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Dragons of Thuban To Ban The Falseness

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    Strange Happenings Around The World!!!


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    Strange Happenings Around The World!!! Empty Strange Happenings Around The World!!!

    Post  SuiGeneris Mon May 24, 2010 12:59 am

    Hi everyone!! This thread is to share and discuss strange happenings throughout the world that may be linked to the current changes on Earth and Mother's Ascension!!!

    Here's something interesting I found today!!

    UFO Spiral In Sky Seen And Heard Across Western Canada!!!
    Strange Happenings Around The World!!! Canadaspiralpic
    May 23, 2010

    The Norway spiral comes to mind when TheWeatherSpace.com received photographs and even an amazing video of the event. An object swooped down from the sky and then returned in a brilliant display on Friday night across the Western Canada areas.

    Three different photographers have given their photos to TheWeatherSpace.com in what looks like something out of a science fiction movie. We cannot see what would cause this one Earth. The Norway spiral was said to be caused by a missile launch in the Russian territory. But what is this?

    The only known areas to launch on the Western coast are the Vandenberg Air Force Base and Alaskan areas. Vandenberg confirms no launches and Kodiak Island has to be ruled out due to the direction of travel (from the west).

    The photographs show a very similar shape and mysterious object off the coast of Canada. The object is not a missile as one photograph from the beach has the trajectory curving up! What is it?

    Strange Happenings Around The World!!! Canadaspiral1

    Strange Happenings Around The World!!! Canadaspiral2

    A video was sent to TheWeatherSpace.com and the web team has added it to the video server on YouTube.com. The video shows the entire sequence of this object as filmed by Steven Murray.

    “I have four sky cameras to catch meteors on and number three caught it”, Murray said. “I saw it from my office while doing work. The object was on the monitor. By the time I rushed outside the object was gone but the loudest boom I ever heard from a distance struck shortly after.”

    JONES BEACH, NY -- A dead baby humpback whale washed up on Jones Beach, about two miles east of the Jones Beach Water Tower.

    The whale, at least 25 feet long, was spotted just after 9am Thursday.

    Rescue workers from the Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation were en route to examine the whale.

    They will perform a necropsy to determine what killed the whale. There were no apparent signs of distress or injury.

    The whale was spotted on a section of beach known as High Hill. It is two miles east of the Jones Beach Water

    Tower, east of Field 6 and west of Tobay Beach.

    The beaching is close to where a male dolphin washed ashore in West Gilgo Beach last Thursday. That dolphin died less than a day later.

    In April, an ill baby humpback whale washed ashore in East Hampton. Several attempts to euthanize that whale failed before authorities were able to finally put it down.

    Posts : 157
    Join date : 2010-05-23

    Strange Happenings Around The World!!! Empty Heavy Levels of Metal Toxins Found in Sperm Whales from ALL Over!

    Post  Inanna Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:59 pm

    Yet another tragic and scary omen:


    sister nanna

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    Strange Happenings Around The World!!! Empty Re: Strange Happenings Around The World!!!

    Post  SuiGeneris Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:35 pm


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    Location : Gaia

    Strange Happenings Around The World!!! Empty Increasing cases of garbled speech...

    Post  SuiGeneris Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:30 pm

    The Mystery of the TV Presenters
    Who Suddenly Started Talking Gibberish!!

    Sat, 16 Apr 2011 13:45 CDT

    Translated by Sott.net

    As readers of our magazine know, I have warned here on OSUD several times that you can recognize strong photon waves, among other things, when reporters make mistakes while talking on radio and television.. it has happened to several "stars" on international television and this afternoon it quite obviously happened to a well know reporter on Czech national television Jana Čermáková ... and even though I know about this and wrote about it in advance, the intensity of the footage still caught me a bit by surprise.

    Two years ago a similar fit happened to one of the reporters from radio station Frekvence 1, and later to another well know news anchor Voříšek from Nova television. As we last wrote about this in our article, American television court show host Judge Judy (Judith Sheindlin) joins the large number of nonsense babbling reporters. http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2011/03/exclusive-cameras-rolled-during-judge-judy-health-scare-i-need-stop-she-told

    Disruption of brain speech center pathways is obviously not due to electromagnetic weapons, as the Sorcha Faal website has very inaccurate data. As mentioned in my comment the cause of it is
    cosmic electric energy - photons.

    Strange Happenings Around The World!!! GRB_photon_race_full

    One of the waves (there are 3-4 major ones per day) arrives around noon (the next around 2pm and then after 6pm) and this probably proved fateful to Čermáková while broadcasting live from one of the energy points in the Czech Republic - the Prague Castle.

    Comment: We are not sure as to what is the source of this but definitely something strange is going on. There have been repeated instances of news reporters talking nonsense live on television. See links below article. We want to draw reader's attention to these events and continue to watch out for any such future occurrences.

    What creates this state in reporters is that they engage concentration, anxiety and the use of memory, these are all factors that worsen these light epileptic seizures, which will eventually affect essentially most of the population. These collapses on live television will unfortunately continue and increase rapidly. Another factor in this is the fact that journalists in media are usually forced to lie and hide reality. The subconscious, of course, registers all of this.

    Those who have not yet been affected will probably watch in disbelief, but the fact is that a powerful blast of energy essentially completely unplugs certain brain centers, in particular (always during the first phase) the speech center. Speaking at that moment becomes virtually impossible, one is unable to control facial muscles. You need to start breathing deeply, ground yourself. The proximity of various electrical devices, cell phones, antennas, etc. of course significantly worsens the situation.
    (It's not a stroke: https://youtu.be/d2LvHDGqRus)

    It's a bit drastic but watch this to get an idea what you yourself may encounter. Has a similar collapse affected you recently?

    Recently another CNN reporter suffered something similar when she uttered some meaningless and incomprehensible English words.

    There will most likely be an increase of cases of spontaneous combustion of the human body, the last case is so far being investigated without any results by scientists and mystery hunters in Slovakia.

    Video Transcript

    News anchor: Good afternoon Jana, did politicians comment at all about their meeting?

    Reporter: Good afternoon from the Prague Castle. Not at all, no comment at all. After their arrival they said nothing at all. Václav Klaus after their arrival only remarked that essentially he doesn't have any comments, but he is glad that all three men accepted the invitation to Prague Castle. That meeting lasted, as has been said, basically 45 minutes. On their way out we tried to ask the prime minister Petr Nečas if he had any comments, if he would say a few words. He said not for the time being but after the afternoon meeting in the probable format of K12 when four representatives fr f from each of the three coalition parties meet in the Kramář vila. That meeting should begin at 12.30. We didn´t learn anything it can therefore be assu assum assum assume that afternoon probab we'll be more successful and now let´s take a look at what brough brought la last hours on the Cze Cze Czech polit tiickaalll sceene.




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    Strange Happenings Around The World!!! Empty Re: Strange Happenings Around The World!!!

    Post  SuiGeneris Wed May 18, 2011 3:13 am



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    Location : Gaia

    Strange Happenings Around The World!!! Empty Alien spaceship found in Russia

    Post  SuiGeneris Wed May 18, 2011 7:22 am

    Alien spaceship found in Russia
    Patomskiy Crater Tunguska Event!!

    may.17, 2011

    TV presenter talks about a sensational discovery in Russia. At a depth of 100 meters under the Patomskiy Crater, there is a cylinder shaped object.