power is. It’s not outside somewhere. It’s not the priest, or the judge. It’s within each and every one of you.

    “Beloved Ones, that’s where your power is. That’s the power of I AM. And, here come those ‘I’ words again. Isn’t this fun? Everything leads to everything else, and back again. That’s why we like spirals so much. You know they spiral around and they come back and then go in and out and in and out, and it’s delightful. It’s a wonderful way to picture energy and to use energy, and why not? Why wait any longer for somebody else to say, ‘Oh, OK you can have enough money so that you don’t starve, but you over there, uh uh, you have to starve, because that’s the way we’re making it happen.

    “You don’t have to do that anymore. It’s your intentions, coupled with the partnering with the totality of who you are, which includes your intuitive thought forms, your answers that you get. And when you put those two ‘I’ words into use within the totality of who you really are, you create miracles the likes of which the World has never seen.

    “Do you think Sananda in the body of Jesus was the only one who could ever work a miracle on this Planet? Do you think the 144,000 were the only ones that could succeed in accomplishing miracles, or beings such as Gandhi, and Mother Theresa and the Buddha, and all of that. Think again!

    “Each and every one of you is a creator of miracles. It just depends on what you want to create. And if you’ve created some things that you consider to be not exactly the way that you want your miracles to turn out to be, then power up, and that’s what we’re here to do. We’re going to power up. We’re going to power up each and everyone of us here present on this call, because I’ve got my arms around each and every one of you – well my paws, but my nails are retracted. I have rather long ones you know, so just consider that my loving arms are around each and everyone of you, and we’re all connected. And here we are, and while we’re at it let’s turn up the Lights shall we?

    “So you can close your eyes if you want too, and just see beautiful, see that meteor shower in your mind’s eye. Just see it. Feel the warmth of those glowing Lights. Feel the awesome beauty of it coming in. Just open up and allow it to come in. You know you can open your fields to allow what you want, that which you see as being higher vibrational energy, absolutely let it in.

    “Your security fence is for astral plane and lower kinds of energies. All righty we’ve got that handled. The high vibe energies just pass right on through, because you welcome them. You draw them to you like magnets, because you’re putting out high vibe intentions, and you’re enabling your intuition to be heard throughout your entire being.

    “So you’ve got your act together, so to speak. Now turn up those Lights even more, and just let them come and flood your entire being. Yes, here we are all of us together. The Lights are on high. They are beautiful, beautiful, in our minds’ eye, and they are coming gently into our fields, Lights of Empowerment, Lights of Beauty, oh yes, Lights of Joy.

    “Now hold out your intuitions, your intentions is what we are meaning to say. We’re a little bit ahead of ourselves here, we’re so excited. Hold out your intentions, written, or thought forms, whatever form or non-form they’re in. Hold them out. Let everybody see them And let these Lights shine upon them and illuminate them, because they deserve to be illuminated, because they’re your creations, and you have done so well to bring them to this place.

    “Now breathe in these Lights. Breathe them in, and we shall make a statement, drawn each and every one of us from our intuitions, but I Sekhmet shall give examples softly. Listen to your own intuitions now, statements of empowerment for these beautiful intentions that you all have, that we hold dear and stand with you to share.

    “Oh yes, the entire company is here, the Mentors, and your Guides, the Angels, the Ascended Ones, the Christed Beings, and all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia as well. And we stand in this great circle of Love and high vibrations and beautiful Lights shining upon you and your beautiful intentions. And now see, coming up the year, coming up in crystalline form, coming up from below your feet, rising up so that you can see it above, and it shines forth 2-0-1-1.

    “Now create lines of energy, high beautiful lines, silver, gold, platinum and beautiful colors coming from that year that is shining in front of you to your intentions and to you. Yes! And feel the empowerment of these energy lines coming through your entire being and going back again. Now send them back through your intentions to 2-0-1-1. And let this go back and forth while you listen to your intuitions. And allow your intuition to give you words to further empower these beautiful intentions for 2-0-1-1.

    “This is the year when it all happens, Beloved Ones. Whatever delays have been are gone. Your intentions carry into this year of manifestation, of total creation, of all of the wondrous miracles that you have brought with you. And so to anchor them firmly, and to keep this energy flowing throughout this entire year, we shall empower these intentions to do exactly that. Here are some words. Use them if you choose, or continue to say your own words coming from your own beautiful god, goddess selves, carried, carried to you on the waves of your intuition. Here are the words:

    “This is the year 2-0-1-1. All of these intentions are presented to be empowered now in this gathering, that they may truly be manifest in this year of wondrous wonders, in this year of accomplishment of miracles, in this year of true recognition by the entire Planet, willingly or not, that this is the Golden Age, that the Golden Age is the bridge to our Ascension as a Planet. And that all who choose to go, should go upon this path of Ascension, are hereby empowered to do so, and that these intentions are empowered to stay the course to keep all who choose to be upon the Path of Ascension unequivocally and eternally upon that path until the Ascension status is accomplished, and that would be in the following year. And so it is to stay forever upon the Path with these intentions brightly lit, glowing, showing the way, illuminating this high road.

    “And we bring these intentions with such Joy for this purpose! And while the road is the Ascension Path, this part of the road is intentions empowered for 2-0-1-1. And, Beloved Ones, because you have shared so beautifully, these intentions are drawing all of the intentions of the Planet which are born from the gods and goddesses, from their Divinity, from their Divine intuitions for higher dimensional Ascension living.

    “And so now the intentions for Peace, for Worldwide Peace, for Love, for Joy, for the Planetary Ascension are empowered, lit, and bright for everyone upon the Planet, and all of the Kingdoms represented, and those who dwell below, and those who come into the atmosphere above. And let this go out to the entire Universe, this Light, these intentions, and let the Universe respond with even more Love Light coming, even more Joy, and even more facilitation of the Path of Ascension, that it stays brightly illuminated, that everyone who chooses to even open their eyes, with their wisdom eye will see the Lights, and know this is the year that it becomes visible to all, all of these intentions which lead to the ultimate Ascension, are hereby empowered permanently!”

    “Yes, grrrrr, and so it is. We have accomplished a great accomplishment on this day of days. Those of us who join you from what you call the higher dimensions thank you, Beloved Ones, and we honor you for being participants, for bringing your energies, your Love, your intentions, and your intuitions to this grand gathering. Remember always and keep in your hearts, the Joy of this gathering, of this accomplishment, and know that the entire Planet Earth has taken a great leap because of what you brought, what you came here to do, and what you gave to this gathering. We see your hearts, we see your fields shining bright. And we say to you, Beloved Ones, Thank You and Namaste! “

    Transcribed by Arnold Neal Troeh.
    Given through Susan Leland, January 4, 2011. www.AshtarontheRoad.com © Ashtar on the Road Publications 2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

    * http://www.ascensionenergytools.com/free_call_tues_4_jan_2011.html


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    Post  SuiGeneris Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:15 pm

    I went out last night.... and my fingers and nose and ears we icicles too!! lol


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    Latest Channelings... - Page 2 Empty 2011: Year of Illumination

    Post  SuiGeneris Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:57 pm

    heart glitter


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    Latest Channelings... - Page 2 Empty Metatron on Earthquakes: Why the Earth is Shaking

    Post  SuiGeneris Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:49 am

    Metatron on Earthquakes: Why the Earth is Shaking

    Latest Channelings... - Page 2 ArcangelMetatron-1
    February 24, 2011

    Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

    Greeting Beloved! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I welcome you to this NOW moment, as I encircle each you with Celestial Light.

    A recent surge of Earthquakes has shaken your planet over the past seven days. Loss of life has occurred in New Zealand. We understand the deep trauma and sorrow of New Zealand, as well as the great pain and misery that accompany all such catastrophic incidents as occurred in the quakes in Haiti and Chile and indeed the tsunami of Indonesia. Being human at this time of shift on the Earth is extremely difficult for so many, and we ask all of you to offer your prayers to those that are experiencing agonizing loss. We of the angelic realm are with you.

    Although there was a tragic loss of lives and devastation to the land and structures near Christchurch, these quakes are not meant as any karma, as any punishment or in truth as anything negative.

    Masters, we tell you that what is taking place must transpire. It is a requisite realignment.

    In New Zealand, there will be more aftershocks, some high on the Richter scale for the next few months, but the aftershocks will not bring the destruction that was experienced with this one. It is the earth shifting, transiting into new energy .

    Dear Ones, we feel your pain at these losses, and we honour you so much for holding the energy of change throughout the hardships you are enduring. We truly do understand the sadness of duality realms. We encircle you in love through these times of transition.

    But understand that everything happening is by choice, and that courageous and sacred choice that humanity has made, is to Ascend.

    We will also tell you that while difficult, such events bring people together, and truly bring out the best in humanity, pulling together to help one another.

    So please allow us to update you on what is taking place both from a linear and higher dimensional perspective. We speak on why the earth is shaking.

    These quakes are for the most part happening on areas that are tectonic shift-faulted areas, but also in fulcrum areas that are major grid points for the new Earth, and in this case New Zealand and indeed Christchurch are both. There were many other earthquakes across the planet the same day as in New Zealand, in Colombia, Angola, Egypt, Iceland and Chile….all in the 4.0-5.3 range. None of these had loss of life, but the numerous locales of tremor & quake are indeed evidence of the planetary shift now occurring and in fact quickening. We tell you that places that have no had quakes in centuries, even thousands of years will soon shake, including the Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe, UK and Australia.

    Most of you are well aware that your planet is undergoing many changes at present, and we wish to re-emphasize a key understanding: and so we tell you again that these metastasis are not only appropriate, but are the necessary means that enable the Earth, and mankind release the old and shift upward into new energy. These earthquakes are designed to clean, clear and up shift the vibrations of the planet as are the other dynamic -earth occurrences that so often are misunderstood. So we ask you to recognize that the ongoing increased activity of earthquakes, tsunamis, global warming, and super hurricanes are not to be feared or stopped. This is not the case. These events indeed are quite necessary for the evolution. The evolution you call Planetary Ascension.

    The clearances from the quakes and such effect the conscious fields of energy of the living earth, releasing, recoding and the realigning all that touches upon it as well. In this way a new consciousness, a New Earth begins to move forward.

    Yet the fear still persists, and that is natural and indeed understandable. Even those of you in so called safe-areas that are not directly effected are subconsciously quite aware of the previous global cataclysms that inundated Atlantis, LeMuria and beyond. Four times, Dear Ones, has mankind’s existence on the planet been all but removed. So we understand why you fear that the quakes, planetary warming, the volcanic eruptions, the storms, and the potential of magnetic shifts will create yet another ‘rebooting’ , a global cataclysm that eradicates life as you know it. The rebooting will occur, indeed, but we tell you that for now it will be a more gradual shift, depending somewhat on the mass reaction of humanity.

    Despite the dramatic histrionics of your news media and cinematographer, 2012 will not be a Global Destruction. Prior to the Harmonic Convergence of 34 years ago, it indeed would have been, but you changed that. Kryon, the Magnetic Master has told you, over a decade ago, of the change brought about by the Harmonic Convergence, of how humanity met the measure of Light and scripted the Ascension to take place.

    So we l tell you, that the fears of an axial tilt and magnetic pole shift that been dramatically projected in media and movies will not occur. Such fear can be requited. The planetary axis will not tilt in the feared devastating degree, no destructive meteor will crash into the earth, and the magnetic poles will not shift in 2012.

    So we say again that it is in fact humanities measurement and choice that has determined that there will NOT be a great global cataclysm, a massive destruction on a worldwide arena. Rather the cleansing will be on smaller localized settings, and humanity will indeed now move forward to the next level.

    Make no mistake, Dear Ones, the changes to allow the clearing will and must continue and if the masses were to be duly educated and open to the stance and vision of higher good, such appropriate changes could be made much more easily, and sooner rather than later.

    Yet many among humanity are those who wish to ‘save the planet’ in your terms. Many of you still misunderstand that the changes are requisite, and indeed the planet is not dependent on humanities salvation.

    So how is this managed? It would be more congruous if the alignment with the conscious earth were to be optimal and more synchronistic. It is of benefit that you are beginning to establish a more realistic functional dialogue of comprehension between the earth and humankind. Those of you who have spent lifetimes as the Earth-Keepers, the indigenous, the Druid, the Atla-Ra, are here now specifically to hold the energy of these dialogues, and they are occurring now more readily. It is why you are being drawn to powernodes, vortexial-portal creation points and recoding the Sun-Disc.

    The difficulty with many others who are well intended, is that they are not intuned, not of a high enough light quotient to accept the true paradigm of the nature of reality. And so these masses, while they wish to assist, truly know not how. They believe that to prevent the change or to move it elsewhere is appropriate; better there than here, you see? Not all that wish to assist truly understand the greater good, the higher purpose of those events you term super hurricanes, volcanics, earthquakes and tsunamis.

    So most simply react in fear to these events, and wish to be free of the anxiety. But to avoid fear is not the same as understanding the fear and therefore the masses of humankind transmute and actually recreate it. To dissolve or to dissipate events of change is not necessarily of benefit, not to the earth and not to humanity. The difficulty with those that wish to assist is that they believe they know better & believe they are more academic in their understanding. Yet they omit the divine, they omit the integrity of that termed spirit, the metaphysical. They do not understand or see the perfection in what takes place because there is great difficulty for those in not understanding that all is in perfection, that all is in good order, then in essence, they do not add grease to the squeaky wheel, rather, they try to prevent the cogs from turning which then become still and stuck and so the evolution becomes that much more difficult, you see? Always fear is the great culprit.

    We have told you that the primary cause of global warming is the increase in spin of the inner molten core (iron-nickel) of the earth. The accelerated spin, increases the inner & outer core mass. The heat generated has a profound effect on the mantle, and effects axial rotation ratio. It is the very mechanism of this torque change that is increasing the flash of linear time sequence on your planet. It is also the expanded mass of the inner core that subsequently amplifies the anionic discharge you term the Schumann Resonance, axial tilt, and indeed the very polarity of the planet.

    At present this adjustment is not complete. And as a result there is currently an imbalance within the center of the planet, within the very core. This imbalance is caused by the instability created by the fore mentioned increased spin; how the core spins both clockwise and counterclockwise.

    And so then there must be a balancing upon the earth as well. Otherwise, without such balance the earth cannot truly move into its higher octaves in requisite preparation for receival of higher dimensions. So in truth and in irony, the paradox and greater reality unknown to masses of mankind is that without such balancing of the electromagnetics, there would be even more earth changes.

    There would be first an earthquake, then the hurricane and tornado to balance, you see? Then another earthquake, then the hurricane and tornado creating a pattern of its own, which would not be of assistance. In this way, then, there is an anticipatory energy of how electromagnetics move about the planet, circulating about the grid system and then permeating the earth and then balancing within as well. It is not done necessarily to prevent earth changes, but to bring balance where balance is appropriate. The imbalance, left unadjusted, we assure you, would lead to cataclysm on the macro scale. Better then that the micro events occur to bring the balance and in so doing prevent the macro you see.

    In kind, there have been coronal mass ejections, solar storms creating what is called solar winds that have been greater and greater and greater in intensity, some of the largest ever recorded. So you ask what is the role of the solar winds, or the coronal mass ejections on the ascension of the planet? We tell you these are changing the vibration that affects the earth. They change the frequencies at which humanity’s minds operate. They provide the interface to higher dimensional access.

    And so we tell you the why of the tremors on the Earth, we have addressed why the Earth has chosen to shake. Dear Ones, it is for the Ascension, the Ascension that you have created. So understand, Humans, that the earthquakes, the hurricanes offer further clearing, and soften and brighten the of your powernodes and planetary meridiens. The shaking is by no means retribution, but rather as a beautiful recalibration, as a softening of the pendulum of duality and an expansion into higher dimension. .

    So those of you of higher light quotient should be aware of the ‘whys’ of what is taking place, and indeed from your higher aspects, humanity is joyous of the graduation of the Earth. It is up to you in micro and macro to determine if you will react to it in fear or with a restructuring calibration in the linear.

    The Earth is an omnipotent presence. The Earth cannot be destroyed. Whether you accept it or not, nothing is taken from the Earth that the Earth does not allow. Man cannot destroy the earth, only his ability to live on her. The Earth was just as conscious as a burning sphere of lava, as she is now. The changes that are coming are agreed to by Gaia, by mankind’s Higher Consciousness and indeed to a great degree orchestrated by the sentience of earth, sun and that you term Creator God. Know that all is in perfect order.

    And so Dear Ones, before we close this message, we tell you that there is even greater life that circles about and above you, above the sacred Earth above the changing Earth. These energies are now flowing into your field of awareness. It is light of a subtle nature. It is not the light of expectation, for it is does not hold logic, rather it is the light of comfort, of wellness, and indeed carries the energy of ‘home’ of the angelic realm.

    We will say to you upon this special planet of duality, this beloved and sacred Earth, that all who open and allow this Celestial Light to enter their sphere of influence, their field of consciousness, will immediately find themselves blessed in spirit, and glowing in divine serenity. This energy is quiet, this energy is reconciling, and this energy connects each of you to your divinity, to your true celestial home. It is available to all who open and readily so. This light, this energy encompasses and creates a place of healing and wellness. Humans on the path as yet do not always seek to include wellness in their search for understanding, but all of you should, as it is complimentary to truth and all parts of your trinity being cry out for it, for the times are changing, and we are ever with you, ever here to assure you that all is well, even in trying times.

    I am Metatron, and I share with you these sacred Truths. And we tell yuou that each and every one of you are Beloved. You are not alone.

    …And so it is.


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    Latest Channelings... - Page 2 Empty Being Alone: The Sacred Divinity Of Solitude

    Post  SuiGeneris Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:10 am

    Being Alone: The Sacred Divinity Of Solitude

    Latest Channelings... - Page 2 Nubes-1

    April 15, 2011

    Archangel Metatron Channel
    via James Tyberonn

    Greetings Beloved!I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering. We surround each of you in a specially created vector of Unconditional Love. A vector of nonlinear space that is uniquely opened as each of you read these words from your own space and chosen time.

    The present phase of linear time on your planet is a uniquely opportune juncture for self-review and chosen solitude. Masters many of you, particularly those above the age of 49, the seventh 7 year cycle, find yourselves in a state of solitude, after spouses have passed, relationships terminated and marriage contracts have ended. And although this path is at times quite lonely, quite difficult and may feel 'unnatural' for many of you, it is with purpose. So we tell you to use this time wisely, embrace it. You are on the cusp of a great graduation.

    Now there is a recurring message in many of your religious texts that says "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven"

    Indeed there is a time for solitude. Divine Solitude is a noble condition, and one that offers quantum leaps in terms of growth, when understood, and recognized for its profound purpose.

    You see the Divine-Self is ultimately, conclusively alone in its final pursuit of omnipotence.

    In your terms, the soul enters the earth alone, and the spirit departs the earth alone. Ascended Masters that walk the Earth, have for millennia sought solitude in their incarnations before achieving Mastery. So it is with many of you now.

    Dear Ones, Many of you who find yourself alone at this time, are of the belief that you must find a partner. Many of you seek your 'soul mate' your twin flame. Yet we tell you, in many cases among the advanced souls, you are alone because you have planned it. Indeed it is a special and noble undertaking. It is time for Divine Solitude.

    Solitude for those seeking sanctified light, for those seeking, what is termed 'consecrated enlightenment' chose specific periods in their life plan, to be alone for a time. This does not mean you will always be in solitude, it simply means for a time you have chosen it to 'work on the self'; to achieve self love. Among souls seeking Mastery, approximately one of every three or four lifetimes, is a lifetime chosen for solitude.

    Loving the SELF is a Requirement

    Love of self is a condition that many, especially those from Christian heritage, have lost. Christianity with its teachings of original sin taught you that you were flawed in your nature, that you needed forgiving. You spent lifetimes prostate asking forgiveness for who you are. You lost your sense of your divinity, and found it easier to give than to receive. Balance was forfeited.

    Now, we tell you that as the Earth transforms to the new Crystalline Age, the nature of energy resonance and the dimensional grasp of the planet is expanded. There is a lessening of the influence of duality/polarity for those of you that choose to extend beyond the third dimension.

    You may ask whether solitude or partnerships bring greater advancement to the soul. The question is timely and especially pertinent for many of you in the dawn of the Ascension.

    The short answer is that both coupling and solitude have their divine purpose…. and we underline the word BOTH. Much is gained in being in committed loving relationship. This is the natural circumstance in most sojourns on the plane of Earth.

    But Masters, we tell you that there is also great purpose also in solitude. It is in fact a requisite.

    It is no error that great numbers of you on the finals steps of the path of enlightenment are alone in this period. Now is the prelude to the coming Ascension. If you are among these, we tell you that perhaps your solitude is appropriate. Perhaps it is as it should be. You see it is how many of you planned it.

    Yet many of you feel that the loneliness is too much to bear and that you must pursue a partner…the elusive twin flame. Dear Souls, there is much confusion around the concept of the twin flame, the 'soul mate', and the role and nature of optimal partnership in Mastery of Self.

    Solitude and Nondependency

    Solitude is intended to be a period of sublime reverence of self. Your life and your experience in this plane is your own creation, your own living tapestry, woven by your individual belief. Within solitude, the soul is prompted into self-review, and opportunity is given to dive deeply into the deep waters that flow within you. To swim in the ocean of SELF, and in so doing rediscover the love within, to learn what a brilliant spark of God you truly are.

    Relationships are a method of reflecting the affectivity of your belief system, and giving you feedback on what, simply stated, is working, and what is not. Detachment requires the individual to explore the self, to reacquaint with the inner horizon, and this facilitates and necessitates sovereignty. Sovereignty is the prepotency of Mastership.

    A relationship of two sovereign nondependent humans has greater balance, greater creativity, and greater longevity than a pairing of two beings co-dependent on one another. Do you understand?

    Ultimately each soul must clearly define SELF in order to gain Mastery. Self Mastery is embodied in periods of planned detachment. It is that period in which impeccability is crystallized. And we tell you Dear Ones, crystallization, through impeccability is a necessary phase of Self- Mastery. It is a calibrational juncture in the multidimensional sojourn. One enters the void, the great mystery in the quest for fortitude and sovereign vision, alone, without a shoulder to lean on. And in the process, one discovers sublime wholeness and self completion.

    Do not misunderstand our meaning; there is great validity in coupling, in the natural aspect of soul mate. But conclusively one walks the path of Mastery in sovereign detachment.

    One becomes enlightened when one learns to transcend the physical self. Each of you must endeavor to the final conquest of what we term as 'impeccability'. Impeccability is the crystallization or uniform clarity of the soul, and it is a necessary virtue of Mastery. This involves release of dependency, the release of all that does not serve your divinity. It is a rebooting and reprogramming of all you are.

    We have told you that the language, the fabric of higher dimension is sacred geometry. Impeccability is the geometric clarity of the soul mind. By defining oneself through impeccability one becomes crystalline, and thus more capable of Divine Consciousness within the geometric light of coherent higher planes. It is only accomplished by deciding who you are, what you believe, and then living it. Recognizing your truths, and aligning fully to them.

    Question to Metatron:
    Are you saying that loving relationships, such as marriage, are not our ultimate union?

    AAMetatron: Remember that in the highest realm you are in sacred Oneness, each a part of the Divine One. So in terms of duality experience, the answer to your question is yes. In this context, YES! Masters, in highest reality, you are a unified plural consciousness.

    Relationships in the linear duality experience are a means to the end. We are saying that loving relationships are a sacred, joyful tool of achieving Self Mastery, but that ultimately in each soul's journey; there is requisite ultimate growth into sovereignty. The sovereign self is a sufficient self & truly has no dependent need of another. Such conceptual dependency can be a deterrent to Mastery.

    In truth you merge in sovereignty with your other half. The other part of your soul that separated in duality expression. Each of you have a male and female component, and the other half is re-merged in the Integral Divine Self before rising into higher realm.

    Many of you consider a soul mate and twin flame the same. Only the syntax is in parity. The true meanings are different. The twin flame is the other half of the same soul, split in duality, and these are rarely in physicality together. The 'soul mate' is in our terms, another soul with whom you have contracted to grow together within physical duality, as a means of development and exploration of love with another soul. Movement toward common purpose.

    The seeming paradox in linear relationships, that of the 'soul mate' concept (not the twin flame) is that a relationship of two non-dependent sovereign beings, has greater joy, greater balance, greater interface with the divine, greater opportunity for advancement than a relationship based on co-dependence. Do you see?

    In this time, in this now, many of you are actually merging with your etheric (non-physical) twin flame, and molding your sacred fullness into one physicality in order for you to enter the crystalline realm in wholeness. In most cases this soul reconnection is accomplished in solitude or in sovereign non dependent relationships.

    So we say embrace your chosen period of SOVEREIGN SOLITUDE, it is the sign of your souls intent to enter into Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na Mastery.

    The Divine Feminine

    We add that many who are in this life, of the female gender, have chosen particularly effacious roles in the balancing of the planet at this time. Is it not true that the planet has been imbalanced in an overage of patriarchal energies for millennia? That is why it would appear that a vast majority of those drawn to the 'New Age' are female, you see, to anchor in the Divine Feminine. Females have been conditioned and labeled in your current paradigm as the 'weaker sex'. Nothing could be farther from the truth!

    Many of the females, who find themselves now in single status, are conditioned to feel they must have a partner. Again, we say, embrace your solitude. You chose it, we honor you for the path you have chosen.

    The ideal for the planet, is not to be female or male, rather a perfect balance of BOTH, but it is at the moment still in an imbalance of patriarchal resonance. We honor those of you in female biology, you're strength is indeed progressing in creating the nurturing balance.

    Truly the over-soul is androgynous, self-contained. Self-sufficient. That does not mean that love is not the frequencial basis of the soul, indeed it is the highest vibration. It is the resonance that is produced by the Ascended Soul to the Cosmos, and reflected back as a collective harmonic of crystalline love. There is a time when those of you have played the role of soul mates, will individualize, and in your terms, part in joy. The evolved soul in achieving omnipotence, will become consummately self sufficient, and in so doing radiate spectacular unconditional love to ALL. That is as it should be, as it must be. It is how you Ascend.

    Embracing Sovereignty

    The final graduation of the soul is not done in pairing, you see. It is done within the Divine SELF in universal harmonic to the All that is. Do you understand? This is the activation of Self to the divine resonance of the Quantum Crystalline Field. Separation must osmatically occur before the final collective reunion, it must occur to allow for the final coalescence into the ALL THAT IS.

    It is who you ARE. It is the IAM that I AM.

    Our point here, is that if you find yourself in Solitude, recognize its purpose. If you are in a relationship refine it in beauty to the greater love of non-dependence. You will indeed discover the love expands and the relationship becomes more splendid in non dependency; just as you are discovering relationships of co-dependency are imbalanced one way streets, and fail.

    In sovereignty humanity will see themselves in this framework as being 'whole' and not being their partner's property or someone's 'better half'. Each will bring their integral, whole SELF in fullness, in robust flow of energy into relationship, in a manner that often does not occur today. There are pre agreed points that allow for freedom of choice and for change, even if that change is to end the partnership. In sovereignty individuals share their best, without compromise of ideals. Each will recognize the divinity of the other, and retain the integrity of SELF.

    They will afford their own promises, promises and choices of a new paradigm, but there will be avenues and opportunities of adjustments and the ability of reviewing terms. This will allow for greater recognition of the SELF. These will be designed to prevent energy blockage and reduce dysfunctional marriages and divorce complications and lawsuits, you see.

    Some relationships in these terms will indeed last a lifetime, some will not. But the archetype of sovereignty will better support both, based on choice and mutual agreement of each individuals terms. And as such independence becomes joyful , devoid of one partner being dominant and imposing their beliefs, morality and will over another.

    Humankind, in mass today, truly does not recognize or understand their soul, their divine SELF. Self is unfortunately regulated to the realm of ego personality by the masses. It is true that a higher degree of the light quotient is awakened on the planet now, than has occurred at any other time, but it is still only about 10% of the population of eight billion plus that has awakened. That is a sufficient number to bring about the Ascension, but much has yet to be done.

    Religion in the New Paradigm

    Religion in the new paradigm, must be individualized, must truly recognize the nature of SELF the nature of the DIVINE SOUL. None of your world religions truly answer these questions today. None of your religions answer the questions of mans true Cosmic Extra-Terrestrial multi-dimensional origins. And that must come to understanding in the new paradigm. None of your current mainstream religions can accurately and completely express the true history of man on the earth. As such, there is no one true religion on the planet today. Most are bought and sold on preset regulated templates. Each claim to know the path to God, to be able to lead the way to God, yet none truly do. Each has its dogma, each has its hierarchy and controls.

    Man searches for GOD more fervently now than at any other time in on the planet, and so this seeking in itself has the potential to bring in the light. Few religious teachers are true teachers, scholars perhaps, but not true teachers, you see. Others are charlatans, even within metaphysics and the so called 'New Age'. Few who make claim to channel Ascended Masters or Angelics truly do.


    When integrity is not maintained the connection to true spirit is disconnected, and all who are human are subject to fall in and out of integrity. Truly the way in the Ascension is the ability of each soul to rise into his/her higher self. Look inside and find your own divinity within your heart. Not through blindly following a guru, evangelist, channeler or spiritual leader, but through SELF. Accept only what you discern individually to resonate as true, Dear Ones, and do not give your power to another. Each of you can and must channel your higher selves. Study, look, listen, discern, review and only accept what resonates within you.

    The way to the divine, Masters, is through the sacred sovereignty of SELF, and in the Ascension, the way to the higher SELF is through self-definition, and seeking that aspect of God inside each of you, with the great desire that is embedded in each of your souls. Study, seek, and work ! There is little hope for the lazy. You are here to make known the unknown ! Work at it ! Be a warrior of light within duality, for the true battles are within for self mastery. The path is not easy. But within Self Mastery lies an energy so exquisite that it fuels all you require to move forward, and there is another level above each you ascend to. Consciousness ever expands.

    You Are Never Alone

    Oh Dear Human, We truly do feel your occasional despair and longing, and know that we want you to know that we honour you, know that you are never truly alone. Spirit embraces you, and we are especially available for you to find solace and comfort in the walk of divinity that you are undertaking. For we assure you, that you have chosen to be exactly where you are, and there is a great reason, a noble aspiration and goal in your celibate secular aspect.

    It is the very sense of resulting loneliness that so often feels bittersweet and hollow, that compels you to seek the rich ocean of wisdom available to you in rediscovering the vast solace within your own divinity.

    So we gently urge you to understand that this, for many Master Souls is precisely why you are outside of relationship at this profound time on your planet.

    You are then not alone because of a failed relationship, you are not alone because you are incapable of finding a partner. Indeed you are in noble solitude because you have chosen to move higher, to focus on the inner soul. Every soul enters in solitude, and will depart to higher realms in solitude. But that solitude is an opening to your true nature of plurality consciousness, you are reconnecting to the bigger part of you, and that part does not know loneliness. Lonely only exists in duality.

    Dear Hearts, use this time wisely, and embrace it., for you have chosen a path that Masters on the 'Cusp of Graduation' often select. We know it is not easy, but the very real pain you at times feel, is the motivating driver of inner reflection. You are on the cusp of a great quantum leap.


    Discover your path. Discover yourself. Love yourself, love one another, love the divinity inside you and inside every one ! Discover the multidimensional aspects of your true Soul. That is the nobility of solitude.

    And thought the path is at times quite difficult and lonely , know that such is the challenge of duality, for above, you are whole, and lack no thing. In the higher realm, Masters, you are in your sacred nature of integral wholeness, in complete and abundant bliss.

    I am Metatron,Lord of Light, and I share with you these TRUTHS!

    You are Beloved.

    …And so it is.


    heart glitter

    Latest Channelings... - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest Channelings...

    Post  Guest Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:01 am

    This is NOT new and can not be dated as april 2011.

    I have seen this...thing....before in 2010. Summer time of 2010. I am 100% sure of this.

    How many times do they go and try to sell same stuff?


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    Post  SuiGeneris Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:41 pm

    he is trying to sell it to you? If not...Metatron perhaps?

    How is it being forced fed to you?

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