~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

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~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

Dragons of Thuban To Ban The Falseness

2 posters

    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others...


    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others...

    Post  Guest Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:51 am

    I am sort of a breaking the "subscriber rule" by posting this but it might prove to be beneficial

    October 25, 2010

    Events are starting to unfold at an accelerating pace as the ancient “New World Order” continues its collapse. First of all, sources in Japanese military intelligence say there will be “huge announcements” sometime in mid-November, no doubt linked in part to the November 11th G20 meeting in Korea. The other big move is that the $1 trillion lawsuit involving Daniele Dal Bosco, the P2 Freemason lodge, the Davos forum and the UN will be backed by the Pentagon and will become public news possibly as soon as this week. We have also confirmed that all members of the Bilderberger, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations have been individually warned and are “very scared.”

    There is very little detail about the November announcements available at present because a high level purge of the top ranks of the Satan worshippers is still underway, according to a dragon family representative. The Japanese military police also refused to provide more detail so, we will just have to wait and see. However, the Dragon family did say they were allied with “good aliens” who were horribly mistreated in the 1940’s and that they have been working on the current coup at a high level for a very long time. Hopefully the announcement will involve the release of suppressed technology. The Pentagon’s ambassador to the White Dragon Society has previously mentioned that according to the American Academy of Science that over 6,000 patents have been suppressed for “national security reasons” and that these patents will now be mostly made available to the general public. The Dragon family also says “we have incredible secret technology at our disposal.” We will just have to wait and see for more details.

    It would seem Fulford is more and more connecting things with the ET influence. His 1940 mistreatment..etc.. reminds me about the current Ev3nt series and some might even call them white knights/hats (not known or know in public)


    In a related move, a very senior pentagon official contacted the White Dragon Society last week to say the Pentagon was currently backing President Obama because Obama had begun a systematic purge of Khazarian Satanists from the US government. That means the talk of a temporary military government is on hold for the present


    try not to get confused by all this different society names...white/black/green/red/crow..etc...
    by khazarian satanists Fulford here means the people that most of the conspiracy community "mistakenly" calls Jews and by purge he means the leaving of his advisers etc in recent past (what economy conspiracy people call - rats leaving the ship)


    The Khazarians and some members of the Jewish lobby, for their part, have begun an intensive anti-Obama campaign. Obama is expected to receive nothing but negative publicity over the coming months. At the same time, he has become a high priority assassination target, according to multiple sources. The infighting in Washington is expected to intensify over the coming weeks as a powerful lobby will continue its push to replace Obama with Hillary Clinton. Clinton is said to be “desperately doing everything she can to make sure she is a part of the new financial system,” according to a top CIA source.

    this "new" financial system he talks about is something that is going on (preparations) for...a looong time..according to fulford...but he does not mention anything about NESARA etc...

    On the more conventional news front, the current leaders of the planet are doing everything in their power to reform and put on a good face. Part of this is the carefully orchestrated Wikileaks campaign that seems to be aimed at showing the old system is capable of dealing with wrong-doings like torture and civilian killing by individual troops. The old order is also clearly willing to throw a few of their own, like Tony Blair, under the bus in an attempt to cleanse their image. The big questions is if Wikileaks is the real deal, then why have they not published “secret documents” about what really happened on 911?

    i somewhat agree with him on this one....in last "leak" Pakistan was heavily "involved" and media made sure to put that in the front...along with a "little "civilian killing (but that has been already known)and now in this last "leak" the Iran is on the target for financing the resistant movement etc along with a "little torture" (that we already know...it is self evident...that that is going on)..so the excuse to go bomb Pakistan and Iran is right there...in the documents...along with "dirty" stuff...wiki themselves might not be aware they COULD BE given falsified documents

    The more significant move was to shift the balance of power at the IMF away from Europe. The new IMF voting structure increases representation for Brazil, China, India, Turkey and other developing countries. The voting structure is now such that Japan has the casting vote in-between Western and non-Western interests at the IMF.

    Discussions on a new currency to replace the US dollar continue and the latest scuttlebutt is that the plan to announce the Amero as a dollar replacement is in serious trouble. It now looks more likely that the Hong Kong dollar will become the basis for a new international currency to replace the dollar. However, the issue is in a flux still and negotiations continue.

    by Hong Kong dollar he means all US dollars outside of US....the "non fraudulent ones" the ones that have backing in like "things that were produced" etc...as fulford said...

    Japan is also undergoing a major transformation under the surface. Head old world order stooge and North Korean spy Yasuhiro Nakasone is now being hounded for money by all his former allies, according to a yakuza source. “They want to get as much money out of him as possible before it all ends,” the source says. In relation to that Bank of Japan governor Shirakawa has been convinced to stay in office until the end of this year, according to Japanese military intelligence.

    However, the control of the Japanese financial system has already moved decisively away from the old order, the source says. The Japanese Finance Ministry, and old world bastion of power, has lost power to the Financial Services Agency. People in the ministry who were opposed to the old order were all sent over to the FSA and now the military/police/right-wing/yakuza establishment has put power in the hands of the FSA, the source says.

    In relation to that the Japanese delegation to the G20 meeting in Seoul in November will be secretly headed by Bank of Japan Deputy Governor Hirohide Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi is the cousin of Akihiko Yamaguchi, the man who was illegally detained in Italy in 2009 with $134.5 billion worth of bonds that were seized by elements of the Italian P2 Freemasonic lodge working in the Italian Treasury Police.

    news like this (and possible announcements etc) and alike are "common" in fulford posts and like fulford himself says: i have to see it first and than believe it

    Although I have been trained as a skeptic and a believer in science, something so unusual happened this new year that I believe it must be an omen. On December 21st a group of shamans held a ceremony by a lake in the Philippines that locals believe to be the home of a goddess. The Shamans, including a revered Maori lady, also believed this lake to be a portal to other dimensions. Whatever the case, there was heavy rain and thick cloud cover as the group headed to the lake for a ceremony to mark a change in how Western civilization behaves. When we arrived at the lake suddenly an area of blue sky appeared immediately above us. All around there was still heavy cloud cover and rain. However, directly over our heads, in the middle of the circle of blue sky there was a new moon. Then on new year’s eve the world experienced an unheralded but precious event, a blue moon on new year’s eve in the West and a blue moon on new year’s day in Asia. A blue moon means a second full moon in one month. A full moon on new year’s eve happens only once in every two decades or so. For both to coincide is something that only happens once in many centuries. Thus I believe we have had a very auspicious beginning to 2010, the Year of the Tiger.

    It is interesting to note that while the group of Shamans and elders was holding their ceremony to mark the clean-up of the polluted lake, Federal Reserve Board agents were in the Philippines trying to cash $250 billion worth of gold-backed bonds in a desperate effort to keep their fraudulent institution afloat. The bonds are fake and they would not be allowed to cash them even if they were real.

    There was also a lot of consternation and angst in the Japanese secret government after it was revealed the Emperor went to Washington in an effort to get cash to finance the climate change fraud in Copenhagen. George Soros was almost certainly counting on this money when he offered $100 billion in “climate change loans” to developing countries. When Black Dragon Society members in Washington froze the funds, the Emperor was forced to confess to the Chinese vice-President that he had returned empty handed.

    So now China has contacted the Black Dragon Society with promises to help finance a campaign to deal with the real problems facing this world: poverty, war and the destruction of eco-systems.

    The Black Dragon Society was also contacted by the Kokuryu-kai (the name translates as the Black Dragon Society) which is run by the descendants and spiritual descendants of the founders of the original Black Dragon Society. We explained to them that there was no sense fighting over a name. We explained to them that when I was inducted into the Red and the Green I was asked to start a Western version of that society.

    The Western group that sprang up spontaneously across the world has very simple rules: we agree to work together towards shared goals and we agree to protect each other if attacked. This Western group is now capable of mobilizing the British Empire, the Vatican, the Muslim world and much of the US military/intelligence establishment.

    We explained to the Kokuryu-kai and the Chinese that the West would never submit itself to rule from the East and likewise the East should never submit itself to rule from the West. Instead we proposed a 50/50 partnership between East and West. There will be many key meetings in January to iron out the details.

    There are now several groups with active plans for implementing a new paradigm to replace the one of endless war and genocide being pursued by the criminals who have taken over Western civilization.

    One group centered on the British empire would like to begin construction of massive free energy facilities to remove salt from sea-water and use the resulting fresh water to turn the deserts green. This group is allying itself with the Middle Eastern monarchies and plans to work simultaneously in Australia and the Arabian peninsula.

    This group also wants to pay the world’s deep sea fishing fleets to stop all fishing for two or three years in order to allow the oceans to replenish themselves.

    A different group based in Australia but with powerful connections throughout the G7 proposes turning the deserts green by using etheric weather engineering technology. They also plan to start cleaning up the world’s most polluted sites using zeolite, an abundant mineral that absorbs toxic substances and prevents them from interacting with the environment in a harmful manner. They also have free energy technology.

    A third group based on the US military-intelligence establishment proposes a 5-year swords to plowshares transformation of the Pentagon. This group has the potential to develop the over 6,000 patents that have hitherto been suppressed for “national security” reasons. One technology they possess is anti-gravity. This would make automobiles obsolete and allow roadways to be transformed into gardens. They claim to control technology that allows the creation of portals into other dimensions. They claim (we have not seen proof but have heard this from many credible eye-witnesses) that many so-called underground bases around the world are actual such portals. Hopefully we will soon be able to see if this is true. If so the implications are more than mind-boggling.

    the above paragraph relates directly to project camelot stuff

    This group will no doubt join forces with the various “programs” and trusts that have been fighting the Federal Reserve Board for decades.

    A fourth group linking the Vatican and Russia sent us the following proposal:

    We are working with leading world scientists from top prestigious institutions in Russia, they are developing many innovations in the fields of energy generating (heat and/or electricity) using water as fuel, manufacturing new elements and isotopes from cheap materials, converting radioactive materials (waste) into stable condition, desalinating sea water to produce fresh water without any salted residuals, transmutation of poisonous materials into inert materials, municipal waste recycling, motors of higher power at lower consumption of electricity, special converters and transformers, earthquake prediction, New Approach Towards Understanding Origination of Matter and Energy in Universe from vacuum, many technologies for the nuclear energy industry that will be the top energy by 2050 according to EDF, and much more.

    There are many technologies/projects in need of investment that are on the market, some that are about to enter in the market and some that need more years of investigation. At any time it can be arranged a meeting in the several prestigious institutions in Moscow or the Officials/scientists can go to Japan to make the presentations.

    Then there is a fifth group based in Japan that is planning to build a major university/research and martial arts center north of Tokyo. This group plans to transform the Japanese right/wing and yakuza establishment into a benevolent society that will always act in defense of the weak and the down-trodden. The Chinese have already agreed to help this group.

    Of course the new financial system has to be put fully online for all of these groups to get started with their plans. This in return requires the dismantling of the Federal Reserve Board and the corrupt Washington D.C. corporation.

    On this end we are hearing from multiple sources that a special Interpol force in the US has begun arresting or killing all those who are still trying to revive the old financial system. This may have to do with why Obama is looking so old and haggard after his “holiday” in Hawaii.

    There are several key settlement dates in January that may finally force the corporate propaganda media in the West to start revealing the truth. We will know the turning point has been reached when the brainwashed sector of Western society is finally told the truth by their corporate overlords. The arrest or judicial killing of CIA Director Panetta would be a very good indication of change.

    Also, we need to see what happens when the financial markets open for the new calendar year. A member of the British royal family says there is a strong chance a new currency to replace the US dollar may be announced as early as January 6th.

    The Black Dragon Society has also made the following proposals to the Japanese government and the Chinese Red and Green. First we support the Chinese plan to create an entirely new United Nations and base it in Laos. Second we believe that a Chinese dominated replacement for the World Bank should be set up in Hong Kong. In parallel to that, we propose setting up a G8-dominated world economic planning agency in Osaka. After that, all US dollars held outside of the US should be renamed Hong Kong dollars (or whatever) and put under the control of these three institutions.

    Existing institutions like the World Bank and the BIS can continue their operations but they will have to start generating their own savings and become self-financing if they are to survive.

    The various commodities exchanges and stock markets will also have to thoroughly audited and the systematic fraud they have allowed to take place needs to be exposed. This process has already begun with the Chinese refusing to honor fraudulent contracts with various US and European based financial institutions.

    It is also important to set up a South African style truth and reconciliation committee to begin the process of uncovering the secret government that has been manipulating humanity for centuries. Much of our history and even our science is going to have to be rewritten and retold.

    In any case, we believe the great global turning point many predict will happen in 2012 will actually begin this year. We are headed into uncharted waters but the prospects are bright indeed.

    October 18, 2010

    The royal families of the West and the secret Illuminati royalty are planning an emergency summit meeting in Vienna, Austria, next month in order to come up with a strategy to save their plan for a New World Order fascist world government, according to a senior CIA source and a member of the Rothschild family. The summit is being called because a global police and intelligence operation is closing in on their leadership with multiple investigations on many levels. It is hard to see how the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral commission and their secret rulers are going to escape these probes unless they agree to surrender and promise to appear before a South African style truth and reconciliation committee.

    There are also now indications of a hidden force behind all the ongoing financial war for control of the planet earth. The illuminati in Italy confirmed they used astrology and the movements of the planets to make their long term plans. They also said their rule was set to end on December 21st 2012. Many unusual celestial events show they may be speaking the truth.

    One big example was the blue moons seen at the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010. There was a blue moon in the West that ended on December 31st and a blue moon in Asia that started on January 1st. The moons were also, in case you saw them, actually blue in color.

    The coincidences between the Asian lunar calendar and the Gregorian calendar continued this year, for example with the coincidence of a full moon with the Autumnal equinox this year. There are two other upcoming events that are of interest most notably on December 21st of this year. On that date there will be the Winter Solstice, a full moon and a full lunar eclipse (in Asia).

    The other date is a full moon on March 19th of next year. This date is of special importance to some Asian secret societies because it is the day the last Ming emperor committed suicide (it also happens, by sheer coincidence, to be my birthday).

    All of these and other coincidences indicate some sort of sophisticated long-term social engineering. It is like the apocryphal story of Jesuits using solar eclipses to convert various peoples to Christianity: “If you do not convert, we will destroy the sun!” The point being made here is not necessarily that we should obey the signs of the heavens but rather to realize that there are some very powerful, secret forces at work.

    An individual claiming to represent the “illuminati” has warned the White Dragon Society that unless humanity gets its affairs into order by the Summer solstice of 2011 (June 21st) vast mayhem and destruction will be unleashed on the planet. This will include the setting off of all volcanoes on the Pacific “rim of fire.”

    this is part of the post...the more esoteric part...in which fulford again..goes into a little of "this and that"


    Posts : 157
    Join date : 2010-05-23

    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Re: Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others...

    Post  Inanna Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:36 pm

    Thanks for this, Rok ... i've come across this same Post somewhere else this week ... but since i haven't "followed" Fulford, i wasn't sure how much "stock" to put into it. maybe YOU have a clue! i admit i am confused by the various designations for the "controlling interests" ... e.g., Black Dragons/White Dragons, et al. and i ALSO find it curious that in THIS message of Fulford's, at least, it seems like China is portrayed as the "Good Guys" who are committed to helping "Set Things Straight" in terms of the evil Illuminati/NWO/Global Economy, etc. since the Chinese record on Human Rights in GENERAL is so abysmal, it's hard for me to see them as the "Saviors" in any sort of Positive Realignment of Global Powers ... but maybe i'm just thinking (to use Tony's terminology) in OldHuman ways.

    one thing's for DAMN sure, though ... these are certainly INTERESTING times! whoo



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    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Further Notes on Fulford

    Post  Inanna Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:42 pm


    Last night i "happened across" an hour and 40 minute recent interview with Fulford (which included most of the info you had posted) ... so i had a chance to get a better "feeling" about him. he seemed to possess Integrity ... has a wealth of "inside" sources ... and proclaims a Commitment to filtering-out DisInformation. so, i had a "favorable" general impression for sure. and the info he's sharing is CERTAINLY Relavent!

    another Kool Ko-ink-e-dink for Me! sunny3


    nanna hippihill


    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Re: Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others...

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:32 pm

    Inanna wrote:

    .........it seems like China is portrayed as the "Good Guys" who are committed to helping "Set Things Straight" in terms of the evil Illuminati/NWO/Global Economy, etc. since the Chinese record on Human Rights in GENERAL is so abysmal, it's hard for me to see them as the "Saviors" in any sort of Positive Realignment of Global Powers ...


    China might not be the system one should look up to as an example... but chine does not have 737 military bases all over the world and has no history of mass interfering with the internal affairs of other countries all over this tiny world and when the party in china makes an official announcement each average citizens knows what time is it while here in the advanced west freedom and democracy average citizen does not even get to the news since the other 99 channels are so much more entertaining but even if IT does get to the news IT just absorbs whatever crap is on at that specific time.

    Sure yes China has its "problems". Should we go and liberate them? FREE CHINA? No. It is like Saudi Arabia....you have women there being treated like a property. Should we go and make them "understand" on how this is not "right"? NO!

    China historically keeps to its own business and has no global scale expansion desires....unlike many other countries and yes...China is about 10 times better candidate for Nobel peace prize than Obama was or ever will be...

    About Fulford etc...and his creditability...

    Fulford is a man that talks to insiders. Who are insiders? Who are people that talk to insiders? Can only insiders talk to insiders? Do you have to be a miner to be able to talk to a miner?


    Will the miner tell you where the good stuff is if you are not "one of them" ?


    If you know where where the good stuff is, why tell it to others? I mean...out of love and light in your heart?

    I wrote about this long ago..this and similar things. No one made a worthy response to it so i did not drag it along...

    In very short: like you have MSM TV etc...so you have conspiracy... You have Alex Jones....you have video interviews... and audio reports and documentaries... So both have people/images...telling you a STORY.... both....the same goes for project Camelot for example...it is just that...look at some of the videos...all they have is a story and an argument that your mind or heart etc is closed and that you are asleep etc if you tend to doubt it.

    I also brought this up in the other thread when i responded to you...in different manner and example...but i think you simply did not pick it up or did not choose to respond to it....

    so you know Fulford is just one piece of it all...i simply mentioned him here since he is just one of many that brought up the ET factor ...that is happening all over the "scene"....even Alex Jones had David Icke several times as a guest in recent time span...i mean...that is like "breakthrough" for Alex (in eyes of a fan) but to me is more like "hmmmm"

    I mean what do you know? YES YOU? You know about as much as me or most others and that is - you know SHIT. That too i presented to you in different "format" in the other thread.

    All you know is what others tell you and that is it. The best comfort you have is to "take what you like and leave the rest"

    Sure you can go all intuitive on me here...the "inner feelings" and stuff....but i leave that up to you...

    And the info...is it all fake? Carrot on a stick will only take you as far as the stick goes... than what?

    Will you just wait to see what happens? I mean...why do you need to know besides curiosity? Are you afraid of something and need to know to "get ready" For what exactly? What can happen if you do not know? Will you miss the ascension? Do you need to do something to be able to ascend? What is there a manual for it?

    For ascending to 9D eat a lot of vegetables?

    Can you imagine? No MSM and no conspiracy in your life..along with no cinema and such? You wont know about the Iraq body count but you also wont know about the massive de-cloaking in just 2 days!!!!! And you wont know what system is getting us ready for and you will be idle and ignorant slave? Or?

    Do you see the point? I am still sick and even if i was not i no longer have patience for long texts....this one is missing an essay or two...but all you have to do it "read between the lines" for a hidden deeper meaning...to add that 5k words or so that are missing and would explain it all in almost academical fashion....

    BE ALERT NOW!! This is INSIDE info you just read!!!


    Posts : 157
    Join date : 2010-05-23

    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Bewildered bobbi

    Post  Inanna Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:39 pm

    Dear Rok--

    Hey, brother ... i did NOT know you'd been sick ... so i extend you my condolences and prayers/wishes for a speedy and full recovery. Having been "extra" sickly myself the past 6 months ... i really CAN sympathize. and i sincerely hope your illness is not something "chronic" ... you're too YOUNG to have to put up with stuff like THAT (sincerely!).

    Rok dear, Nanna bobbi DOES seem to be "Clueless" here re: what you're Saying "between the lines" ... in your post Above ... as well as the Other thread where we conversed. i did NOT deliberately "avoid" discussing whatever it is you're alluding to ... in my long "treatise" on discernment in the Other Thread ... i truly thought i was responding to the Central Issue you were raising. i AM sorry to be so DENSE, darling ... but this is a SINCERE denseness ... not a feigned one.

    as far as Fulford goes ... i did not INTEND to "malign" him as a source ... i was simply stating i didn't have him "on my radar" before ... so i had precious little "context" (which would include OTHER "statements" from him ... as well as my own reaction) from which to view the statements of his you were referencing. ANYTHING i see HERE ... i tend to treat with some degree of Respect initially ... as an instinctive reaction to the level of respect i have for this forum and the people who post here. but of course, as with ANY info ... if i'm not all that familiar with the source, i'll defer "judgment" for awhile ... pending further familiarity with the material. this i have done with Mr. Fulford. and i can't BELIEVE how MUCH he is EVERYWHERE right now ... everyone in the "esoteric" circles you & i tend to circulate among is quoting Fulford ... he certainly seems to have attained a large degree of Credibility among "our kind" (LOL). so NOW i am probably as "open" to his comments as i would be to Alex Collier, George K., and many of the Camelot personalities. but in ALL cases ... i use what i refer to as my "discernment" ... no matter HOW Trustworthy i believe the source has seemed to be heretofore. NONE of us are immune from error ... whether we're commenting on political shenanigans or mystical visions or T.V. shows or who-said-what in the conversation i just had Yesterday ... Discernment is a Necessity from dawn to dusk.

    "In very short: like you have MSM TV etc...so you have conspiracy... You have Alex Jones....you have video interviews... and audio reports and documentaries... So both have people/images...telling you a STORY.... both....the same goes for project Camelot for example...it is just that...look at some of the videos...all they have is a story and an argument that your mind or heart etc is closed and that you are asleep etc if you tend to doubt it.

    I also brought this up in the other thread when i responded to you...in different manner and example...but i think you simply did not pick it up or did not choose to respond to it...."

    So ... regarding the quote above ... when you are feeling Better, Rok ... maybe you could Try AGAIN to help me Understand what you're saying ... trying to Communicate ... cause i am SINCERELY interested ... and Almost Always not too Afraid to say my "2 cents worth." i may be dense and clueless ... but i'm NOT too proud to admit it! SORRY to be adding to your sense of Frustration, dear brother ... maybe you can pray for Nanna's Mental Cobwebs to dissolve ... at least TEMPORARILY ... LOL. i DO appreciate your Persistence, Tenacity, and refusal to compromise the Truth as you know it. THANK You, Mr. Rok.

    much love to you, my brother. and many HEALING vibes! wub


    p.s. it's not that i doubt "Good Things" can come out of China ... i'm a Hippie not a "Commie-Hater" ... and i am WELL Aware of the many SINS of the U.S. and other Western nations. None of this, however, changes the facts about China's policies toward its own "outspoken" citizens ... Currently AND in Modern History (watching Live what happened in Tianneman Square is AS vivid in my mind as any memory i have.) i consider myself fairly "astute" politically, Rok ... and i can see HOPEFUL signs among China's leadership ... just like i can see SCARY signs among U.S. leadership. i'm a daughter of Gaia ... and a StarMother ... as WELL as an American (which is Bigger than being a U.S. citizen). love, nanna

    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Re: Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others...

    Post  Guest Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:35 pm

    No it is not chronic, it is a cold after 2 years since last one...rather strange it is...all the usual suspects are here but fever, yet it feels the same (heat inside)...and it goes in stages...each stage enhances one of the symptoms along with morning headaches and overall feeling of being hit by a truck.

    You have been sick for 6 months? Whatever it is...hope you get better.

    The central issue is that you are NOT the only one "without a clue"...

    I know that i DO NOT know! Sadly most do not.

    I was speaking in how the entire "alternative" is so much like "mainstream" the difference is purely in content.

    The "dawn of man" has never seen more repeating than now!! (see this arrogant statement i just made? do u see why it is arrogant?)

    Yes "master" Fulford does "get around". Is it his credibility that makes that? No. It is his "middle" option...the stance he has in his writings when he describes his view and ideology on current and future things to come. People like hope! (again with the arrogance, see?)

    You, our, theirs....discernment...what does it depend on? What goes in your head? What about the effects on your "inner dialogue" that you are not aware of? When you discern...what is your basis of comparison? If you have one, i highly doubt it is one of your own original making...since i am yet to see an actual thought that is not based on some other thoughts/words/sounds/images... Do you just "feel" it? What is that feeling, do you understand it? Do you know why is it there and what all past chains of barely comprehensible events with countless variables of "choice", each choice conditioned with past events (thus we have a loop), influenced it to come out RIGHT now in THIS MOMENT and give its JUDGMENT (that is what emotion does) on how....does it feel? Do you use emotion to discern...what do you use to discern the discerned...to discern the emotion that came out of it...or do you just let it .....blow as it goes?

    If you let it "blow"...please make sure it blows in your face and not others.


    Error? You do not know what is "right", how can you know what is "wrong"? Again...do you feel it? If...look above...

    Your "density" is due to low vibration! JOKE! see? This right here is an example...since only things vibrating at low level are dense...in fact this is a double joke! I can not "explain" any different than i already have...it is all here (there)...everywhere...

    Posts : 157
    Join date : 2010-05-23

    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty EUREKA !

    Post  Inanna Mon Nov 01, 2010 3:57 pm

    Rok -- i THINK i actually "Got It" a good Bit Better THIS time "around" (Pun INTENDED), Thanks SO much for your patience with me. i THINK you're talking about the "relative" nature of our search for Truth ... the fact that we can never actually PROVE that we "know" anything ... WHATEVER it might be or pertain to ... since all our "Knowledge" is predicated on some (and usually MULTIPLE) "UnOriginal" thoughts/actions/perceptions/interpretaions which came "Before" (in Linear thinking) this PARTICULAR MOMENTARY "Knowing" (which is "Gone" before i can even form the thought to Recognize it!) so that the only real "Knowing" becomes "Knowing that i DON'T Know" ! is that at least "Close" to what you're saying here, Rok??? cause if it is ... for now i will only say ... "How PROFOUND" of you, my brother! but ... in case i'm still "off by a mile" in my understanding here ... i'll reserve any further comments on this profound truth ... until i hear again from You!

    so GLAD to hear that your illness isn't the "chronic" kind, Rok ... but it definitely DOES sound a bit UNUSUAL ... for You, i mean. hope you "work it out" in ShortSpeed ... and Feel BETTER than Ever before Long! hair


    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Re: Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others...

    Post  Guest Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:07 pm

    ammm...close enough

    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Re: Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others...

    Post  Guest Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:44 pm

    The Story continues

    (for some reason most of fulfords interviews if not all have CRAP sound)


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    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty My Missing Post / Xeia's Sick

    Post  Inanna Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:21 pm

    Rok --

    i posted a "Reply" earlier today ... AFTER you had posted the Fulford videos ... and i SAW it appear as a "post" ... even Edited it. did YOU see it by any chance??? cause i don't know WHERE it went! SOoo Weird! hypno


    Nanna i.k.

    p.s. i'm sure YOU know that Xei is having SEVERE back issues ... PAIN, etc. but i only JUST discovered this. i hope she gets Better SOON ... please let me know if you hear how she's doing, Rok ... THANKS!

    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Re: Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others...

    Post  Guest Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:12 am

    Inanna wrote:Rok --

    i posted a "Reply" earlier today ... AFTER you had posted the Fulford videos ... and i SAW it appear as a "post" ... even Edited it. did YOU see it by any chance??? cause i don't know WHERE it went! SOoo Weird! hypno

    post number 7?

    Inanna wrote:
    p.s. i'm sure YOU know that Xei is having SEVERE back issues ... let me know if you hear how she's doing, Rok ... THANKS!

    she has yes and i think that for now she is able to manage it...for any more details ask her since this is her personal medical issue and might not belong on public forum


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    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Re: Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others...

    Post  Inanna Fri Nov 05, 2010 12:22 am

    Thanks, Rok, for letting me know that YOU know Xei's been "under the weather." cause she mentioned to me that she wasn't sure everyone knew and she wanted us to know that she was MISSING us!

    about my "Missing" post .... NO ... the one i'm referring to was NOT Post #7 ... it was a Follow-Up to that ... and also to the Fulford tapes. it WOULD/SHOULD have been Post #10, i guess ... it was the 1st post immediately AFTER the tapes! and i sorta "expanded" on the concept i was attempting to articulate in Post #7 ... and asked you "again" what you thought about THIS attempt. ("What say you, Rok?" i asked!) i posted it fairly Early this morning (but i couldn't tell you the EXACT time). and then when i came back online after having "run an errand" ... i noticed it wasn't there anymore. Several hours had elapsed in between.

    Oh Well ... either it wasn't SUPPOSED to be sent ... or there are Thread Gremlins (but there was NO reason for it to have been "Removed" that i can think of ... it was fairly short by my standards???) ... or maybe Nanna really HAS Lost it! i can even tell you the specific Emoticons i used in the post (since i'm kinda "picky" about those kind of details)! i'll just chalk it up as one of those "Mysteries of the Universe" for now, i guess hypno and maybe i'll try to "recreate" my "thoughts" tomorrow ... i'm not sure ... but definitely not "up" for that tonight ...


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    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Gremlins...

    Post  SuiGeneris Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:32 am

    "Thread Gremlins"??? lol Hhahahahaaaaa That's the funniest thing I've heard today by far!!!

    I'm feeling better btw... Thanks! cheers


    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Re: Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others...

    Post  Guest Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:32 am

    Inanna wrote:there are Thread Gremlins

    User Gremlin perhaps?

    Could be u hit the wrong button (preview) and closed the window.

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    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Re: Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others...

    Post  Inanna Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:03 am

    Hey Ya'll

    so glad ya'll Enjoyed my "thread gremlins" cheesy metaphor, boys & girls ... but REALLY ... show a little RESPECT, you guys! now ... i am NOT eliminating myself as a "Suspect Gremlin" by any means ... in fact, i think i've convinced myself that "User Issues" WERE the problem ... though they didn't "play out" exactly like you suggested, Rok. since i already 'SPLAINED what i thought happened in some OTHER thread on this here forum (where i actually FOUND the "missing" post!), i won't repeat myself here. and YET ... from one "Gremlin" to some Others ... "weird" things DO happen sometimes ... those little "Mysteries of the Universe" i mentioned ... like posts "Disappearing into Thin Air" ... or People "disappearing" ... or maybe even whole Threads disappearing ... i've had them ALL happen to ME for sure ... haven't YA'll?!? tongue

    ya know ... i really think FEW people realize AHEAD of Time how ENTERTAINING getting old can be ... there's literally NEVER a "Dull" Moment! wheels

    love, my babies! sunny3


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    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Re: Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others...

    Post  SuiGeneris Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:43 am

    Ben Fulford Update 10/11/15

    President Obama’s 10-day Asian begging tour produced nothing as governments of the world refused to provide any more life-support to the US’s corporate government. George Bush Senior, meanwhile, used Obama’s absence as an opportunity to fly trillions of dollars worth of financial instruments and gold to Singapore. This money will be spent on a shopping spree of some sort designed to strengthen the Nazi branch of the US secret government, according to CIA, MI6 and Asian sources. Multiple sources also report the Khazarians are planning something truly awful, including perhaps the mass murder and expulsion of Muslims from Europe. Viscount Ettiene Davignon, Chairman of the Bilderberg group promised to hold a press conference “as soon as the smoke clears.”

    The G20 summit meeting in Korea last week could have been better described as the G19 bashing the US. Obama is considered by other world leaders to be a lightweight intellect with no real power. As mentioned above, Obama’s efforts to beg, steal or borrow money from other countries has been firmly rejected, meaning there is little chance the US corporate government will be able to meet a January 30th payments deadline. When Chinese President Hu Jintao visits the US in late January, he will no doubt set some very tough conditions if the corporate government is to be allowed to exist beyond that date. The White Dragon society has pointed out to the Pentagon and to other sources that the US corporate government’s debts are not the debts of the US peoples and that bankrupting the US corporate government would be a better choice for Americans than accepting hundreds of years of debt slavery.

    The Chinese also rattled the US military establishment in multiple ways last week. They used Electrical Magnetic Pulse weapons to disable a US missile carrier that was planning to attack Iran. The Chinese also launched two intercontinental ballistic missiles, one off the coast of Los Angeles and the other off the coast of New York to demonstrate their ability to bring power to bear on the continental United States. The story being put out that “Pleiadian aliens” stopped the missiles is disinformation designed to cover up the embarrassing Chinese military coup. The Chinese also once again demonstrated that US aircraft carrier fleets are obsolete by having a submarine surface, undetected, right behind a US carrier during a military exercise.

    The Nazis, for their part, informed the White Dragon society that they were a power to be reckoned with. A Pentagon Nazi source said that during the Falklands war with Argentina the Nazis stole two British warships and fooled the British into thinking they had been “sunk.” It was also the Nazis who sank the Russian submarine Kursk and stole its 42 nuclear missiles. In addition to their underground bases in the US, South America and Antarctica, the source says the Nazis have a major underground installation in Papua New Guinea as well as multiple underwater bases. This group wants to negotiate their own separate deal with the White Dragon Society and their allies.

    A KGB source was contacted by a different group warning that a nuclear bomb has been hidden somewhere in Tokyo and is no longer in the basement of the Korean Resident’s Association. The source of this nuclear blackmail is the Federal Reserve Board faction.

    The Khazarian Satanists have also begun to issue dire warnings of their plans. They have been hiring Mexican and Philippino police officers to arrest and imprison American citizens after anticipated riots in response to the bankruptcy of the US Corporation and a subsequent attempt to form the American union by merging Canada and Mexico with the US, according to a senior CIA source. This same source mentioned the plan to attack Muslims in Europe and elsewhere.

    Signs of a split between mainstream Jews and Khazarian Satanists have also begun to emerge in the US. The airing of unpleasant truths about George Soros on a major TV show is one such sign. Another is the New York Times reporting about operation paperclip and the Nazi presence in the US. The bashing of Obama in the US press is also expected to intensify and ultimately result in either Obama being booted from office on grounds of insanity or else due to a corruption scandal involving Chicago real estate deals by the Obamas.

    As these tales illustrate, the power structure in the US and Europe is becoming increasingly splintered and it is becoming hard to track all the competing factions. However, it is clear the European Bilderberg group and Europe have split with the Federal Reserve Board and the US corporate government. Davignon offered to finance the $1 trillion lawsuit being prepared against Daniel Dal Bosco, the Davos World Forum and the United Nations. The White Dragon Society refused the offer because it wishes to remain neutral and said the lawsuit will go ahead only when the lawyers are certain they have an overwhelming case. However, Bilderberg has agreed to provide the White Dragon Society with information about the UN such as who exactly gave it its “license.”

    The Federal Reserve Board and their Wall Street buddies, for their part are renewing financial warfare against Europe and the Euro by targeting Ireland and the Baltic States. The Europeans are now actively increasing their gold stocks in order to counter this latest offensive.

    In Japan meanwhile, a purge of the Financial bureaucracy and the banking system is continuing. The aim is to make Japan once again an independent country for the first time since 1858, according to a senior Black Dragon Society source. The Japanese political system will remain incoherent and deadlocked until the purge of foreign controlled stooges is complete, he said.

    All in all, chaos is expected to intensify in coming weeks as the old order falls apart and the purge of the criminals who infested the global financial system concludes. www.benjaminfulford.net


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    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Benjamin Fulford Asia Nov 24/10

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:06 am

    Benjamin Fulford Reporting From Asia Nov 24/10

    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... White-dragon
    Wednesday, 24 November 2010 13:25

    November 22, 2010

    Once again this week, a lot is happening in the world and a lot more is about to happen including: the nationalization of Toyota’s North American operations, a total regime change in Japan, Russia allying itself with Nato, the ongoing release of forbidden technology and top secret negotiations involving the White Dragon Society and the Dragon family. Above all, there are signs of major chaos starting in late January as financial power brokers try to settle accounts by a January 30th deadline in a system that is mathematically impossible to fix. In other words, the old regime continues to crumble while the new waits in the background.

    As usual, the United States continued to be the heart of global darkness. In an effort to keep the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate going, President Obama tried very hard during his hectic travels to Europe and Asia to promote the Amero but was firmly rejected. The simple fact of the matter is that the Amero he proposes would just be paper backed by nothing. Even the promise to put control in the hands of the Treasury Department was seen as just a ruse by the powers behind the Federal Reserve Board to remain in charge. This means the plan to replace the US dollars owned by non-Americans with a new currency (probably the Hong Kong dollar) is likely to go ahead. There will be a meeting soon between a representative of the White Dragon Society and the Dragon family to discuss this.

    A senior Rothschild family source also insists the Euro will not survive past June of next year because of similar mathematical problems with the underlying assets that are supposed to back it.

    Obama last week asked a senior Chinese power-broker for protection from the Khazarians who have vowed to have him killed. He has also asked senior Muslim leaders for protection. It is not clear what answer he got.

    The general consensus is that the United States is headed for severe chaos unless the Pentagon steps in and sets up an interim government. This is exactly what is going to happen according to a Pentagon Nazi source.

    The Pentagon has already begun playing its hand by forcing Nato to end its policy of hostility to Russia. By including Russia in the Nato missile shield, the US and Europe have made it clear they will do everything they can to oppose the birth of a one-China world.

    The military and many world governments are also paying close attention to the impending $1 trillion lawsuit against Daniel Dal Bosco, the Davos World Forum, the UN and others, according to a source involved in the lawsuit.

    It now appears that elements of the Italian government, including Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and members of the Freemason P2 lodge were planning to buy a bank and use it to cash many stolen financial instruments, including the $134.5 billion in bonds illegally seized in 2009, as well as Dragon Family assets, German government bonds and Austrian government bonds. Perhaps that is why there was little Italian presence at the just ended Nato summit.

    Former Fed Chief Alan Greenspan was also contacted by lawyers preparing the lawsuit and given a copy of a fax allegedly sent from his office that implicates him in a $22 billion fraud. Greenspan said “I have been guilty of many things but not this.” As soon as he was given a copy of the document he called the FBI and reported it as fraudulent.

    The lawsuit could be filed as early as this week and it may lead to major changes in the world power structure. However, it is likely some sort of agreement will be reached behind the scenes before the lawsuit proceeds too far.

    Big changes have also come to Japan. The arrest of the Kiyoshi Takayama, the number two man in the Yamaguchi Gumi yakuza gang was part of a major campaign by the police to destroy that organization. Many Japanese Yakuza are very upset that the sub-group he heads, the Kodo Kai, was murdering Japanese politicians, financiers and journalists for Khazarian Satanists.

    There exists a real danger of a major gang war erupting as a result. The offices of one of the major Yamaguchi Gumi sub-groups, the Yamaken Gumi, was attacked with a hand-grenade in what gang sources say was a conflict within that group.

    In any case, the police do have the means to destroy the Yamaguchi Gumi because Japanese anti-gang laws allow a gang boss to be put in jail for a crime committed by a junior gang member. They arrested Takayama on such a charge and any trial he has will be meaningless because the decision to jail him has already been made. When Shinobu Tsukasa, the boss of the Yamaguchi gumi comes out of jail next spring, he will be forced to come to some sort of agreement with the Japanese government.

    The White Dragon Society and the Black Dragon Society will invite a Yamaguchi Gumi representative to negotiations this week to try to convert the Yamaguchi Gumi into a different type of organization.

    In a related move, the Toyota Motor corporation is under severe attack. According to the president of a major Nagoya-based corporation and a top American billionaire, a decision has been made to nationalize Toyota’s North American operations. They will do this by bankrupting Toyota US through product liability lawsuits.

    Apparently Toyota misappropriated about 400 trillion yen in Dragon Family assets back in the 1980’s and used them to set up 17 banks around the world instead of building factories as they promised. There is also a major lawsuit against Toyota in Japan that will be settled on November 26th.

    Toyota was involved in the take-over of the Misawa Home corporation during the rule of Junichiro Koizumi and Heizo Takenaka. Misawa founder Chiyoji Misawa insists the take-over was illegal. Takenaka’s brother is a senior executive in the now Toyota-owned Misawa Home.

    Both Toyota and the Yamaguchi gumi Kodo kai are based in Nagoya and prosecutors are investigating if and how these two organizations are linked.

    In any case, the secret balance of power in Japan has now changed and the most fundamental regime change the country has seen since the end of World War 2 will begin in January, according to a Japanese secret government source.

    In a final note, it is now clear the gradual release of forbidden technology has begun. All it takes to confirm this is to look at the hydrogen and electric vehicles being displayed at auto shows.



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    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Re: Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others...

    Post  SuiGeneris Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:57 am


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    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Re: Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others...

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:00 am


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    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Re: Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others...

    Post  SuiGeneris Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:25 am


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    Fulford: ET and dragon family to "save the day" along with Pentagon and others... Empty Fulford by Studiorender

    Post  SuiGeneris Mon May 02, 2011 11:05 pm

    His expression at minute 1:50 is as if he will start to cry!


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