~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

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~ Birth of Gaiaღ ~

Dragons of Thuban To Ban The Falseness

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    The Lost Dynasty

    Alienne Laval
    Alienne Laval

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    The Lost Dynasty Empty The Lost Dynasty

    Post  Alienne Laval Sat Aug 22, 2015 5:31 pm

    Up today scholars assume that Sekhemkhet was a pharao and probably identic with Djoser Teti. But there exist two pyramids, an unfinished building, apparently sealed hastingly after some unkown occasion for unknown reasons, and the completed pyramid of Djoser, a newer building.

    The architect of both buildings was the same, and some researchers speculated that the former pyramid was his journeyman*s and the latter one his master piece. But officially the story goes vice verse.

    When Sechemchet*s pyramid was opened in the 1950s they found animal bones, papyri, and stone vessels. In a decayed wooden casket gold was discovered which included feminine gold bracelets, cosmetic cases, beads, and jars inscribed with Sekhemkhet*s name.

    On the 31st of May 1954, an unfinished and undecorated burial chamber was discovered. Inside it, lay an exceptional alabaster sarcophagus (green) cut from a single block with an unusual vertical lid which seemed to still be sealed. However, on June the 26th 1954, after great difficulties to unblock and raise the lid, the sarcophagus was opened and to everyone’s disappointment, it was empty.

    In 1963, the excavation was re-opened by Jean-Philippe Lauer due to the possibility of a south tomb and his desire to find the missing mummy.

    Lauer did indeed find a partially destroyed tomb under the southern side that at some point had been looted by robbers. He found a wooden coffin with the remains of an unidentified two-year-old girl and gold leaf fragments.

    cf.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buried_Pyramid

    Over all the millennia a possible female identity of Shechemchet was covered, and I still doubt her identification as Djoser (Teti).

    What had happened there, and what led to the interruption of the building and its hastingly covering and sealing with soil and rock material? Why that basket with the girl?

    The vision:

    In some vision I saw a Queen, maybe age 20 or younger/older, of what primary sex soever who morphed into that girl, and finally died age two or three.

    In many ancient cultures and autochthon ethnicities children who died at young age were not seen as complete human beings and were not buried formally. This could explain why the corpse of the girl was not found in the sarcophagus but in a basket.

    The motif of the basket is well know from many myths and legends, often depicted as some travelling vessel for unwanted children, either in this world or beyond.

    The journey of the soul:

    I think that Sekhemkhet was the last really powerful Queen for aeons, one who did not derive herself from a male mythology that after her impact covered all the memory and overtexted it.

    An inscription on an ivory plate coming from the area of Sekhemkhet*s pyramid contains a name that is variously interpreted by different scholars. N. Swelim believes it is the Nebti name and should be read as Djeseti-ankh. R. Stadelman in turn claims it is a name of queen Djesernebti-ankh while in opinion of W. Helck it is the name of queen Djeseretnebti.

    cf: http://tribesofatlantis.freeforum.ca/wisdom-of-the-first-book-of-atlanteans-vt17.html

    Bity or Bee is Lower Egypt - Sakkara

    The Nile Delta

    It is interesting to know that the Old Saxon term "sax" derives from the Egyptian "sekh". Not considering possible connections to the "Atlanteans" or the "Sea People" here.

    Sekh Khem = the land of plough and fertile soil - Chet/Khet = cat

    The Lost Dynasty Cleito

    Last edited by Alienne Laval on Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Alienne Laval
    Alienne Laval

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    The Lost Dynasty Empty Re: The Lost Dynasty

    Post  Alienne Laval Sun Aug 23, 2015 8:32 am

    Daenerys Targaryen ‏@asheraXonline  Aug 13 Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Germany

    The hour I slept I dreamed I was cat that vomitted greenish mush

    Before some idiots chased me again, I escaped under a door


    This "mush" was not humid but dust-dry, with lints and other indefinable stuff in it.
    Alienne Laval
    Alienne Laval

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    The Lost Dynasty Empty Radical Völuspá

    Post  Alienne Laval Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:24 am

    I just started my "transduction" of the Völuspá... but to give you an impression how it correlates to Xeia*s thread - http://birthofgaia.heavenforum.org/t161p60-xeia-s-quintessence - in a certain way I post the first (not the final version) stanzas here:

    To listen I beg the kindred
    High Castes and the Low
    Silence, sons of Heimdall!
    As All-further wills
    I tell songs of man and fire
    The oldest that I know

    Huge man I know
    From ancient time
    Who bore me yore:
    Nine worlds I called my home
    Nine vast dimensions
    And the tree
    Deep in the gap

    The years flew out
    Where Ymir was interred
    There was no sand nor sea
    No cold waves, no earth
    And above no sky, no heavens
    Only Ginnunga, the open gap
    And nowhere grass

    Then the sons of Hoe
    Made steady the soil
    Created Midgard
    The beautiful garden
    From the south the sun shone
    On the hall stones
    It was so fruitful
    Green leeks grew.
    Alienne Laval
    Alienne Laval

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    The Lost Dynasty Empty The Sea Peoples

    Post  Alienne Laval Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:28 pm

    I do not think that "Atlantis" "sunk" at once, but successively, with at least three major catastrophes. The first so 15.000 BC, the second 7000 BC, the third ca. 2000 BC.  All these catastrophes produced "sea peoples" who partly landed at the Nile Delta and the Levante.

    The "esoterically" assumed date of the building of the Sphinx, the city foundations about 6000 BC, and the invasion of people from the north into Egypt that interrogation officers of Ramses II reported, correlate with these data, as Immanuel Velikovsky and Jürgen Spanuth saw:


    The prisoners spoke of a West-Land that they called Atlant. They said they were Frisians, Saxons, and Danes, who had lost their home. They reported of a golden city, how the gates of the heavens opened, and all was covered by a mud flood. And they told about a red island, its green grassland, and the sandy beaches.

    I rather think that there always had been two directions of migration, based on the mythological memory. At times people went to the south, at others they went north again. One cannot avoid the impression of some kind of pumping system.


    Strange coincidences:

    The ship that Jürgen Spanuth chartered for his first Atlantis expedition was named "Meta". Meta was the name of my first doll.

    Not long ago I did some research work about the Queen of Atlantis and googled a few. I met a Japanese game side where it was stated that the last Queen of Atlantis had a daughter who lost her doll in the floods and cried her eyes out about this loss.

    I did not like the eyes of my doll Meta.
    Alienne Laval
    Alienne Laval

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    The Lost Dynasty Empty Tyreis

    Post  Alienne Laval Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:59 am


    The Lost Dynasty Sekhemkhet-iteti

    The Lost Dynasty Goldenshell-Sekhemkhet
    Alienne Laval
    Alienne Laval

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    The Lost Dynasty Empty Dido*s Problem

    Post  Alienne Laval Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:10 pm

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    The Lost Dynasty CM2MCYwWwAA75QI

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    The Lost Dynasty Empty Re: The Lost Dynasty

    Post  Admin Mon Oct 05, 2015 3:31 pm

    Alienne Laval
    The Lost Dynasty Asha_zpsgurvyefn

    Alienne Laval

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    What do you want?

    I do not even need to break the wheel, the wheel will break at me, and the entire transmission and mechanics.

    I am irreducible substance. I know the morons do not get that and drive all into escalation.

    The aggressor has to stop, and not me! I do not care ultimate havoc, just drive it far enough!

    I do not want this strongness but if you need me this way I will crush the universe, and this time both hands will be empty.

    The Lost Dynasty 404dp0411_0020_comp_v015.0002

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    The Lost Dynasty Empty Re: The Lost Dynasty

    Post  Admin Mon Oct 05, 2015 3:42 pm

    Alienne Laval

    The Lost Dynasty Asha_zpsgurvyefn
    Alienne Laval

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    Location: Geostationary Orbit


    I am not in the mood to translate all this -

    Juan Maler - The Seven Pillars of Hell



    Der Templer-Orden verehrte Baphomet und war dabei, „ein uebernationales, kapitalistisches, atheistisches Regime aufzurichten“ (Juan Maler: Die sieben Säulen der Hölle, Buenos Aires 1974, S. 46, dort Näheres), bevor er zerschlagen wurde.


    Ab 1912, später Spaltung. Siehe unter Hitlers Umgebung: Freiherr von Sebottendorff.

    „Die schwarze Magie des Germanenordens und der Thule uebernahm der andere schwarze Orden – der Orden mit dem Totenkopf.“ (Juan Maler meint natürlich die SS, Einst sangen die Wälder 153)

    Die Große Germanen-Loge zum strahlenden Stern

    In einer 1916 abgedruckten Anzeige werden als Ziel, Aufgabe und Zweck des Ordens unter Hakenkreuz-Emblemen genannt: „Punkt 4: Zusammenschluß aller Germanen auf rassischer Grundlage. Punkt 8: Kampf gegen die Feinde des Deutsch-Germanen- und Ariertums. Punkt 11: Kampf gegen alles Unwesen, Unzucht und Entartung auf allen Gebieten.“ (Faksimile in Juan Malers Buch „Mit Freude, Stolz und Wehmut“, Buenos Aires, 1986, S. 102)


    Siehe unter ETIKA 49NSHITUMG1 Text über den verblendeten Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels, der glaubte, den verlorenen Kern des Evangeliums wiederentdeckt zu haben: die Reinhaltung der Rasse als oberstes Gebot. (Hitler und der neue Templerorden, Geschichtshörbuch von Polar-Film, 2007)

    Orden der Armanen

    Siehe unter ETIKA 49NSHITUMG1 Text über den verblendeten Guido von List


    Rudolph Glauer alias Freiherr von Sebottendorff gründete die Thule-Gesellschaft. Sie zählte 1918 220 Mitglieder, 1926 nur noch fünf. 1919 verschwand Sebottendorff aus München. (Juan Maler: Einst sangen die Wälder, 152). Juan Maler bezieht sich auf den Abwehrmann Rittlinger, den er als Angehöriger der KO (Kriegs-Organisation) Bulgarien kennenlernte, und dessen Buch „Geheimdienst mit beschränkter Haftung“ (1973). „Der Thule-Orden wurde auf Anordnung Hitlers 1935 verboten.“ (Maler: Einst sangen die Wälder 153)

    „Es wird angenommen, daß die Folgenden engste Eingeweihte des geheimnisumwitterten Thule-Ordens in Deutschland waren: Ordens-Hochmeister Rudolf Freiherr von Sebottendorff, Ordensmeister Guido von List, Ordensmeister Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels und zumindest zeitweise: Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, Hermann Göring, Dipl.-Landwirt Heinrich Himmler, Dipl. Ing. Alfred Rosenberg, Dr. Dr. h. c. Hans Frank, Julius Streicher, Professor Dr. Karl Haushofer, Staatssekretär a. D. Professor Dr. Gottfried Feder, Schriftsteller Dietrich Eckart, Professor Dr. Bernhard Stempfle (Hitlers Beichtvater), Reichstagsabgeordneter Otto Engelbrecht und Professor Dr. Theo Morell (Hitlers Leibarzt). Sieben dieser Eingeweihten des arisch-okkulten Thule-Ordens waren jüdischer Herkunft oder hatten jüdische Verwandtschaft. Schon hinter den verschlossenen Türen dieses Okkultordens wurde praktiziert, was Göring später auch draußen sagte: „Wer Jude ist, bestimme ich!““ (Horst Knaut: Das Testament des Bösen, Kulte, Morde, Schwarze Messen – Heimliches und Unheimliches aus dem Untergrund. Seewald Verlag, Stuttgart, 1979, S. 226)

    Dazu eine Beobachtung aus unseren Tagen: Der als ausländer- und moslemfeindlich bezeichnete Führer der niederländischen Partei für die Freiheit, Geert Wilders, der wegen seiner Parolen „Nein zu Eurabien“ und „Holland den Holländern“ von sich reden machte und wegen Aufstachelung zur Diskriminierung und zu religiösem Hass vor Gericht musste, ist selbst nicht ganz so holländisch wie er wohl möchte. Denn sein Großvater, Direktor der Finanzverwaltung auf Java, entstammte einer alten jüdischen Familie und heiratete eine euro-asiatische Mischlingsfrau mit moslemischen Verwandten. (Corriere della Sera, Mailand, 7.9.2009, S. 16; außerdem hat Wilders natürlich die richtige Weltanschauung, die man heute haben muß, um den Durchbruch zu schaffen, siehe das Foto in den „Dolomiten“ vom 18.9.2009, S. 2) Ist es nicht natürlich, dass gerade solche Leute, die irgendeinen „Makel“ mitbringen, sich besonders hervortun und radikal gebärden, um „dazuzugehören“? Sie wollen ihren Geburtsfehler überdecken durch Radikalität. Natürlich denken wir da an Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels und die andern Rassisten. Denn ein „normaler Mensch“, insbesondere ein Christ, achtet Menschen anderer Herkunft, selbst wenn er auf die Wahrung und den Schutz der eigenen Identität und Heimat gesteigerten Wert legt, aber er sieht in ihm nie einen „Untermenschen“. Wenn der hl. Franziskus sogar in den Tieren und Pflanzen und Elementen Brüder sah und die Schwestern Sonne und Wasser pries und alle aufforderte, Gott zu loben …

    Außer Dietrich Eckart lebten 1933 die meisten Thule-Brüder noch. Maler zitiert Rittlinger: „Rosenberg, Ernst Roehm, Gottfried Feder, Prof. Haushofer, Hess, Max Amann, Putzi Hanfstaengl, Hans Frank, Grassinger, Leibarzt Morell, die später dazu gestossenen Goering, Himmler und Streicher.“ (Einst sangen die Wälder 152)

    Juan Maler hält es für denkbar, daß der Thule-Orden Hitler „half, die Tueren zur Weltfreimaurerei zu oeffnen“. (Einst sangen die Wälder 167)

    Gruß der Thule-Gesellschaft: Heil und Sieg! (Knaut 224) Weder das eine noch das andere traf ein. Gott war nicht mit ihnen.

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    The Lost Dynasty Empty Re: The Lost Dynasty

    Post  Admin Mon Oct 05, 2015 3:46 pm

    Alienne Laval
    The Lost Dynasty Asha_zpsgurvyefn

    Alienne Laval

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    As if they were wild asses, fleeing from a Qaswarah
    - Surat Al-Muddaththir (The Cloaked One)

    No one knows what the Holy Quran meant with Qaswarah in fact, and the discussions did not end up to day to which I added my arguments and assumptions a while ago:

    Why would "qaswarah" be claimed to be Ethiopic?

    I think with "Quasars" (Kazhars) wagon people were originally meant, a tribe that did/does not only exist on earth but also on Gor, as "Kassars":

    The Wagon People of Gor

    Qaswarah is feminine, a Gypsy, as many would say, travelling with a wagon. In my Gor biography I am a descendent of the Wagon People of the North, the Alars, related to the Alani on earth, in both settings no consistent tribe anymore, and thus seldomly mentioned. But I travelled with and met with Wagon People of the South, rescued by them at one occasion, they also gave me my first black furry panther boots.

    Another interesting connection is that the terms Caesar and Kaiser possibly derived from Kazhar.

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    The Lost Dynasty Empty Re: The Lost Dynasty

    Post  Admin Mon Oct 05, 2015 3:56 pm

    Alienne Laval
    The Lost Dynasty Asha_zpsgurvyefn

    Alienne Laval

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    Tantalides, Atreides: Helen was the wife of Menelaus, Cassandra slave girl of Agamemnon, both of uncertain origin.

    Helen hatched from an egg, maybe laid by Nemesis, found by the shepherds in Arcadia.

    Beyond the catchers in the rye Alienne (Ἑλένη) is an Egyptian/Greek/Gorean variance of Helen.

    The 'l' sound in this name is rolled, one of two common "l" sounds in Gorean. An English transliteration, though not a perfect one, would be rather along the lines of 'Ahl-yieh-ain,' where the 'ain' is pronounced such that it would rhyme with the English expression 'rain.' The accent falls on the first and third syllable. It is a melodic name.

    The Lost Dynasty Daenerys-targaryen-gallery

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